The Atheist Experience 001 for October 19, 1997, with Joe Zamecki, Don Rhoades, and Mary Sue Osborne. This "pilot" was taped at Furr's Cafeteria as a test run before The Atheist Experience became a live show.
Ms. Ahola is the president of the University of Texas Skeptical Society.
Texas Atheist activists, roadside crosses, the North Texas Church of Freethought, etc.
Hero of the Week: Colbert Olson, Atheist Governor of California.
Unsung Atheist Hero of the week is Matthew Arnold, poet, Oxford professor, proud Atheist; Many ACA members shown.
Unsung Atheist Hero of the Week: Joseph Lewis; Live in-studio performance by Austin band Tadpole Canabalizm.
Over 20 ACA members participated in the studio audience.
The Texas Freethought Roundup and the burden of proving God-claims.
Guests from Texas A& M talk about their group.
End of the world predictions, recap of Steven Weinberg Lecture.
Jeff reviews "Dogma" and "Pokemon"
Atheists on the web
News. Roy Moore & the 10C.
Pascal's Wager
Conspiracy Theories
National Day of Prayer
Pledge Case
Texas Freedom Network
The Doctrine of Hell is Evil
Science & The Soul: The Atheist Experience 316 2003-11-02 with Martin Wagner, Ashley Perrien, and James Dee. James Dee speaks on how current scientific knowledge has revealed the logical and practical problems that arise if one assumes that they have a soul.
The Atheist Experience 325 2004-01-04 with Martin Wagner and Russell Glasser. is doing the world a favor by exposing corporate grinches who hate Christmas and despise Christians by ripping all the goodness out of it and calling it, of all things, the "holidays."
Martin and Ashley have news and take callers.
The virgin birth myth and early non-Christian responses to it.
Keryn talks about the emblems with which we identify ourselves.
Jeff talks about some of ACA's activism efforts in Austin.
Paul talks about the apocalypse and some of the latest findings from cognitive science about how the brain works.
Dating across the religious devide; the Guadalupe myth.
Keryn talks about how atheists view death.
Jeff talks about Austinite Thomas Van Orden and his challenge of the 10 commandments monument to the US Supreme court.
Russell talks about the Non-Prophets Internet radio show and the history of the ID movement.
Don pokes some holes in the myth of the Christian nation, being promoted by religious demagogues.
An analysis of the Newdow pledge ruling; a look at the ten commandments.
Don talks about the creepy silliness of the end-times/rapture believers.
Jeff and Keryn talk about the controversy about the crackers.
Linda and Ashley take a look at Christian Science, the belief that illness can be prayed away.
Don talks about the religious right's contraceptive misinformation campaign.
Hell? Yes!, "Myth of Separation"
Don talks about where atheist morals come from.
Keryn and Ashley take a look at Lee Strobel's "The Case for Faith" and find it wanting.
Don talks about how religions coopt other institutions, such as schools and marriage.
Russell compares religious persuasion to advertising.
Jeff looks at claims of the US being a Christian Nation.
Keryn and Russell plug the Texas Atheists and Agnostics Conference hosted by the Atheist Community of Austin.
Don and Ashley do a recap of the Texas Atheists and Agnostics Conference hosted by the Atheist Community of Austin.
Jeff talks about the proper way to investigate paranormal claims.
For halloween, Russell describes some real life horrors created by Catholic and Protestant churches.
Martin shares an odd, and ofter hilarious, attempt at proselytizing at kids.
The gang talks about the influence of religion in the election.
Don talks about how so many Christian initiatives involving reproduction have the effect of creating more believers.
Don and Tim talk about the history related to Christmas.
Don talks about the relative amounts of philanthropy made by science & technology vs. religion.
Russell talks about the nature of reasonable evidence.
Don talks about the Ten Commandments and why such religious displays don't belong on public property.
Matt talks about the Ten Commandments Supreme Court ruling.
Don takes on the origin of Easter and the many holes in the resurrection story.
Mark talks about some of the challenges in high school science education.
Ashley's last show. What really happened to those Korans?
Russell's first show as host. Jeff, an artist, aptly critiques a Christian comic book.
Matt takes on some of the bible's stories that you'll never hear in church.
Don discusses problem with government funded "faith-based" approaches to charity.
Keryn explores important distinctions between three often confused concepts - Nihilism, Existentialism & Atheism.
Commentary on the Supreme Courts recent decisions about the 10 commandments monuments.
Matt takes on Scientology. Learn what Tom Cruise paid thousands to learn about Xenu in one free episode!
Don discusses (with slides!) some parallels between Christianity and "The Matrix" while wearing shades.
Keryn and Russell talk about abortion with an emphasis on ideas about the beginning of life and what a person is.
Jeff takes on miscellaneous callers
Matt talks about the problems with high school bible classes in Texas; particularly their fundamentalist agenda.
Don talks about the theological conquest of Africa and how it relates to violence and AIDS.
Russell and Keryn address why the show exists, how it's supported, and some frequently asked questions about atheists.
Discussion about situational ethics and how Roberson uses situational ethics while condemning it.
Matt and Russell talk about whether atheism is legally considered a religion. Also, hurricane Katrina.
Don and Matt take a look at the link between religion and sex.
Russell and Keryn talk about the meaning of life as it relates to atheism.
Don discusses how Christianity manufactures ignorance to perpetuate itself and the resulting negative consequences.
Matt explores the various arguments for and against the existence of gods.
David Kent takes on Mormonism and Jeff takes on miscellaneous callers.
Keryn discusses various philosophical arguments and how they relate to atheism.
Don discusses same-sex marriage and Proposition 2 (the amendment to ban same-sex marriage in Texas).
Tim talks about blue laws and how they limit religious freedom.
Jeff takes on claims of the miraculous.
Don explores religion as an "opiate" in the sense that Karl Marx meant.
Keryn talks about the causes and effects of too much religious belief.
Jeff takes on some of the anti-intellectual themes in The Chronicles of Narnia.
The Atheist Experience 429 for January 1, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. The Value of Belief. Don talks about beliefs as liabilities.
The Atheist Experience 430 for January 8, 2006 with Russell Glasser and Matt Dillahunty. Matt's Path to Atheism. Matt talks about how he transformed from a devout Baptist to being a non-believer.
The Atheist Experience 431 for January 15, 2006 with Russell Glasser and Jeff Dee. Cosmology vs. Creationism. Age of the earth and universe ala Inner Space Cavern and cosmology. Russell's last show as host.
The Atheist Experience 432 for January 22, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Keryn Glasser. Jewish vs. Christian Old Testament. Keryn compares the Jewish Old Testament to the Christian Old Testament.
The Atheist Experience 433 for January 29, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Sin. Don examines original sin, substitutive sacrifice, and that sin is a poor replacement for personal responsibility.
The Atheist Experience 434 for February 5, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Ashley Perrien. Religious hypersensitivity. Ashley talks about religious hypersensitivity to criticism and parody.
The Atheist Experience 435 for February 12, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. Darwin Day. Jeff talks about Darwin Day.
The Atheist Experience 436 for February 19, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty, Tracie Harris and Anne Verkamp. Intelligent design of the appendix. Anne talks about the evolution of organs and why some of ours are vestigial.
The Atheist Experience 437 for February 26, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker.
The Atheist Experience 438 for March 5, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Hostile Takeovers. Russell talks about various Christian efforts to take over local governments.
The Atheist Experience 439 for March 12, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. News and miscellaneous callers. News. Jeff takes on miscellaneous callers.
The Atheist Experience 440 for March 19, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Keryn Glasser. The 613 Commandments and the Law. Keryn takes a look at old testament law and its relation to our present day laws.
The Atheist Experience 441 for March 26, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. God vs. Mankind. Don talks about the conflict of interest people have between pleasing (the alleged) God or benefiting mankind.
The Atheist Experience 442 for April 2, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Miscellaneous Callers. One hour episode.
The Atheist Experience 443 for April 9, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Interpreting the results of prayer. Tracie takes on how Christians are apt to interpret outcomes of their prayers.
The Atheist Experience 444 for April 16, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Tim Suto. Evolution news. Tim talks about some recent news related to evolution.
The Atheist Experience 445 for April 23, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Religion and Inbreeding. Don talks about the odd relationship between religion and inbreeding.
The Atheist Experience 446 for April 30, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Lying with numbers. Russell talks about innumeracy and how numbers can be used to deceive.
The Atheist Experience 447 for May 7, 2006 with Jeff Dee and Ashley Perrien. NDOP Protest and other news. Jeff talks about the National Day of Prayer protest, Da Vinci Code, Scientology superman.
The Atheist Experience 448 for May 14, 2006 with Ashley Perrien and Keryn Glasser. Are church & state really separate?. Keryn talks about the various ways religion has gained control over our lives.
The Atheist Experience 449 for May 21, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty, Don Baker and Tracie Harris. Does pro-life rhetoric make sense?. Don and Tracie talk about the rhetoric of the pro-life movement and the vast numbers of contradictions.
The Atheist Experience 450 for May 28, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Russell takes a look at that loony, but powerful religious icon, Reverend Moon.
The Atheist Experience 451 for June 4, 2006, with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. Same-sex Marriage (again). Jeff dispels the five most common reasons why same-sex marriage should not be allowed.
The Atheist Experience 452 for June 11, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Keryn Glasser. People who hate people. Keryn talks about the fear and prejudice that often arises from religion.
The Atheist Experience 453 for June 18, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Persecution. Don explains the Christian movement in the US to claim persecution as a means of amassing power.
The Atheist Experience 455 for July 2, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. An atheist goes to church. Matt talks about his experience in attending Austin's Gateway Church.
The Atheist Experience 456 for July 9, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. To tell the truth. Russell talks about the nature of truth and the difficulty of knowing who to trust.
The Atheist Experience 457 for July 16, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Persecution by Christians. Don looks at persecution by Christians, giving three modern examples.
The Atheist Experience 460 for August 6, 2006 with Ashley Perrien and Tracie Harris. Spiritual Experience of Dreams. Tracie talks about dreams as a universal means of exploring the inner mind.
The Atheist Experience 461 for August 13, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. Miscellaneous Callers. Jeff gives his trip report from his visit to a liberal Christian church, then takes on callers.
