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Season 1

  • S01E01 Arthur's Eyes

    • October 7, 1996
    • PBS

    After waking up late one night, D.W. finds pictures of Arthur before he had glasses. He tells her the story of when he first started needing them and the teasing that followed.

  • S01E02 Francine's Bad Hair Day

    • October 7, 1996
    • PBS

    School Picture Day is just around the corner, and Muffy wants to make sure Francine has a photo to be proud off, unlike last year's. However, she doesn't seem interested in the rush and is in fact interested in a kickball game.

  • S01E03 Arthur and the Real Mr. Ratburn

    • October 8, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur and his friends are horrified when they learn that their third grade teacher will be the infamous Mr. Ratburn. He is described by Prunella as a cruel vampire with hypnotic powers who eats nails for breakfast without milk. Arthur and Buster, along with Francine, try to investigate.

  • S01E04 Arthur's Spelling Trubble

    • October 8, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur practices for the spelling bee and competes against Prunella and the Brain, last year's winner and the smartest kid in his class, respectively. Even with the support of his family, he is nervous.

  • S01E05 D.W. All Wet

    • October 9, 1996
    • PBS

    On a hot summer day, D.W. and her preschool class go on a field trip to the aquarium. When a shark swims by, her classmates hide while she teases it, but when an octopus appears, she is the only one afraid. The Reads go to Bear Lake to escape from the summer heat and everyone is having a wonderful time, except for D.W. who won't swim because she thinks there are octopuses there.

  • S01E06 Buster's Dino Dilemma

    • October 9, 1996
    • PBS

    Mr. Ratburn's make a long-awaited field trip to a Rainbow Rock State Park. On his own, Buster discovers a fossilized dinosaur footprint and takes it home. Despite it being against museum rules, he doesn't want to relinquish his find.

  • S01E07 D.W.'s Imaginary Friend

    • October 10, 1996
    • PBS

    D.W. has a new imaginary friend named Nadine, who goes with her everywhere. When Arthur and Buster find out about a new amusement ride, they don't want D.W. to come along and embarrass them because she would bring Nadine along, too.

  • S01E08 Arthur's Lost Library Book

    • October 10, 1996
    • PBS

    Everyone loves the Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club series, and the new book, "The Mysterious Hand", is coming out. Arthur's the first to borrow it (along with many other books at the same time), but when he collects the library books scattered around the house, he can't find the Scare-Your-Pants-Off book. He later teams up with Binky to look for it.

  • S01E09 Arthur's Pet Business

    • October 11, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur wants a dog very badly, but he has to prove he's responsible first. Arthur decides to start his own pet business in order to prove that he's responsible, which includes watching over the neighborhood dog Perky, who is very mean and aggressive.

  • S01E10 D.W. the Copycat

    • October 11, 1996
    • PBS

    When D.W. gets told she doesn't like any interesting stuff, she decides to copy Arthur.

  • S01E11 Locked in the Library!

    • October 14, 1996
    • PBS

    After Arthur called Francine a marshmallow, Francine and her friends got really made and it looks like they are going to fight. But when they both got locked inside the Elwood City Library they either have to make up, or prepare for a long and scary weekend, because it was the weekend and the library closes until Monday.

  • S01E12 Arthur Accused!

    • October 14, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur had a job to collect coins for Mrs. McGrady to raise money for a new dog for the Elwood City firemen, and when he left the bag of quarters where Mrs. McGrady was working, she said she never received them. While this was happening, Buster opened his detective agency, he has no idea his first job will involve Arthur. Now, it is up to Buster to solve this mystery, was Arthur the real thief?....

  • S01E13 Arthur Goes to Camp

    • October 15, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur and his friends go to summer camp and Binky brings up the issue that it's boys vs. girls. The other team participating always won because of this problem, so now the kids of Elwood must work together to defeat them this year.

  • S01E14 Buster Makes the Grade

    • October 15, 1996
    • PBS

    Buster's grades aren't as good as his jokes, and now he is on the verge of repeating his third grade year. If he does not receive at least a B on his next test, he fails...

  • S01E15 Arthur's New Puppy

    • October 16, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur has a new puppy is exactly what he wanted. But the only problem is that he destroys everything in sight, so can Arthur teach Pal to behave, before his parents do something with Pal because of all the disasters he is causing.

  • S01E16 Arthur Bounces Back

    • October 16, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur's dream is to have Moon shoes, but he does not have the ten dollars to get them. When he begins working chores to receive money, he got too desperate and does something he will regret.

  • S01E17 Arthur Babysits

    • October 17, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur has plenty of gripes about his past babysitters, but soon finds himself trying his hand at some babysitting of his own. He ends up having the Tibble Twins' Grandma ask him to babysit the infamous Tibble Twins and he agrees to the job. Despite the warnings from both his friends and D.W., he takes on the task and quickly finds himself overwhelmed. After some quick thinking, and a willingness to keep at things, he comes up with a plan. More Info - ECDC

  • S01E18 Arthur's Cousin Catastrophe

    • October 17, 1996
    • PBS

    The Read Family is having a big reunion, with aardvark relatives from all over coming. Arthur normally enjoys the festivities, such as sack-racing and swapping stories, but finds himself hiding because he's worried that his cousin Mo has a big practical joke planned for him. He remembers her being awful to him in the past and is sure that she has something big planned. However, his worries might just be unfounded. More Info - ECDC

  • S01E19 Arthur's Birthday

    • October 18, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur is excited about his birthday. After shopping for party supplies, he makes invitations and passes them out at school. He then finds out that Muffy is having her party on the same day, at the same time. This starts a huge battle between the boys and the girls in the Ratburn class. Fortunately, Francine and Arthur devise a great solution to the problem.

  • S01E20 Francine Frensky, Superstar

    • October 18, 1996
    • PBS

    Francine has always gotten the worst roles in school plays, so everyone in the Ratburn class asks Mr. Ratburn to give her a good part in the next one. The play is about Thomas Edison, and Francine is given the role of Edison himself. She takes her role very seriously, to the point where she starts to trying to run everything her way and insults her friends. After the hurt and the anger, they set out to show her that she can't just forget their needs

  • S01E21 Arthur's Baby

    • October 21, 1996
    • PBS

    Viewers are taken back, as Arthur and D.W. recollect what happened when Baby Kate was first-born. D.W. is excited with anticipation, but Arthur is very worried. His worries are only made worse when his friends tell him about all the awful stuff that's going to happen when the baby comes. Still, Arthur, is determined to be a good big brother, but ends up thinking that the baby hates him!

  • S01E22 D.W.'s Baby

    • October 21, 1996
    • PBS

    D.W. was excited to have a new little sister, but when she doesn't get to help much and the baby moves into her room, things don't seem so great. Kate stinks and makes a lot of noise. D.W. hatches a plan to get rid of her, but finds that maybe being a big sister isn't so bad after all.

  • S01E23 Arthur Writes a Story

    • October 22, 1996
    • PBS

    Mr. Ratburn gives the class an assignment --- to write a story about anything they want. It seems like a simple assignment and it doesn't even have to be bound and sent to a publisher as Muffy suggests. Arthur, however, finds it a hard task when he starts trying to write to please everyone's tastes. He starts out with the simple story of how he got his dog Pal, but after following the advice of each of his friends, it morphs into a bizarre country tune about baby elephants being born in outer space.

  • S01E24 Arthur's Lost Dog

    • October 22, 1996
    • PBS

    It's Downtown Day in Elwood City, with all sorts of fun games and activities. Arthur, D.W., their parents, Baby Kate and Pal are all out enjoying the activities when suddenly Baby Kate starts crying. The noise seems to upset Pal and he ends up with D.W., then breaks away and runs off. As Arthur and his friends chase after the apparently lost dog, Pal seems to be on a mission the entire time.

  • S01E25 So Long, Spanky

    • October 23, 1996
    • PBS

    D.W. is devastated when her pet parakeet, Spanky, dies. She has a funeral for him and doesn't want to replace him with any other pet. Naturally, she's terribly annoyed when a slimy, warty toad starts following her around and getting into Spanky's stuff. She tries to get it to leave for good, but it seems to have other ideas.

  • S01E26 Buster's New Friend

    • October 23, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur is very surprised when Buster doesn't show up to watch Bionic Bunny with him and even more surprised when it turns out that Buster's hanging out with some new friend named Mike. Buster makes Mike sound plenty cool, but Arthur really needs Buster's help with their science project. What's worse is that Arthur keeps asking just who Mike is, but it seems like Buster can only gush about who Mike is, rather than give a straight answer. Arthur begins wonder if Buster isn't his friend anymore.

  • S01E27 Arthur the Wrecker

    • October 24, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur is hooked on a brand-new computer game called Deep Dark Sea which he borrowed from the Brain. He's so excited about it that he just has to show it to Buster --- even if it means playing it when his Mom specifically said not to use the computer. When the two have a tussle, the computer appears to be broken, leading to a huge scramble as Arthur tries to hide the truth.

  • S01E28 Arthur and the True Francine

    • October 24, 1996
    • PBS

    A game of Truth or Dare brings up scenes from Muffy's past, back to when she first came to Lakewood Elementary. She and Muffy quickly became friends, but Muffy plays fast-and-loose with the truth, even going so far as to claim they she taught math at her old school. Then, she cheats off of Francine's math test, putting Francine in detention and threatening to ruin the bond that had been built between the two.

  • S01E29 Arthur's Family Vacation

    • October 25, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur will do anything to get out of going on a family vacation and go to camp, until the prospect of one-upping D.W. convinces him to give it a shot. Everyone has all sorts of exciting dream plans --- Dad's lobster dinner, fun at the beach and an exciting stay at the hotel's Family Fun Suite. From the beginning, though, things go wrong, with the plans plagued by storms, traffic, unplanned pit stops and other assorted hassles. By the time everyone's in the hotel, they're thoroughly soured on the idea of vacation. Arthur, though, comes up with an idea that may just save their plans for a fun trip.

  • S01E30 Grandpa Dave's Old Country Farm

    • October 25, 1996
    • PBS

    D.W. and Arthur enjoy visiting Grandpa Dave's farm, but when they get there, they find it in a far different state than they remember. The farm has gone to rack and ruin --- chickens are being kept in the bedroom and things are falling apart all over the place. Grandpa Dave is an independent country type and doesn't want any help, but he's in no condition to fix up the farm on his own. D.W. and Arthur decide that they have to find some way to help Grandpa Dave because, among other things, they want to sleep in separate beds, something they can't do as long as there's chickens in one of the bedrooms.

  • S01E31 Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest

    • October 28, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur enters a contest to find the perfect jingle for a Crunch Cereal commercial. So far he's come up with nothing but is struck with an idea as D.W. hums a melody.

  • S01E32 D.W. Flips

    • October 28, 1996
    • PBS

    D.W. decides that she wants to be a gymnast so her mom puts her in a class.

  • S01E33 Meek for a Week

    • October 29, 1996
    • PBS

    Everyone knows that Francine is rather bossy and somewhat independent, but when she insults Muffy on her street hockey playing skills, it would seem she's gone to far. After a bit of crying, Muffy decides to make a bet with Francine --- she'll give Francine the Princess Peach watch that she's always adored if Francine can be nice for an entire week. Francine takes the bet seriously and pretty soon, her behavior is barely recognizable to her friends. Worried that she may be bottling her anger, Arthur and the rest of the group try to get Francine to let off some steam, before she ends up doing something really rash.

  • S01E34 Arthur, World's Greatest Gleeper

    • October 29, 1996
    • PBS

    Before Arthur knows it, he's dragged into the Tough Customers after Buster brags about him being the "world's greatest gleeper." He and Buster didn't even know that "gleep" is a slang term for stealing, but they didn't want Arthur to look stupid in front of this tough group. Pretty soon, gossip gets around the entire school about Arthur being a thief, causing him some newfound popularity, but also to lose some friends. Then, he faces a trial that could change things for him forever, or restore what he lost.

  • S01E35 Arthur's Chicken Pox

    • October 30, 1996
    • PBS

    When Arthur starts acting oddly at school, he's sent to the nurse who finds he has a fever and sends him home. The next morning, he wakes up with chicken pox and is worried he won't be able to attend the circus that's coming to town. D.W. is delighted at an opportunity to torture him, but soon becomes jealous at all the attention he's getting.

  • S01E36 Sick as a Dog

    • October 30, 1996
    • PBS

    Despite his parents' warnings, Arthur has been letting Pal eat a lot of things he shouldn't --- everything from stale gummi worms from a Halloween possibly long past to a hot dog snatched directly from D.W.'s bun. Pal then starts looking ill and making a weird noise and ends up having to go to the vet and stay the night. Arthur is very worried, as Pal's never been away from him that long before. Worried about what's going to happen to Pal, he tries to shift the blame to D.W., convinced that she's done something after her statement that she would "teach that dog a lesson he'll never forget."

  • S01E37 D.W. Rides Again

    • October 31, 1996
    • PBS

    D.W. wants to do anything Arthur can do so she attempts to learn how to ride a two-wheeler at 4 years old. She fails at first but she keeps trying and she becomes so good that she enters a bicycle contest.

  • S01E38 Arthur Makes the Team

    • October 31, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur stinks at baseball on his team and makes them lose games so Francine tries to make him a better player.

  • S01E39 Arthur's Almost Boring Day

    • November 1, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur is supposed to write a report about what he did over the weekend. He planned to write about a day at the park but it rained. Bored both he and D.W. were forced to go to Grandma Thora's where Arthur discovered something great for his report!

  • S01E40 The Half-Baked Sale

    • November 1, 1996
    • PBS

    Grandma Thora can't cook. Her food is terrible but Arthur and D.W. always pretend to like it to spare her feelings. She plans to have a bake sale but things get so bad that Arthur and D.W. decide to save the people from her food.

  • S01E41 Sue Ellen Moves In

    • November 4, 1996
    • PBS

    Sue Ellen moves into town and everything has a different story about her to tell. Sue Ellen and her family has been all over the world and are normal people, much to Buster's dismay since he thought they were aliens.

  • S01E42 The Perfect Brother

    • November 4, 1996
    • PBS

    Brain spends the weekend over Arthur's house and turns into the perfect guest. He fixes Mom's computer, Dad's cooking problem and gets Kate to say her first word-""Brain"". Arthur is happy to see Brain leave only to see how he lives at home.

  • S01E43 D.W.'s Snow Mystery

    • November 5, 1996
    • PBS

    D.W. loses her snowball out the freezer. Her 3 main suspects are Francine, Buster, & Arthur but in the end everyone is innocent. D.W. doesn't find out what happened to her snowball but she still has a feeling it was Arthur.

  • S01E44 Team Trouble

    • November 5, 1996
    • PBS

    Brain and Francine are the best players on the soccer team, but they let their sport reputations conflict with their ego's. Can they stop their competition and make it for the playoffs?

  • S01E45 Bully for Binky

    • November 6, 1996
    • PBS

    Binky is the toughest kid in school and everyone is afraid of him. He messes with the wrong person: Sue Ellen, and thinks that she is a pushover until he finds out that she is a blackbelt in Tai-Kwan-Do!

  • S01E46 Mis-fortune Teller

    • November 6, 1996
    • PBS

    Prunella has a 9 1/2 birthday party. She received many presents, but the paper fortune teller from her sister was the best of all. Soon it starts predicting everyone's fortune's and it comes true!

  • S01E47 Arthur's Tooth

    • November 7, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur is 8 years old and her hasn't lost all of his baby teeth yet. When Francine and the others find out they tease Arthur. He yet becomes even more determined to lose his tooth and fit in with the others.

  • S01E48 D.W. Gets Lost

    • November 7, 1996
    • PBS

    D.W.'s friend Emily gets earrings. She says it's because her parents view her as a adult so D.W. tries to act like one but she gets lost in the store and realizes that even adults aren't perfect either and after seeing what happened to Emily's ears she decides not to wear earrings until she is a grown up.

  • S01E49 D.W. Thinks Big

    • November 8, 1996
    • PBS

    D.W. finds Aunt Lucy's wedding ring after she lost it at her wedding.

