Ric and Star become shooting stars and Nino makes a wish upon them. A mysterious man appears and derails Ric's father, Seki, plan to redevelop the riverside. Thinking that Ric was behind his failure he comes to the river to confront Ric.
He succumbs to the same fate as Ric and encounters Nino, though he remains true to the family motto and refuses her help.
Ric finally works up the courage to call his father and tells him even if wins he will still love Nino, Nino learns how to answer a phone.
Recluta y Hoshi se convierten en estrellas fugaces y Nino les pide un deseo. Un hombre misterioso aparece y hace descarrilar el plan del padre de Recluta para reconstruir la orilla del río. Pensando que Recluta estaba detrás de su fracaso, llega al río para enfrentarsele.
아버지의 트라우마를 극복하고 하천 부지를 지키려던 리쿠였지만 역시 압도적인 아버지의 힘을 앞에 두고 손 쓸 수 없었다. 그러던 중, 수수께끼의 인물의 작용으로 하천 부지 개발 프로젝트가 갑자기 중지되어…?