The Atheist Experience 463 for August 27, 2006, with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. Are atheists angry and bitter?. Jeff answers viewer mail about why atheists seem to be angry at religious believers.
The Atheist Experience 464 for September 3, 2006, with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Gods of the Old Testament & Hebrews. Tracie explores the multiple gods of the OT, casting some serious doubts on the monotheism of early Jews.
The Atheist Experience 465 for September 10, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. The Back Side of Guadalupe. Don takes a look at the history behind the Guadalupe legend, going back to medieval Spain, and the Virgin Mary myth.
The Atheist Experience 466 for September 17, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. The horrible god of the OT. Matt talks about a few of the horrible things that the OT god does. Tracie talks about the gods of the Hebrews.
The Atheist Experience 467 for September 24, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. An Atheist's Bookshelf. Jeff talks about some of the books in his library and how they influenced him.
The Atheist Experience 469 for October 8, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Getting their story straight. Don talks about the why religions can't get their story straight and why we shouldn't trust religious claims.
The Atheist Experience 470 for October 15, 2006, with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Church/state separation boundaries. Russell talks about how great art, music, and architecture should be enjoyed regardless of its origin.
The Atheist Experience 471 for October 22, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. Killing in the Bible. Jeff takes enumerates the long list of places in the Bible where killing is done or sanctioned by Yahweh.
The Atheist Experience 472 for October 29, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Ashley Perrien. Halloween. Ashley and Matt talk about the silliness of various superstitions surrounding Halloween.
The Atheist Experience 473 for November 5, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Religion and Politics. Don talks about the takeover of the Republican party by the religious right and some of the resulting insanity.
The Atheist Experience 474 for November 12, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner. Trends in Atheism. Martin and Matt talk about how atheism has changed in recent years.
The Atheist Experience 475 for November 19, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. News & Calls. Jeff comments on some recent atheism news then goes to callers.
The Atheist Experience 477 for December 3, 2006, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Authoritarianism. Don takes a look at how authoritarianism sheds light on both religion and current politics.
The Atheist Experience 478 for December 10, 2006 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Christian Radio; Theomatics. Russell talks about theomatics and other "bible code" nonsense.
The Atheist Experience 479 for December 17, 2006, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Projection. Don talks about how the psychological defense mechanism of projection is used by the religious right.
The Atheist Experience 482 for January 7, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Prediction. Russell explains how "prophets" and "psychics" fool people.
The Atheist Experience 483 for January 14, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Old Testament Gods. Tracie brings out more about the early history of the OT.
The Atheist Experience 484 for January 21, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. The Christian Left. Jeff talks about how atheists have an obstacle in the Christian left as well as the Christian right.
The Atheist Experience 485 for January 28, 2007 with Don Baker and Joe Zamecki. Atheist Activism. Joe talks about the various activism project that the ACA has done over the years.
The Atheist Experience 486 for February 4, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Creationist Arguments. Russell explains where the "controversy" surrounding evolution comes from.
The Atheist Experience 488 for February 18, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Suicide. Tracie looks at the theological pros and cons of suicide and what the Bible says about it.
The Atheist Experience 489 for February 25, 2007 with Ashley Perrien and Don Baker. Darwin, Hitler, & Martin Luther. Don talks about Martin Luther's influence on Hitler and addresses the claim that Darwin influenced Hitler. Airing cut off early.
The Atheist Experience 490 for March 4, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Atheist parenting. Russell tackles some of the common questions that come up with regard to atheist parents.
The Atheist Experience 491 for March 11, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Ashley Perrien. "World Wellness Weekend". Ashley gives a trip report from the World Wellness Weekend convention and all of its new-agey-ness.
The Atheist Experience 492 for March 18, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Deconversion. Tracie talks about the common path that Christians take when they become atheists.
The Atheist Experience 493 for March 25, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Pascal's Wager. Don takes on the "Believe or else!" pseudo-argument, commonly given by Christians.
The Atheist Experience 494 for April 1, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Bad creationist arguments. Russell pokes some fun at some of the really bad creationist arguments.
The Atheist Experience 495 for April 8, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Ashley Perrien. Belief polls; Dan Patrick's bill. Ashley talks about god & evolution polls and the local $500 non-abortion incentive.
The Atheist Experience 496 for April 15, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Deconversion II. Tracie continues to discuss the process through which believers become non-believers.
The Atheist Experience 497 for April 22, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Redefining Words. Don talks about how words get abused and misused by theists as a mechanism for spinning the truth.
The Atheist Experience 498 for April 29, 2007, with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Evidence for evolution. Russell presents some of the positive evidence for evolution.
The Atheist Experience 499 for May 6, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Ashley Perrien. Vic Stenger's New Book. Vic explains the scientific case against God's existence.
The Atheist Experience 500 for May 13, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Consciousness. Tracie talks about our current understanding of the consciousness and that our selves are completely in our brain.
The Atheist Experience 501 for May 20, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Creationism Evolves. Russell talks about how creationism has evolved into intelligent design.
The Atheist Experience 502 for May 27, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Religion and mental health. Don takes on the connection between religion and mental health.
The Atheist Experience 503 for June 3, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Ashley Perrien. Responding to apologists. Ashley responds to some of the content on
The Atheist Experience 504 for June 10, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Consciousness II. Tracie talks more about consciousness and where value judgments originate.
The Atheist Experience 505 for June 17, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Atheist humor. Don and Matt give a sampling of atheist humor from the Vatican forgiving molested Children to Kissing Hank's Ass.
The Atheist Experience 506 for June 24, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. "Angry" Atheists. Russell talks about why atheist are often falsely perceived as being angry.
The Atheist Experience 509 for July 15, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. This is your brain on religion. Tracie discusses those strange things that go on in our brain that seem to get religious interpretations.
The Atheist Experience 510 for July 22, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Evolutionary Psychology. Russell talks about evolutionary psychology.
The Atheist Experience 511 for July 29, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. New! Improved! God 3.0. Don talks about how Christians should convert to the clearly superior religion of Islam.
The Atheist Experience 512 for August 5, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Intolerance. Tracie discusses the difference between disagreement and intolerance.
The Atheist Experience 514 for August 19, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Dealing with mistakes. Don examines the different approaches taken by science and religion to the problem of dealing with mistakes.
The Atheist Experience 515 for August 26, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Ashley Perrien. Presidential Candidates' Stands. Ashely enumerates the various presidential candidates' stands on church-state separation issues.
The Atheist Experience 516 for September 2, 2007, with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Taoism. Tracie talks about Taoism as a blending between religion and atheism.
The Atheist Experience 517 for September 9, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Leaps of Faith. Don talks about the number of amazing leaps of faith required to embrace most mainstream religions.
The Atheist Experience 518 for September 16, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Altruism and Game Theory. Russell continues his series on evolution to talk about evolutionary psychology and game theory.
The Atheist Experience 519 for September 23, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Ashley Perrien. Logical Fallacies. Ashely talks about the logical fallacies that come up often in debates between theists and atheists. Last 5 mins missing.
The Atheist Experience 520 for September 30, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Tracie talks about the impact of explanatory function on existence.
The Atheist Experience 522 for October 14, 2007 with Ashley Perrien and Russell Glasser. Bias. Russell talks about the inherent "bias" of science and the bias that the media should have.
The Atheist Experience 523 for October 21, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner. Christian Messages (discussion). Martin & Matt talk about Hell Houses and various Christian messages they use in their marketing.
The Atheist Experience 524 for October 28, 2007, with Matt Dillahunty, Jeff Dee, Ashley Perrien, Russell Glasser and Joe Zamecki for the Tenth Year Celebration. The Atheist Experience is celebrating its tenth anniversary with past hosts.
The Atheist Experience 525 for November 4, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Viewer mail: Charity. Don explores the notion of charity in TV show emails.
The Atheist Experience 526 for November 11, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Russell and Matt talk about psychics, psuedoscience claims, and the need for valid evidence.
The Atheist Experience 527 for November 18, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Denis Loubet. Alternate reality in the news. Dennis and Matt talk about a common theme in a number of news stories of the religious living in a fantasy world.
The Atheist Experience 529 for December 2, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Hypocrisy. Don takes a look at religious hypocrisy and asks, why follow someone who is clearly deceiving you?
The Atheist Experience 530 for December 9, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Skeptical Straw Men In Fiction. Russell examines straw men skeptical characters in fiction.
The Atheist Experience 531 for December 16, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Viewer Mail. Tracie and Matt answer some recent viewer mail.
The Atheist Experience 532 for December 23, 2007 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. End of Year Potpourri. Tracie and Matt talk about the alleged war on Christmas, converting from Islam, and other topics.
The Atheist Experience 534 for January 6, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Conspiracy Theory. Russell relates conspiracy theory to atheism.
The Atheist Experience 535 for January 13, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Ashley Perrien Ashley goes over atheist news.
The Atheist Experience 536 for January 20, 2008 with Russell Glasser and Tracie Harris. Conversation with a Muslim apostate. Tracie talks about her e-mail conversations with a former Muslim.
The Atheist Experience 537 for January 27, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. More Hypocrisy. Don talks about House Resolution 888 and its many problems.
The Atheist Experience 538 for February 3, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Russell talks about his experience in growing up in an atheist family.
The Atheist Experience 539 for February 10, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Mark Loewe. Textbooks, Vouchers, & TAKS Scores. Mark talks about science education: low cost textbooks, progressive vouchers & test scores.
The Atheist Experience 540 for February 17, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Agnosticism and Prejudice. Tracie takes about how the concept of agnosticism and prejudice against atheists are linked.
The Atheist Experience 541 for February 24, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. The takeover of the military. Don talks about the efforts by dominionists/dispensationalists to co-opt the US military.
The Atheist Experience 542 for March 2, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Russell talks about anti-Semitism.
The Atheist Experience 543 for March 9, 2008, with Matt Dillahunty and Ashley Perrien. Ashley and Matt take calls.
The Atheist Experience 544 for March 16, 2008, with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Tracie continues her take on agnosticism and its relation to atheism.
The Atheist Experience 545 for March 23, 2008, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Cracking the Easter egg. Don & Matt talk about all those facts about Easter that you'd never learn in church.
The Atheist Experience 546 for March 30, 2008, with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Russell talks about framing as metaphor and how it can be used to draw adherents via subjective means.