  • S01E50 Arthur Cleans Up

    • November 8, 1996
    • PBS

    The park is in bad condition and Arthur decides to team up with Francine's dad and clean it up.

  • S01E51 My Dad, the Garbage Man

    • November 11, 1996
    • PBS

    Every kid at school's parents has cool jobs except for Francine's dad. He's a garbage man and Francine is embarrassed by it so to make him look cool she tells the kids at school that he's a CIA agent.

  • S01E52 Poor Muffy

    • November 11, 1996
    • PBS

    Muffy is allergic to the rugs at her house. She has to live with Francine until the rugs get cleared out but she starts to become a pain in the butt. Can Francine deal with her any longer?

  • S01E53 D.W.'s Blankie

    • November 12, 1996
    • PBS

    D.W. loses her blankie and she and Arthur search all over town just to find it.

  • S01E54 Arthur's Substitute Teacher Trouble

    • November 12, 1996
    • PBS

    When Mr.Ratburn gets sick his sister has to substitute for his class and all the kids think that she's going to be tougher but when she comes they realize that she's an easy teacher. Tired of not being challenged enough the kids want Mr.Ratburn back.

  • S01E55 I'm a Poet

    • November 13, 1996
    • PBS

    Fern dares everyone to write a good poem for a contest. If the loser backs out they have to join art club for a year. They all make good poems and loved doing it so much that they wanted to join anyway.

  • S01E56 The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club!

    • November 13, 1996
    • PBS

    Muffy's dad decides to ban all the Scare-Your-Pants-Off books because Muffy got a nightmare from it so Arthur and the kids band together to put a stop to it.

  • S01E57 My Club Rules!

    • November 14, 1996
    • PBS

    The Strawberry Festival is coming to town and Arthur and his friends all band together and form a club to create the perfect float, but when everyone gets their own ideas on what the float should be they all form their own clubs. In the end D.W. brings them back together and she creates a float that they can all agree on.

  • S01E58 Stolen Bike

    • November 14, 1996
    • PBS

    Francine gets too old for her bike so her father gets one out of a dumpster and fixes it up for her. When she gets disappointed she hides the bike and says that it was stolen just so her friends won't see her on it.

  • S01E59 Arthur's First Sleepover

    • November 15, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur throws a sleepover and invites Brain and Buster. He doesen't invite D.W. so she decides to ruin the sleepover until she gets to come along.

  • S01E60 Arthur's New Years Eve

    • November 15, 1996
    • PBS

    Arthur plans to stay up through New Years. He feels that he's missed it but Grandma Thora said that as long as you've had good times from the past year there sure to follow up in the new year.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Arthur Meets Mr. Rogers

    • October 20, 1997
    • PBS

    Mr.Rogers from ""Mr.Rogers Neighborhood"" comes to the Read family for a visit. Everyone especially D.W. loves him except for Arthur who's even embarrassed to be seen with him. Can he overcome this embarrassment before his friends find out?

  • S02E02 Draw!

    • October 20, 1997
    • PBS

    Francine hurts Fern's feelings by calling her a mouse so to get even she and a bunch of kids draw embarrassing pictures of Francine. They continue until Ms.MacGrady tricks the kids into letting them know how Francine feels.

  • S02E03 Binky Barnes, Art Expert

    • October 21, 1997
    • PBS

    An art teacher assigns Arthur's class an art assignment and Binky gets teamed up with Arthur and Buster. They go to an art museum and Binky discovers a mistake with a certain drawing!

  • S02E04 Arthur's Lucky Pencil

    • October 21, 1997
    • PBS

    Arthur finds a pencil that gives him luck but when everyone else starts to use it, the pencil starts to get smaller and smaller, so Arthur hides it somewhere. He can't find it but is lucky anyway and when it is found D.W. takes it.

  • S02E05 D.W., the Picky Eater

    • October 22, 1997
    • PBS

    D.W. is a picky eater an doesn't eat everything on her plate. Grandma Thora's birthday dinner is coming up soon and because of her actions in the past she's not invited. Can she overcome this and come to the dinner?

  • S02E06 Buster and the Daredevils

    • October 22, 1997
    • PBS

    Buster meets these cool guys who knows skating tricks. He wants to be their friend but they dare him to do bad things. Will Buster see these guys for who they truly are?

  • S02E07 Arthur Makes a Movie

    • October 23, 1997
    • PBS

    Arthur wants to see a movie, but he is too young to see it, so he and his friends make a parody of the movie.

  • S02E08 Go to Your Room, D.W.

    • October 23, 1997
    • PBS

    When D.W. is sent to her room, she thinks it is because her parents only love Kate and Arthur. She eventually learns to be nice to Kate.

  • S02E09 Arthur's Underwear

    • October 24, 1997
    • PBS

    Arthur has an embarrassing dream about being seen in his underwear and it gets even worse when it happens for real!

  • S02E10 Francine Frensky, Olympic Rider

    • October 24, 1997
    • PBS

    Francine decides that she wants to learn how to ride a horse so she saves her money and gets lessons but things become worse when Katherine falls in love with her instructor.

  • S02E11 Buster Baxter, Cat Saver

    • October 27, 1997
    • PBS

    Buster saves a cat from up a tree and now he is known as a local hero because of an article in the newspaper.

  • S02E12 Play it Again, D.W.

    • October 27, 1997
    • PBS

    D.W. discovers the beauty of music as she first listens to her Crazy Bus compact disc which annoys Arthur. When it disappears she thinks he did it until they get a phone call from their parents at a party telling D.W. that they took it and it's the life of the party.

  • S02E13 Arthur's TV-Free Week

    • October 28, 1997
    • PBS

    It's trouble, right here in Elwood City. The kids--and their parents--have all pledged not to watch TV for one whole week. That's days, hours, and a whole bunch of minutes (10,680 to be exact, as Buster is horrified to discover). Can they last? Who will be the first to break?

  • S02E14 Night Fright

    • October 28, 1997
    • PBS

    Big, brave Binky Barnes. He'd be toast if people ever discovered he couldn't sleep without a night light. It's his deepest, darkest secret. When Arthur spends the night, and discovers the truth, Binky has no choice but to try... bribery.

  • S02E15 Arthur vs. the Piano

    • October 29, 1997
    • PBS

    Arthur must play a Beethoven piece on the piano in the Spring recital. He thinks it'll be a breeze and he goofs off, but then he has a nightmare about messing up the recital big time, and he begins to worry. Meanwhile, D.W. has a serious hiccuping problem!

  • S02E16 The Big Blow-Up

    • October 29, 1997
    • PBS

    Francine and The Brain get into a fight over which of them is the better soccer player. Their refusal to cooperate results in their team losing a bunch of games leading up to the big playoffs. Arthur and Buster have to find a way to get them to make up.

  • S02E17 Lost!

    • October 30, 1997
    • PBS

    Arthur gets on the wrong bus to his swimming lessons and gets lost. He acts maturely and asks people to help him get back to Elwood City.

  • S02E18 The Short, Quick Summer

    • October 30, 1997
    • PBS

    It's the end of the school year and Arthur and his friends enjoy the summer but things get tangled when it all goes by too quickly!

  • S02E19 D.W. Goes to Washington

    • October 31, 1997
    • PBS

    It's the 1st family trip and Arthur gets to choose. He chooses going to Washington, D.C. and D.W. thinks that she's going to be bored until she accidentally runs into the president of U.S.A.

  • S02E20 Arthur's Mystery Envelope

    • October 31, 1997
    • PBS

    Arthur gets an envelope from Mr.Haney to give to his mom but he's afraid that there's something bad in it!

  • S02E21 D.W.'s Deer Friend

    • April 6, 1998
    • PBS

    It's the 2nd family trip and D.W. gets to choose. She chooses camping and D.W. gets attached to a deer she met and wants to bring home.

  • S02E22 Buster Hits the Books

    • April 6, 1998
    • PBS

    Buster doesn't do a book report for Mr.Ratburn and the others react and think that he can't read. The truth is Buster only reads books that interest him, so when he picks up Robin Hood he decides to do his report on that. At the end Arthur and Buster start writing a sequel to Robin Hood.

  • S02E23 Arthur's Faraway Friend

    • April 7, 1998
    • PBS

    Arthur and Buster are on the urge of finishing their story for the sequel of Robin Hood. Everything is well until Arthur discovers that Buster has decided to go on a long trip to bond with his dad. Arthur fears that it's the end of their story and their friendship!

  • S02E24 Arthur and the Square Dance

    • April 7, 1998
    • PBS

    Francine and Arthur always are partners at Ms.MacGrady's square dance and soon Binky and Muffy start to wonder if Arthur and Francine are in love? Things get complicated and Arthur writes a letter to Buster (he's on a trip with his dad) for help. Does Buster have the solution?

  • S02E25 Water and the Brain

    • April 8, 1998
    • PBS

    Arthur and his friends are all invited by Muffy to go to Waterworld, but the Brain doesn't want to go. He and Binky spy on Brain and find out that he's afraid of water. They desperately try to cure this fear so they can all go to Waterworld together.

  • S02E26 Arthur the Unfunny

    • April 8, 1998
    • PBS

    Muffy has planned an after school carnival to take place at her house. She lets all her friends become clowns and goons except for Arthur because Arthur is not funny. He tries hard but no matter what he does it's just not funny until he finds a funny way to play the piano.

  • S02E27 Sue Ellen's Lost Diary

    • April 9, 1998
    • PBS

    When Sue Ellen drops her diary at the library, she is worried that someone has found it and is going to read it. She gets the gang to find the diary.

  • S02E28 Arthur's Knee

    • April 9, 1998
    • PBS

    Arthur and the Brain are doing a report, and one of the wheels breaks off. Arthur and D.W. go to the dump, where they are forbidden to go, and Arthur cuts his knee. How can Arthur tell his mom?

  • S02E29 Grandma Thora Appreciation Day

    • April 10, 1998
    • PBS

    Arthur and D.W. sleepover at Grandma Thora's house and find out that she gets lonely when there not here, so Arthur and D.W. throw her a party to help her get out of the blue's.

  • S02E30 Fern's Slumber Party

    • April 10, 1998
    • PBS

    Fern is not the most popular girl at school and she likes it that way but her mother doesn't so she throws a slumber party and tells all the kids to come. Eventually everything turns out great and she ends up getting the reputation as a detective.

  • S02E31 Love Notes for Muffy

    • April 13, 1998
    • PBS

    When Muffy annoys Francine and Brain they decide to get even with her by sending her fake love notes for an anonymous person to make her look goofy.

  • S02E32 D.W. Blows the Whistle

    • April 13, 1998
    • PBS

    D.W. gets a whistle from a safety guy and now she becomes the safest person in Elwood city.

  • S02E33 Francine Redecorates

    • April 14, 1998
    • PBS

    When Francine and Katherine get sick of each other Katherine moves out and haves her own room in the living room. While Francine tries to decorate her room it just won't work the way she plans. They soon want each other back and Katherine and Francine decide to both decorate the room by combining their ideas.

  • S02E34 Arthur the Loser

    • April 14, 1998
    • PBS

    Arthur loses at every game at anytime but when he gets a ""No Guessing"" game he becomes the biggest winner (cheater) in school.

  • S02E35 Arthur vs. the Very Mean Crossing Guard

    • April 15, 1998
    • PBS

    On the way home from school, Arthur and the Brain meet a crossing guard who wants $10.00 from them to cross the street. Is he for real or not?

  • S02E36 D.W.'s Very Bad Mood

    • April 15, 1998
    • PBS

    D.W. has been acting very badly in the Read household, and Arthur doesn't know why. Can Arthur and Francine find out before she keeps the whole family awake?

  • S02E37 D.W.'s Name Game

    • April 16, 1998
    • PBS

    D.W. gets praise from the Tibbles at being the best at name-calling, so she tries it on Arthur but it fails because he's older and knows more words so with the help of Katherine she looks up words in the Thesaurus that Arthur doesen't know and uses them against him.

  • S02E38 Finders Key-pers

    • April 16, 1998
    • PBS

    Binky, Brain, and Arthur all find a lost key and they all use their imaginations that tells them that it belongs to important stuff. They decide to split it 50/50/50, but when they find out that Mr. Morris is missing the keys to the sprinkler system they discover who it belongs to.

  • S02E39 How the Cookie Crumbles

    • April 17, 1998
    • PBS

    Muffy won last year's Strawberry baking contest in The Strawberry Festival because her father was the judge but this year when her friends help her bake strawberry cookies she takes the credit and wins the contest. Soon the cookies become so good that Muffy decides to run a business and sell them but not before she lets Arthur and friends get their share.

  • S02E40 Sue Ellen's Little Sister

    • April 17, 1998
    • PBS

    Sue Ellen is an only child and she envies her friends and their siblings, so the next day she goes out on a mission to find a little brother or sister. When Binky, Brain, and Prunella all fail she decides that D.W. is the perfect choice but one day with D.W. has changed her mind but when she goes home her parents have announced that they've adopted a little boy named Tenzin how is her new little brother.

Season 3

  • S03E01 Buster's Back

    • November 16, 1998
    • PBS

    Buster returns after a extremely long trip to bond with his father and a nervous Arthur wonders if Buster's trip made him change?

  • S03E02 The Ballad of Buster Baxter

    • November 16, 1998
    • PBS

    In this musical episode Buster feels left out having missed all the adventures since he was. He feels that everyone has changed and they feel the same about him, so Aarthur plans a party so they can rekindle their friendship with Buster.

  • S03E03 D.W., All Fired Up

    • November 17, 1998
    • PBS

    D.W. loves school (being in Pre-School and all) and wants to go everyday, but when Ms.Morgan starts doing fire drills she fears for her safety and doesn't want to go anymore. Will she get over her fear of fire drills?

  • S03E04 I'd Rather Read It Myself

    • November 17, 1998
    • PBS

    The Tibble Twins can do anything better than D.W. They even learned how to ride a 2-wheeler before her, so D.W. tries the impossible and tells them that she is able to read before them. They challenge her and she picks up a book and makes up a story, but when the Tibble's bring the book home for their Grandma to read to them her trick is revealed!

  • S03E05 Arthur Goes Crosswire

    • November 18, 1998
    • PBS

    Mr.Ratburn assigns partners for a project and Arthur gets teamed up with Muffy? After spending alot of time with her he starts to act just like her except he gets snotty with his friends so they change him back.

  • S03E06 Sue Ellen and the Brainasaurous

    • November 18, 1998
    • PBS

    Once again Mr.Ratburn assigns another partner project. This time Sue Ellen gets partnered up with Brain? Soon he starts to be a report hog and gets on Sue Ellen's nerves. Can she snap him to his senses to get this prehistoric project done with as a team?

  • S03E07 Background Blues

    • November 19, 1998
    • PBS

    Mr. Ratburn assigns a project that involves family ancestors. Muffy and Francine turn this project into a competition to see who has the best ancestors.

  • S03E08 And Now Let's Talk to Some Kids

    • November 19, 1998
    • PBS

    Arthur's class gets picked to be on a television show in which the Brain does not want to go on.

  • S03E09 The Chips Are Down

    • November 20, 1998
    • PBS

    D.W. eats a big green potato chip and to get her off his back Arthur tells her that it's fatal and she could die so D.W. spends this day as her last day until she finds out the truth.

  • S03E10 Revenge of the Chip

    • November 20, 1998
    • PBS

    D.W's mom tells the newspapers and everyone in town that story about D.W. and the green chip embarrassing her ultimately.

  • S03E11 Binky Rules

    • November 23, 1998
    • PBS

    Someone has been writing ""Binky Rules"" all over Lakewood Elementary, and Mr. Morris thinks it is Binky. Binky says he didn't do it, so Fern and Buster are trying to find out. They later find out it is a music group with the same name as Binky's.

  • S03E12 Meet Binky

    • November 23, 1998
    • PBS

    Everyone gets tickets for a concert starring the new group Binky.

  • S03E13 Arthur Rides the Bandwagon

    • November 24, 1998
    • PBS

    Everyone has a Woogle, the popular new toy... everyone except Arthur. He think that they're dweeby, until everyone else has one. He tries to obtain a wonderful Woogle, but the stores are all sold out! What will he do now?

