Like long walks on the beach with a coffee in one hand, and a beer in the other? If there isn't a washroom nearby, you might want to rethink that. Find out why caffeine and alcohol affect the amount of water in your urine, and how it affects your body.
We care about our dads, uncles, grandpas - and all of the men in our lives. So why not understand the basics underlying the 2nd largest cancer killer in America and the UK among men (and 6th worldwide)? We'll strip down the process of cell regulation, cancer, and what is known about prostate cancer.
We've all been there before - a seemingly innocent night with some friends, ending in a morning from Hell. Why must it be like this? Find out what causes the notorious hangover, and share the truth with the world!
Don't want a hangover, but love the weekend a bit too much? You've heard all the myths and tried all the pills - but what legitimate ways can you prevent and cure your hangover? Follow these scientifically analysed steps and you'll wake up on your way to being a normal, functioning human again!
The Olympics are almost here, and while most athletes have been training day-in and day-out, some endurance competitors have found a secret advantage. Find out how altitude can affect your body and create 'super-athletes'!
The 'Amazing Spiderman' definitely has some unique tricks and abilities, but do any of them stand up to scientific realities? We'll take a look at how some of Spiderman's main attributes could legitimately happen, while others...not so much!
So you've heard about Global Climate Change, and how it's causing our sea level to rise, but do you know the real reasons why? Find out how the properties of water make it susceptible to changes in temperature, and how this can change the globe.
Want an excuse to sleep on the job? Take these scientific tips on "Power-Naps" to get the most energy out of your day, while remaining productive and non-reliant of caffeine. If done properly, naps can change your life!
You were always told to eat your vegetables. But did you ever think that beets could make you unBEETable? Find out how beetroot affects the body and why many Olympic Athletes will be using this incredible vegetable this year.
Is music humanity's drug of choice? What is the mysterious power behind it's ability to captivate, stimulate and keep us coming back for more? Find out the scientific explanation of how a simple mixture of sound frequencies can affect your brain and body, and why it's not all that different than a drug like cocaine.
Want to lose weight but can't stop eating? There's a reason for that. Find out how you can beat the desire to overeat and bring yourself one step closer to being your healthy self!
Tired of searching for the perfect diet or pill to shed some pounds? Find out the top weight loss tips, with solid science to back them up.
Ever wonder where that pretty pearl necklace came from? Even though most of us already know that oysters produce pearls, it's a mystery why...until now! Find out why an oyster would go through all that trouble, just to make a pearl for you!
Everything you wanted to know about orgasms, but were too afraid to ask. Who knew science could be so sexy?
Time for some interesting facts to make your head explode! Now you can sound even smarter around your friends with these simple but super fun facts about life!
We'll write a description later....
Feeling a bit under the weather after reading in the car, or spending some time on the sea? Find out the secret behind motion sickness in humans.
This is what you look like, on the inside, when smoking cannabis. The effects of Marijuana on your brain, and how it defines your experience.
Have you ever wanted to take control of your dreams? Now you can, with the science of how to lucid dream! With these simple steps, and a little practice, you'll soon experience sleep like never before.
You just experienced the most excruciatingly embarrassing moment, and to top it all off, your face just turned bright red! What exactly is the function of blushing, other than to bring your embarrassment to a new level? Find out how the secret behind this uniquely human phenomenon.
"Look how big the moon is!" you've shouted before. But what if I told you that the moon never really changes size, and it's simply your brain playing a trick? Find out what The Moon Illusion is, and why it happens!
Could zombies exist? Should we be preparing for a Zombie Apocalypse? Find out how these ferocious, flesh-eating creatures could become a reality, through a simple scientific pathway.
You've made it to the final round of a game show, and get to pick between 3 doors, one of which has a car behind it! You make your choice, and then the host decides to show you one of the wrong answers. He then offers you the chance to switch doors. Should you do it? Find out just how wrong human intuition can be in this classic Monty Hall Problem.
The Sex-Ed class you never got in school! Why do men tend to wake up with "morning wood"? We look at the hard facts and some of the biology of an erection, to discover the mechanism behind this phenomenon.