The Atheist Experience 547 for April 6, 2008, with Matt Dillahunty. Matt flies solo and intersperses calls with news.
The Atheist Experience 548 for April 13, 2008, with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Tracie talks about skepticism and children's books.
The Atheist Experience 549 for April 20, 2008, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. How can you be moral with religion?. Don talks about how religious belief can be an impediment to morality.
The Atheist Experience 550 for April 27, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. What is Love?. Russell explores a supposedly intangible concept.
The Atheist Experience 551 for May 4, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Jen talks about the religious basis of circumcision.
The Atheist Experience 552 for May 11, 2008, with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Skepticism in Children's Books 2. Tracie talks about more children's stories with a skeptical theme.
The Atheist Experience 554 for May 25, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Russell reviews Chuck Colson's book, "The Faith".
The Atheist Experience 555 for June 1, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner. Martin talks about the upcoming "The Amazing Meeting" and skepticsm in general.
The Atheist Experience 556 for June 8, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Tracie talks about how "Batman Begins" is based on the Biblical story of Sodom and Gamorrah.
The Atheist Experience 557 for June 15, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don talks about John Hagee and the big business of selling the apocalypse.
The Atheist Experience 558 for June 22, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Russell takes on financial scams: chain letters, Amway, and Liberty dollars.
The Atheist Experience 560 for July 6, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner. The Amaz!ng Meeting. Martin talks about his TAM experience.
The Atheist Experience 561 for July 13, 2008, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don looks at the Texas state supreme court decision and its impact on religious liberty.
The Atheist Experience 562 for July 20, 2008, with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Batman Begins (part 2). Tracie talks more about how "Batman Begins" is based on the Biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
The Atheist Experience 563 for July 27, 2008, with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Foolish Atheists. Russell and Matt talk about atheists who sometimes do counterproductive things.
The Atheist Experience 564 for August 3, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner. Patrick Greene (again); Matt and Martin talk about the nature of belief.
The Atheist Experience 565 for August 10, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don looks at the claim that equality (esp. gay rights) is a threat to religious freedom.
The Atheist Experience 566 for August 17, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Science is not Authoritarian. Tracie addresses the idea that scientists are atheists' prophets.
The Atheist Experience 567 for August 24, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Russell talks about Ayn Rand's objectivism and some of its problems.
The Atheist Experience 568 for August 31, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Jen talks about where we get our morals and how they develop over time.
The Atheist Experience 569 for September 7, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner. Martin and Matt devote the entire show to callers.
The Atheist Experience 570 for September 14, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don describes some simple, reusable scams that religions use to make money and control people.
The Atheist Experience 571 for September 21, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser. Russell talks about the powerful religio-political movements of dominionism and reconstructionism.
The Atheist Experience 572 for September 28, 2008, with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Tracie asks "What does 'God Exists' mean?"
The Atheist Experience 573 for October 5, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Matt and Jen takes on live callers.
The Atheist Experience 574 for October 12, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don talks about more religious scams: more on stealing credit and the future reward scamlet.
The Atheist Experience 575 for October 19, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner. Martin and Matt take on all callers.
The Atheist Experience 576 for October 26, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Personal Beliefs. What is your belief?
The Atheist Experience 577 for November 2, 2008 with Martin Wagner and Jen Peeples. Jen and Martin take on live calls.
The Atheist Experience 578 for November 9, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don talks about codependence and sin as mechanisms of religious control.
The Atheist Experience 579 for November 16, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Matt and Tracie take on live calls.
The Atheist Experience 580 for November 23, 2008 with Russell Glasser and Jen Peeples. Jen explores the implications of teaching children they're inherently evil.
The Atheist Experience 582 for December 7, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don talks about how God is like a lemon automobile that can only be sold through deception and slick marketing.
The Atheist Experience 583 for December 14, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Tracie never makes it to her topic, but she and Matt take on live calls.
The Atheist Experience 584 for December 21, 2008 with Russell Glasser and Jen Peeples. Jen talks about perceived threats to social order and its relation to mass hysteria.
The Atheist Experience 585 for December 28, 2008 with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner. Matt and Martin take on live calls.
The Atheist Experience 586 for January 4, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. Soteriology / Heaven. Jeff explores a recent Pew poll on beliefs about heaven.
The Atheist Experience 587 for January 11, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don talks about some of the elements you'd need to roll together to make a new religion.
The Atheist Experience 588 for January 18, 2009 with Russell Glasser, Tracie Harris and guest Charity Spiers. End times theology for kids. Charity talks about the Tim LaHaye Left Behind book series aimed at children
The Atheist Experience 589 for January 25, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. The Anti-Vaccination Movement. Jen exposes the anti-vaccination movement's religious ties.
The Atheist Experience 590 for February 1, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner. Matt and Martin takes on live calls.
The Atheist Experience 592 for February 15, 2009 with Russell Glasser and Don Baker. Don asks the question of why God seems to get all the big things wrong.
The Atheist Experience 593 for February 22, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Tracie gives her wiz-bang model of how logical fallacies work.
The Atheist Experience 594 for March 1, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Matt recaps the TAG debate. Jen talks more about moral panics.
The Atheist Experience 595 for March 8, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner. Matt and Martin take live calls.
The Atheist Experience 596 for March 15, 2009 with Russell Glasser and Jeff Dee. An essay in "New Scientist". Jeff reads an essay about psuedoscience.
The Atheist Experience 597 for March 22, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don looks at whether God helps societies of believers be better than their secular counterparts.
The Atheist Experience 598 for March 29, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Boy, do we get email.
The Atheist Experience 600 for April 12, 2009 with Russell Glasser and Jeff Dee. Jeff and Russell talk about Easter.
The Atheist Experience 601 for April 19, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don gives a simple explanation for why Christianity is most often spread to people who can't easily escape.
The Atheist Experience 602 for April 26, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Matt and Tracie talk about a minister who claims to have been a former atheist.
The Atheist Experience 603 for May 3, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Jen Peeples on viewer Email.
The Atheist Experience 604 for May 10, 2009 with Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner. Martin refutes the Kalam cosmolgical argument.
The Atheist Experience 605 for May 17, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. Jeff brings in some disturbing war images with Bible quotes from Rumsfeld's war briefs.
The Atheist Experience 606 for May 24, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don looks at the impact that the Bible has had on our culture. Today's focus is the book of Genesis.
The Atheist Experience 607 for May 31, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris.
The Atheist Experience 609 for June 14, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner. Guerilla TV (from the couch). Matt and Martin do our first live TV show without a TV studio.
The Atheist Experience 610 for June 21, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. Matt & Jeff take calls, many from outside the US.
The Atheist Experience 611 for June 28, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don finishes his topic on the ways in which Genesis has had biggest impact on the world.
The Atheist Experience 612 for July 5, 2009 with Russell Glasser and Tracie Harris. Tracie talks about a ghost story described in a viewer's e-mail.
The Atheist Experience 614 for July 19, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner. Matt recaps his visit to The Amazing Meeting 7.
The Atheist Experience 616 for August 2, 2009 with Russell Glasser and Jeff Dee. Jeff responds to a new apologetic called the argument from game design.
The Atheist Experience 617 for August 9, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don discusses three vignettes from the Bible.
The Atheist Experience 618 for August 16, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Tracie and Matt examine that age old question of whether science and religion can get along.
The Atheist Experience 619 for August 23, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Jen begins a multi-part topic on what it means to "know" something.
The Atheist Experience 620 for August 30, 2009 with Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner. Russell & Martin take lots of callers.
The Atheist Experience 622 for September 13, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don discusses how religions interpret meaningless suffering for their own ends.
The Atheist Experience 623 for September 20, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Tracie explores more about the topic of dying for one's beliefs.
The Atheist Experience 624 for September 27, 2009 with Russell Glasser and Jen Peeples. Jen continues her multi-show theme of reasoning about certainty.
The Atheist Experience 626 for October 11, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. Jeff and Matt take callers.
The Atheist Experience 627 for October 18, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don explores how the pro life movement goes against many aspects of the Bible.
The Atheist Experience 628 for October 25, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Tracie explains where the notion of salvation comes from.
The Atheist Experience 629 for November 1, 2009 with Russell Glasser and Jen Peeples. Russell & Jen talk about whether being out as an atheist constitutes stealing the faith of another.
The Atheist Experience 630 for November 8, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner. Martin and Matt take on viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience 631 for November 15, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. Matt and Jeff take all callers.
The Atheist Experience 634 for December 6, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. Jeff and Matt take callers.
The Atheist Experience 635 for December 13, 2009 with Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner. Martin and Russell take live calls.
The Atheist Experience 636 for December 20, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Jen and Matt talk about the real reason for the season.
The Atheist Experience 637 for December 27, 2009 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don and Matt shoot holes in the (lame) argument from ignorance logical fallacy.
The Atheist Experience 638 for January 3, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Topic: Childhood Indoctrination.
The Atheist Experience 639 for January 10, 2010, with Russell Glasser, Jen Peeples, and guest Kyle Miller. Russell & Jen take viewer calls and then debate Pastor Kyle Miller on the Problem of Evil.
The Atheist Experience 640 for January 17, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner.
The Atheist Experience 642 for January 31, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don asks, "Who is responsible for the systematic moral failures of Christianity?"
The Atheist Experience 643 for February 7, 2010 with Russell Glasser and Tracie Harris. Tracie and Russell look at the twisted lyrics of common hymns.
The Atheist Experience 644 for February 14, 2010 with Tracie Harris and Jen Peeples. The Naturalistic Fallacy. Jen and Tracie explore whether "natural" equates with "good".
The Atheist Experience 645 of February 21, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty, Martin Wagner and special guest Dr. Darrel Ray, author of "The God Virus: How Religion Infects Our Lives and Culture." Dr. Ray talks about religion and sex from a memetic viewpoint.
The Atheist Experience 646 for February 28, 2010 with Russell Glasser and Jeff Dee. Some discussion about atheists meeting with the Obama administration.
The Atheist Experience 647 for March 7, 2010 with Russell Glasser, Don Baker and guest Kathleen Johnson. A Place at the Table. Kathleen Johnson of AA & MAAF talks about her involvement with the Secular Coalition's visit with the Obama admin.