  • S03E14 Dad's Dessert Dilemma

    • November 24, 1998
    • PBS

    After one of Mr. Read's scrumptious desserts makes Arthur the most popular kid in class, Arthur can't stop asking his dad to cook. Despite his dad's busy catering schedule, Arthur promises delectable desserts to anyone and everyone. Unfortunately, Mr. Read becames overworked and overloaded...will he ever recover? and will Arthur ever see the error of his ways?

  • S03E15 Popular Girls

    • November 25, 1998
    • PBS

    Fern and Sue Ellen read a teenage magazine, and after they take a quiz, they change the way they act. Fern turns loud and aggressive, while Sue Ellen falls back in everything.

  • S03E16 Buster's Growing Grudge

    • November 25, 1998
    • PBS

    When Binky steals Buster's joke for his report, Buster has a grudge against him.

  • S03E17 Arthur's Treasure Hunt

    • November 26, 1998
    • PBS

    When Buster finds an arrowhead in his yard; everyone wants to know if there are treasures in their yards. How will Arthur know if there are treasures in his yard if Mom will only let him dig behind the garage?

  • S03E18 The Return of the King

    • November 26, 1998
    • PBS

    When Mr. Ratburn's class goes to a medieval style fair, his old teacher, Mr. Pryce-Jones, comes with his class. Mr. Pryce-Jones' class wins all the games. The last contest is pulling a sword from a stone. Will Arthur prove that Lakewood is better than Glenbrook? (Glenbrook is the name of the school where Mr. Pryce-Jones' class is from).

  • S03E19 Attack of the Turbo Tibbles

    • November 27, 1998
    • PBS

    The Tibble's watch a dangerous superhero show and imitate it, but things get out of hand when they pretend that D.W is a bad guy and give her a busted lip.

  • S03E20 D.W. Tricks the Tooth Fairy

    • November 27, 1998
    • PBS

    D.W. wants money to buy a toy, so she plans to trick the tooth fairy so she can earn enough money for it.

  • S03E21 Double Tibble Trouble

    • December 28, 1998
    • PBS

    Tommy Tibble gets sick and Timmy Tibble gets sad so D.W. and Emily pretend to be Tibble's to make Timmy feel better until Tommy is well.

  • S03E22 Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival

    • December 28, 1998
    • PBS

    In this musical episode Arthur and Buster show D.W. that you don't need cameras, lights, etc. to make a music video.

  • S03E23 What Scared Sue Ellen?

    • December 29, 1998
    • PBS

    After everyone has told scary stories, Everything scares Sue Ellen, who is hardly scared at all, until she hears noises in the woods.

  • S03E24 Clarissa is Cracked

    • December 29, 1998
    • PBS

    Grandma Thora lends her doll to D.W. for a week, and she has a lot of fun. Then one day, Clarissa breaks! Will she get fixed before the end of the week?

  • S03E25 Arthur's Dummy Disaster

    • December 30, 1998
    • PBS

    When George brings his dummy, Wally, to school, everyone loves him. After awhile, they get tired of Wally. Will they stop him?

  • S03E26 Francine and the Feline

    • December 30, 1998
    • PBS

    Francine never had a pet, until Nemo comes along. Will Arthur convince her to get rid of him?

  • S03E27 Mom and Dad Have a Great Big Fight

    • December 31, 1998
    • PBS

    When Mom and Dad begin to fight over spilled milk, D.W. is worried that they might be getting a divorce. Arthur tries to convince her that they aren't getting a divorce, but Arthur, too, is worried.

  • S03E28 D.W.'s Perfect Wish

    • December 31, 1998
    • PBS

    Arthur notices that D.W. is not excited about her birthday, and he tells her about her memories throughout her year as a 4-year-old.

  • S03E29 Arthur and D.W. Clean Up

    • January 1, 1999
    • PBS

    Arthur is devastated that he has to clean up his room, and D.W.'s too. Will he have to miss Happy Crazy Wow Day at the park?

  • S03E30 The Long, Dull Winter

    • January 1, 1999
    • PBS

    Is Arthur bored? The gang decides to make up another holiday for the wintertime.

Season 4

  • S04E01 D.W.'s Library Card

    • October 4, 1999
    • PBS

    D.W. discovers that she can get her own library card and feel the power as Arthur has, but she can not write her own name. When she does and waits a week for a book to come in, she borrows it but never reads it because she thought she might destroy it.

  • S04E02 Arthur's Big Hit

    • October 4, 1999
    • PBS

    Arthur, after working hard hours of building a model airplane, D.W. throws it out the window to see if it flew, and the model exploded. Arthur became extremely mad and striked D.W.

  • S04E03 Hide and Snake

    • October 5, 1999
    • PBS

    While the kids played hide and seek, a snake showed up and Arthur brought it home. The thing that they discovered was that it was a poisonous snake and it was loose in Arthur's house.

  • S04E04 Muffy's New Best Friend

    • October 5, 1999
    • PBS

    Francine, tired of playing with Muffy because she never played soccer hangs out with Jenna, so Muffy searches for a new friend.

  • S04E05 Buster's Breathless

    • October 7, 1999
    • PBS

    D.W. obtained poison ivy while playing a game, so Buster recaps his problem with asthma and how everyone was afraid of him being injured or getting themselves injured.

  • S04E06 The Fright Stuff

    • October 7, 1999
    • PBS

    The girls prank the boys and the girls invite them to Muffy's celebration for the new ""Scare Your Pants Off Club Books"". The boys were really mad and they tried to pull a prank on the girls but they did not know that Muffy and Francine was also pulling a trick.

  • S04E07 The Contest

    • October 8, 1999
    • PBS

    Arthur and his friends enter a contest that they have to wait 5 years to find out who wins.

  • S04E08 Prove It

    • October 8, 1999
    • PBS

    When D.W. makes up a fake science museum, she makes up science to go with it! Can Arthur and the Brain stop her before she convinces everyone that snakes used to have feet?

  • S04E09 The Blizzard

    • October 11, 1999
    • PBS

    A blizzard strikes Elwood City and all the kids have to return home but before they do, they have to hand in their report which Francine did not finish so she had to write a longer report over the snowstorm days while the adults are scrambling all over the city, losing electricity and supplies.

  • S04E10 The Rat Who Came to Dinner

    • October 11, 1999
    • PBS

    Mr. Ratburn's house ceiling collapsed because of the weight from the snow on his roof, so he stays over at Arthur's house, and the surprising thing is that he began to like Mr. Ratburn.

  • S04E11 D.W. Tale Spins

    • October 12, 1999
    • PBS

    Grandma Thora tells D.W. a myth and this gave D.W. an idea to show to Arthur that she would make a better story than the ""Veggiemorphs"" using mythologies in her own version.

  • S04E12 Prunella Gets it Twice

    • October 12, 1999
    • PBS

    Prunella receives a Polly Locket for her birthday from her sister but she also gets one from Francine and Prunella did not like the gift so this made Francine unhappy, so Ghosts visit Prunella to tell her about how Francine worked so hard to get the doll.

  • S04E13 Binky Barnes, Wingman!

    • October 13, 1999
    • PBS

    Binky Barnes has a favourite pastime when Bug Week comes along - Butterflies, he worked very hard to collect these bugs for his report especially a hard blue-coloured kind.

  • S04E14 To Beat or Not to Beat

    • October 13, 1999
    • PBS

    There's a huge racket going on, on the roof of Francine's apartment but the kids realized it was Francine and now they must try to stop Francine from playing the drums and singing at the same time for the Talent Show.

  • S04E15 1001 Dads

    • October 14, 1999
    • PBS

    Arthur believes that Buster is sad because Buster could not bring his dad to the Father's Day Picnic to have a fun time because his dad is divorced so Arthur tries to help him by ""borrowing"" a father for Buster just for that day.

  • S04E16 Prunella's Prediction

    • October 14, 1999
    • PBS

    Flashpants! That was all that Prunella wanted and when she gets a hint from her sister, Rubella, she was excited about getting them for her birthday, but the gift was not what she suspected.

  • S04E17 What is that Thing?

    • October 15, 1999
    • PBS

    Arthur and his friends are facing impossible tasks, and they encounter a device that could help them fix all those problems, but they do not know what it is.

  • S04E18 Buster's Best Behavior

    • October 15, 1999
    • PBS

    Buster and Arthur feel like that they are boring and they think they are not good at anything, so they try to imitate each others' lifestyle.

  • S04E19 My Music Rules

    • October 18, 1999
    • PBS

    Cellist Yo-Yo Ma and Saxophonist Joshua Redman were invited by Grandma Thora and D.W, Arthur and his friends. They battle over what kind of music is better than the rest-Classical or Jazz.

  • S04E20 That's a Baby Show!

    • October 18, 1999
    • PBS

    When Arthur was about to watch Bionic Bunny, he realized that the show after Mary Moo Cow was weird and Fascinating, but all his friends think it is the babiest show of all time. What can Arthur do now?

  • SPECIAL 0x14 Arthur's New Friend

Season 5

  • S05E01 Arthur and the Big Riddle

    • September 4, 2000
    • PBS

    Alex Trebek lends his voice as Alex Lebek -- host of the cool new game show, RiddleQuest -- in this episode which poses the age-old riddle... is winning really everything?

  • S05E02 Double Dare

    • September 4, 2000
    • PBS

    What if your friends dared you to skip homework -- and then double dared you to skip school?! Find out what happens when Arthur's wish to play hooky becomes a group pact... and the plan goes not quite as expected.

  • S05E03 Kids are From Earth, Parents are From Pluto

    • September 11, 2000
    • PBS

    Francine's dad falling asleep in class? Arthur's dad telling food jokes in the cafeteria? Is it a bad dream?? No, it's Lakewood Elementary Parents Open House! How will the kids survive a whole evening of their parents' embarrassing antics?

  • S05E04 Nerves of Steal

    • September 11, 2000
    • PBS

    Buster can't cope with being the only kid in Elwood City who doesn't have a Cybertoy. Now, he could not stand it anymore, and he does something that would ruin his life, shoplift.

  • S05E05 It's a No-Brainer

    • September 18, 2000
    • PBS

    After a loss in the rehearsal math-a-thon against Buster, Brain decides to work on his new life....as a Comedian. Now Brain wants to hand everything down to Buster so Buster could be the new brain.

  • S05E06 The Shore Thing

    • September 18, 2000
    • PBS

    Arthur and D.W. who were obsessed with going to Aqualand, begged their father to go with them, but David tells them that going to Ocean Zone would be more fun. To Arthur, D.W. and Arthur's friends, it was a surprise.

  • S05E07 The World Record

    • September 25, 2000
    • PBS

    Arthur tells his friends about the World Records that have been broken, and they try to break some of the records. Buster, walking backwards, Francine trying to kick a soccer ball in the air the most times, Muffy not talking, and Binky, building the largest popsicle stick bridge. All these were very hard tasks, so Arthur decides to make the largest pizza in the world by getting help from the whole city.

  • S05E08 The Cave

    • September 25, 2000
    • PBS

    The kids of Lakewood Elementary go to the Clark Caves, and Fraincine and D.W. starts to bother Arthur of being afraid of bats and the dark. But it was Mr. Ratburn and Francine who were terribly afraid.

  • S05E09 The Lousy Week

    • October 2, 2000
    • PBS

    An army of lice has been unleashed on the heads of Lakewood Elementary. Now, the whole school must get rid of them before they all go insane.

  • S05E10 You Are Arthur...

    • October 2, 2000
    • PBS

    Hey, do you want to be Arthur for a day, Well here is a chance. You (Arthur) wake up one morning and you are going to run in a 3 kilometre race against other kids, but he must go through a training day with the Tibble Twins and D.W.

  • S05E11 The Election

    • October 9, 2000
    • PBS

    Mr. Ratburn's class has a mock election, and Muffy and Arthur are taking it really seriously until Binky is nominated.

  • S05E12 Francine Goes to War

    • October 9, 2000
    • PBS

    When there is a new neighbour in Francine's apartment, Mrs. Pariso, Francine and Muffy try everything to get rid of her, until Francine meets her and realizes she is just like her!

  • S05E13 Sleep No More

    • October 16, 2000
    • PBS

    Buster's destiny was to have a Pizza Paula's all-you-can-eat contest... free pizza for life! The only problem is that he is too excited so he could not go to sleep.

  • S05E14 Pet Peeved

    • October 16, 2000
    • PBS

    Binky volunteers to look after Francine's cat, Nemo, for the weekend. Binky thought it would be a fun weekend, plus that he would get five dollars, but he ignores the instructions given from Francine, plus all Nemo wanted to do was to sleep.

  • S05E15 The Last of Mary Moo Cow

    • October 23, 2000
    • PBS

    When D.W.'s favorite TV show is cancelled; she makes a petition to bring it back. She gets a tour of the set, and finds out it is still cancelled.

  • S05E16 Bitzi's Beau

    • October 23, 2000
    • PBS

    Buster's mom announces she has a new boyfriend, and Buster thinks his mom won't have time for him with her new boyfriend.

  • S05E17 Just Desserts

    • October 30, 2000
    • PBS

    Arthur could not resist sweets and when he gobbled down millions of sweets, a cake produced by his father was available and Arthur did not want to waste the chance, so he engulfed enough pieces to make him fall into a crazy dream... starring Mr. Ratburn as a child-eating witch, and many other insane events.

  • S05E18 The Big Dig

    • October 30, 2000
    • PBS

    Grandpa Dave would now only want to sleep and play checkers. Then one day Grandpa Dave shares a secret map, and Arthur and D.W. hunt for the buried treasure.

  • S05E19 Arthur's Family Feud

    • November 6, 2000
    • PBS

    Who ruined Dad's perfect soufflé? To solve this problem, Mom and Dad listen to both Arthur and D.W.'s version of what happened -- and the siblings demonstrate some very imaginative storytelling!

  • S05E20 Muffy Gets Mature

    • November 6, 2000
    • PBS

    Muffy began to read Mature Miss magazines, and she began to act more mature, and finds out all her friends are too juvenile and she searches for a more grown-up experience with Francine's teenaged sister and her cool cohorts.

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x1 Arthur's Perfect Christmas

    • November 23, 2000

    Plans are under way in Elwood City for the best holidays ever! Arthur, D.W., their friends and family make preparations for perfect gifts, perfect parties, and perfect family traditions for Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. But, just as in real life, perfection cannot last and things begin to fall apart. Arthur learns that the joy in Christmas isn't found in an artificial vision of the perfect holiday season, but in the wonderfully messy, imperfect world he lives in.

Season 6

  • S06E01 Sue Ellen Gets Her Goose Cooked

    • September 24, 2001
    • PBS

    Sue Ellen is the champion of the popular Internet game, Virtualgoose.com. She becomes so obsessed, however, that she starts imagining her friends as geese to be conquered! Can Sue Ellen give up Virtualgoose before she finally quacks...er, cracks?

  • S06E02 Best of the Nest

    • September 24, 2001
    • PBS

    Now that the gang has beaten Virtualgoose, they move onto Best of the Nest, where five geese fight to survive in the virtual woods. As the competition escalates, Brain becomes inspired to initiate a camping trip in the real woods. Will any of his friends be willing to forgo their computers for a real, live adventure?

  • S06E03 Arthur Plays the Blues

    • October 1, 2001
    • PBS

    Although Arthur's beloved piano teacher is retiring, she assures him that the new teacher is outstanding and famous, too! Then Arthur meets Dr. Fugue-who's as strict as he is odd-and begins to doubt his own abilities. Will Arthur be fired from playing the piano?

  • S06E04 Buster's Sweet Success

    • October 1, 2001
    • PBS

    When Buster signs up to sell candy for the band, he figures it's easy money-who doesn't love chocolate? Buster soon wishes that somebody loved it more than he does, because he eats it all himself. Will the band be doomed to wear tattered uniforms and play old instruments forever?

  • S06E05 Prunella's Special Edition

    • October 8, 2001
    • PBS

    The latest book about everyone's favourite boy wizard--Henry Skreever, of course--is finally in stores! Every kid in town is lining up to get it except Prunella, who's ordered a monogrammed, limited edition, coming all the way from England. She's in for a surprise, though, when they mix up her order and send a Braille version instead.