Understanding your drunken stupor, from the brain's perspective. Find out how alcohol molecules alter your brain, ultimately resulting in a night that you...hopefully remember.
What would it look like if we took Earth's 4.5 billion year history, and stuffed it into a normal day's 24 hour time-frame? Follow the magnificent journey of life; where it began, and how it eventually led to humanity as we know it.
What happens when the condom breaks? Find out what's behind "Plan B" - otherwise known as emergency contraception.
In today's crazy world, productivity is on the minds of many. So what can science tell us about the human brain and productive work? How do we become more efficient at working, and spend less time working overall?
We often hear it, but how true is the phrase 'Money can't buy happiness'? Is there a correlation between the two, and if so, what can we learn from it? It turns out, if you think money and happiness are exclusive, you simply aren't spending it right.
Time for some more interesting facts to make your head explode! Now you can sound even smarter around your friends with these simple but super fun facts about life!
Dear Gentlemen, science has a confession. You were once...a female - which helps to explain where your nipples came from. Watch and learn.
The power of the mind and it's ability to affect physical change may shock you! Find out how simply imagining can make it so.
It has perplexed humanity from as early as the Ancient Greeks. So which came first, the chicken or the egg? We take a crack at this curious conundrum.
Ever wonder how your brain processes information? These brain tricks and illusions help to demonstrate the two main systems of Fast and Slow Thinking in your brain.
It turns out the brain in love looks strikingly similar to one on drugs like cocaine! Find out what drives love, and why we simply love being in love.
It's the number one topic for internet searches, but do we ever consider how pornography can have lasting neuroplastic effects? Discover the hard science behind the 'porn epidemic' - the internet's drug of choice.
What is the difference between Butter and Margarine? And is one better for you than the other?
Why do we age, from a biological perspective?
Is male pattern baldness really passed down from your mother's father?
The snooze button - one of life's luxuries. But is it really helping you out, or making you more tired?
Why do we get goosebumps in the first place? Do they serve any purpose?
Why does your face leak when you're sad or emotional?
In the battle of the sexes, who suffers more pain? A scientific breakdown of which hurts more - Childbirth or Getting Kicked in the Balls!
Millions of people around the world suffer from MS, but what is it? Lets shine a light on this disease in an effort to increase awareness.
Does dancing increase your potential to...get some?
Have you ever wished you could record your dreams and watch them later? It may be possible sooner than you think...
What if I told you that superhuman strength may be possible in the near future?
From Broccoli to Big Macs - All of your favourite foods, shown as 200 calories!
Some wacky ways to burn 200 calories!
Could we stop an asteroid on a collision course for Earth?
What happens after you flush it?
How high can you hear? Take this 'test' to see how old your ears are!
If you spend most of your day inside, this is for you!
How do you know what you're seeing is real? These Illusions bring about the truth!
Why is a 'broken heart' so painful?
Is your lack of sleep slowly killing you?
Could technology be used to control your brain?
Does humanity stand a chance against our sun's ultimate fate?
Science breaks down the creepiest parasites on the planet!
Should you stress about stress?
Which is more nutritious - Fresh or Frozen?
The notorious 'Silent But Deadly' fart - fact or fiction?
Is crack really whack?
How will 3D printing change our world?
Time for some more amazing facts to turn your brain to mush!
Can being cold give you a cold?
What makes yawning so contagious?
What If You Stopped Drinking Water
Are we able to make genius babies?
What makes babies so AWW?
Is eating 'Gluten-Free' actually good for you?
Why are some people so lazy? Is there a couch-potato gene?
Should you believe your ears and the things they hear?
Is the toilet seat really all that dirty or dangerous?
Could these creepy crawlers be the future of food?
Blow your mind with these brain myths!
Get the hard facts on penis SIZE!
Are you over or under sleeping?
What's going on inside of a depressed person?
How does the world's favourite drug actually work?
Your brain may never be the same!
Which is more hygienic - paper towel or hand dryers?