The Atheist Experience 648 for March 14, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Aron Ra. Matt chats with Aron Ra, who goes after those pesky creationists via YouTube.
The Atheist Experience 649 for March 21, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Faking It. Jen and Matt explore the issue of ministers who lose their faith, but continue promoting God.
The Atheist Experience 650 for March 28, 2010 with Tracie Harris and Martin Wagner. Martin and Tracie talk about the ways Christian apologetics are failures.
The Atheist Experience 652 for April 11, 2010 with Jeff Dee and Don Baker. Don talks about the latest religious craze: the prosperity gospel, and what a scam it is.
The Atheist Experience 653 for April 18, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Jen & Matt discuss Matt's trip to Bradley University, the NDoP ruling, and the upcoming SBOE protest.
The Atheist Experience 654 for April 25, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Jen & Matt take viewer calls on this 60 minute episode.
The Atheist Experience 655 for May 2, 2010 with Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner. Russell & Martin talk about the latest SBOE shenanigans, then take viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience 656 for May 9, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. Jeff and Matt take callers.
The Atheist Experience 657 for May 16, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty, Don Baker, and guest Amie Parsons. Guest Amie Parsons talks about today's textbook rally and her organization, Camp Quest Texas.
The Atheist Experience 659 for May 30, 2010 with Russell Glasser and Jen Peeples. Creaming the Data. Jen and Russell talk about some of the ways that data gets cooked for the promotion of religion.
The Atheist Experience 660 for June 6, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner. Martin and Matt take on viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience 661 for June 13, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. Islam's tender nerves. Jeff talks about some recent Facebook movements: Boobquake and Everybody draw Mohammad day.
The Atheist Experience 662 for June 20, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don and Matt talks about the three pillars of apologetics: deception, logical fallacies, and emotional manipulation.
The Atheist Experience 665 for July 11, 2010 with Tracie Harris and Martin Wagner. Martin and Tracie take viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience 666 for July 18, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. Matt & Jeff talk about the silly significance of 666 and the practice of beasting.
The Atheist Experience 667 for July 25, 2010 with Russell Glasser and Don Baker. Don and Russell talk about the ignorance behind the buzzword "Judeo-Christian".
The Atheist Experience 668 for August 1, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and AronRa. Matt and AronRa take viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience 669 for August 8, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Jen and Matt talk about the California Prop 8 decision and trash the "Agnostic Manifesto".
The Atheist Experience 670 for August 15, 2010 with Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner. Martin and Russell talk about coming out atheist.
The Atheist Experience 672 for August 29, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. Matt and Jeff take callers.
The Atheist Experience 673 for September 5, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Jen and Matt explore whether religion has a purpose and what that might be.
The Atheist Experience 674 for September 12, 2010 with Don Baker and Tracie Harris. Tracie and Don show some of the great Symphony of Science music videos and talk about some of the messages.
The Atheist Experience 675 for September 19, 2010 with Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner. Russell and Martin take on (International Pirate Day-arrrr) viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience 676 for September 26, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Jeff Dee. Matt and Jeff take callers. Note: there are 8 minutes missing on this video due to a broadcast problem.
The Atheist Experience 678 for October 10, 2010 with Russell Glasser and Tracie Harris.
The Atheist Experience 679 for October 17, 2010 with Jen Peeples and Tracie Harris. Jen and Tracie look into the psychology of the people who buy into conspriacy theories.
The Atheist Experience 680 for October 24, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner. Martin and Matt take on viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience 682 for November 7, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don talks about the buzzword of ignorance, "Christian Nation".
The Atheist Experience 684 for November 21, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner. Martin and Matt take on viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience 685 for November 28, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Jen and Matt look at why people are leaving churches.
The Atheist Experience 686 of December 5, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and co-host Dr. Darrel Ray. Topic: Sex and Religion
The Atheist Experience 687 for December 12, 2010 with by Russell Glasser and studio guest Erica. Technical issues prevent phone calls, so Russell improvises with material from the AE blog and questions from the chat room.
The Atheist Experience 688 for December 19, 2010 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Technical issues prevent calls. Hosts respond to questions from the blog and chat
Russell and Jeff talk about Bill O'Reilly's reasons for why religions are not scams.
Don explores how the buzzword sacred/sanctity is used to assert an unreasonable claim of ownership.
Tracie and Jen talk about several common misconceptions, including the idea that atheists are angry about God.
Don and Jen talk about all the lies in Huckabee's fundraising letter for the org Renewing American Leadership.
Martin and Russell take viewer calls.
Don exposes the movement beind the buzzword of ignorance: "Family Values"
Jen and Matt take viewer calls.
Tracie explores whether supernatural explanations are valid when natural ones are unavailable.
Jen and Russell talk about what is meant by "positive atheism".
Martin and Matt take on viewer calls. Surprise call by AA President, David Silverman.
Matt and Russell have a conversation "across the divide" with professional apologist Ray Comfort.
Aron-Ra talks about his Magic Sandwich TV show and he and Matt take viewer calls.
Tracie and Russell take viewer calls after talking about a couple of news items.
Jenn and Matt examine the claim that anti-gay bullying bans in schools discrimination against Christians.
Martin and Jen wax poetic about how the Gospels indicate that Christianity is a zombie cult.
Russell and Don talk with Sociologist/Evolutionist Greg Paul about atheist civil rights and healthy societies.
Tracie and Martin report from Austin after the great apocalypse, in case you missed it.
Don explores how Dan Patrick's actions don't match up against his stated beliefs.
Jenn shows how evidence leads to better conclusions than faith.
Nick Lee from Atheist Alliance America talks about his organization and the Texas Freethought Convention.
Matt honors a bet he made and does the show in drag, saying to evaluate arguments and claims on their merits.
Greg Paul calls in again and talks about his latest paper on the holocaust of children.
Matt and Beth talk about Beth's first (prank) call to the show as "Eve", then go to viewer calls.
Matt talks with Paul about the upcoming Texas Freethought Convention in October.
Russell and Jeff examine an article advising Christians on how to convert atheists.
Don goes toe-to-toe with God on the topic of abortion policy. Guess which one wins.
Matt and Jen respond to the Pope's statement about 9/11.
Jen talks about the folly of defunding Planned Parenthood.
Jeff and Russell take viewer calls.
Matt and Jen recap last week's Texas Freethought Convention.
Russell and Jenn take viewer calls.
Don asks why do Christians know so little about the biggest theological event of the last century.
Jenn looks at some of the latest disinformation from the anti-vax movement.
Russell and Tracie talk about why atheists often feel isolated and ouija boards.
Don looks at the failure of the Catholic Church to deal with it's child molestation problems.
Russell and Tracie read one of Christopher Hitchens' essays.
Don talks about the failure of prayer.
Russell explores what responsibility the media has to find and bring out the truth.
Matt and Beth take viewer calls.
Don explores the reasons why the second coming is a failure.
Russell and Josh take viewer calls.
Matt and Jen take viewer calls.
Guest David Smalley talks about his Dogma Debate podcast and other efforts through American Atheists.
Don describes how Christianity has failed miserably at attempts to engineer societies.
Russell and Martin talk about the existence of Jesus.
Jen talks about a recent advance in radiometric dating that she bets will be misconstrued by creationists.
Tracie gives her take on the argument from ignorance.
Guest Jerry DeWitt talks about his experience as a former minister and Recovering from Religion.
Don gives yet another failure of Christianity: the failure of Biblical morality.
Matt and Jen take callers, including a long one on fly evolution.
Tracie talks about the incidious baggage that religion attaches to the "help" that it offers.
Don talks about how little understanding of the real world has come from Christianity.
Jen explains what is really meant by "godparents".
Russell and Matt take viewer calls.
Don talks about the failure of Christian medicine.
Jenn talks about the "thinking" behind the Chick-fil-A Day.
Teresa MacBain talks about her experience coming out as an atheist minister.
Matt and Jen do a test episode from our own studio.
Don points out a number of things that believers clearly don't believe about their own religion.
Tracie talks about a correspondent who is an atheist in Egypt.
Matt and Russell recap the Texas Freethought Convention (Oct 19-20, Austin).
Jen and Jeff take viewer calls.
Don talks about how revealed religions need embellishment to keep the con going.
Jen and Russell talk about an Irish woman who was effectively killed over control of her uterus.
Tracie and Jen talk about the "thinking" involved in rationalizing prayer and quack medicine.
Guest Dr. Darrell Ray talks about sex and god.
Jen discusses an upcoming Supreme Court decision and a West Point cadet's rights.
Lynnea talks about what's not believable about souls.
Tracie identifies a type of argument that we hear that a claim "just makes sense," and therefore must be true.
Don shows how none of the supernatural claims about Jesus were novel.
Tracie describes the difference between socialization and indoctrination.
Jenn looks at the Bible as just fan fiction.
Matt responds to a viewer e-mail.
Don examines the failure of God's absolute morality.
Russell and Tracie discuss some news items and take viewer calls.
Jenn and Matt discuss the DOMA/Prop 8 challenge before the Supreme Court.
John and Matt take callers. This is John's first time in front of the camera. He's been a crew member for years.
Matt describes his latest visit to a local Austin church.
Don describes what he hears in the subtext of the Christian message.
Jenn and Russell talk with Dale McGowan about atheist parenting.
Tracie describes her imagined childhood powers and invited others to contribute theirs.
In a rare pairing, Jeff and Martin take calls.
Russell talks about the peer review process and how it helps to benefit scientific knowledge.
Tracie shows how, even with some uncertainty, some things are known to be impossible.
Don talks about how various religions/sects claims of TRUTH are obvious falsehoods.
Jen describes the experience of an atheist officer at his Westpoint graduation.
Russell and Martin talk with atheist Dan Fincke about objective morality.
Don discusses how faith is a path to harm and why chuch-state separation is so important.
Russell gives some atheist news and Tracie reads a letter concerning treatment of gays in Iraq.
Jenn describes a new poll about what people think about the rise of non-belief in the US.
Don talks about founder Thomas Paine and how he nailed most of the problems with the Bible.
Matt and Jeff take calls.
Tracie interviews Rob Poole, Professor of Social Psychiatry, Bangor University, North Wales.
Jenn clarifies what an ad hominem attack is and isn't.
Lynnea talks about how Christianity (as fiction) has extended the basic story in various directions.
