Home / Series / As The World Turns / Aired Order / Season 49 / Episode 87

Ep. #12316

Kim fires Doc, citing his contracts morals clause among other reasons. But Docs luck changes fast. On their way out, they run into the Country Clubs manager, a big fan of Docs, who offers him a job as a golf instructor. Meanwhile, Margo pleads with Tom to reconsider leaving, but hes determined to separate at least for now. They talk to Casey and Tom blames the separation on the fact that hes had to work long hours. Casey wonders if something else is up, but Tom covers for Margo. As Tom heads out, Margo drives devastated Casey to the Country Club for his golf lesson. Theyre surprised to find Doc is the new golf instructor! Lucy is furious with Alan and Sierra for making her leave Reno and Dusty. Meanwhile, Lily tells Craig that Sierra and Alan plan to take Lucy to Montega tonight. Craig tries to brush aside her concerns, but Lily tells him she found Lucys trust fund papers among Alans things. Back at the house, Lily bursts in with Craig behind her and insists Lucy stay in Oakdale. However, when Lily goes, Craig declares that Alan should take Lucy to Montega - and not let her out of his sight. Lucy gets defensive, and accuses Craig of trying to keep her from Dusty. After, Lucy gets a call from Wade who claims to be phoning on behalf of very injured Dusty. He says that Dusty wants her to visit him in at the hospital.

  • Originally Aired August 3, 2004
  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Production Code 12316
  • Network CBS
  • Created February 27, 2017 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified February 27, 2017 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Robert Leeshock Guest Star
John Elsen Guest Star