  • S06E06 The Secret Life of Dogs and Babies

    • October 8, 2001
    • PBS

    Ever wonder what Baby Kate and Pal are thinking? Join an adventure into their secret world, where Arthur and D.W. watch impossibly immature TV shows and silly grown-ups are often in need of rescue!

  • S06E07 Muffy's Soccer Shocker

    • October 15, 2001
    • PBS

    Muffy's proud that her dad is the new soccer coach until he exhausts the team with demanding drills like the piston, the muffler, and the-gulp!-shock absorber. Even if Muffy survives playing goalie in the big game against Mighty Mountain, will the team survive her dad?

  • S06E08 Brother Can You Spare a Clarinet?

    • October 15, 2001
    • PBS

    The try-outs for the Young Person's Orchestra are coming to Lakewood Elementaryand everyone agrees that Binky is a shoe-in, since he's the best musician in school. So why is Binky suddenly refusing to play in band practice? Has Binky turned against the clarinet or against music itself?

  • S06E09 The Boy Who Cried Comet!

    • October 22, 2001
    • PBS

    Buster is convinced that he's seen real UFO's, and he uses Muffy's fancy new telescope to get the proof. What he discovers is much more terrifying-a comet hurtling directly toward earth! Can Buster convince his friends that this sighting is real in time for them to save the planet?

  • S06E10 Arthur and Los Vecínos

    • October 22, 2001
    • PBS

    Mr. Sipple from next door is moving away and Arthur wonders-who will be the new neighbours? When Alberto Molina and his family settle in, Arthur makes a new friend and learns about a different culture...and about a comic book character named Conejitos Mechanicos! (That's Spanish for Bionic Bunny)

  • S06E11 Citizen Frensky

    • October 29, 2001
    • PBS

    After visiting The Elwood City Times, Francine decides to start her own paper-The Frensky Star! The tabloid, complete with embarrassing photos and sensationalized headlines, is a smashing success...until all her friends stop speaking to her.

  • S06E12 D.W.'s Backpack Mishap

    • October 29, 2001
    • PBS

    Somebody stole D.W.'s backpack!! Who is this fluffy unicorn thief... this Mary Moo Cow-napper? In the backpack left behind, D.W. finds clues in an assortment of exotic objects. Could the backpack thief be even more sinister than she imagined-or just well traveled?

  • S06E13 The Boy with His Head in the Clouds

    • November 5, 2001
    • PBS

    All the kids know that George is smart -- so why does he sometimes have trouble reading and writing? With a little help from others with dyslexia like Principal Haney ... and Leonardo DaVinci! ... George and the gang discover that learning happens in all different ways.

  • S06E14 More!

    • November 5, 2001
    • PBS

    D.W. is thrilled to be getting an allowance. At last, she'll be rich and powerful! When she learns that Emily and the Tibbles have been already getting theirs for ... well ... years, D.W. is devastated. How can she remain friends with them if they have more money than she does?

  • S06E15 Rhyme for Your Life

    • November 12, 2001
    • PBS

    While struggling to write a poem for his mom, Binky falls asleep and gets trapped in Verseberg ... where it's a crime not to rhyme! After tangling with the big purple orange and meeting poet William Carlos Williams, Binky finally escapes this curse -- but will he be able to stop speaking in verse??

  • S06E16 For Whom the Bell Tolls

    • November 12, 2001
    • PBS

    D.W. lost her voice! For Arthur it's a dream come true ... until Mom asks Arthur to take care of D.W., and he finds himself at the mercy of a bad mime with a cowbell. Will Arthur spend the rest of his life at D.W.'s beck and call, endlessly fetching ginger ale and playing Crazy-eights?

  • S06E17 The Good Sport

    • November 19, 2001
    • PBS

    When the Athlete of the Year Award doesn't go to Francine, she makes no effort to hide her hurt feelings from Jenna, the recipient. Michelle Kwan, world champion figure skater and graduate of Lakewood Elementary (who knew?), guest stars to teach Francine about good sports(wo)manship.

  • S06E18 Crushed

    • November 19, 2001
    • PBS

    Arthur can't believe his parents are hiring a babysitter -- he's 8 years old! Besides, babysitters are b-o-r-i-n-g! But 16-year old Sally MacGill's favourite hobbies are eating ice cream and playing the Dark Bunny VI: Curse of the Moomy videogame, and now all Arthur can think is ... wow.

  • S06E19 Arthur Loses His Marbles

    • November 26, 2001
    • PBS

    When Arthur discovers that Grandma Thora is a marbles champion, he trains with her so he can beat all his friends. And though Thora teaches Arthur everything he knows, she doesn't teach him everything she knows ... and it's Read versus Read in the first-ever Elwood City Marbles Tournament.

  • S06E20 Friday the 13th

    • November 26, 2001
    • PBS

    Brain doesn't believe in superstitions, even though his friends step over sidewalk cracks ... and even Mr. Ratburn walks around ladders. So when Brain's defiance leads to a string of bad luck, he's stunned. Can he reverse the trend before the unluckiest day of them all -- Friday the 13th?

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x2 Arthur, It's Only Rock 'n' Roll

    • September 1, 2002

    The Backstreet Boys are coming to Elwood City! While Muffy fantasizes about meeting her idol, Nick Carter, Francine gripes about everyone's infatuation with a bunch of sellouts. Fed up with the hype, Francine forms her own anti-sellout band, U Stink. But when U Stink becomes an overnight sensation, the band suffers from an identity crisis and Francine quits in a huff. Will U Stink rise to stardom without Francine? Will the Backstreet Boys make Muffy their manager?

Season 7

  • S07E01 Cast Away

    • October 8, 2002
    • PBS

    Arthur is thrilled when Dad invites him to go fly fishing for the weekend. Finally - an escape from D.W.! But when a change in plans forces them to include her, Arthur's had enough. Does D.W. always have to get her own way?

  • S07E02 The Great Sock Mystery

    • October 8, 2002
    • PBS

    Ever wonder where all those missing socks go? One minute they're in the laundry basket, and the next - poof! - they've vanished! Find out once and for all when Baby Kate and Pal - and some of their furry friends - team up to solve the great sock mystery.

  • S07E03 Francine's Split Decision

    • October 9, 2002
    • PBS

    Lakewood Elementary is sure to win the big bowling tournament on Saturday, with Francine leading the team. So what if Francine's cousin is having his Bar Mitzvah at exactly that same time? The amazing Francine can be in both places - or at least seem to be- and no one will be the wiser. Or so she thinks...

  • S07E04 Muffy Goes Metropolitan

    • October 9, 2002
    • PBS

    Muffy happily accepts Sue Ellen's invitation to spend the weekend in the bustling metropolis, Crown City. At last! Her big chance to revel in an unending parade of glamorous fashions, high culture, and fine cuisine! But can Muffy accept city realities that are quite different... yet perhaps more interesting... than her fantasies?

  • S07E05 Ants in Arthur's Pants

    • October 10, 2002
    • PBS

    To excel in science, Mr. Ratburn's class has to prove that they have P.A.N.T.S. - the ability to be patient, attentive, nosy, thoughtful, and systematic. And Arthur's certain he's got `em to ace his ant project... until the crawly creatures end up everywhere but in their ant-farm! Can Arthur's P.A.N.T.S. save his project - and save the ants from the exterminator?

  • S07E06 Don't Ask Muffy

    • October 10, 2002
    • PBS

    Muffy starts an advice column in the school newspaper to launch her career as a rich and famous talk-show host. There's only one problem - the kids are ignoring her, and flocking to a mystery advice-giver instead! If Muffy wants to be as popular as Hoprah Linseed, she'll have to learn a few lessons about competition and what really makes a good listener...

  • S07E07 To Tibble the Truth

    • October 11, 2002
    • PBS

    When the Tibble Twins' constant lying lands them in constant trouble, they promise to tell only the truth. But is telling every truth any better? Tommy and Timmy try to be honest Tibbles before they lose all their friends - and each other.

  • S07E08 Waiting to Go

    • October 11, 2002
    • PBS

    Binky and Brain collide on the soccer field, breaking Brain's new watch and nearly breaking their friendship. Could things get any worse? Well, yes - the other kids' rides have come and gone, leaving Binky and Brain behind. Will they spend the next 50 years sitting in the parking lot, waiting to go?

  • S07E09 Elwood City Turns 100!

    • October 14, 2002
    • PBS

    Arthur and his friends commemorate their 100th episode in show-stopping style! Mr. Ratburn' s class is chosen to stage a musical tribute to Elwood City for its centennial celebration... which quickly becomes a drama of missed cues, inflated egos, and alien invasions. And that's just behind the curtain! Stay tuned to see the real, human Larry King interviewing the animated Elwood City gang between parts I and II.

  • S07E10 Pick a Car, Any Car

    • November 25, 2002
    • PBS

    When the Read family car breaks down, Arthur is heartbroken...and a little bit suspicious. Will he be able to use his brain to save the vehicle before his parents replace it?

  • S07E11 Jenna's Bedtime Blues

    • November 25, 2002
    • PBS

    An invitation to Muffy's exclusive slumber party terrifies Jenna, an occaisional bed-wetter. How will she make it through the night without the other guests finding out her big secret?

  • S07E12 D.W.'s Time Trouble

    • November 26, 2002
    • PBS

    D.W. is sick and tired of being bossed around all the time and demands to know why she couldn't have been born before Arthur! So she goes on a magical trip through time to see what life would be like with Arthur as her little brother. Surely D.W. would be much happier if she were in charge... wouldn't she?

  • S07E13 Buster's Amish Mismatch

    • November 26, 2002
    • PBS

    During a field trip to Amish country, Buster becomes enamoured with the simple lifestyle and vows to forgo all modern conveniences back home. But this is easier said than done - living without TV or car rides is a bumpy road, and far worse, a lonely one. Will Buster find anyone to join him in his quest for a simple life?

  • S07E14 The World of Tomorrow

    • November 27, 2002
    • PBS

    Since Binky's repeating third grade, he's totally dreading Mr. Ratburn's annual class sleepover at the Science Museum. After all, he remembers how boring it was last year... wouldn't the second time around be twice as dull? But an enticing new exhibit - on visions of the future! - shows Binky that science knowledge can really come in handy.

  • S07E15 Is There a Doctor in the House?

    • November 27, 2002
    • PBS

    Arthur and D.W. face the ultimate challenge when Mom gets a bad cold and then... (gulp!)... gives it to Dad! What if Arthur has to take over Dad's catering business? And how will they raise Baby Kate all by themselves?

  • S07E16 Prunella Sees the Light

    • November 28, 2002
    • PBS

    To make everything perfect for her sleepover with Marina, Prunella happily styles her room to resemble a ""Henry Skreever"" book. But then she panics - since Marina is blind, will decorations she can't even see offend her... or worse, make her trip? Or will Prunella discover that her worries about protecting Marina - and their friendship - are more about Prunella's own perceptions rather than Marina's actual capabilities?

  • S07E17 Return of the Snowball

    • November 28, 2002
    • PBS

    For six months, two weeks and four days, D.W.has been trying to solve the mystery of her snowball's disappearance. So when it re-appears in the freezer, she's ecstatic!! But wait - if it was taken once, how can she stop it from being stolen again? Can D.W. keep the snowball safe from plotting thieves... or even from melting?

  • S07E18 April 9th

    • November 29, 2002
    • PBS

    After a huge fire in the teacher's lounge during the middle of the day Elwood Elementary School gets closed down. Frustrated with the devastation Arthur and his friends all react differently during the aftermath of the situation.

Season 8

  • S08E01 Dear Adil

    • September 15, 2003
    • PBS

    Arthur is excited to have a new pen pal named Adil and fantasizes about what life would be like in Turkey. Unfortunately, his notions about the country are just a tad outdated. Will Arthur learn about the hazards of stereotyping?

  • S08E02 Bitzi's Break-Up

    • September 15, 2003
    • PBS

    When Bitzi and Harry break up, Buster is sad to lose his favorite baseball buddy. How can he reunite the former couple in time for the next game?

  • S08E03 Fernfern and the Secret of Moose Mountain

    • September 16, 2003
    • PBS

    It's time to go hiking! The Elwood city kids are thrilled, but when pro Francine is assigned to be novice Fern's partner, squabbling ensues. Can the pair resolve their differences and get to the top of Moose Mountain?

  • S08E04 Thanks a Lot, Binky

    • September 16, 2003
    • PBS

    What's the point of doing a good deed if it goes unnoticed? When Binky is deprived of a simple 'thank-you', he resolves to quit doing good things for other people. Who can change his mind?

  • S08E05 Arthur's Snow Biz

    • September 17, 2003
    • PBS

    It's the most wonderful time of the year...for shoveling snow! Both Arthur and Buster start their own snow-removal businesses, eager to rake in the big bucks! Can these best friends be best competitors too?

  • S08E06 Bugged

    • September 17, 2003
    • PBS

    When Francine insults the Brain, he wakes up to find out he has a bug's body! Is this a crazy dream? Will Francine learn to keep her rude comments to herself?

  • S08E07 Fernkenstein's Monster

    • September 18, 2003
    • PBS

    When Fern composes a truly terrifying tale, the rest of her classmates begin to fear her. Determined to win them back, she tries her hand at a being a fun author rather than a scary one. Will she succeed?

  • S08E08 D.W., Dancing Queen

    • September 18, 2003
    • PBS

    When Binky and D.W. are paired up for a school project, they discover a mutual love for dancing, and decide to perform for the class. Everything seems great until Binky realizes that D.W. is not as talented when it comes to rhythm and beats and coordination. He decides to teach her the principles of ballet himself, but soon becomes frustrated by her practically non-existent progress. Will the duo get their act together in time?

  • S08E09 Vomitrocious!

    • September 19, 2003
    • PBS

    When Francine gets sick in school one day, she is reluctant to return. Will the kids call her Barfine?

  • S08E10 Sue Ellen Chickens Out

    • September 19, 2003
    • PBS

    Chickin Lickin, a fast food restaurant wants to replace the gang's beloved Sugar Bowl and Sue Ellen is outraged. She organizes a protest, but will her friends rally by her side?

  • S08E11 Postcards from Buster

    • December 22, 2003
    • PBS

    A) Postcards from Buster, Part I: Pack your bags! Buster is going to New York to visit his dad Bo. He won't have to go alone; the Reads will be joining him. B)Postcards from Buster, Part II In this combination of live action and animation, Buster and the Reads enjoy all the wondrous sights of New York, including Central Park and Broadway. With his trusty video camera documenting every move, Buster is having a blast! But what happens when he and his aardvark friend get lost in Chinatown?

  • S08E12 Desk Wars

    • December 23, 2003
    • PBS

    Arthur and his friends are trying to get the best desk.

  • S08E13 Desperately Seeking Stanley

    • December 23, 2003
    • PBS

    Arthur sells his bear Stanly, after he thinks the Brain thinks he needs to get rid of the bear, and move on.

  • S08E14 Muffy's Art Attack

    • December 24, 2003
    • PBS

    Muffy thinks that art is pointless and she has the sudden idea to put on her own Art Show. But when she forgets to make art for the show, she turns to Bailey and he ends up making every art piece. Will Muffy give Bailey the credit he deserves?

  • S08E15 Tales from the Crib

    • December 24, 2003
    • PBS

    Vicita is afraid to change from a crib to a big grown up bed so D.W. shares a story of when she had to make the big change.

  • S08E16 Flea to Be You and Me

    • December 25, 2003
    • PBS

    Pal and Kate meet a flea who's a ""circus performer"". He Begs them not to squish him after everything he's been through.

  • S08E17 Kiss and Tell

    • December 25, 2003
    • PBS

    Emily got kissed by a boy in France. Now D.W tries to find someone to kiss her.

  • S08E18 Big Horns George

    • December 26, 2003
    • PBS

    George's bad day gets worse when he comes over to Mrs. McGrady's house to sing for Koko Taylor and his friends insult his quiet voice. After listening to one of the Brain's CDs, George dreams that he and his ventriloquist dummy Wally are in a blues-related adventure. He builds a guitar with his dad and gets a second chance to overcome his stage fright. Will he be able to prove he isn't a a ""small-mouth"" to Koko Taylor and Taj Mahal?