Don talks about the mistakes the god of the Bible makes.
Tracie talks about how children get indoctrinated into Christianity and other religions and its harmful effects.
Dave Silverman pimps the American Atheist Conv. Jen examines a study correlating religious belief and depression.
Russell and Lynnea take callers.
Matt flies solo and spends the episode taking viewer calls.
Don and Matt discuss the lack of consistency in beliefs about heaven.
Tracie talks more about religious trauma syndrome.
John talks about his path to atheism.
Jen talks about Messianic Jews, exorcisms against same-sex marriage, and North Korean killings.
Don talks about how Christianity seemingly needs lies for sucessful marketing.
Tracie talks about religious messages in the Christmas movie "Polar Express".
Matt and Jen talk about some news stories related to the "war" on Christmas.
Don responds to the Pope's "Day of Peace" message.
Matt recaps his recent interview on a Christian radio station.
Jen explains that what we think of as our selves is a product of our brains.
Tracie talks about appropriate religious boundaries in medicine and therapy.
Don talks about how Christianity's use of people as tools belies its fraudulent nature.
Matt and Martin take callers. According to Christian news, Girls Scouts promote abortion. Who knew?
Matt and Jenn take viewer calls.
No show this week due to studio closing. If you have an episode listed under this date, delete it. It is mislabeled.
John talks about the the UU church.
Tracie gives a trip report from an "Islam 101" seminar she attended.
Don talks about how Christianity relies on and promotes ignorance to support itself.
Jen talks about what we do and don't talk about on the show.
Tracie explores more on the topic of spirituality and health care.
Don gives 6 facts that are not widely known about Easter. Russell explains Passover.
Martin and Tracie take viewer calls.
John does a brief riff on the religious belief of the Beatles.
Jen dissects a bogus apologetic submitted by an e-mail correspondent.
Tracie talks about the explanatory function of gods.
John lists ten things he learned from Matt's debate with Sye ten Bruggencate.
Matt points out the blatant immorality of the Catholic Church and how lame their excuses are.
After a plug for the ACA Bat Cruise and other announcements, Tracie talks about when "and you too" is a fallacy.
Don talks about the implications of the Hobby Lobby decision for church-state separation.
John gives a trip report to Salt Lake City, the hub of Mormonism.
Matt and Aron Ra take callers.
Jen talks about the presure on adults to indoctrinate their children with religion.
Russell and Tracie take viewer calls.
Russell & Don
Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples - Stop Calling Theists Stupid. Jenn urges atheists to not dismiss Christans and other believers as stupid.
Russell Glasser and Tracie Harris
Russell Glasser and John Iacoletti - John and Russell talk about the ACA's participation in the Austin Gay Pride Festival.
Dr Richard Carrier and Chris Johnson discuss their new books.
Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner - Russell desconstructs the latest debate on Islamophobia on the Bill Maher show.
Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker - Don explains what you get when you get an apologist off his script.
Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris - Matt and Tracie have an informal talk about scientific journals and scientific reporting.
Matt Dillahunty and John Iacoletti - Matt and John take callers.
Jenn and Matt discuss whether the Catholic Chruch's stance has really changed on various issues.
Don and Matt disucuss the failure of slavery.
Matt and Martin chat about rattlesnakes and the Satanic Children’s Big Book of Activities.
The Atheist Experience 895 for December 7, 2014, with Matt Dillahunty and John Iacoletti. Matt and John talk informally about the evolution of Christmas into a secular holiday.
The Atheist Experience 896 for December 14, 2014, with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Can Atheists Run for Public Office?. Jen talks about the claim made by some that atheists can't run for public office.
The Atheist Experience 897 for December 21, 2014 with Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner. Russell and Martin take callers.
The Atheist Experience 899 for January 4, 2015, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. You Worship What? Don explains that the Christian god is not worthy of being worshiped.
The Atheist Experience 900 for January 11, 2015, with Russell Glasser and Tracie Harris. Je Suis Charlie. Tracie and Russell react to Islamic extremists killing French satirists.
The Atheist Experience 901 for January 18, 2015, with Jen Peeples and John Iacoletti. John responds to a claim from a believer that you should always capitalize 'god'.
The Atheist Experience 902 for January 25, 2015, with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Matt and Jen take viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience 903 for February 1, 2015, with Matt Dillahunty and guest Darrel Ray. The Myth of Sex and Porn Addiction.
The Atheist Experience 904 for February 8, 2015, with Russell Glasser and Lynnea Glasser. Viewer Calls. Russell and Lynnea take callers.
The Atheist Experience 905 for February 15, 2015 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris.
The Atheist Experience 906 for February 22, 2015, with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Jen talks about the first same-sex marriage legalized in Texas.
The Atheist Experience 907 for March 1, 2015 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don asks whether it's appropriate to blame religions for the actions of believers and when blame is appropriate.
The Atheist Experience 908 for March 8, 2015, with Russell Glasser and Ryan Bell. Former minister Ryan Bell describes his unusual path to atheism.
The Atheist Experience 909 for March 15, 2015, with Russell Glasser and John Iacoletti. Russell and John take callers.
The Atheist Experience 910 for March 22, 2015 with Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner.
Atheist Experience 911
Atheist Experience 912
Atheist Experience 913
The Atheist Experience 914 for April 19, 2015, with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Topic: Religion and Families. Tracie talks about how religions can destroy family structures and bonds.
The Atheist Experience 915 for April 26, 2015, with Russell Glasser and Jen Peeples. Indoctrination of Young Relatives. Jen and Russell respond to a viewer mail concerning a man concerned about the indoctrination of his grandchild. Jen discusses an email from an atheist grandparent.
The Atheist Experience 916 for May 3, 2015, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Brief Lies: Equivocation. Don talks about equivocation as a subtle means of lying.
The Atheist Experience 917 for May 10, 2015, with Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner. Russell responds to viewer mail and article by Salon "New Atheism’s fatal arrogance: The glaring intellectual laziness of Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins"
The Atheist Experience 918 for May 17, 2015, with Matt Dillahunty and John Iacoletti. Matt and John take callers.
The Atheist Experience 919 for May 24, 2015, with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Is Human Nature Inherently Sinful? Tracie talks about how some seculars have unknowingly adopted some religious attitudes.
The Atheist Experience 921 for June 7, 2015, with Russell Glasser and Jen Peeples. Jen talks about the hypocrisy in the Duggar family and conservative Christianity in general.
The Atheist Experience 923 for June 21, 2015, with Tracie Harris and Don Baker. Don and Tracie talk about the use of emotional manipulation in the marketing of religion and controlling believers.
The Atheist Experience 924 for June 28, 2015 with Matt Dillahunty and John Iacoletti. John discusses the copyright of Atheist Experience shows.
The Atheist Experience 925 for July 5, 2015, with Russell Glasser and Tracie Harris. Russell and Tracie take callers.
The Atheist Experience 926 for July 12, 2015, with Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner. Kent Hovind is out of Prison.
The Atheist Experience 927 for July 19, 2015, with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Fight for Atheist Freedom.
The Atheist Experience 928 for July 26, 2015, with Russell Glasser and Don Baker. Don talks about religion being a fertile ground for murderers and thugs.
The Atheist Experience 929 for August 2, 2015 with Jeff Dee and Joe Zamecki. First show from the ACA building / Freethought Library.
The Atheist Experience 930 for August 9, 2015, with Matt Dillahunty and John Iacoletti. Viewer Calls. Matt and John take callers via Skype.
The Atheist Experience 931 for August 16, 2015, with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Matt and Tracie take callers.
The Atheist Experience 932 for August 23, 2015, with Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner. Russell and Martin take calls.
The Atheist Experience 933 for August 30, 2015, with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Matt and Jen take callers.
The Atheist Experience 934 for September 6, 2015, with Russell Glasser and Don Baker. Don describes conflict of interest as a problem for Christians to participate in society.
The Atheist Experience 935 for September 13, 2015, with Tracie Harris and John Iacoletti. Tracie and John talk about the alleged conflict between people's religious "rights" vs others' rights.
The Atheist Experience #936 for September 20, 2015, with Don Baker and John Iacoletti. Don and John take viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience #937 for September 27, 2015, with Matt Dillahunty and Guest Heina Dadabhoy. SkepChick blogger and former Muslim Heina Dadabhoy talks about sex and Islam.
The Atheist Experience 938 for October 4, 2015, with Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner. Russell and Martin take callers.
The Atheist Experience 939 for October 11, 2015, with Tracie Harris and Jen Peeples. Jen talks about national coming out day and what it might mean for atheists.
The Atheist Experience 940 for October 18, 2015 with Russell Glasser and Tracie Harris. Tracie talks about situations where myths spring up immediately after an event.
The Atheist Experience 941 for October 25, 2015 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Don talks about the majority of Christians who are going to hell.
The Atheist Experience 942 for November 1, 2015 with Matt Dillahunty and John Iacoletti. John reads a recent Dear Abby letter from a young non-believer.
The Atheist Experience 943 for November 8, 2015 with Russell Glasser and Lynnea Glasser. Russell and Lynnea take callers.
The Atheist Experience 944 for November 15, 2015 with Russell Glasser and Jen Peeples.
The Atheist Experience 945 for November 22, 2015 with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Mythology Rehash?. Tracie reads a story from Bulfinch Mythology concerning sacrificing a virgin that sounds almost Biblical.
The Atheist Experience 946 for November 29, 2015, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. A Christian Detector. Don responds to the idea that only Christian Syrian refugees are worthy immigrants.
The Atheist Experience 947 for December 6, 2015, with Matt Dillahunty and Martin Wagner. Matt and Martin take viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience 948 for December 13, 2015, with Matt Dillahunty and John Iacoletti. Matt recaps a fundraising effort for the Secular Student Alliance. He and John take calls.
The Atheist Experience 949 for December 20, 2015, with Russell Glasser and Jen Peeples. The Merry F-ing Christmas Episode. Jen talks about the latest Christmas craze: disparaging the phrase happy holidays.
The Atheist Experience episode 20.47 for November 27, 2016, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Troubling Theology. Don and Matt discuss some troubling theological questions and athests' responses to them.
The Atheist Experience episode 20.48 for December 4, 2016, with Russell Glasser and Tracie Harris. The Fall. Tracie tackles the story original sin and the non-gift of free will.