Menstruation is amazing and we explain why!
Here are some amazing facts about energy to shock your brain!
What does MDMA actually do to your brain?
What if you could delete specific memories?
Your farts may smell like you!
Does the early bird really get the worm?
What exactly are you?
Is sitting too much killing you?
We prove how nice guys actually finish first!
How exactly does meditation affect your body?
If we suddenly disappeared, what would happen to our planet?
Which of your sick remedies are actually helping?
A little science secret to spice things up in the bedroom!
How do "Magic Mushrooms" chemically alter your brain?
Will we go extinct if the bees all die?
Who do you see?
The earth has been through some major changes!
Is it all just make believe?
Why is it so hard to remember someone's name?
Have you been doing it wrong?
What colour should your pee even be?
Bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon!
Your body is f***ing amazing!!!
Man and woman's best friend!
What happens to your body without food?
Is vaping actually better for your health?
A lot of things can kill you - but here are some surprising ones!
Ace any exam with these study tips!
How often should you whack the weed?
Are elite schools actually the better choice?
Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
What will humanity look like in 1000 years? Watch as we cover some cutting-edge innovations happening today.
We put ourselves through a lot of PAIN for SCIENCE!
Are we meant to be a monogamous species?
Time for some disgusting science!
Our bodies are pretty incredible, here's why!
We get drunk in the name of science!
Is hypnosis real? Here's the science!
Find out what happens to your brain during illusions!
What is it, and are we close to a cure?
Can science estimate how we will age?
Breasts are pretty amazing!
We see if the '36 love questions' actually work!
What's the best way to stay motivated?
Time to troll the trolls with some SCIENCE!
The effect that pop has on your body!
Which is more significant for losing weight?
A look inside the teenage brain!
How can you prevent pimples?
What happens after you die?
What are the weirdest objects you can eat?
Is getting rid of pubic hair dangerous?
What if everyone became a vegetarian right now?
Could ADHD be an evolutionary advantage?
Can you actually run away from a fart?
What is the difference between brand name and generic products?
How can science help you wake up without coffee?
Should you be using makeup?
Does a 'wingman' make you more attractive?
Should you be worried about your cellphone?
Why do some people hear voices?
How smart can fish actually be?
Your eyes and brain are pretty amazing!
Can science explain the way you speak?
Pokémon Go is great, but what about the Pokémon in REAL LIFE?
Get the most out of pizza with some simple math!
Which gender wins in the battle of the climax?
How the hell does cellphone technology work?
Some tips on how to minimize traffic!
How does the popular new drug Ayahuasca affect your brain?
Science, statistics and lifestyle can help predict how you will die!
Using math to understand your dating life!
Is there a better alternative to tampons?
Turns out you have TWO brains!
Should you be eating organic food?
Which personality trait is better?
Debunking some common diets, and seeing which work!
Can you trust your gut feelings?
Your eyes aren't always telling the truth.
The science of getting "crunk"!
Secular Science Christmas Carols Special thanks to Jon Cozart for helping!
This Is Why Your New Year's Will SUCK! Don't expect much from New Year's!
Regardless of politics, what ACTUALLY happens?
What happens if you fall from extreme heights?
Should you stop using hand sanitizer?
Sometimes the healthiest foods aren't exactly tasty!
What would happen if a nuclear weapon was dropped near you?
How fast does the body recover?
Wanna know why you clicked on this video?
Testing out 3D Printing...on ourselves!
Can we prevent a hangover using science?
When it comes to boys vs. girls, is one smarter?
Can math stop the debate over God's Existence?
We were quite surprised by some of our traits!
Is eating pot actually better for you?
Some things are not as they seem.
Can we make the queen of YouTube even smarter?
You may not be as normal as you thought!
Tired of being tired? Here are some helpful tips!
We show you what happens in one minute, in one minute.
What happens to your brain and body when you drop acid?
Some simple ways to de-stress!
Could we survive if we only ate humans!?
Every single thing that led to you!
Are you watching too many screens?
Your memory may play tricks on you!
Where do 65 million displaced people go?
