Discover how the stick and the stone were probably prehistoric man's earliest weapon and soon became the spear and the slingshot. This programme reveals how simple weapons were deadly in trained hands.
From the Iron Age to the modern day, sieges have played an enormous part in military life. This programme focuses on the changing structure of castles from the oldest English castle, 4,000-year-old Maiden Castle, to present day fortifications.
This episode investigates how, since the forging of iron, the sword has remained a mythical, symbolic, spiritual and commanding weapon, despite having been replaced by automatic arms.
Taking a look at armour throughout the ages, from around the world. From the complex production of chain mail to the leather armour worn by Asian civilisations, discover how light, flexible and yet hardy protection was made.
Field-testing weapons used throughout the ages. This episode: how early, crude firearms fared against efficient bowed weapons.
How man has defended himself through the ages, from the use of a simple stick as protection against animals and human attackers to the development of complex martial arts.
A look at how hunting techniques and tools developed as the practice moved from being a practical way to catch food to a demonstration of wealth and standing amongst the aristocracy.
Nearly every civilisation made a bow in order to hunt and kill. See how archery has developed from the days of Robin Hood to the modern day deadly crossbows.
In the 14th century war was a knife-fight; artillery brought us the dubious attributes of mass carnage and, ultimately, the weapons of mass destruction of the modern day.
A look at the fact and fiction surrounding the knights of old. What was their code of honour and how did they really behave on and off the battlefield?