Con motivo del centenario del compositor italiano Luigi Nono (1924-1990), una de las figuras clave de la vanguardia italiana de posguerra, repasamos la trayectoria musical y política de este artista revolucionario.
À l'occasion du centenaire de Luigi Nono, l'une des figures incontournables de l'avant-garde italienne, retour sur le parcours musical et politique de cet artiste révolutionnaire.
Das Leben des Komponisten Luigi Nono (1924 - 1990) ist die Geschichte eines leidenschaftlichen Kämpfers für eine bessere Welt, eines Suchenden nach neuen Klangmöglichkeiten und eines Venezianers mit Leib und Seele. Die Dokumentatoin zeichnet die Lebenslinien von Nonos Biografie nach.
Venetian composer Luigi Nono (1924-1990) is considered one of the major figures of post-war avant-garde music. A committed Communist, Nono was also revolutionary in his approach to composition, which he sought to put in service of his ideas, making remarkable contributions to opera and electronic music.
Drawing on archive footage and contributions from the composer's family and fellow musicians, this documentary traces the career of this elusive yet key figure of twentieth century culture.