The adventures of two surfers, Juba and Lula, living in the same apartment with their shared girlfriend Zelda Scott, a journalist who admired Simone de Beauvoir and had a neurotic boss, editor of the newspaper "Correio do Crepúsculo". Her best friend was the plump Ronalda Cristalda. Besides, she was the daughter of political refugees, and couldn't make up her mind about which boy she would commit herself to. Living in the apartment also was Bacana, an orphan they kind of adopted, and who, despite being a child, proved to be the most mature of them all.
Os surfistas Juba e Lula são sócios na "Armação Ilimitada", uma empresa prestadora de serviços, e topam qualquer desafio: de competições esportivas a cenas arriscadas como dublês de anúncios para a TV.