  • S08E19 *Bleep*

    • December 26, 2003
    • PBS

    At a glass shop, D.W. overhears a word she doesn't know. D.W. is afraid to ask anyone what the word means, because she thinks that it causes people to break stuff. Arthur and the Tibbles warn her not to say it in front of grownups, or they will become zombie slaves (or at least the Tibbles say...). D.W. and Nadine put it to the test by having the neighborhood kid Vecita say it to her parents. D.W. accidentally says it to her mother while spying, and after apologizing to the neighbors, Mother tells her what the cuss word means. But the next day at school, all DW's friends are saying it. Here we go again...

Season 9

  • S09E01 Castle in the Sky

    • December 27, 2004
    • PBS

    The gang is devastated after their tree house collapses. It was the best place to hang out in the whole world! Can architect Frank Gehry get them to agree on a new design and help them to rebuild?

  • S09E02 Tipping the Scales

    • December 27, 2004
    • PBS

    Everyone in Arthur's chorus group is excited about their upcoming performance in Crown City. Everyone knows nothing beats that post-concert cheesecake at Finklemeyers! But when strict Dr. Fugue replaces fun Mrs. Krasny as their teacher, the gang worries -- will music class ever be fun again?

  • S09E03 Francine's Big Top Trouble

    • December 28, 2004
    • PBS

    Francine goes circus camp thinking she would be like Catherine, her sister, who was good at every thing at the camp. but when Francine does badly, she thinks that when it is time for the circus she wont have anythingto do. Will she be able to find something in time.

  • S09E04 George Blows His Top

    • December 28, 2004
    • PBS

    George is very generous with his things and is willing to give people things. Buster begins to take advantage of George asking him for so many things. But George is shy and is afraid to tell Buster no. Will he have the courage to stand up to his friend

  • S09E05 Arthur Weighs In

    • December 29, 2004
    • PBS

    Having landed a role for a class play, Arthur finds that he can't fit into his outfit. It would seem that he's become a bit, well, ""husky."" There's no way, though, that he's going to wear an ugly-looking husky suit. He and his friends team up to get him in shape, but it seems some non-peer advice might hold the key to the real solution.

  • S09E06 The Law of the Jungle Gym

    • December 29, 2004
    • PBS

    The Tough Customers --- most of the kids in Arthur's class fear them, even though they're definitely not the most fierce as far as bullies go. However, when Muffy tries using the jungle gym they use as their Tower of Pain for a photo shoot, she starts a feud that has everyone in Ratburn's class on her side. Muffy, however, doesn't care about freeing the jungle gym, she just wants a good space for her photo shooting. And Molly doesn't really want to terrorize Muffy, she just wants her old place to chill back. More Info --- ECDC

  • S09E07 Buster's Green Thumb

    • December 30, 2004
    • PBS

    Buster's Green Thumb: Buster learns to care for plants.

  • S09E08 My Fair Tommy

    • December 30, 2004
    • PBS

    My Fair Tommy: DW helps Tommy learn to be good.

  • S09E09 Lights, Camera, Opera!

    • December 31, 2004
    • PBS

    Mr Crosswire brings Muffy to an opera; she thinks she won't like it.

  • S09E10 All Worked Up!

    • December 31, 2004
    • PBS

    Mom (Mrs. Read) has to work a full time job; Arthur's good grade streak slips; chaos ensues.

  • S09E11 Arthur Makes Waves

    • April 4, 2005
    • PBS

    Arthur and D.W. look for a place to cool off and end up going to (the boy that kissed D.W.)'s house and learn that Molly lives there too. Molly makes many attempts to not let Arthur into the pool, but they all wind up becoming friends. When Muffy sees them shaking hands, she goes ahead and blabs to everybody that Arthur and Molly like each other and Binky, Rattles, and gang go to stop them from possibly becoming boyfriend and girlfriend!

  • S09E12 It Came From Beyond

    • April 4, 2005
    • PBS

    Grandma Thora takes in a stray dog that is extremely mean. When the dog is thought to go back to the animal shelter, it turns out it's a nice dog that has had a hard time.

  • S09E13 Three's a Crowd

    • April 5, 2005
    • PBS

    Prunella enjoys doing yoga with her Mom each morning and invites her friend Marina to join in. Marina seems to be a natural at yoga --- so much so that Prunella begins to worry that Marina is her Mom's new "favorite." Feeling rather upstage, she goes over to visit Marina's mom to hang out.

  • S09E14 A is for Angry

    • April 5, 2005
    • PBS

    The all-school checkers competition is coming up and Brain seems to be a shoo-in for the win. Suddenly, Arthur finds himself taking the Brain on --- but is he up to the challenge, and more importantly, is the bitter publicity campaign that's started to follow him healthy?

  • S09E15 The A Team

    • April 6, 2005
    • PBS

    Francine & The Brain are the star players on Elwood City's soccer team and when a new (and better) soccer team comes to town, Francine & The Brain quit their old team to join the better one. How will Elwood City's team do without them and are Francine & The Brain up for the challenge of joining a brand new team?

  • S09E16 Emily Swallows a Horse

    • April 6, 2005
    • PBS

    After Emily tells a lie, she becomes paranoid of someone figuring it out and she has a nightmare about the lie. Will Emily come clean or will she continue to tell lies?

  • S09E17 D.W. Beats All

    • April 7, 2005
    • PBS

    The Tibbles receive a new set of drums and want to perform in the Summer Serenade Festival, leaving D.W. to moan over not having her own instrument.

  • S09E18 Buster the Myth Maker

    • April 7, 2005
    • PBS

    Upon reading online that Siberian tigers are living in nearby Turkey Hill Park, Arthur and Buster investigate and learn that it is a myth.

  • S09E19 Binky Goes Nuts

    • April 8, 2005
    • PBS

    When Binky discovers that he's allergic to peanuts, he has so many questions: Will he be forced to live without Chinese food? Will he ever again be able to eat with his friends? And most importantly, will his Mom ever calm down? Binky learns that the best way not to go nuts is to be well informed and to understand his allergy. (official website synopsis)

  • S09E20 Breezy Listening Blues

    • April 8, 2005
    • PBS

    Much to his horror, Brain gets a ""B-"" on a test. That's only one grade above a C! What caused this disaster? Could it be the new ""Breezy Listening"" background music playing at the Ice Cream Shop? Brain is determined to get to the bottom of this before he loses what's left of his IQ. (official website synopsis)

Season 10

  • SPECIAL 0x3 Arthur and Buster Thanksgiving Spectacular

    • November 24, 2005
    • PBS

    This two-hour special featured several Arthur stories and two complete episodes of Postcards from Buster. This special featured interstitial postcard segments from Buster, segments with kids from the show Zoom (Taylor and Kyle) and a small additional factoid regarding Arthur and Buster. At the end of the special, a secret password for The Tibble Super Action Challenge, a new game at the official PBS Kids Arthur website was revealed. The Arthur stories shown were: "Buster's Green Thumb" "Dad's Dessert Dilemma" "Thanks a Lot, Binky" "The Ballad of Buster Baxter" The Postcards from Buster episodes shown were: "Best Friends" "Among the Hmong"

  • S10E01 Happy Anniversary

    • May 15, 2006
    • PBS

    Mr. Ratburn shows a film about perspective and then assigns the class an essay about it. Arthur and Buster are disappointed to have homework on the weekend of the big Bionic Bunny / Dark Bunny special (in which everything will be revealed), but vow to complete it before the start of the special. Arthur, however, struggles with the assignment. Mr. and Mrs. Read are celebrating their tenth anniversary at a fancy restaurant. They're dropping Arthur off for Buster's sleepover and D.W. at Grandma Thora's. But car troubles leave everyone stranded. Things seemingly go from bad to worse when Arthur and D.W. get locked in a storage room in an old diner. They're disappointed, and a bit scared, but find inspiration in an old radio drama called "Kid Carter and his Sidekick Mistral."

  • S10E02 The Squirrels

    • May 16, 2006
    • PBS

    Buster and Arthur poke fun at a classic horror film called The Squirrels, shown to them by Mrs. Baxter. Both of them, however, are secretly scared by it and afraid to go outside. In fact, everyone in Arthur's class except Binky has seen the film and are suddenly spending a lot more time indoors doing homework. Arthur resorts to drastic measures to solve the problem until he realizes that the only way to face the fear is to confront it head-on.

  • S10E03 Fern & Persimmony Glitchet

    • May 16, 2006
    • PBS

    Fern loves writing stories and dreams of being published. She sends a letter to the author of the books A Series of Horrendously Horrible Happenings, Persimmony Glitchet, who writes back in invisible ink. He encourages her to read, write and rewrite, and always look for opportunities to publish. She publishes a story in the Lakewood Elemntary Reader under the name Agatha Shelley, but it's dismissed as a boring failure. She wonders if she should give up, but reconsiders after receiving another letter and thinking about the second bit of advice.

  • S10E04 Desert Island Dish

    • May 17, 2006
    • PBS

    Arthur and his friends are challenged by Mr. Ratburn to come up with the perfect food for surviving on a desert island. Brain becomes suspicious about why Mr. Ratburn would give out such an easy assignment. When everyone brings in junk foods on presentation day, they discover it's not so easy, and must dive deeper for the perfect food - one that contains all the essential elements. Arthur, Francine and Buster think they have it figured out, but Brain is seemingly obsessed with the perfect food.

  • S10E05 The Secret About Secrets

    • May 17, 2006
    • PBS

    D.W. wonders what the big deal about secrets is, until she's finally told one by her preschool friend, James, who is ashamed after splitting his pants. He reminds her that she cannot tell anyone, so D.W. desperately tries to find a way to stop herself from letting the cat out of the bag. She imagines that she's part of a secret club, but finds its not as fun as she thought it would be. She's worried by nightmares, and also by her friend Emily, who wants to know the secret.

  • S10E06 Feeling Flush

    • May 18, 2006
    • PBS

    A drought comes to Elwood City, so residents are asked to conserve water.

  • S10E07 Family Fortune

    • May 18, 2006
    • PBS

    Arthur and Grandma Thora are fans of the show Treasure Caravan, so when it's announced that the show is coming to Elwood City, everyone begins rummaging for their most valuable possessions.

  • S10E08 D.W. Aims High

    • May 19, 2006
    • PBS

    It is almost Career Day at preschool, and D.W. is unsure of what she wants to be when she grows up, but after watching a space show on T.V., she is inspired to become to the first person to walk on Mars. The Tibbles try to trick her into believing that Mars is a dangerous place with giant martian lizards, which makes her start to wonder what's really there.

  • S10E09 Flaw and Order

    • May 19, 2006
    • PBS

    Dad's new crystal wedding cake platter is cracked, and Arthur is accused of breaking it after being caught on D.W.'s videotape, along with the off-screen noise of shattering glass. With the help of friends, Arthur and Buster launch a full Law and Order style investigation to find out what really happened. They become stumped trying to find out the source of an unknown sound that was also caught on tape.

  • S10E10 The Curse of the Grebes

    • May 22, 2006
    • PBS

    Three new power hitters join the Elwood City baseball team, The Grebes. Buster and Harry are huge fans and attend almost every game. But when the team begins to lose the championship, Buster learns the story about a decades-old curse that was set on the team, and wonders if he is the carrier of that curse, because the Grebes seem to lose every game he is at.

  • S10E11 Arthur Changes Gears

    • May 22, 2006
    • PBS

    Arthur scrimps and saves to buy a special bike called the GX Trailblazer 10,000. This bike has all sorts of special features, such as a 21-speed skip-shift. When he finally gets the bike, though, he finds that it's so nice that he wants to save it for a "special occasion." Despite his friends pleas that he should ride his nice new bike, he just polishes it and admires it. But then a specter from the past shows up to show Arthur just what might happen if he simply leaves that bike to sit.

  • S10E12 Unfinished

    • May 23, 2006
    • PBS

    Arthur finds himself the only kid at a "party for old folks." Heading away from the action, he instead becomes engrossed in a book titled 93 Million Miles in a Balloon (a bit like Around the World in 80 Days.) The books last pages are missing, however, leading Arthur on a frantic quest to try to find out the ending.

  • S10E13 D.W., Bossy Boots

    • May 23, 2006
    • PBS

    D.W. rates a "ten" on the boss-o-meter and lately her bossiness is causing her to lose friends. Stating that the problem is with everyone else, D.W. decides that she doesn't need friends anyway.

  • S10E14 Binky vs. Binky

    • May 24, 2006
    • PBS

    Binky has always somewhat fancied himself as "tough," but when it comes to athletics, it seems he always chokes when it comes to the clutch. He decides to erase all evidence of his past failures and give up sporting activities for good, only to find that he's a natural at biking. Mr. Frensky compares him to the champion Vince Legstrong and convinces him to register for a race. Binky, however, is still worried about failure, but learns that it's important to have fun and the only person you're ever really competing against is yourself.

  • S10E15 Operation: D.W.!

    • May 24, 2006
    • PBS

    After a series of ear infections, D.W.'s been having some problems hearing. It turns out that she needs to have an operation to remove some fluid in her ears. At first she isn't scared because she doesn't think it's a big deal. When Arthur says that she's being brave, she begins to wonder if she really is so brave at all.

  • S10E16 Do You Speak George?

    • May 25, 2006
    • PBS

    Kids at school begin to make up their own languages. Arthur and Buster create "Arster-Buther", and Francine and Muffy create "Oola". George, however, feels left out because he can't understand any of it, due to his Dyslexia, so he comes up with a language of his own, a language without words.

  • S10E17 World Girls

    • May 25, 2006
    • PBS

    A new line of dolls has come out. The "World Girls", figurines dressed to represent every nationality, are the new trend, and when the new superstore "World Girl World" opens, Muffy is determined to buy every single one, and brings along Francine, who is not particularly interested in it, and Sue Ellen, who has her heart set on finding only one specific doll.

  • S10E18 What's Cooking?

    • May 26, 2006
    • PBS

    Arthur enters a cooking competition at school, hosted by famous chef, Ming Tsai, with plans to make a chocolate cake. His dad insists on wanting to help, even thought it's a Kids-only competition. But when Arthur makes a mistake, adding baking soda instead of baking powder, he learns that many great foods were created by accident. Meanwhile, Arthur, Muffy and the others are also worried about the type of judge Ming will be.

  • S10E19 Buster's Special Delivery

    • May 26, 2006
    • PBS

    When Ms. Tingly quits the position of handling the school's morning mail, Mr. Haney selects the first student mail carrier. Many students try out, but in the end, Buster makes the cut. On the first day of the job, he mixes up the letters, resulting in several delivery problems around the school, but with advice from the neighborhood mailman, Buster learns what doing the job well is all about. Buster becomes very proud of his job, but finds that it's taking a lot out of him.

Season 11

  • S11E01 Swept Away

    • June 25, 2007
    • PBS

    Arthur, Buster and D.W. enjoy summer vacation at the beach. When it becomes unsafe to swim, Grandma Thora suggests building a sandcastle and they quickly become immersed in this pastime. When the tide threatens to sweep away their castle, Arthur isn't ready to let it go.

  • S11E02 Germophobia

    • June 25, 2007
    • PBS

    Buster friends are getting tired of his unclean habits --- he plays hide-and-seek in trash cans, eats food that's been on the ground and doesn't always wash his hands. They've decided he needs to clean up, or they're not coming to his pool party. When they teach him about germs, however, he begins to fear them everywhere. Now, he's afraid to touch anything and is seeing swarms of imaginary germs wherever he goes.

  • S11E03 Arthur Sells Out

    • June 26, 2007
    • PBS

    Arthur is excited about the release of the new video game Dark Bunny: Return of the Moomies, but doesn't have the money to buy it. When his attempt at online sales through the school newspaper falls flat, Buster recommends getting advice from Muffy. Muffy's sales tactics soon result in great sales, but border on dishonesty and leave Arthur facing an important moral decision.