Could you handle life on mars?
A look into one of the deadliest drugs.
What is the healthiest drink in the world? We find it!
How can you increase your aging odds?
Is being gay genetic?
How accurate are the claims of yoga?
How do you compare to the average?
What if the whole world was like America?
This is why your body is INCREDIBLE!
The most dangerous drug is not what you think!
Need to change someone's mind this Thanksgiving? We'll help you win an argument!
With the new Star Wars Trailer for The Last Jedi movie and Battlefront 2 release, we explore the Jedi - because science!
How long can your body and brain diet through fasting, starvation or survive with no food?
With Los Angeles wildfires, nuclear war with North Korea, and Jake Paul's Christmas video - what will cause the world to end?
This would take your high protein, paleo, keto diet to a new level
As you make your 2018 resolutions, we look to the past.
Are you a very stable genius or below pack? Find out!
We've been together for 10 years, but should we stay together?
How does circumcision affect your penis?
Flying may be more horrifying than you think.
Why is being an environmentalist so hard?
Monogamy is the gold standard, but is it best?
The COMPLETE Periodic Table!
Here's what to say to anti-vaxxers!
With the Olympics wrapping up we wondered what is the most dangerous sport?!
Incest makes us disgusted - but why?
A lot can happen during your trips around the sun!
Are you actually a genius? Test your intelligence.
Your poop says A LOT about your health - but how?
Discover why your body is a wonderland with Christine Sydelko!
Our low cost science parody of Dua Lipa's official music video New Rules!
How do steroids work? The pros and cons.
Is money the reason Kanye West and Jake Paul are jerks?
Our Planet Is INCREDIBLE! We live in a beautiful world, and these amazing facts will blow your mind.
Yanny vs. Laurel audio illusion solved! PHEW FINALLY!
We break down your value piece by piece!
What happens when you put too much caffeine in your body?
Feel like your phone is spying on you? Find out if it's real!
What if Belle and Beast ever banged?
We all feel lonely sometimes, but are the effects serious?
Can your balls really turn blue?
Why are you Netflix and Chilling by yourself?
Why does sex feel so good?
Are you losing brain cells, right now?
These tips will give you the memory boost you need!
How long could you survive without oxygen?
Could you catch someone in a lie? It's harder than you think!
What can science teach us about gender identity and dysphoria?
Can you remember 100 digits of pi?
How does adderall work? And should you take it?
Are you NoFap or ProFap?
What if the sun goes out right now?
What It's Like To Eat Food In Space? We try tasting astronaut food!
Original Title: Liberals vs Conservatives - Which Brain is Better? Are Republicans and Democrats different because of biology?
The respiratory system, but explained by two stoned comedians
How do CBD and THC work differently?
Racism is real. Science can help us combat it.
We took a DNA test to see if I'm adopted!
Juuling and smoking both contain nicotine, but is one healthier?
The digestive system, but explained by a stoned comedian.
What if you only consumed potatoes forever?
Can everyday stress literally kill you? Find out!
'Tis the season of climate change and waste.
Trying to be cheery might make you dreary!
What if you never brushed your teeth? Or even stopped for a year? Here's what would happen!
What else could you buy with the budget of Donald Trump’s proposed border wall during this government shutdown?
A message to Jake Paul and Ricegum about the mystery box video, Mystery Brand scam, gambling addiction and kids.
Are you able to tell what is real and what is fake?
Good reason to stay inside during this Polar Vortex!
The Ted Bundy Tapes had us wonder what it takes to be a killer.
Mend your broken heart this Valentine's Day!
Try these study tips when you are down to the wire!
Should You Get Lip Fillers? Kylie Jenner keeps taking her lip filler in & out, should you?
You were lied to about climate change.
Why Planes Sometimes Crash Could you survive a plane crash?
Is Jesus actually the daughter of God?
Original Title: If "A Star Is Born" was literally about a star being born (Lady Gaga Shallow Parody) The formation of a star, supernovas, black holes - all with the help of Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper! And moments before the first ever black hole photo!
