Appraisals include a 19th-century kaleidoscope; a calendar watch dated circa 1640; a Women's Professional League baseball. Also: a woman learns that the vase she bought from an antiques dealer is a replica. Host: Chris Jussel.
From Seattle: Items appraised include a Confederate sword; a painting by an Aboriginal artist; three handcarved pottery pieces; a series of letters written by Gen. W.T. Sherman after the Civil War.
Appraisals from Denver include a silver tea set made in 1871 and believed to have been a gift from the Czar of Russia; a Li'l Abner toy that sold for $2.59 in 1945; a sword dating back to the Revolutionary War. Host: Chris Jussel
Appraisals include a 16th-century Milanese parade helmet that the owner discovered in her parents' attic. Also: a Gibson mandola; a document written by Abraham Lincoln; a Colonial mug made by a renowned Boston silversmith.
Appraisals include dueling pistols; a doll; and a pocket watch said to have belonged to Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa. Host: Chris Jussel.
From Michigan: Appraisals include a Duncan Phyfe sewing table-desk; an 1867 watercolor by Carl Haag; a pre-1850 carved green limestone necklace. Also: a visit to the Henry Ford Museum. Host: Chris Jussel.
From Minnesota: Appraisals include a stuffed bear manufactured by Steiff; a flag from the 1901 Pan American Exposition with an interesting history; an Oriental rug. Also: a woman learns that the ceramic figures she purchased in China are replicas.
Appraisals from Albuquerque include a 1498 etching by printmaker Albrecht Durer; a banjo with mother-of-pearl inlay played by the owner's father during the 1930s; a pie safe circa 1870; a Chippendale slant-front desk.
Appraisals from Concord, Mass., include a needlepoint sampler that records six generations of a Massachusetts family; a highboy; a 19th-century Loetz vase that the owner's mother bought for $5 at a yard sale; a Swiss music box made in 1818.
Appraisals include two rare and valuable quilts; a thank-you letter written by Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis; handpainted French vases; a walnut pie safe with an unusual eagle motif. Also: a segment on African-American memorabilia. Host: Chris Jussel.
Appraisals from Kansas City, Mo., include a Thomas Hart Benton painting; Tiffany vases purchased in the 1950s; an 18th-century cedar chair made in Bermuda; a collection of rare pin-back buttons; a photo collection of members of a Civil War regiment
Appraisals include autographed photographs of Buffalo Bill and Annie Oakley; a baseball autographed by Babe Ruth; an 18th-century table; Glenn Miller memorabilia; a schoolbook dated 1819. Also: a gun collector learns the truth about some of his pieces. Host: Chris Jussel.
Appraisals include a Civil War sword; a single-action Colt revolver; a Hepplewhite card table; a 1936 New York Yankees home-run baseball autographed by several prominent players; two Kewpie dolls; a Masonic watch.
Part 1 of two. Appraisals from Secaucus, N.J., include a card table from the late 1700s; a Thomas Edison electric pen; two fr
Conclusion. Appraisals from Secaucus, N.J., include five Tiffany vases; several books signed by Benjamin Franklin; and a hand-carved, wooden cake board dating to the early 19th century. Chris Jussel hosts.
Appraisals from Cincinnati include a set of original illustrations for the Dick and Jane reading primers dating from 1965. Also: a hall stand made in Switzerland; a vase.
Part 1 of two. Appraisals from Atlanta include a letter written by Abraham Lincoln in 1841; a complete set of dental instruments made in 1849; three painted tiles bought at a yard sale for $1 each. Host: Chris Jussel.
Conclusion. Appraisals in Atlanta include an original Confederate flag; a 1959 Congressional yearbook containing the signatures of several Presidents, including John F. Kennedy; a desk made in China in the early 1800s. Host: Chris Jussel.
Part 1 of two. Appraisals from San Francisco include a sculpture of a ram; an Eskimo hunting helmet decorated with ivory; a collection of more than 40 souvenir spoons. Also: a segment on collecting concert posters. Host: Chris Jussel.
Conclusion. Appraisals from San Francisco include a collection of movie memorabilia, along with a wig worn by silent actor Hank Mann in his role as a Keystone Cop. Also: a German Oriental doll made in the 1920s; a set of 18th-century Nativity figures. Host: Chris Jussel.
Part 1 of two. Appraisals from Pittsburgh include a parasol that had been used in Queen Victoria's coronation ceremonies in 1837; a silver libation set given to the governor of Maryland during the Civil War; and two silver meat-carving sets. Host: Chris Jusse
Conclusion. Appraisals from Pittsburgh include a Gibson guitar; a tenor saxhorn circa 1860; and a document box that illustrates Pennsylvania German artwork. Host: Chris Jussel.
