Minth is assigned to retrieve illegal snuff books with the help of Yuri and Yukizona. However, Minth soon runs into an old friend from his criminal days, Griehn and is reminded of the last time he got involved with snuff books. He then begins to realise that Griehn has more to do with his mission than he first thought, forcing Mince to choose between his duty and his friend.
Minth, l'archiviste qui a le pouvoir de voir les âmes d'autrui, se rend à Gandari à la recherche du livre rouge. Celui-ci est un livre tabou composé de fantasmes et de souvenirs de criminels psychopathes qui provoquent jouissance et dépendance à ceux qui le lisent. Accompagné de Yuri et de Yukizona, deux archivistes élitistes, il retrouve durant son enquête Greihn, son camarade de sa vie d'antan...