After the capture, Hajime was worried about the farewell to Miu that would occur when the trip resumed. Hajime and his friends were talking about "The Seven Great Legends of Elysen" as a memory before they left for the trip, but all of them were missed. However, in the final seventh adventure, he encounters a mysterious giant creature and is blown into the world of a devastated city! Hajime, who started to search for the stray Mew, fulfills a miraculous encounter there.
Après être passé par les ruines de Sunken, Hajime s'inquiète. Poursuivre son voyage ne risque-t-il pas de le séparer de Myu ?
Enquanto Hajime e Remia procuram por Myu, ela está junto da baleia brilhante quando encontra um grupo de viajantes misteriosos. Será que eles conseguiram sair deste lugar e voltar para o seu mundo?
第2季 第15集 OVA-第2部分
在攻略了【梅尔吉涅海底遗迹】后,南云始为即将与缪分别而感到苦恼。为了在出发前留下美好的回忆,南云始决定带缪一起探索“艾利森七大传说”,但每次都无功而返。然而,在最后的第七次冒险中,他们遇到了神秘的巨大生物,并被传送到了一个荒废的城市世界! 为了寻找走散的缪,南云始开始行动,并在途中遇到了奇迹般的邂逅——证明自己是最强者的时刻到了。