  • S11E04 Mind Your Manners

    • June 26, 2007
    • PBS

    After missing Grandparents' Day, Tommy and Timmy Tibble want to do something to nice for their grandma, but their manners aren't up to par. When D.W. refuses to help them, they try practicing on their own with less than stellar results. Then Molly offers some advice that may just be what they need.

  • S11E05 Buenas Noches, Vicita

    • June 27, 2007
    • PBS

    When Vicita loses her favorite storybook, "The Magic Mango Tree," it looks like she may never get to sleep again. Nothing else seems to help her sleep, but then D.W. helps her to see that she knows the story by heart. Worried, however, that she got one of the details wrong, she sets out to correct her error in a dream.

  • S11E06 Prunella Packs it In

    • June 27, 2007
    • PBS

    Prunella's older sister's anxieties about going to college wear off on her. Knowing that she's only an okay student, she aims to become well-rounded by loading up on a bunch of activities. She soon finds herself overscheduled and overwhelmed, not to mention that she's not having any fun.

  • S11E07 Phony Fern

    • June 28, 2007
    • PBS

    Fern is offended by everyone's constant use of cell phones, until she surprisingly becomes addicted to the one her parents got her for "emergency use only." After being shown its cool features by Muffy, they become cell phone pals and are soon chatting constantly. Things even get so bad that Fern is busted for cell phone use in

  • S11E08 Brain's Shocking Secret

    • June 28, 2007
    • PBS

    Until now, only Prunella knew Brain's big secret --- that he was held back in kindergarten. When his classmates find out, he lies about the real reason why, too embarrassed to tell. His fake reason, however, causes Binky to start trying to emulate him, even taking his nickname and leaving as him as "The Esophagus."

  • S11E09 Baby Kate and the Imaginary Mystery

    • June 29, 2007
    • PBS

    When Nadine misses an appointment for tea with Vicita's imaginary friend, Tweenie, Baby Kate and Pal grow concerned. They launch an investigation, worried that she may have been kidnapped by the Tibbles. Along the way, Francine's cat Nemo is pulled into the investigation.

  • S11E10 Strangers on a Train

    • June 29, 2007
    • PBS

    Sue Ellen is excited at the prospect of riding an "old-fashioned" train, but discovers that the train seems to be just "old" instead. It's really run down and with no other kids riding, she's worried the trip isn't going to be any fun. Then, the discovery of a mysterious diary looks to brighten the prospects for adventure on the trip.

  • S11E11 The Making of Arthur

    • September 3, 2007
    • PBS

    When Matt Damon announces a new series called Postcards from You, Arthur and his friends are excited by the opportunity to create videos about their daily lives. Everyone has a great idea for a video except Arthur, who isn't sure what to do. He keeps bouncing between ideas, but can't settle on anything, and finds himself hindered by D.W.'s insistence on participating. He also has to contend with having been chosen as Buster's project.

  • S11E12 Dancing Fools

    • September 3, 2007
    • PBS

    When Muffy finds herself attending a dance class alone, she signs up Francine without her consent. At first, Francine is irritated, but soon warms to the activity when she discovers that she and George are great together at ballroom dancing. The two are so good that they're soon invited to attend a big competition, much to the disdain of both Muffy and Binky.

  • S11E13 Hic or Treat

    • September 4, 2007
    • PBS

    As Arthur tries to prepare his costume for Halloween, he finds himself distracted by D.W.'s persistent case of hiccups. She's been hiccuping for two days straight it seems like they just won't go away. On Brain's advice, he tries scaring her, but it doesn't seem to work. He discovers that D.W. is frightened by some very unusual things.

  • S11E14 Mr. Alwaysright

    • September 4, 2007
    • PBS

    When Buster gets Brain's help in shopping for a hat for his Mom, he chooses to ignore his advice and finds that his Mom doesn't like the hat. Infuriated that Brain always seems to be right about everything, he soon takes to quizzing the Brain everywhere he goes, hoping to trip him up. Brain soon cottons on to what's happening, but also begins to realize what may really be troubling Buster.

  • S11E15 Francine's Pilfered Paper

    • September 5, 2007
    • PBS

    When Mr. Ratburn assigns everyone in his class an individual topic about Thanksgiving to write a five-page report on, Francine feels that she's "doomed." She has no idea how she's going to come up with five pages on the Pilgrims' eating habits, until Brain shows her how to use a search engine to find information about the subject on the Internet. She copies the contents of an entire article and hands it in as her report, looking forward to a relaxing holiday. She then learns from her sister that what she's done is plagiarism and could get her suspended from school.

  • S11E16 Buster Gets Real

    • September 5, 2007
    • PBS

    Arthur is bored by a new reality-TV program his family is obsessed with --- Top Supermarket Chef. When he learns that his best-friend Buster prefers it over The Bionic Bunny Show, he fears their friendship may be at an end. He's determined, though, to maintain that friendship, even if it means taking drastic measures, such as becoming a fan of this supermarket show himself...

  • S11E17 D.W. on Ice

    • September 6, 2007
    • PBS

    When Emily announces a skating party to celebrate mid-winter, D.W. brags about being a great skater. She feels she's so good that she even offers lessons to James, who is worried about his skating skills. D.W., however, is overconfident, having only gone ice-skating three times in her life. She begins to learn that sometimes it takes practice to be good at something.

  • S11E18 Spoiled Rotten!

    • September 6, 2007
    • PBS

    When Francine accuses Muffy of being a spoiled brat, Muffy is determined to prove otherwise. The school's clothing drive seems like the perfect opportunity, but Muffy's ideas of charity don't exactly impress Francine. Muffy wrestles with the idea of being spoiled and tries to learn what it means to be charitable.

  • S11E19 Big Brother Binky

    • September 7, 2007
    • PBS

    When Binky's parents tell him that they're adopting from China, he isn't sure what to make of it at first. He learns that "adopting" means that he's going to become an actual big brother to a baby girl and will be heading to China to meet his new sister. Binky eagerly assists with preparations for the big trip and the new arrival, but begins to become concerned that his parents will no longer have any time for him. After his worries are eased, the big moment finally comes. At first, Binky is ill at ease around his new sister, who seems to cry a lot, but then discovers a special talent. Back at home, he's eager to show off his new talent to his friends, but finds that he seems to have lost it.

Season 12

  • S12E01 Is That Kosher?

    • October 6, 2008
    • PBS

    Francine's convinced that she can fast on Yom Kippur just like her older sister. But then Arthur wins a free pizza party for all his friends for that very same day! Will Francine be able to resist?

  • S12E02 Never Never Never

    • October 6, 2008
    • PBS

    When D.W's extra toys fall into the hands of the destructive Tibble twins, she worries that no one loves her anymore - until Arthur comes to the rescue and proves that giving gifts isn't the only way of showing you care.

  • S12E03 Room to Ride

    • October 13, 2008
    • PBS

    Binky really enjoys riding his bike, both for fun and as a means of getting to school and back. Elwood City's potholed roads are not conducive to biking, however, and Binky is devastated when his mother forbids him from riding on the streets after he comes home injured. After hearing that the upcoming election will include an issue on bike lanes, Binky whips himself and his friends into action, but has trouble getting anyone to care. Muffy tries to convince him that he needs "star power," but a visit from an actual star helps him to see what's really important.

  • S12E04 The Frensky Family Fiasco

    • October 13, 2008
    • PBS

    After watching a nature film about animal families, Francine is convinced that her own family needs to come closer together. She proposes that they have a family night and though the idea is met with resistance at first, everyone soon warms to it. The Frenskys agree that each week a different one of the will set the agenda, but they find themselves arguing instead of becoming closer.

  • S12E05 D.W.'s Stray Netkitin

    • October 20, 2008
    • PBS

    D.W. enjoys taking care of her Netkitten, Tickly, but finds herself cut off when the Read family computer suffers from not one, but two computer viruses. Arthur and Buster reluctantly agree to help, but D.W. worries that they're trying to make the pet their own. She turns to Emily for help, but finds herself in much the same situation.

  • S12E06 Bats in the Belfry

    • October 20, 2008
    • PBS

    Arthur has learned from hard experience that things that seem too good to be true usually are. Nevertheless, he and D.W. are excited when Grandma Thora offers the use of her attic as a clubhouse, but have trouble deciding how to split it. The two struggle with a timeshare agreement, but find themselves facing potentially a bigger problem when a bat is discovered roosting in the attic.

  • S12E07 For the Birds

    • October 27, 2008
    • PBS

    Brain is delighted when he learns that the green-tailed grebe, a bird previously believed to be extinct, has been sighted in the forests of Elwood City. He's determined to be the first to take photographic evidence of it, but becomes worried when Mr. Ratburn starts a bird-watching club. He tries to hide his growing obsession, concerned that someone will beat him to the punch.

  • S12E08 Ungifted

    • October 27, 2008
    • PBS

    When Buster discovers a model kit in his home, he has a lot of fun assembling it. He gives the completed model to Arthur as a present and Arthur later trades it for a signed Dark Bunny poster. When Buster learns what Arthur did, he is upset, wondering just what Arthur's done with the Arthur presents he's given him in the past.

  • S12E09 The Chronicles of Buster

    • November 3, 2008
    • PBS

    Buster is enthralled by the new Collector's Edition of The Chronicles of Amayzzia, so much so that it seems like it's all that he can talk about. When Mr. Ratburn starts the on rock-climbing, he soon spots that Buster has a natural talent for it. He pairs Buster with Arthur, but Buster keeps skipping practice to watch the special features on his DVD. Arthur becomes upset, worried that they're going to miss the trip to Mt. Krakauer.

  • S12E10 On This Spot

    • November 3, 2008
    • PBS

    Arthur is excited when he discovers that the famous Native American, Sitting Bull, once performed in Elwood City. Spurred on by a vision, he begins an effort to have a memorial plaque created. He gets the help of Mr. Ratburn and a local history effort, but finds his friends more interested in the affairs of modern-day celebrities.

  • S12E11 The Cherry Tree

    • April 20, 2009
    • PBS

    When her favorite cherry tree is cut down, Muffy rethinks the consequences of having a Dream Bouncy Castle at her party

  • S12E12 Matchmaker, Matchbreaker

    • April 20, 2009
    • PBS

    Muffy and Francine try to hatch a family romance, hoping to become sisters.

  • S12E13 War of the Worms

    • April 21, 2009
    • PBS

    Fern tricks Brain into believing an outrageous tall tale

  • S12E14 I Owe You One

    • April 21, 2009
    • PBS

    Buster is determined to repay Arthur for all the favors that he ever gave him.

  • S12E15 The Blackout

    • April 22, 2009
    • PBS

    The residents of Elwood City suffer a blackout on the town's hottest day

  • S12E16 Mei Lin Takes a Stand

    • April 22, 2009
    • PBS

    Mei-Lin is resistant when it comes to learning to walk.

  • S12E17 Home Sweet Home

    • April 23, 2009
    • PBS

    Buster worries about a trip to summer camp

  • S12E18 Do You Believe in Magic

    • April 23, 2009
    • PBS

    Arthur becomes competitive with Buster when Buster is hired as a magician at D.W.'s party.

  • S12E19 The Perfect Game

    • April 24, 2009
    • PBS

    Francine tries to overcome perfectionism

  • S12E20 D.W.'s Furry Freakout

    • April 24, 2009
    • PBS

    D.W. brings home and tries to care for a stray kitten.

Season 13

  • S13E01 No Acting Please

    • October 12, 2009
    • PBS

    When Fern lands a role in the Elwood City community production of It Began With a Whistle, she fears that she is not talented enough to be a star actress. But director Will Toffman, voiced by actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, teaches Fern how to have fun, be herself and truly shine.

  • S13E02 Prunella Deegan and the Disappointing Ending

    • October 12, 2009
    • PBS

    The final volume of the Henry Screever series, The Knights of the Bouillabaisse, is released at last. Prunella and Marina compete to see who will be first to finish the book, but the two friends soon learn that speed reading does not always pay off.

  • S13E03 The Silent Treatment

    • October 13, 2009
    • PBS

    George wonders whether anyone would notice if he just disappeared, and so vows not to speak until someone notices him. Of course, his friends do notice, and they decide to cheer him up with a surprise party.

  • S13E04 Kung Fool

    • October 13, 2009
    • PBS

    Fern volunteers to help an elderly neighbour, Tony Wu, with his household chores, and then discovers his past life as a kung fu celebrity. Suddenly she imagines herself as his student, and she will soon be a kung fu master herself! But will Fern be disappointed to learn that dish cleaning and laundry folding are not really part of some special martial arts training? Or can she learn a valuable lesson in acceptance and friendship?

  • S13E05 Arthur's Number Nightmare

    • October 14, 2009
    • PBS

    When Arthur and the gang suspect they are being ranked at school, they become obsessed with what the numbers mean. Is Arthur really smarter than Brain? And is Buster's lucky number eleven? The kids get a surprising lesson in numbers.

  • S13E06 Brain Gets Hooked

    • October 14, 2009
    • PBS

    Brain gets hooked on the latest tween reality show, Junior Island. He knows he has a problem when he starts to ignore his friends and his schoolwork. But what can he do to break the addiction?

  • S13E07 MacFrensky

    • October 15, 2009
    • PBS

    When Francine and the Brain are locked in a stiff competition to win student of the month, Muffy talks Francine into 'borrowing' Buster's toy and letting Brain take the blame for it. As the lies grow and the prize gets closer, however, Francine's guilt increases. Can she come clean and wash her hands of this dastardly deed?

  • S13E08 The Good, the Bad, and the Binky

    • October 15, 2009
    • PBS

    As Emily's new babysitter, Binky introduces his charge to the world of pro-wrestling, and teaches her some fierce moves. But when Emily starts ruffling the feathers of other pre-schoolers on the playground, Binky worries that he has not been the best role model. Can he restore Emily to her former, tea-party loving, self?

  • S13E09 The Great MacGrady

    • October 19, 2009
    • PBS

    When Lakewood Elementary`s beloved lunch lady Mrs. MacGrady is diagnosed with cancer, Arthur and his friends all react differently to the news—Arthur and D.W. rush to her side with heaps of chicken soup and stuffed animals, Muffy tries to pretend that nothing in her life has changed, and Francine is so upset she can`t even bring herself to visit Mrs. MacGrady. In this moving episode, both parents and kids learn how they can come together to support Mrs. MacGrady and each other—and Lance Armstrong makes a special appearance to show Francine and the Elwood City residents how they can take a stand, or ride a bike, for cancer survivors.

  • S13E10 When Carl met George

    • April 5, 2010
    • PBS

    George is excited about spending time with his new friend, Carl, who seems to know all kind of cool facts about trains and about... well lots of things! Then George learns that Carl has Asperger's Syndrome - a form of autism that makes Carl see the world differently than most people. Can George and Carl remain good friends - and perhaps even learn from each other?

  • S13E11 D.W. Swims with the Fishes

    • April 5, 2010
    • PBS

    D.W. and James enter the pre-school swim meet and recruit their big siblings to coach them. All goes swimmingly until Arthur and Molly start taking their jobs a little too seriously. Who's this race about, anyway?

  • S13E12 The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Tibble

    • April 6, 2010
    • PBS

    The Tibbles sell their art works to raise money for a toy by using pity.

  • S13E13 The Secret Guardians

    • April 6, 2010
    • PBS

    Arthur, Binky, and Sue Ellen find a woodland oasis near their homes and vow to keep the area a secret. Soon they start to find evidence of human habitation and wonder if they've discovered an ancient civilization.

  • S13E14 Fernlets by Fern

    • April 7, 2010
    • PBS

    Fern and Muffy start a greeting card business. Muffy paints the covers and Fern writes the poems. All the work makes Fern lose interest in writing, so she tries to figure out how to get make it interesting again.

  • S13E15 Prunella and the Haunted Locker

    • April 7, 2010
    • PBS

    Prunella is assigned a new school locker, which is rumored to be haunted. Prunella learns how to be brave and face her fears.

  • S13E16 Paradise Lost

    • April 8, 2010
    • PBS

    Baby Kate begins to learn to talk, but starts to not be able to understand Pal anymore. They go to the Dolly Llama for an answer.