The Atheist Experience episode 20.49 for December 11, 2016, with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. ACA Position Statements. Matt and Jen defend our apparent "liberal" views, both in the ACA and the show.
The Atheist Experience episode 20.50 for December 18, 2016, with John Iacolettii and Jen Peeples. Some Pre-Christmas Thoughts. Jen and John talk about a few Christmas-related items.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.27 for July 9, 2017, with Russell Glasser and Lynnea Glasser. Dungeons and Dragons. Lynnea explores why D and D is so odious to believers.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.28 for July 16, 2017, with Tracie Harris and Don Baker. The Failure of Revelation. Don discusses the failure of revealed truth.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.29 for July 23, 2017, with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris. Viewer Calls. Matt and Tracie take viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.30 for July 30, 2017, with Russell Glasser and Jen Peeples. Trump's Transgender Tweet. Jenn talks about the alleged new policy for transgenders in the military tweeted by Trump.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.31 for August 6, 2017, with Matt Dillahunty and John Iacoletti. Matt's Weight. Matt responds to a viewer who is concerned about Matt's weight.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.32 for August 13, 2017, with Tracie Harris and Phil Session. Viewer Calls. Tracie and Phil take callers.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.33 for August 20, 2017, with Russell Glasser and Don Baker. You're So Special. Don discusses how Christianity uses vanity to manipulate adherents.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.34 for August 27, 2017, with Tracie Harris and John Iacoletti. Foundation Beyond Belief. Clare talks about Foundation Beyond Belief and how it's helping with relief from Harvey.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.35 for September 10, 2017, with Russell Glasser and Jen Peeples. The Nashville Statement. Jen discusses the conservative Christian "Nashville Statement" manifesto.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.36 for September 17, 2017, with Tracie Harris and . Hallucinations. Mitchell Diamond talks about the biological basis for hallucinations.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.37 for September 24, 2017 with Matt Dillahunty and guest Muhammad Syed. Leaving Islam. Muhammad Syed talks about his experience as an ex-Muslim and the challenges for apostates.
The Atheist Experience 21.38 for October 1, 2017 with Russell Glasser and John Iacoletti.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.39 for October 8, 2017, with Tracie Harris and Phil Session. Foreclosed Identity. Tracie talks about identity development (or lack thereof) with people who have been indoctrinated.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.40 for October 15, 2017, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Church Bailouts. Don discusses that churches asking for bailouts after hurricane Harvey is just another failure of Christianity.
The Atheist Experience 21.41 for October 22, 2017 with Russell Glasser and Ciera Ramirez. Viewer Calls. Russell and Ciera take callers.
The Atheist Experience 21.42 for October 29, 2017, with Tracie Harris and Guest Anthony Magnabosco. Street Epistemology. Anthony talks about his technique for challenging theists with their beliefs without shutting them down.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.43 for November 5, 2017, with Jen Peeples and John Iacoletti. Viewer Calls. Jen and John take viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.44 for November 12, 2017 with Russell Glasser and James Croft. Ethical Societies. Russell interviews James Croft of the Ethical Society of St. Louis Missouri.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.45 for November 19, 2017, with Tracie Harris and Don Baker. The Gift. Don dissects the alleged gift offered in John 3:16.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.46 for November 26, 2017, with Tracie Harris and Jen Peeples. Vegan Poop. Jen talks about how to be skeptical, using vegan poop fecal transplants as an example.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.47 for December 3, 2017, with Russell Glasser and John Iacoletti. Coco. Russell talks about the movie Coco and the idea of religion as entertainment.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.48 for December 10, 2017 with Russell Glasser and Phil Session. Smith Girls. Phil describes the Smith Girls situation and encourages help for them.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.49 for December 17, 2017 with Tracie Harris and Don Baker. Category Errors. Don talks about category errors in the Bible and how they're spun to advance Christianity.
The Atheist Experience episode 21.50 for December 31, 2017, with Jen Peeples and Clare Wuellner. Science Education. Clare talks about the state of science education in Texas with a focus on biology.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.01 for January 7, 2018, with Russell Glasser and John Iacoletti. Viewer Calls. Russell and John take callers.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.02 for January 14, 2018, with Tracie Harris and Eric Murphy. Viewer Calls. Tracie and Eric (from Talk Heathen) take callers.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.03 for January 21, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Lingering opp. to gay marriage. Don talks about Chris Sevier, one of many trying to stop same-sex marriage.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.04 for February 4, 2018, with Russell Glasser and Phil Session. Viewer Calls. Phil describes some of the upcoming events in Austin, then he and Russell take callers.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.05 for February 11, 2018, with Tracie Harris and John Iacoletti. We Get Mail. John reads and responds to a letter from a theist.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.06 for February 18, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Pro-Life in Texas. Don examines the fruits by which we know Texas conservatives.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.07 for February 25, 2018, with Russell Glasser and Jen Peeples. Fighting Creationism. Jen uses a viewer letter to talk about how to fight creationism in public education.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.08 for March 4, 2018, with Tracie Harris and Callie Wright. Trans Rights. Tracie talks with guest Callie Wright, host of the Gaytheist Manifesto and The Queer Side podcasts.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.09 for March 11, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and Jamie. Viewer Calls. Jamie, from Talk Heathen, co-hosts.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.10 for March 18, 2018, with Tracie Harris and David Fitzgerald. Christian Mythicism. David Fitzgerald has written extensively on mythicism in Christianity.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.11 for March 25, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Austin Bomber. Jen talks about a local bomber and a bit about his motivations and background.
The Atheist Experience 22.12 March 30, 2018 with Russell Glasser and Tracie Harris - live from the American Atheist Convention in Oklahoma City, OK.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.13 for April 1, 2018, with Jen Peeples and Don Baker. Legend, Lunatic, Liar. Don examines the CS Lewis tricotomy and comes up with a different answer.
The Atheist Experience 22.14 April 8, 2018 with Tracie Harris and John Iacoletti.
The Atheist Experience 22.15 April 15, 2018 with Tracie Harris and Eric Murphy.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.16 for April 22, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. American Atheists Firing. Matt urges patience with waiting on details of the American Atheists firing of Dave Silverman.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.17 for April 29, 2018, with Russell Glasser and . The Phil Ferguson Show. Phil Ferguson runs a podcast on skepticism, personal finance, and economics.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.18 for May 6, 2018, with Jen Peeples and Phil Session. ACA Goings On. Some discussion of today's ACA elections and volunteer activities.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.19 for May 13, 2018, with Tracie Harris and Don Baker. They Don't Believe That. Don looks at professed vs. actual beliefs of Christian churches. No phone system.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.20 for May 20, 2018, with Jen Peeples and John Iacoletti. Viewer Calls. Jen and John take callers.
The Atheist Experience 22.21 May 27, 2018 with Russell Glasser and Katilyn Pulcher.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.22 for June 3, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and Phil Session. Viewer Calls. After Phil describes upcoming ACA activities, Matt and Phil take calls.
The Atheist Experience 22.23 June 10, 2018 with Tracie Harris and Matt Dillahunty.
The Atheist Experience 22.24 June 17, 2018 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.25 for June 24, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and Seth Andrews. The Thinking Atheist. Matt has Seth Andrews of the Thinking Atheist podcast on for our 1000th episode.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.26 for July 1, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and Phil Session. Viewer Calls. After Phil describes upcoming ACA activities, Matt and Phil take calls.
The Atheist Experience 22.27 July 8, 2018 with Tracie Harris and Jen Peeples.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.28 for July 15, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and John Iacoletti. Viewer Calls. After a brief discussion of the upcoming Bat Cruise, Matt and John take callers.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.29 for July 22, 2018, with Tracie Harris and Don Baker. Jesus was a witch. Don asserts that Jesus was a witch and deserved to be killed by Biblical law.
The Atheist Experience 22.30 July 29, 2018 with Matt Dillahunty and Clare Wuellner.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.31 for August 5, 2018, with Tracie Harris and Phil Session. ACA Goings On. After Phil describes upcoming ACA activities, Tracie talks about a Jesus challenge.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.32 for August 12, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Austin Pride Recap. Jen gives a recap of the ACA's presence at the Austin Pride Festival.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.33 for August 19, 2018, with Tracie Harris and John Iacoletti. The Jesus Test. Tracie describes the experience of three volunteers who took the Jesus test suggested by an earlier caller.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.34 for August 26, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Crisis Pregnancy Center Fraud. Don discusses the tactics and funding of "Crisis Pregnancy Centers".
The Atheist Experience episode 22.35 for September 2, 2018, with Tracie Harris and Phil Session. ACA Goings On. After Phil describes upcoming ACA activities, Tracie and Phil take callers.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.36 for September 9, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and John Iacoletti. Viewer Calls. Matt and John take callers.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.37 for September 16, 2018, with Tracie Harris and Jen Peeples. Viewer Calls. After a brief discussion of 9-11 conspiracy theories, Tracie and Jen take callers.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.38 for September 23, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and Mandisa Thomas. Black Nonbelievers. Mandisa Thomas, president of Black Nonbelievers, is our special guest on this bat cruise weekend.
The Atheist Experience 22.39 September 30, 2018 with Tracie Harris and Don Baker. Standing up for sitting down. Don talks about a Texas high school student expelled for not standing for the pledge. We will be streaming our new show Secular Sexuality right here, so stay tuned after AXP.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.40 for October 7, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and Phil Session. ACA Goings On. After Phil describes upcoming ACA activities, Matt and Phil take callers.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.41 for October 14, 2018, with Tracie Harris and John Iacoletti. The Witch. Tracie gives a brief movie review of "The Witch".
The Atheist Experience episode 22.42 for October 21, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples. Viewer Calls. Matt and Jen take callers after talking about chicken pox and herd immunity.
The Atheist Experience 22.43 October 28, 2018 with Tracie Harris & Reggie Beloved of Haitian Freethinkers.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.44 for November 4, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. RFRA Insanity. Don talks about the various Religious Freedom "Restoration" Acts and their negative effects.