Appraisals from Dallas include a piece of 19th-century folk art designed to scare away crows; a tricorn hat unearthed in a landfill that is now part of lower Manhattan; a Tiffany vase made around the turn of the century. Host: Chris Jussel.
Part 1 of two. Appraisals from Phoenix include the original "Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus" letter written in 1897; a wooden spice cabinet made in 1780; a table clock dating from the Industrial Revolution. Host: Chris Jussel.
Conclusion. Appraisals from Phoenix include a Tiffany lamp; a "Hogan's Heroes" lunch box; a dragonfly brooch. Host: Chris Jussel
Appraisals from Nashville include letters written by Andrew Jackson; a rare Native American composition book from the 1880s filled with 31 drawings; a Scottish tea urn. Included: a visit to Andrew Jackson's boyhood home. Host: Chris Jussel.
Appraisals from Richmond, Va., include a jewelry collection of Burmese rubies and diamonds; a folk-art rooster originally used in a dairy display. Also: a visit to the Museum of the Confederacy. Host: Chris Jussel.
From Richmond, Va.: Appraisals include a presentation Colt pistol and a French doll made around 1885. Host: Chris Jussel.
Appraisals from Los Angeles include a Scottish-made clay piglet and a miniature portrait. Host: Chris Jussel.
From Los Angeles: Appraisals include a brewing-company advertising print; a silver-and-glass compote plate; a writing table made in Milan. Host: Chris Jussel.
Appraisals from Milwaukee include a Chippendale chair and an 1888 sculpture with carvings of 35 birds. Also: a visit to the Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum. Host: Chris Jussel.
Conclusion. Appraisals from Milwaukee include a "Speedy" Alka Seltzer figure from the company's 1950s and '60s ad campaigns; and a chair designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Also: a visit to the Milwaukee Museum of Art. Host: Chris Jussel.
Appraisals in Rochester include a painting created by musician Frank Zappa when he was in junior-high school; a cane rack; a 9-foot-tall fireplace mantel. Host: Chris Jussel.
Appraisals from Rochester include a portrait; a Shirvan rug; an 18th-century chair that has been in the owner's family for more than 100 years. Host: Chris Jussel.
Appraisals from Houston include a menu from the last luncheon served aboard the Titanic. Host: Chris Jussel.
Appraisals from Houston include an acoustic guitar autographed by Jimi Hendrix and a model car from the 1930s. Also: a look at a Native American artifact collection.
Appraisals from Louisville include a 20-gallon folk-art jug that the owner purchased at a yard sale; and a builder's model frame used to sell barns at the turn of the 20th century. Also: a history of the Kentucky Derby. Host: Chris Jussel.
Appraisals from Kentucky include an 1860 Colt Army revolver with an interesting history, and a high-school yearbook featuring James Dean.
Appraisals in Portland, Ore., include an original preliminary script of "Gone with the Wind" and a folk-art horn. Part 1 of two. Chris Jussel is the host.
Conclusion. Appraisals from Portland, Ore., include a set of books autographed by Mark Twain, a turn-of-the-century zither and an 18th-century teapot made just before the American Revolution.
Appraisals in Hartford, Conn., include a 19th-century majolica fountain and a Civil War print circa 1865-75. Also: Native American crafts. Part 1 of two. Chris Jussel is the host.
A trip to Hartford, Conn., concludes. Appraisals include a collection of Fiestaware and a rare fireplace bellows carved in the 19th century. Also: a visit to Mark Twain's house. Chris Jussel is the host.
Appraisals in Columbus, Ohio, include a handwritten letter from Thomas Jefferson; the first edition of Playboy magazine from 1953; and a skull-shaped humidor. Chris Jussel is the host.
Items appraised include a vintage football poster, a late-19th-century quilt, two valuable toys and an unusual gold ring. Chris Jussel is the host.
Items up for appraisal in Birmingham, Ala., include a 19th-century quilt, two valuable toys and an unusual gold ring with a surprise inside. Chris Jussel is the host.
Items up for appraisal in Birmingham, Ala., include a rare collection of "Gone with the Wind" memorabilia, an old Bible and a miniature Chippendale chest. Chris Jussel is the host.
Appraisals from Tampa include a rare toy clown, a unique clock and an elaborate metal bird sculpture. Chris Jussel is the host.
Appraisals in Tampa include a Tiffany lamp, a bejeweled baseball cap and a set of andirons. Chris Jussel is the host.