  • S13E17 The Pride of Lakewood

    • April 8, 2010
    • PBS

    To boost school pride, Arthur and his ates form the Lakewood Pride Committee, which seems to pressure and brainwash students to have pride for their school. Sue Ellen and Brain don't join the group and are accused of not loving their school.

  • S13E18 Looking for Bonnie

    • April 9, 2010
    • PBS

    Famous rock musician Dean Lomax visits Elwood City and calls on George's dad to fix his equally famous guitar, named Bonnie. Legend says that Bonnie is magical, and Buster and George are convinced that just one strum will give them special powers. And during one late night sleepover, they sneak into Dad's workshop to find out if it's true...

  • S13E19 The Secret Origin of Supernova

    • April 9, 2010
    • PBS

    Arthur is dismayed when he learns an energy drink endorsed by his favorite comic book character is full of sugar - it doesn't give you any special energy or magic powers at all! Will Arthur be able to find any superheroes who aren't out to make money - or can he create his own?

Season 14

  • S14E01 The Wheel Deal

    • October 11, 2010
    • PBS

    Brain learns how to play basketball while in a wheelchair from a girl named Lydia.

  • S14E02 The Buster Report

    • October 11, 2010
    • PBS

    George decides to write a report on someone he respects, that person is Buster.

  • S14E03 The Agent of Change

    • October 12, 2010
    • PBS

    Annoyed by gender stereotypes in the media, Francine, Muffy and Molly make their own little animated movie with girls as the main characters.

  • S14E04 D.W. Unties the Knot

    • October 12, 2010
    • PBS

    D.W. watches a reality show's wedding and decides that she wants to have one too. Her ideal husband turns out to be James!

  • S14E05 Nicked by a Name

    • October 13, 2010
    • PBS

    Brain gives everyone nicknames, but Arthur doesn't like his nickname

  • S14E06 The Play's the Thing

    • October 13, 2010
    • PBS

    Muffy gets a new cellphone and helps the Tough Customers start an amusement park on the playground.

  • S14E07 Falafelosophy

    • October 25, 2010
    • PBS

    Sue Ellen writes a graphic novel about circles and triangles. However her friends think it's unusual.

  • S14E08 The Great Lint Rush

    • October 25, 2010
    • PBS

    Pal and Amigo need to buy back socks from Mr. Toad. who has brought all of the socks.

  • S14E09 Tales of Grotesquely Grim Bunny

    • October 29, 2010
    • PBS

    Arthur, Buster and Fern buy one Grotesquely Grim Bunny comic after the local comic store goes under new management. Arthur is afraid to admit the new comics scare him.

  • S14E10 Pet Projects

    • October 29, 2010
    • PBS

    Arthur and Buster make videos about Pal, while Francine and Muffy make videos about Nemo. However Pal and Nemo don't like the results.

  • S14E11 Follow the Bouncing Ball

    • April 22, 2011
    • PBS

    When Alberto and Francine accidentally exchange soccer balls in the park, Alberto's ball travels with Francine throughout Elwood City and, eventually, the world.

  • S14E12 Buster Baxter & the Letter from the Sea

    • April 22, 2011
    • PBS

    Buster discovers a message in a bottle and believes it to be a from the people of the lost City of Atlantis

  • S14E13 Around the World in 11 Minutes

    • April 25, 2011
    • PBS

    In an attempt to discover just how big the world is, Pal, Kate, Mei-Lin, and Amigo take an imaginary trip around the world.

  • S14E14 Muffy and the Big Bad Blog

    • April 25, 2011
    • PBS

    A feud erupts after Francine suggests to an obsessed Muffy that she spends too much time blogging.

  • S14E15 Arthur Unravels

    • April 26, 2011
    • PBS

    Arthur's Grandmother teaches him how to knit. However, embarrassed by his new skill, he tries to hide it from everyone else.

  • S14E16 All the Rage

    • April 26, 2011
    • PBS

    Inspired by fashion icon Capri, Muffy tries her hand at making accessories. She comes up with edible scarves, ankle purses, and soft "armings." All of which fail to gain popularity.

  • S14E17 D.W., Queen of the Comeback

    • April 27, 2011
    • PBS

    When D.W. gets her hair cut too short by a clown barber, the Tibbles begin to tease her about it, prompting her to seek advice on comebacks.

  • S14E18 In My Africa

    • April 27, 2011
    • PBS

    When Brain's cousin Cheikh moves to Elwood City from Senegal, D.W. is embarrassed that she knows nothing about the continent. With the help of Brain, she makes a song to re-memorize all the names of African countries.

  • S14E19 Buster Spaces Out

    • April 28, 2011
    • PBS

    Buster, decides to build a model rocket ship. Chaos ensues.

  • S14E20 The Long Road Home

    • April 28, 2011
    • PBS

    George decides to walk from Crown City to Elwood City to raise money for autism research. Alberto's "El Boomerang" soccer ball, is returned to Alberto on his birthday.

Season 15

  • S15E01 Fifteen

    • October 10, 2011
    • PBS

    Arthur has fifteen minutes to get back home get his report and get back to school before class starts. Pal and Kate have to foil the Red Claw and George is on the school's radio show "15 minutes of Fame" The question is can everyone get their missions accomplished in only fifteen minutes?

  • S15E02 I Wanna Hold Your Hand

    • October 11, 2011
    • PBS

    George sees Binky hold his mother's hand. Binky doesn't want anyone else to know.

  • S15E03 Whistling in the Wind

    • October 11, 2011
    • PBS

    Timmy Tibble can't whistle as loud as his brother Tommy Tibble.

  • S15E04 Buster's Secret Admirer

    • October 12, 2011
    • PBS

    Buster receives chocolates in the mail from a "secret admirer" and tries to uncover who it was sent by.

  • S15E05 The Last King of Lambland

    • October 12, 2011
    • PBS

    James' uncle in Scotland sends him a stuffed toy lamb based on a legend.

  • S15E06 Cents-less

    • October 13, 2011
    • PBS

    Mr. Ratburn decides to have his students learn a lesson about handling money. Telling them that they can't spend any money for the weekend and have to barter for what they want.

  • S15E07 Buster the Lounge Lizard

    • October 13, 2011
    • PBS

    Buster brings his dark buggy toy to school, however his toy accidently ends up in the teacher's lounge. Now it's up to Buster, with the help of Binky to get his toy back.

  • S15E08 To Eat or Not to Eat

    • October 14, 2011
    • PBS

    A new candy bar that Buster wants to try is making anyone who eats the candy bar act strange.

  • S15E09 S.W.E.A.T.

    • October 14, 2011
    • PBS

    The third graders students are worrying over their upcoming Stoddard Wilkins Elementary Aptitude Test (S.W.E.A.T).

  • S15E10 Prunella the Pack Rat

    • April 16, 2012
    • PBS

    Prunella receives help from her friends to clean out her closet. She has kept everything since she was a baby, making her closet very full.

  • S15E11 What's in a Name?

    • April 16, 2012
    • PBS

    Muffy threatens to reveal Binky's real name, after his winning an award she thinks he does not deserve.

  • S15E12 Muffy's Classy Classics Club

    • May 23, 2012
    • PBS

    Muffy starts a book club. Things don't go over so well when she starts picking out all the books for the club members to read.

  • S15E13 Best Enemies

    • May 23, 2012
    • PBS

    The Reads meet another family with a little girl D.W.'s age named W.D. Both of the families think that their daughters will be good friends, but the girls don't like any of the same things.

  • S15E14 Buster's Garden of Grief

    • May 24, 2012
    • PBS

    Fritz asks Buster to take care of the community garden for him while he recovers from his ankle injury. Buster has to stop short when he finds out he's going on a camping trip with his mother. So, he asks Muffy, Francine and Arthur to care for the garden for him.

  • S15E15 Through the Looking Glasses

    • May 24, 2012
    • PBS

    Arthur becomes overconfident about his new look when he gets a new pair of glasses, and begins to give advice to friends, while Buster starts to get jealous and knows it's only because of Arthur's new glasses.

  • S15E16 The Butler Did...What?

    • May 25, 2012
    • PBS

    Bailey disappears, and Muffy tries to find him. In doing so she discovers that she doesn't really know much about her Butler.

  • S15E17 The Trouble with Trophies

    • May 25, 2012
    • PBS

    Muffy tries to get Fern to say that she wants a trophy after George wins a trophy.

  • S15E18 Grandpa Dave's Memory Album

    • June 15, 2012
    • PBS

    Grandpa Dave moves closer to the family. The problem is he can't remember much about anything anymore due to his Alzheimer's Disease, so Arthur and D.W. assemble a memory album for Dave.

  • S15E19 Buster's Carpool Catastrophe

    • June 15, 2012
    • PBS

    To get to a cooking ran by a famous chef, Muffy, Arthur and Buster all have to carpool.

Season 16

  • S16E01 Based on a True Story

    • October 15, 2012
    • PBS

    A new student, Ladonna Compson, moves to Elwood City and joins Mr. Ratburn's class. She quickly impresses the gang with a wide variety of interesting stories about her old life back in Louisiana. However, after the facts in one of Ladonna's stories don't seem to hold true, they begin to wonder if she was ever telling the truth to begin with. This is a 2-segment episode

  • S16E02 Flippity Francine

    • October 16, 2012
    • PBS

    Muffy videotapes Francine attempting a soccer stunt that goes horribly wrong, and uploads it online, where it becomes increasingly popular. Francine is initially embarrassed, but when she sees how popular she is, she begins to let the fame go to her head. But will this go over with her other friends?

  • S16E03 Muffy Takes the Wheel

    • October 16, 2012
    • PBS

    Muffy enters the 1st annual Lakewood Derby. She asks her father to help, but he ends up taking over the whole project.

  • S16E04 All About D.W.

    • October 17, 2012
    • PBS

    D.W. get jealous when Emily gets to be Little Red Riding hood and D.W. has to be tree number two.

  • S16E05 Blockheads

    • October 17, 2012
    • PBS

    D.W. and Emily don't like the fact that during play time they only have the blocks to playtime with. When they start building their dream castle/palace they can't stop building.

  • S16E06 Get Smart

    • October 18, 2012
    • PBS

    Mr. Ratburn must prove that his answers are correct and that a 100% accurate computer's answers are wrong.

  • S16E07 Baby Steps

    • October 18, 2012
    • PBS

    D.W. is worried that Kate might not be as smart as Mei Lin. So she tries to teach Kate to become smarter by example.

  • S16E08 Night of the Tibble

    • October 19, 2012
    • PBS

    The Tibble twins are having their first sleepover and invite James over. How will James be treated at the sleepover?

  • S16E09 Read and Flumbergast

    • October 19, 2012
    • PBS

    Bud believes that Tommy Tibble ate his cupcake. In order to prove his case he hires D.W. and Nadine as his lawyers.

  • S16E10 The Last Tough Customer

    • May 6, 2013
    • PBS

    The Tough Customers have to change their ways. Molly might not be able to do so.

  • S16E11 Brain's Chess Mess

    • May 6, 2013
    • PBS

    In order to improve his game for a competition Brain forms a chess club.

  • S16E12 Baseball Blues

    • May 7, 2013
    • PBS

    George can't wait to play baseball.

  • S16E13 Brain's Biggest Blunder

    • May 7, 2013
    • PBS

    Brain teaches Buster arithmetic.

  • S16E14 Buster's Book Battle

    • May 8, 2013
    • PBS

    Buster starts reading books in order to earn points to win prizes.

  • S16E15 On the Buster Scale

    • May 8, 2013
    • PBS

    Buster and Brain disagree over movie reviews.

  • S16E16 Fern and the Case of the Stolen Story

    • May 9, 2013
    • PBS

    Suffering from a case of writers' block, Fern begins to copy some of Ladonna's stories.

  • S16E17 Sue Ellen Vegges Out

    • May 9, 2013
    • PBS

    Sue Ellen makes a change in her diet, prompting Muffy and Francine to try and imitate her vegetarianism.

  • S16E18 So Funny I Forgot to Laugh

    • May 10, 2013
    • PBS

    Arthur's teasing of Sue Ellen's new sweater makes her feel bad.

  • S16E19 The Best Day Ever

    • May 10, 2013
    • PBS

    Everyone remembers their best days.

Season 17

  • S17E01 Show Off

    • November 11, 2013
    • PBS

    From PBS Kids: Show Off - It's the Elwood City dog show and Killer is facing off against Sebastian Winkleplotz, the snooty, championship-winning poodle. At stake: the Read family's honor. Can Killer's coach, Pal, transform her from combative canine to sophisticated show dog? Dog's Best Friend - Arthur agrees to watch Amigo while Alberto's off at camp. At first Pal is thrilled to have the company! (He even teaches Amigo his coveted table begging secrets!) But when Arthur appears to favor Amigo during a game of catch, Pal begins to worry that he's lost his place as top dog…

  • S17E02 Dog's Best Friend

    • November 11, 2013
    • PBS

    Pal becomes jealous when Arthur pays too much attention to Alberto's dog Amigo, who's staying with them while Alberto is away.

  • S17E03 Adventures in Budylon

    • November 12, 2013
    • PBS

    D.W. and Bud have an adventure in the backyard.

  • S17E04 Ladonna Compson: Party Animal

    • November 12, 2013
    • PBS

    Ladonna tries to take part in absolutely every fall activity that's offered in Elwood City.

  • S17E05 Molina's Mulligan

    • November 13, 2013
    • PBS

    Alberto discovers he's a good golfer, but his enjoyment of the game is tempered by his father's over-enthusiastic cheers.

  • S17E06 Buster Bombs

    • November 13, 2013
    • PBS

    Buster has lost his flair for funny, and the harder he tries to make people laugh, the worse it gets!

  • S17E07 Opposites Distract

    • November 14, 2013
    • PBS

    Arthur and Buster study together, an experience that teaches them they're better friends than roommates.

  • S17E08 Just the Ticket

    • November 14, 2013
    • PBS

    Arthur wins two tickets to a concert.

  • S17E09 All Thumbs

    • November 15, 2013
    • PBS

    Arthur catches Buster sucking his thumb, which causes Buster to worry that Arthur will tell everyone at school.

  • S17E10 Kidonia

    • November 15, 2013
    • PBS

    Arthur and friends create their own country where there are no rules or chores.

  • S17E11 Speak Up, Francine!

    • April 21, 2014
    • PBS

  • S17E12 Waiting for Snow

    • April 21, 2014
    • PBS

  • S17E13 Pets and Pests

    • April 22, 2014
    • PBS

    There's a mouse loose in the Read home! And D.W. wants it gone…NOW! When traps fail, Arthur enlists the help of an expert mouse catcher…a fearless hunter who laughs in the face of danger: Nemo??

  • S17E14 Go Fly a Kite

    • April 22, 2014
    • PBS

    From PBS KIDS: While playing in the park, Binky, Muffy, and Ladonna stumble upon an abandoned kite. After failing to find the owner, the trio decides to take joint custody of the toy. But sharing it is easier said than done…

  • S17E15 The Director's Cut

    • May 12, 2014
    • PBS

    From PBS KIDS: After meeting his hero, Hollywood director Tufton Sinclair, George is inspired to make a movie of his own. He enlists his friends as crew and Muffy as his producer. Problem is, everyone wants to be the director! Will George stand his ground or is his budding film

  • S17E16 Crime and Consequences

    • May 12, 2014
    • PBS

    From PBS KIDS: When George accidentally breaks the class's prize woodworking project, Binky gets unfairly blamed. Will George come clean to Principal Haney? Or will he let Binky take the fall?

  • S17E17 Caught in the Crosswires

    • May 13, 2014
    • PBS

    From PBS KIDS: Caught in the Crosswires - Muffy is thrilled when mega producer J3 chooses her family for his latest reality TV project. After all, she was born to be star! But when Muffy's asked to amp up the drama between her and Bailey, she worries that she's being portrayed as a spoiled brat. Is it possible reality TV isn't as realistic as she thought?

  • S17E18 Framed!

    • May 13, 2014
    • PBS

    From PBS KIDS: Framed - Buster has just won the best young artist award at the Elwood City Arts Festival. Sensing his work might be worth something someday, Muffy hires Buster to paint her portrait. But can Buster satisfy his critical client?