Here's why we've evolved to fall for conspiracy theories.
DON'T Buy Apple AirPods Without Watching This...
Can't fall asleep? These sleep tips are better than ASMR!
With Starbucks banning plastic straws and zero waste on trend, is the solution to plastic pollution and climate change burning all the trash?
The Dolan Twins, Cardi B and even YOU are going to die. So, this is how science can help you cope with death.
What if you stopped sleeping? We tested the impact of sleep deprivation on our attractiveness and cognitive ability by not sleeping for 36 hours.
Let's talk about cigarette butts and why they are a major problem.
We made Deepfakes of James Charles, Jeffree Star and Shane Dawson to show you how easy they are to make now.
Original Title: We made a song using 20,000,000 TREES For #TeamTrees we created a song using ONLY TREES Let's plant 20,000,000 Trees together!
Australian bushfires, flooding, hurricanes. We need to COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE DENIAL so this video explains how!
Airpods, water bottles and even Tesla Trucks all use plastic. How much do we use in 1 week?
Want to sleep less and be more productive? There are serious costs, but is it worth it?
Original Title: Why Is It Hard To Like Your Own Body? Even if you're doing full body workouts, this may still be helpful.
A decade in review: the black hole, crispr pigs, DIY elephant toothpaste? What was the biggest science stories of 2010 - 2019.
The Australia Fires Will Actually Have This Impact How did the Australia fires start? How will they change the Earth? Find out how they may impact you and how to help.
OG Title: How War Hijacks Your Brain With the conflict between Iran and America plus people talking about World War 3 we wanted to investigate why war is addictive.
A new TikTok trend claims that your testicles can taste! We get to the bottom of it FOR SCIENCE.
Will this new robot make others obsolete? Xenobots are the first bio-robots: living, programmable cells. How do you feel about them?
What is the coronavirus and what does it actually do in your body?
The study hacks that everyone should know! Thanks to Bill and Melinda Gates for partnering with us!
This is everything you need to know for when a virus becomes a pandemic.
The truth about the race to a coronavirus vaccine
Original Title: The New Coronavirus Cure? | COVID-19 Antivirals What happens to your body when you take antiviral medication for Coronavirus / COVID19?
The cases of young people being hospitalized for COVID-19 are increasing, what happened?
A brush your teeth song with science to help you memorize every tooth!
Is 5G Dangerous? Marques Brownlee helps us explain what is 5G, the health impacts on your body, whether it can make you sick, and some other claims being made!
Dear Class of 2020 is a virtual commencement celebration bringing together inspirational leaders and artists to celebrate graduates, their families, and their communities.
Should you be wearing a mask? We tested how well they work.
Which milk should you buy? We ranked dairy, oat, soy, rice, coconut, pea, hemp, hazelnut, macadamia, and almond milk - so you can reduce your environmental footprint and impact.
How can we make science more diverse?
Oil companies lied to you about renewable energy and it's time to fix it!
Whether it’s Retinol, Retinoic Acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Retinyl Palmitate, serums, oils, VAMPIRE FACIALS!? There is a lot of beauty products and skin care routines that claim to keep you "looking young" and cost SO MUCH MONEY! This video will teach you how to bypass the price tag and read the ingredient lists with a scientific mind to purchase the best beauty products for you. From a biological and chemical perspective there is only one skin cream that actually works … so which one is it?
Your brain is a complex organ that makes you...YOU! Your consciousness is controlled by a variety of molecules and receptors in your brain which are studied while hallucinating. New research places participants in an fMRI machine to study their brains while hallucinating, it shows a decrease in the default mode network. The default mode network is a brain region that controls worrying, reason, motivation, reflecting on your past and planning your future. It is the part of the brain that builds the story of you! Your consciousness, fear of mortality, obsession with the ego starts to dissolve when you hallucinate, and your brain starts to add information and use the neurology of your brain in different ways to cope leading to a hallucination. All of this research is leading to breakthroughs in addiction therapy, end of life therapy and most importantly, a clear picture of where your consciousness comes from.