Items appraised in Providence, R.I., include an unusual collection of Boy Scout neckerchief slides, a stoneware jug and a jade and gold jewelry box. Chris Jussel is the host.
Items appraised in Providence, R.I., include a Dr. Evil doll, a collection of Persian prints and a French mantel clock. Chris Jussel is the host.
Items appraised in Baltimore include an 18th-century tea table, a collection of railroad memorabilia and a painting. Chris Jussel hosts.
Items appraised in Baltimore include a book signed by Edgar Allan Poe, a French Revival-style Victorian painting and a rooster weather vane with an important heritage. Chris Jussel is the host.
Items appraised in Toronto include a silver tea set, a rare golf club and a unique bronze, ivory and marble statue. Chris Jussel is the host.
Items appraised in Toronto include a Canadian Mounties doll, a vintage Rolex watch and a bird-shaped weight designed to hold open a gate. Chris Jussel is the host.
Items to be appraised in Salt Lake City include a unique piece of human-hair jewelry, a diamond-and-pearl tiara ring, and a collection of Native American beadwork. Chris Jussel is the host.
Items appraised in Salt Lake City include an important Mormon document, a mechanical birdcage and a bronze statue of Napoleon. Chris Jussel is the host.
The first of two shows from Des Moines, Iowa. Articles appraised include a letter written by Mark Twain and a propeller from one of Charles Lindbergh's biplanes, as well as a carving of a dog fashioned in Germany's Black Forest. Telecast from the Iowa state capitol and the Polk County Convention Center.
Items up for appraisal in Des Moines, Iowa, include a Wurlitzer jukebox, a Tiffany vase and a Chinese box and horn. Also: host Chris Jussel visits a 1920s Des Moines mansion built in an English style by cold-cream mogul Carl Weeks.
Experts spot a number of valuable items, including two exquisite Japanese ivory carvings, a hand-colored map of Missouri printed in 1822, and a painting by a Belgian artist.
Appraisals in St. Louis (Part 2 of three) include a Budweiser-beer tin, a toy bear and an 18th-century silk-needlepoint picture. Also: host Dan Elias tours an 1880 St. Louis mansion built by a merchant-shipping magnate named Samuel Cupples.
A three-show sojourn in St. Louis concludes with a visit to the St. Louis Mercantile Library, which was founded in 1846. Also: appraisals include a repeater rifle; a 100-year-old medicine chest with tins for 288 herbs; and ribbonwork clothing made by Native Americans from Indiana.
The first of three programs from Charleston, S.C. Included: a set of Jackie Gleason's golf clubs; a 1763 poster (from Massachusetts) about the French and Indian War; and a 19th-century silver bowl designed to rinse and cool wine glasses. Also: host Dan Elias visits Charleston's Heyward-Washington house, which was built in 1772 by Thomas Heyward, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. The "Washington" part refers to George, who did, in fact, sleep there.
Items appraised in the second of three shows from Charleston, S.C., include a Hawaiian ukulele, a 19th-century basket and a collection of folk-art puppets. Also: series host Dan Elias visits Charleston's Gibbes Museum of Art.
A three-episode sojourn in Charleston, S.C., concludes. Items up for appraisal include a 19th-century chair designed for a pair of Thai conjoined twins, as well as a bronze sculpture from France and surveyor's instruments. Also: host Dan Elias visits Fort Sumter.
A two-show stop in Austin, Texas, begins with a state-capitol tour. At the Austin Convention Center, items appraised include Chinese headdresses designed to ward off evil spirits; a poster promoting a 1965 Rolling Stones concert; and a 19th-century scrimshaw domino set.
Items appraised in the second of two shows from Austin, Texas, include the letter U.S. Grant wrote in 1868 accepting the Republican Presidential nomination, and a collection of dolls. Also: host Dan Elias visits the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at the University of Texas, where the items observed include Tennessee Williams manuscripts and "Gone with the Wind" storyboards.
Items appraised during the first of three programs from Denver include a Tiffany lamp with its original patina, a rare vase (one of only four like it) and an 18th-century maple bowl and pounder. Also: host Dan Elias visits the Denver Art Museum.
Items appraised on the second of three shows from Denver include a 19th-century baseball bat; a turn-of-the-century cast-iron bank; and 19th-century documents from a Colorado mining town. Also: series host Dan Elias visits Denver's Black American West Museum.
Items appraised during the final show from Denver include art-deco Bakelite objects, a mahogany-and-brass lap desk and a beaded Native American saddle throw. Also: host Dan Elias profiles "Buffalo Bill" Cody, who's buried outside Denver.
