When it comes to the Paranormal and Supernatural, everyone wants proof. And yet, not everyone can seem to agree on what would constitute this proof. So what about evidence that might lead to proving the existence of a spirit world? Well, not everyone can seem to agree on what is considered actual evidence either. Since the invention of technologies like photography, and audio & video recording, there have been many purported instances of these recording capabilities capturing occurrences of a spectral world interacting with our own. For many, this is still not enough. We certainly didn't expect to get any evidence ourselves when we visited the Sallie House on July 20, 2018. But now that we've captured something that at least could be considered anomalous with our audio recorder, we want to know exactly what it is and how it got there. While we may never get a definitive answer as to what that sound is we captured, what we know is how hearing it made us feel.