Hope you enjoy this crash course the muscle anatomy.
DIY Edible Water Bottles, Coffee Orbs and Ketchup Packets??
This BLUE my mind, I just had to share.
As part of THE GREAT GIFT EXCHANGE, AsapSCIENCE are transported to a magical “Wrapshop” to wrap a charitable gift for blind creator Molly Burke. They’ll explore the science of blindness and, with help from The World’s Most Famous Gift Wrap Artist, design the PERFECT scientifically-engineered gift wrap!
With the first person receiving a COVID19 vaccine from Pfizer in the UK - what does it even do to your body? And are mRNA vaccines safe?
This video explains how humans evolved humor, what makes something funny (according to your brain) and what scientists have found is "funniest joke in the world". It also tackles why comedians keep getting cancelled, the benign violation theory and teaches you how to be a better comedian. Over Simplified, and Dude Perfect are funny because even they are making unsafe situations, safe. Even Billie Eilish comes off as funny, as her normal self is so separate to the spooky songs. I also show you the first time I ever did stand up, which makes me so nervous. All in all, it is a deep scientific dive into the science of humor.
We tested the impact of binge drinking on attractiveness.
If you had to choose, would you keep your eyeballs or eyebrows?
Today we're debunking, our own video debunking other videos about DEBUNKING!
Emotional vs. physical tears, why are they different?
This Is The Perfectly Evolved Human Our backs hurt, ankles break and feet are busted! Not to mention having a baby is dangerous and our eyes are built backwards. There is a lot that doesn't work in our bodies, so today we are going to explain the perfectly evolved human. Evolutionary biologists have been battling this scenario for years so we explain it all. Including the need for ostrich feet, bipedal bodies, bilateral symmetry, rewiring neurons in the eye and having dog ears! Let us know if you would want this body!?
How many Earths would be needed to sustain the lifestyle of everyone living like Jake Paul?
Original Title: The Biggest Lie About Nuclear Energy Chernobyl, Fukushima, The Simpsons power plant, they all involve lies!
Original Title: Why Penises Are Shrinking Across the World Penis size, taint size and sperm count are decreasing in men. This is the science of why!
When you stop smoking weed, your body changes. This is what happens in the first 28 days of quitting.
Original title: Day Drinking vs Drinking At Night What happens to your body and brain while you drink in the DAY vs NIGHT?
Are Vaccines Causing Magnetism? Viral videos show people with "magnetic arms" after a vaccine, so what is GOING ON!?
How does your brain work? These simple puzzles will reveal a lot!
The science of poppers (sold as VHS cleaner) loosens your butthole, is that why so many people are sniffing it?
The prehistoric paradox that scientists just solved
There are NOT plenty of fish in the sea anymore. Can this damage be reversed?
Original Title: Women Can SEE Better Than Men, This is WHY! Women and men see different, this is the science of why!
There are ALOT of stereotypes for us gingers, and the scientific truth is even weirder!
Today we are going to explain EXACTLY what happens to your brain and body when you TRY to quit porn!
Original Title: Why School Is Bad For You Dear schools and teachers: you're hurting your students. Please stop!
I spent hours inside an anechoic chamber to see if it would make me go crazy. You be the judge!
Today we are going to explain EXACTLY what happens to your brain and body when you try to quit alcohol!
From celery to a slice of cake, we are going to explain what 100 Calories actually looks like, and WHY calorie counting is bad for you.
Coming up on two years of the Coronavirus pandemic, how much longer will it last? Is it like the Spanish flu or will it never go away?
Those eco-friendly products may not be as great as you think
Today we're talking about how your phone changes your brain AND body.
These robots are truly mind-blowing and fascinating.
This Is one of the most unique deserts in the world! Go explore what makes Earth so unique by visiting one of the 400 parks protected by the National Park Foundation.
Only some people can see this image or understand this sentence!
What happens to your brain and body when horned up? And are thirst traps changing your BRAIN!?
Which matters more: talent or training? Hard work or circumstance?
Retroreflection just might be the coolest thing ever!