The Atheist Experience 22.45 November 11, 2018 with Tracie Harris & Aron Ra.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.46 for November 18, 2018, with Jen Peeples and Clare Wuellner. Difficulties in accepting evolution. Clare talks more about the difficulties people have in accepting evolution.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.47 for November 25, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and John Iacoletti. Viewer Calls. Matt and John take callers.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.48 for December 2, 2018, with Matt Dillahunty and guest Geoff Blackwell. American Atheists.
The Atheist Experience 22.49 December 9, 2018 with Matt Dillahunty & Don Baker. Religion is Useful. Don describes how religion is useful for those that want to manipulate people.
The Atheist Experience episode 22.50 for December 16, 2018, with Tracie Harris and John Iacoletti. Viewer Calls. Tracie and John take viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience 22.51 for December 23, 2018 with Mr. Atheist and Various Hosts. Year end clip/community wrap-up show.
The Atheist Experience 22.52 December 30, 2018 with Tracie Harris & Jen Peeples.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.01 for January 6, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Phil Session. ACA Goings On. Phil talks about the latest ACA volunteer efforts.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.02 for January 13, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Noah Lugeons. The Scathing Atheist. Matt and Noah Lugeons, the Scathing Atheist, talk about attitudes about sex.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.03 for January 20, 2019, with Tracie Harris and Mandisa Thomas of Black Nonbelievers. Black Nonbelievers. Mandisa Thomas talks about what it's like to be a non-believer of color.
The Atheist Experience 23.04 for January 27, 2019 with Matt Dillahunty, John Iacoletti, & Hector Garcia. Hector is author of "Alpha God: The Psychology of Religious Violence & Oppression" and the forth coming book "Sex, Power, and Partisanship: How Evolutionary Science Makes Sense of Our Political Divide".
The Atheist Experience episode 23.05 for February 3, 2019, with Tracie Harris and Matt Dillahunty. Viewer Calls. Tracie and Matt take callers.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.06 for February 10, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Where are they now? Don looks at 10 famous Christians and the things they have accomplished over the years.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.07 for February 17, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and guest Shelley Segal. Shelley Segal is an Australian singer and songwriter most known for music with secular themes.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.08 for February 24, 2019, with Tracie Harris and Jen Peeples. Gender Discrimination and Measles. Jen discusses gender discrimination in the draft and measles vaccination.
The Atheist Experience 23.09 for March 3, 2019 with Tracie Harris & Phil Session.
The Atheist Experience 23.10 for March 10, 2019 with Matt Dillahunty & guest Jim Helton. American Atheists. Jim Helton is promoting the upcoming AA convention in Cincinnati.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.11 for March 17, 2019, with Tracie Harris and Don Baker. Failures in the News. Don talks about the Methodist schism and various sex abuse scandals.
The Atheist Experience 23.12 for March 24, 2019 with Tracie Harris & Jen Peeples.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.13 for March 31, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and John Iacoletti. Theistic Family. Matt relates some stories about his theistic family.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.14 for April 7, 2019, with Tracie Harris and guest Phil Ferguson. Viewer Calls. Phil hosts the Phil Ferguson Show, covering skepticism, atheism, investment philosophies, economics, and politics.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.15 for April 14, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Religious Freedom Bills. Don talks about some of the legislative action in Texas and what's going on behind the scenes.
The Atheist Experience 23.16 for April 21, 2019 with Matt Dillahunty & Phil Session. Recorded at the 2019 American Atheist Convention in Cincinnati, OH.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.17 for April 21, 2019, with Tracie Harris and Clare Wuellner. Dog Whistles. Tracie talks about in-group messages hidden from plain view.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.18 for April 28, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty, Cosmic Skeptic, and Rationality Rules. Viewer Calls. UK Internet skeptics and freethinkers join Matt for this special show.
The Atheist Experience 23.19 for May 5, 2019 Matt Dillahunty, Phil Session, & Rationality Rules.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.20 for May 12, 2019, with Tracie Harris and John Iacoletti. Viewer Calls. Tracie and John take callers.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.21 for May 19, 2019, with Tracie Harris and Jen Peeples. Abortion Restrictions. Jen talks about the new wave of abortion restriction laws and what's going on behind the scenes.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.22 for May 26, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Controversial Video. Matt talks about a controversial video Rationality Rules made and the fallout from it.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.23 for June 2, 2019, with Don Baker and Phil Session. AHH and more Priest Accusations. Phil talks about a recent Atheists Helping the Homeless event and Don has news of more priest accusations.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.24 for June 9, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Jenna Belk. Jenna Belk. New co-host Jenna Belk gives her deconversion story.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.25 for June 16, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Eric Murphy. Viewer calls. Matt and Eric take calls.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.26 for June 23, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Lamely Rationalizing Evil. Don talks about how the religious rationalize the evil of their religions.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.27 for June 30, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Darrrel Ray. Recovering from Religion. Darrel Ray describes an upcoming weekend conference for Recovering from Religion.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.28 for July 7, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and guest Seth Andrews. Thinking Atheist. Special guest Seth Andrews has a nice banter with Matt.
The Atheist Experience 23.29 for July 14, 2019 with Don Baker & Jenna Belk.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.30 for July 21, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Denis Loubet. Viewer Calls. Denis Loubet is a regular host of the Non Prophets
The Atheist Experience episode 23.31 for July 28, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Jenna Belk. Depression and Suicide Prevention. Jenna talks about some things to do when you're feeling hopeless.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.32 for August 4, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Vi La Bianca. Viewer Calls. Matt and Vi take viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.33 for August 11, 2019 with Matt Dillahunty and Dave Warnock. Guest David Warnock talks about confronting death as an atheist.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.34 for August 18, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Miracles, Again. Don talks about "miracles" being little more than unconfirmed stories for the sake of marketing.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.35 for August 25, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and guest Andrew Seidel. Christian Nationalism. Andrew Seidel from the FFRF talks about his new book, The Founding Myth.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.36 for August 26, 2019, with Jenna Belk and Vi La Bianca. Viewer Calls. Jenna and Vi take viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.37 for September 1, 2019, with Don Baker and Jenna Belk. Prayer and Shootings. Don explains how useless prayer is, especially in the face of mass shootings.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.38 for September 8, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Do No Harm Act. Don discusses how the Do No Harm Act is necessary and an indication that harm is the intent of some Christians.
The Atheist Experience 23.39 for September 15, 2019 with Matt Dillahunty & Gayle Jordan from Recovering From Religion
The Atheist Experience 23.40 for September 22, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and David Warnock. Bat Cruise Weekend. Matt recaps the events of the 2019 bat cruise weekend.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.41 for September 29, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Jenna Belk. Addressing waste. Jenna talks about the need for people to reduce waste to help the environment.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.42 for October 6, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Ensoulment. Don talks about silly concept of a soul, focusing on ensoulment.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.43 for October 13, 2019, with Eric Murphy and Christy Powell. Viewer calls. After plugging their respective shows, Eric and Christy take viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.44 for October 20, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Jenna Belk. Viewer calls. Matt and Jenna take viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.45 for October 27, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Soul Scam. Don talks about how religions make money off the concept of the soul.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.46 for November 3, 2019, with Jenna Belk and ObjectivelyDan. Viewer calls. Jenna and Dan take calls.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.47 for November 10, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Lloyd Evans. Being an ex Jehovah's Witness. Author Lloyd Evans describes some of the challenges of being an ex JW.
The Atheist Experience #1156 for November 17, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Go Soul. Don talks about the silly notions about what your soul might do after you die.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.49 for November 24, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Jenna Belk. Viewer Calls. Matt and Jenna take viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.50 for December 1, 2019, with Don Baker and Jenna Belk. Viewer calls. Don and Jenna take viewer calls.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.51 for December 8, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Jenna Belk. Happy Without God. Jenna describes her state since coming out as an atheist.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.52 for December 15, 2019, with Jenna Belk and Don Baker. Recovering from Religion. Eric is the support group director from Recovering from Religion.
The Atheist Experience episode 23.53 for December 22, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and guest Dragnauct Sylvas. The Magic Sandwich Show. Dragnauct Sylvas is a budding scientist and the producer of the Magic Sandwich Show.
The Atheist Experience episode 24.01 for January 5, 2020, with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Aldrich. Viewer calls. Jen is an Internet broadcaster who will be a host on the reboot of Godless Bitches.
The Atheist Experience episode 24.02 for January 12, 2020, with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. God's Anointed Leaders. Don unpacks the claim that God chooses the leaders of the world.
The Atheist Experience episode 24.03 for January 19, 2020, with Matt Dillahunty and Jenna Belk. Viewer calls. Matt and Jenna take callers.
The Atheist Experience 24.04 for January 26, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Don Baker.
The Atheist Experience 24.05 for February 2, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Jenna Belk.
The Atheist Experience 24.06 for February 9, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Jim Barrows.
The Atheist Experience 24.07 for February 16, 2020 with Don Baker & Jenna Belk.
The Atheist Experience 24.08 for February 23, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Dr. Darrel Ray.
The Atheist Experience 24.09 for March 1, 2020 with Jenna Belk & Phil Ferguson.
The Atheist Experience 24.10 for March 8, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Denis Loubet.
The Atheist Experience 24.11 for March 15, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Don Baker.
The Atheist Experience 24.12 for March 22, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Shane Isgrig.
The Atheist Experience 24.13 for March 29, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Jenna Belk.
The Atheist Experience 24.14 for April 5 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Dragnauct Sylvas.
The Atheist Experience 24.15 for April 12 2020 with Matt Dillahunty, Nick Fish, & Debbie Goddard of American Atheists.
The Atheist Experience 24.16 for April 19, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Jim Barrows.
The Atheist Experience 24.17 for April 26, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Jenna Belk.
The Atheist Experience 24.18 for May 3, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Dave Warnock.
The Atheist Experience 24.19 for May 10, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Shane Isgrig.
The Atheist Experience 24.20 for May 17, 2020 with Jenna Belk & Anthony Magnabosco.
The Atheist Experience 24.21 for May 24, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Johnny.
The Atheist Experience 24.22 for May 31, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Don Baker.