  • S17E19 Binky's Music Madness

    • May 14, 2014
    • PBS

    From PBS KIDS: Binky's Music Madness - Everyone loves the Bang on a Can All-Stars, a funky experimental music group that's touring around Elwood City. Everyone that is, except Binky. A musical purist, Binky thinks their nontraditional sound is just a bunch of noise and sets out to prove it. Will Binky succeed…or is he headed for treble?

  • S17E20 Brain Freeze

    • May 14, 2014
    • PBS

    From PBS KIDS: Brain Freeze - A new ice cream shop has just opened up across the block. With whimsical flavor names, futuristic furniture, and a cute mascot named Puk Puk, Yumbobo is threatening to put Brain's shop out of business. It's gonna be a rocky road…

Season 18

  • S18E01 The Friend Who Wasn't There

    • September 29, 2014
    • PBS

    Muffy embarks on a quest to find her long-lost imaginary friend. But she gets more than she bargained for when she ventures into the Crosswires' basement.

  • S18E02 Surprise!

    • September 29, 2014
    • PBS

    It’s Catherine’s 16th birthday and Francine has been cordially uninvited to the party. With the help of her friends, Francine plots her revenge.

  • S18E03 The Case of the Girl with the Long Face

    • September 30, 2014
    • PBS

    In this film noir-inspired episode, Fern has been feeling low and no one can figure out why. Luckily, Buster Baxter is on the case! He’ll leave no stone unturned, no lead unexplored, no ice cream uneaten…

  • S18E04 The Substitute Arthur

    • September 30, 2014
    • PBS

    With Arthur out of town, Buster is on the hunt for a new best friend. Problem is, Buster only wants to play games HIS way. Will Buster learn to compromise or is he destined to play alone?

  • S18E05 The Tattletale Frog

    • October 1, 2014
    • PBS

    When Bud is blamed for an accident D.W. causes, she has to decide whether to let her friend take the fall.

  • S18E06 D.W. & Bud's Higher Purpose

    • October 1, 2014
    • PBS

    D.W. and Bud can’t wait to ride “The Buzzard,” Wonder World’s newest rollercoaster! Will they make it past the persnickety ticket taker…or will they come up short?

  • S18E07 Best Wishes

    • October 2, 2014
    • PBS

    After George has a lucky streak, his friends pressure him to wish for a snow day. Can George deliver or is he out of luck?

  • S18E08 The Tardy Tumbler

    • October 2, 2014
    • PBS

    Prunella is excited about making the gymnastics team…until she realizes practice starts at 6:00 in the morning! Can she honor her commitment or will she hit the snooze button?

  • S18E09 Fountain Abbey

    • January 26, 2015
    • PBS

    Muffy's devastated when she learns her great, great grandmother Mary Alice wasn't royalty, but a common maid. The indignity! However, Mary Alice's old diary reveals a more interesting story.

  • S18E10 Arthur Calls It

    • January 26, 2015
    • PBS

    Pressure from his classmates has Arthur doubting his decision to call Buster out during a baseball game. Will he succumb to peer pressure, or stick with what he believes is right?

  • S18E11 Two Minutes

    • June 1, 2015
    • PBS

    Power shifts in the Tibble household when the twins find out Tommy is two minutes older than Timmy. Frustrated in his new role, Timmy enlists the help of an expert older brother tamer: D.W.!

  • S18E12 Messy Dress Mess

    • June 1, 2015
    • PBS

    Ladonna's thrilled when Muffy loans her a beautiful recital dress. But a run-in with a painted bench leaves Ladonna wondering how to break the news to her fashionista friend.

  • S18E13 Whip. Mix. Blend.

    • September 7, 2015
    • PBS

    When Rattles's mom starts dating Archie Vanderloo, Rattles finds himself spending lots of time with Archie's kids. The problem is, Rattles doesn't have anything in common with these twins! Can this blended family learn to get along?

  • S18E14 Staycation

    • September 7, 2015
    • PBS

    Arthur offers to babysit so that his parents can enjoy some peace and quiet in the backyard. What could go wrong? With D.W. on the loose... just about everything!

  • S18E15 Shelter From the Storm

    • September 8, 2015
    • PBS

    When a powerful hurricane hits Elwood City, everyone's affected. Ladonna's dad is called up by the Army Corps of Engineers. Muffy relocates to a shelter, while Arthur struggles to reunite lost pets and owners. And Brain seeks the help of a therapist--voiced by special guest Idina Menzel--to help him manage his anxiety.

  • S18E16 Arthur Read: Super Saver

    • September 9, 2015
    • PBS

    Business is slow for Mr. and Mrs. Read, and Arthur is concerned. Can this "super saver" find ways to keep his family in the green?

  • S18E17 Tibbles to the Rescue

    • September 9, 2015
    • PBS

    When D.W. saves Tommy and Timmy from a nasty fall, they decide to repay the favor...whether D.W. likes it or not.

  • S18E18 The Pageant Pickle

    • September 10, 2015
    • PBS

    School is almost out and Arthur can hardly wait for those lazy summer days by Muffy's pool. Nothing could ruin such a happy time of year... except maybe-D.W.'s Spring Pageant!

  • S18E19 Some Assembly Required

    • September 10, 2015
    • PBS

    D.W. can't wait to test out her new play set! But while it's being built she'll have to settle for the box. With the help of Bud and Emily, D.W. realizes her imagination is way better than any toy!

Season 19

  • S19E01 Brain's Brain

    • January 18, 2016
    • PBS

    Brain, D.W and Bud venture into Brain's brain after neither can remember where they can find the last Easter Egg in the Easter Egg Hunt.

  • S19E02 Brain Sees Stars

    • January 18, 2016
    • PBS

    Brain plans on seeing a meteor shower but thinks he is cursed since every year something goes wrong and cannot see it. This year, he makes amends and finally sees it.

  • S19E03 Sue Ellen Adds It Up

    • January 19, 2016
    • PBS

    Sue Ellen is dismissive about maths until she runs into a problem her artistic vision cannot solve.

  • S19E04 Wish You Were Here

    • January 19, 2016
    • PBS

    Sue Ellen meets her pen pal but he is more interested in fashion than world culture.

  • S19E05 Arthur's Toy Trouble

    • January 20, 2016
    • PBS

    Arthur gets a Mutant Muck Monster as a gift, which he later learns is worth two million dollars unboxed, but it has fallen into the hands of D.W.

  • S19E06 Spar for the Course

    • January 20, 2016
    • PBS

    After Binky wrecks the 18th hole at a miniature golf course, Muffy, Buster and Binky attempt to create a new 18th hole, but they cannot agree on a final design.

  • S19E07 Carl's Concerto

    • April 5, 2016
    • PBS

    After George discovers that Carl is a skilled accordionist, Carl agrees to play the accordion for George's puppet show reenactment of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' for the local preschool class; however Carl's autistic routines get in the way of rehearsals.

  • S19E08 Too Much of a Good Thing

    • April 5, 2016
    • PBS

    Buster enlists Binky's help as a method to prevent him from gorging cookies at a constant rate.

  • S19E09 The Last Day

    • May 23, 2016
    • PBS

    Arthur and his friends are moving into the fourth grade, which Muffy and Francine are concerned about. Meanwhile, Arthur and Buster have their sights set on being in the fourth-grade class taught by the 'cool' new teacher.

  • S19E10 Maria Speaks

    • May 24, 2016
    • PBS

    aria, a silent girl in Mr. Ratburn's class, finally gets a chance to speak (despite having a stutter) when she is appointed a school news anchor.

  • S19E11 Postcards from Binky

    • May 24, 2016
    • PBS

    Binky's grandparents miss his big soccer game, and so he attempts a reenactment of the event making video postcards just as Buster did when he left with his dad.

  • S19E12 Mr. Ratburn's Secret Identity

    • May 25, 2016
    • PBS

    Arthur and his friends believe that Mr. Ratburn has a secret identity.

  • S19E13 Besties

    • May 25, 2016
    • PBS

    When Buster and Ladonna bond, Arthur feels left out.

  • S19E14 Carried Away

    • May 26, 2016
    • PBS

    Pal's cousin Dr. Yowl (a parody of Doctor Who) whisks Pal, Kate and Mei Lin away on an adventure through the solar system in his kennel (a parody of the TARDIS).

  • S19E15 Dueling Detectives

    • May 26, 2016
    • PBS

    When George's giraffe puppet Wally goes missing, Fern and Binky war over who can find him.

  • S19E16 Buster Isn't Buying It

    • June 2, 2015
    • PBS

    After seeing a false science show featuring a creature called a 'Megatoad' that is apparently real, Buster believes in the claims, but when his friends inform him that the show was cancelled for being untruthful and that the Megatoad is a myth, Buster decides to never believe in anything ridiculous again.

  • S19E17 One Ornery Critter

    • June 2, 2015
    • PBS

    Buster is tasked with taking care of his aunt's dog Carrotcake, but she dislikes Arthur, which concerns him, as he believes that it will sabotage his position as being universally loved by dogs.

  • S19E18 Francine's Cleats of Strength

    • June 3, 2015
    • PBS

    Francine needs money to buy some new cleats, so she takes a job as Muffy's personal assistant but finds she isn't doing practically anything and doesn't feel she should just earn money doing nothing.

  • S19E19 Little Miss Meanie

    • June 3, 2015
    • PBS

    Muffy and Lydia join forces to topple a snobbish and unpleasant beauty queen.

Season 20

Season 21

Season 22

  • S22E01 Mr. Ratburn and the Special Someone

    • May 13, 2019
    • PBS

    The gang can't believe that Mr. Ratburn is getting married.

  • S22E02 The Feud

    • May 13, 2019
    • PBS

    Just about the entire third grade class chooses sides when Arthur and Buster argue over a video game.

  • S22E03 When Rivals Came to Roost

    • May 14, 2019
    • PBS

    Lakewood Elementary students must share their school with rival students whose school gets flooded

  • S22E04 The Longest Eleven Minutes

    • May 14, 2019
    • PBS

    The gang doesn't know what to do when the Internet goes out.

  • S22E05 Muffy's House Guests

    • May 15, 2019
    • PBS

    Muffy is terrified when peregrine falcons build a nest outside her bedroom window.

  • S22E06 Binky Can't Always Get What He Wants

    • May 15, 2019
    • PBS

    Binky must choose between starring in a television commercial or performing in a talent show.

  • S22E07 Muffy's Car Campaign

    • May 16, 2019
    • PBS

    Muffy worries that a petition to help protect the environment may put Crosswire Motors out of business.

  • S22E08 Truth or Poll

    • May 16, 2019
    • PBS

    Alan suggests that Binky conduct a poll about the latest math test.

Season 23

  • S23E01 Fright Night

    • October 14, 2019
    • PBS

  • S23E02 Citizen Cheikh

    • October 14, 2019
    • PBS

  • S23E03 The Pea and the Princess

    • October 15, 2019
    • PBS

  • S23E04 D.W. and Dr. Whosit

    • October 15, 2019
    • PBS

  • S23E05 When Duty Calls

    • October 16, 2019
    • PBS

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x7 The Rhythm and Roots of Arthur

    • January 20, 2020

    Pack your bags, buckle your seatbelts, and get ready for an ARTHUR road trip to the family farm! Arthur's Great-Grand Uncle Theo is celebrating his 85th birthday, so the Reads (and Buster) are off to Ohio to join in the festivities. While D.W. and Arthur learn that farm life is a little different than life in Elwood City, Buster worries he may be getting in the way at this family reunion. With the help of Cousin Miles, some llamas, and a little bit of music, they all discover what it truly means to be family.

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x8 An Arthur Thanksgiving

    • November 16, 2020

    Arthur and his family are getting ready for Thanksgiving! But when Pal disappears to go on his own adventure, family, friends and the rest of Elwood City try to get Pal home. Will they be able to celebrate the best Thanksgiving yet?

Season 24

  • S24E01 The Great MacGrady

    • March 8, 2021
    • PBS

    When Mrs. MacGrady is diagnosed with cancer, Arthur and his friends all react differently to the news - Arthur and D.W. rush to her side with heaps of chicken soup and stuffed animals, Muffy tries to pretend that nothing in her life has changed, and Francine is so upset she can't even bring herself to visit Mrs. MacGrady.

  • S24E02 D.W.'s New Best Friend

    • March 9, 2021
    • PBS

    D.W. meets 13-year-old Hana, who is much older and totally cool! Will D.W. leave Bud behind as her best friend?

  • S24E03 Freaky Tuesday

    • March 9, 2021
    • PBS

    Buster is convinced teachers have it easy. Too bad he can't put himself in Mr. Ratburn's shoes to find out what it's really like to be a teacher… or can he?

  • S24E04 George Scraps His Sculpture

    • March 10, 2021
    • PBS

    George volunteers to create a piece of art for the county-wide art show and can't decide what to make. Luckily, he gets help from special guest artist Kevin Sampson, who teaches him that great pieces of art can be made with found objects.

  • S24E05 Arthur's Big Meltdown

    • March 10, 2021
    • PBS

    When a kale smoothie spills all over Arthur's brand-new sneakers, he gets angry. Soon, everyone is scared of Arthur's temper!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x9 Arthur's First Day

    • September 6, 2021

    It's finally the first day of fourth grade and Arthur couldn't be more excited -until he learns Buster is in another class! Meanwhile, D.W. is nervous for her first day of kindergarten. Will Arthur and D.W. be able to make new friends?

Season 25

  • S25E01 Binky Wrestles with a Story

    • February 21, 2022
    • PBS

    Binky spends the day with Bitzi Baxter and finds out what it is like being a news reporter.

  • S25E02 All Will Be Revealed

    • February 21, 2022
    • PBS

    D.W., Bud, and Rapty set out to solve the mystery of what really happened to D.W.'s snowball.

  • S25E03 Making Conversation

    • February 21, 2022
    • PBS

    George learns how to talk to adults.

  • S25E04 A Cloudy Day

    • February 21, 2022
    • PBS

    Arthur and friends learn that old silent films are just as much fun as the movies they are used to.

  • S25E05 Listen Up

    • February 21, 2022
    • PBS

    Muffy helps Francine deal with the death of her Bubbe.

  • S25E06 Arthur's New Old Vacation

    • February 21, 2022
    • PBS

    Arthur and Buster try to make the family vacation more exciting.

  • S25E07 Blabbermouth

    • February 21, 2022
    • PBS

    Buster learns how to keep a secret.

  • S25E08 All Grown Up

    • February 21, 2022
    • PBS

    The gang finds a fortune telling game and gets a hint of what their futures might hold.

  • Webisodes and Shorts

    SPECIAL 0x10 It's OK to Feel Worried

    • April 30, 2023

    Arthur, Buster and Francine are each feeling nervous today, but with Mr. Ratburn’s help, they learn about different ways they can calm themselves down when they’re feeling anxious.

  • Webisodes and Shorts

    SPECIAL 0x11 Arthur: D.W. Dance Challenge

    • September 25, 2023

    Arthur, Muffy and Binky work together to create a new viral dance video to share with their friends and family. But DW thinks they’ll need her help to come up with a grand finale!

  • Webisodes and Shorts

    SPECIAL 0x12 Arthur vs. D.W.’s Battle of the Universe

    • January 3, 2024

    Arthur and Buster want to create their very own Bionic Bunny podcast, The Battle of the Universe for All-Time, but can’t decide on an ending. To their surprise, it’s D.W. who comes up with a perfect solution!

  • Webisodes and Shorts

    SPECIAL 0x13 Having Fun Isn’t Hard…/Arthur Meets Mychal the Librarian

    • April 4, 2024

    When Arthur misplaces his library card, he worries that he won’t be able to check out any more books. Luckily, Elwood City’s substitute librarian, Mychal, is here to help Arthur work through his stress and find his library card!

Additional Specials

  • Movies

    SPECIAL 0x4 Arthur's Missing Pal

    • August 22, 2006
    • PBS

    The first-ever Arthur movie. In Arthur's Missing Pal, Arthur's dog, Pal, goes missing. Arthur and Buster are certain that D.W. did it, but D.W. denies any involvement. Arthur and his friends mount a search throughout Elwood City for the missing dog.