The groundbreaking science of being cold
Would you take an exercise or weight loss pill if it meant you could get all the benefits without even moving?
Aired December 8, 2022
Should gas stoves be banned? What are the environmental and health impacts of gas appliances? And should you go electric? The truth might shock you! There's been a lot of talk about a gas stove ban, thanks to a new report that found 13% of asthma cases in kids are caused by gas stoves specifically. Is it all controversy or are there genuine dangers and health impacts you should be worried about?
Taking small amounts of mushrooms, LSD or MDMA is on the rise, but new science says it MAY BE A SCAM!? If so, why are so many people falling for it. The science is complicated, but fascinating. This is psychedelic SCIENCE.
A journey to the end of time with the 5 most likely ways the universe will be destroyed
For the first time in history, tech companies house our sexual identity online as data. And it may be different than what we show to the world, so is this dangerous? And how does it link to the study of fetishes, a scientific field that is FROUGHT with controversy.
When you stop eating sugar, you body changes. So what exactly happens to your brain and body when you try to quit sugar?
Carbon capture technology, if done wrong could make climate change worse. New carbon capture trains are a brilliant idea, using caught CO2 to frack for more oil, NOT A BRILLIANT IDEA. In this video we explain why the insane engineering of carbon capture could be a really bad thing!
Are vegans less healthy than meat eaters? And is veganism really that much better for the environment and planet?
Millions of men are currently taking testosterone supplements, more than ever in history. Why is this happening? What does it do to your body, and why could it be dangerous?
Joe Rogan, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Conor McGregor may all be on steroids based on this science. They also may be scared to quit because what happens to you is INTENSE! We explain exactly what happens to your brain and body when you quit steroids.
Should you be on a low sodium diet? What actually happens to your body and brain when you reduce salt?
This device corkscrews itself into the ground like a seed, and could just change the face of our planet! They are a newly created autonomous aerial seed that have some really cool and weird implications.
Phone addiction is real, and researchers are becoming more concerned with what it is doing to our brains and bodies. This video explains the up to date research on what creates phone addiction, how to tell if you are clinically addicted to your phone and the top three scientific tips for decreasing phone use.
The Earth's population is declining. It may peak in 2064, it may peak in 2100, but either way, in the future the population is going to decline. This has many people spooked, but has others thinking it could help. We explain why this is happening, what it means for the future, and how you can prepare for the potential POPULATION COLLAPSE?
What happens when you go to sleep high?| And how do both THC and CBD affect your sleeping brain?
A new disease called "cannabis hyperemesis syndrome" is on the rise due to increased marijuana use. In this video we explain the science behind what is going on. Some scientists think that the legalization of marijuana may be under threat, other think awareness is all the matters - let's see how it all plays out.
What would happen if mosquitoes went extinct? And could this new mosquito eradicate disease? Some brilliant scientists have made all of this possible.
The future of renewable energy involves two new power sources - near-magma geothermal and gold hydrogen. This video explains how these two new technological breakthroughs could become a reality, helping us get off our addiction to fossil fuels and potentially saving the planet.
There is a lot of new research on the 'gay accent' or 'gay voice' - and why it might be that gay men and gay women speak differently than hetero people.
The benefits of being bilingual are shocking! Here's what it does to your brain.
Is there a "gay face" look? Today we're diving into the controversial research and morphological differences between gay and straight people.
Artificial Intelligence is here. AI is everywhere, and Chat-GPT is being used often by people across the globe. It may seem like a simple act, but the environmental implications of using Chat-GPT, especially the water consumption is surprising. There is a lot that people don't want you to know about the environmental costs of AI so today we are going to explain them.
Are we really about to create a moon base with a permanent human presence?
Is there a male G-spot and does it lead to the most intense pleasure ever?
Should we be worried about Bird Flu? Are we on the brink of another pandemic?
Transcranial Magnetic Therapy is a new way in which doctors and physicians physically alter your brain to make you less sad. It feels like a sci-fi concepts, but new research states that in the future we all might get giant magnets put on our head that changes our brain and makes us happier?!