The Atheist Experience 24.23 for June 07, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Phil Ferguson
The Atheist Experience 24.24 for June 14, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Lloyd Evans
The Atheist Experience 24.25 for June 21, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Shannon Q
The Atheist Experience 24.26 for June 28, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Justin Looney
The Atheist Experience 24.27 for July 5, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Jim Barrows
The Atheist Experience 24.28 for July 12, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Seth Andrews
The Atheist Experience 24.29 for July 19, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Scott Clifton
The Atheist Experience 24.30 for July 26, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Hemant Mehta
The Atheist Experience 24.31 for August 2, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Shannon Q
The Atheist Experience 24.32 for August 9, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Jenna Belk
The Atheist Experience 24.33 for August 16, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Jim Barrows
The Atheist Experience 24.34 with Matt Dillahunty & David McRaney
The Atheist Experience 24.35 with Matt Dillahunty & Shannon Q
The Atheist Experience 24.36 with Matt Dillahunty & Jenna Belk
The Atheist Experience 24.37 with Matt Dillahunty & Jim Barrows
The Atheist Experience 24.38 with Matt Dillahunty & Hector Garcia
The Atheist Experience 24.39 with Matt Dillahunty & ObjectivelyDan
The Atheist Experience 24.40 with Matt Dillahunty & Jenna Belk
The Atheist Experience 24.41 with Matt Dillahunty & Paulogia
The Atheist Experience 24.42 with Matt Dillahunty & Jim Barrows
The Atheist Experience 24.43 with Matt Dillahunty & Johnny P. Angel Fundraiser
The Atheist Experience 24.44 with Matt Dillahunty & Jenna Belk
The Atheist Experience 24.45 with Matt Dillahunty & Shannon Q
The Atheist Experience 24.46 with Matt Dillahunty & Jim Barrows
The Atheist Experience 24.47 with Matt Dillahunty & DB Ramsey
The Atheist Experience 24.48 with Jenna Belk & Anthony Magnabosco
The Atheist Experience 24.49 with Matt Dillahunty and Shannon Q
The Atheist Experience 24.50 with Matt Dillahunty and Jim Barrows
The Atheist Experience 25.01 with Shannon Q and Paulogia - The Canadian Invasion
The Atheist Experience 25.02 with Matt Dillahunty and Mandisa Thomas
The Atheist Experience 25.03 with Matt Dillahunty & Johnny P. Angel Fundraiser
The Atheist Experience 25.04 with Matt Dillahunty & Jim Barrows
The Atheist Experience 25.05 with Jenna Belk & Shannon Q
The Atheist Experience 25.06 with Matt Dillahunty and Dr. Josh (Digital Hammurabi)
The Atheist Experience 25.07 with Matt Dillahunty and Jim Barrows
The Atheist Experience 25.08 with Matt Dillahunty and ObjectivelyDan
The Atheist Experience 25.09 with Matt Dillahunty and Shannon Q
The Atheist Experience 25.10 with Matt Dillahunty and Jenna Belk
The Atheist Experience 25.11 with Jim Barrows and Dave Warnock
The Atheist Experience 25.12 with Matt Dillahunty and Katy Montgomerie
The Atheist Experience 25.13 with Matt Dillahunty and Shannon Q
The Atheist Experience 25.14 with Jenna Belk and Jim Barrows
The Atheist Experience 25.15 with Matt Dillahunty and Andrew Seidel
The Atheist Experience 25.16 with Jenna Belk and Kenneth Leonard
The Atheist Experience 25.17 with Matt Dillahunty and Mandisa Thomas
The Atheist Experience 25.18 with Matt Dillahunty and Dave Warnock
The Atheist Experience 25.19 with Matt Dillahunty and Ian Rowland
The Atheist Experience 25.20 with Matt Dillahunty and Jenna Belk
The Atheist Experience 25.21 with Matt Dillahunty and Shannon Q
The Atheist Experience 25.22 with Matt Dillahunty and Dave Warnock
The Atheist Experience 25.23 with Dave Warnock and Kenneth Leonard
The Atheist Experience 25.24 with Matt Dillahunty and Viced Rhino
The Atheist Experience 25.25 with Shannon Q and Jim Barrows
The Atheist Experience 25.26 with Matt Dillahunty and Hemant Mehta (@Friendly Atheist )
The Atheist Experience 25.27 with Dave Warnock and Jenna Belk
The Atheist Experience 25.28 with Matt Dillahunty and Jim Barrows
The Atheist Experience 25.29 with Matt Dillahunty and Jmike (Talk Heathen )
The Atheist Experience 25.30 with Matt Dillahunty and Seth Andrews (@TheThinkingAtheist)
The Atheist Experience 25.31 with Matt Dillahunty and Phil Ferguson
The Atheist Experience 25.33 with Matt Dillahunty and Jenna Belk
The Atheist Experience 25.35 with Matt Dillahunty and Shannon Q
The Atheist Experience 25.36 with Shannon Q and Jenna Belk
The Atheist Experience 25.37 with Matt Dillahunty and Arden of Eden
The Atheist Experience 25.38 with Matt Dillahunty and Mandisa Thomas ( @BlackNonbelieversInc )
The Atheist Experience 25.39 with Matt Dillahunty and Jim Barrows
The Atheist Experience 25.40 2021-10-03 with Matt Dillahunty and Jenna Belk
The Atheist Experience 25.42 with Matt Dillahunty and Jim Barrows
The Atheist Experience 25.43 with Matt Dillahunty and Dave Warnock
The Atheist Experience 25.44 with Matt Dillahunty and Jim Barrows
The Atheist Experience 25.45 with Matt Dillahunty and Arden Hart
The Atheist Experience 25.47 with Matt Dillahunty and Shannon Q
The Atheist Experience 25.48 with Matt Dillahunty and ObjectivelyDan (@Truth Wanted )
The Atheist Experience 25.49 with Matt Dillahunty and Genevieve (@Dave Warnock: Dying Out Loud )
Welcome back to The Atheist Experience everyone! Today, here to kick off our first episode back in the studio are your hosts, Jim Barrows and Christy Powell!
Part 1 of a "Best of the Atheist Experience" compilations from FFreThinker
Part 2 of a "Best of the Atheist Experience" compilations from FFreThinker
A caller says that he bets aliens are reading the bible. The hosts take it easy on him. **This is the first of a new series of videos dedicated to "Those Crazy Callers" that provide the whacked-out ideas we love to laugh at. Jeff Dee and Matt Dillahunty host this clip from The Atheist Experience #355
A caller has sumpn' to say. Ashley Perrien and Martin Wagner host this clip from The Atheist Experience #369
A caller says Christians don't run from atheists(they pray for us). Guess what she does. Ashley Perrien and Jeff Dee host this clip from The Atheist Experience #356
This I don't know, I am at a loss for words. If anyone can tell me the purpose of this call, please do. Ashley Perrien and Keryn Glasser host this clip from The Atheist Experience #361
He's back! Yes, Clifton is back for another round, in what is actually his first call(I believe). You can tell because his argument is not as refined as in his other nonsensical calls. Ashley Perrien and Russell Glasser host this clip from The Atheist Experience #363
2 callers - A free-mason has something to share, then a gay gorilla lover has nothing to share. If you are trying to educate yourself, don't watch this. There is not many signs of intelligence on the other end of the phone line here. Ashley Perrien and Martin Wagner host this clip from The Atheist Experience #331
This caller has a warning for the hosts. He is afraid of what will happen to them once they stop breathing. Ashley Perrien and Don Baker host this clip from The Atheist Experience #332
What is the harm of religion? This poor lady, Carol, has been brainwashed by christians. She believes that she is such a horrible person, that she deserves to burn in hell. She thinks that all of humanity is evil and that "There are none good but god." Carol is just one example of religion turning a human being into a guilt ridden nutjob. Ashley Perrien and Don Baker host this clip from The Atheist Experience #379
David seems to think he knows a lot about atheism. He has lost his mind. Don Baker and Joe Zamecki host this clip from The Atheist Experience #485
Jay makes a psychic prediction. A male host will have something bad happen in the next 3 weeks. I'll say it again, "Nobody has psychic powers. Nobody." Ashley Perrien and Jeff Dee host this clip from The Atheist Experience #377
This poor lady has overdosed on christianity. Listen up kids, always say "no" to religion. Otherwise you could end up like this. Don Baker and Matt Dillahunty host this clip from The Atheist Experience #545
If Reuben(aka Bob, aka Gorilla Lover) isn't the most annoying, frustrating moron on the planet, I don't know who is. Jeff and Ashley are more than gracious by trying to talk some sense into him. It is totally pointless. Ashley Perrien and Jeff Dee host this clip from The Atheist Experience #344
Josh seems like a normal person, he just has some crazy ideas in his head. Fortunately for Josh, a little research could clear up those crazy ideas and whip him into shape. Don Baker and Matt Dillahunty host this clip from The Atheist Experience #457
I really don't know how these guys keep their cool. Kudos to them. Ashley Perrien and Matt Dillahunty host this clip from The Atheist Experience #503
The caller's name is Three Eyes... Enough said. Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser host this clip from The Atheist Experience #530
Pat has been to the next dimension. This is what someone told her, she accepts it, and she is now spreading the nonsense. Jeff Dee and Matt Dillahunty host this clip from The Atheist Experience #676
He is back for our entertainment - Reuben - aka gorilla lover, many fake names, and giant douche bag. Don Baker and Linda Raymond take him on and host this clip from The Atheist Experience #372
This guy makes so many false claims it is hard to keep track. The sad thing is that he believes everything he says, with passion. This was Ashley's last show as the host. A fitting farewell to a great, long time host. Ashley Perrien and Russell Glasser host this clip from The Atheist Experience #398
Seriously, this is what Jesus will do to a grown man. In order to believe any of the BS that Tony is on about, you have to be emotionally, and intellectually stunted. It is exactly what you would expect from someone trying to convince a child who does not understand logic and reason yet. Are we children? I feel kinda mean for saying this, but honestly, it makes me sick. Ashley Perrien and Martin Wagner host this clip from The Atheist Experience #369
The Atheist Experience 20th Anniversary Special with Russell Glasser, Tracie Harris, Joe Zamecki, Don Baker, Jeff Dee, Ashley Perrien, Ray Blevins, Arlo Pignotti, Keryn Glasser, Jamie Boone, & Denis Loubet
2020 has been and continues to be a difficult year for most of us. But there have been signs that while we may never return to "the way things were", that together we can create a "new normal". This message will be posted to all of the current ACA Show channels as this weeks video, so that we can give our hard working hosts, crew, and moderators some much deserved time off to spend with their families and friends.