Items appraised in the first of a three-episode stint in Madison, Wis., include a Civil War broadside from 1862, a Wisconsin-made spinning wheel and a Norwegian fiddle. Also: host Dan Elias visits the Wisconsin State Capitol complex.
Items appraised in Madison, Wis., include a silver-and-gold incense burner, and a parasol that was given to the owner's grandmother by Queen Victoria. Also: host Dan Elias visits Taliesin, architect Frank Lloyd Wright's Wisconsin home.
The three-show stopover in Madison, Wis., concludes. Appraised: Stickley dining-room tables and chairs; a Chinese blanket designed to cover a child's saddle; and a hand-drawn 1909 comic-book illustration.
Appraised at the Tulsa Convention Center: a desk used in Congress in the 1850s (and found by its owner in a chicken coop); a handwritten diary kept by delegates to the Oklahoma Constitutional Convention in 1906-7; and memorabilia from a Wild West show that includes a poster for a documentary in which an unknown cowboy named Tom Mix made his screen debut. Also: host Dan Elias presents a quickie survey of Tulsa's art-deco architecture.
Items appraised in Tulsa (Part 2 of three) include an 1881 cylindrical calculator, a Roman earthenware amphora and a place card from a vintage Hollywood party that features Will Rogers' autograph. Also: host Dan Elias surveys the Western and Native American art and artifacts at Tulsa's Gilcrease Museum.
Appraised in Tulsa: a pocket watch showing two time zones, designed for a sea captain; a Native American cradle board; and an 18th-century chest of drawers that was being used by its owner as a TV stand. Also: host Dan Elias gets a kick or two along U.S. Route 66.
The "Roadshow" makes a pit stop in its home town with the first of three programs (taped in August 2000) at Boston's Bayside Expo Center. Items appraised range from a spoon once owned by Lizzie Borden to an 18th-century tomahawk. Also: a quick tour of the Museum of Fine Arts and a visit to the historic Cogswell Grant farm in Essex, Mass.
Items appraised at Boston's Bayside Exposition Center include an 18th-century French tureen, a trunk full of turn-of-the-20th-century military uniforms and a slavery-era citizenship certificate issued to a person of color. Also: host Dan Elias tours Boston's Isabella Stewart Gardiner Museum.
Items appraised at Boston's Bayside Exposition Center include a mid-19th century carved wooden cat; and a French fashion doll, clothing and accessories. Also: host Dan Elias tours the Frederick Law Olmsted National Historical Site in Brookline, Mass.
Part 1 of two. Items appraised in Sacramento range from an 1870s Irish chamber pot adorned with a picture of British Prime Minister William Gladstone to "Star Wars" figurines. Also: host Dan Elias visits Sutter's Mill and traces the area's history, with emphasis on the 1849 gold rush. Other "nuggets" examined: an 18th-century Kentucky rifle, an 1864 Lincoln campaign poster, a 1954 Christian Dior gown and a painting of a lake that a woman bought at a church bazaar for about $5.
Conclusion. Items appraised in Sacramento include a pair of bronze horses, a Wedgewood stove from the 1930s and a hand-embroidered linen bag. Also: host Dan Elias visits the California State Railroad Museum.
Items appraised in Las Vegas (Part 1 of three) include an 18th-century Dutch decanter set, a post-Civil War chair and table, and a painting of a snowy landscape scene in Bucks County, Pa. The hour also features a thumbnail history of the Las Vegas area and a tour of a "boneyard" for neon signs. Says tour guide Rudy Franchi: "You couldn't come to Las Vegas without talking about neon." Dan Elias hosts.
Part 2 . Items appraised in Las Vegas include a 17th-century Dutch pendulum clock; a Revolutionary War-era powderkeg; and a magic-memorabilia collection that includes a program autographed by Houdini. Also: host Dan Elias visits Nevada's Hoover Dam.
A Las Vegas stint concludes. Items appraised include costumes worn by performers who entertained U.S. troops during the 1950s; a 19th-century Russian religious icon; and a carpenter's chest made of 13 kinds of wood. Also: host Dan Elias tours the Liberace Museum
The treasures of Tucson's attics are on display. Items appraised during the hour (the first of three in Tucson) include some that are unusually valuable, including a 1790s sideboard and a Western landscape by Edgar Payne. Then there's a 150-year-old Navajo weaved blanket. Appraiser Donald Ellis calls it "a national treasure." Taped in June 2001 at the City of Tucson Convention Center. Host: Dan Elias.
Items appraised in Tucson (Part 2 of three) include 18th-century leather fire buckets and an art-deco bronze sculpture. Also: host Dan Elias visits an 18th-century mission church, San Xavier del Bac, which is known as "the white dove of the desert."
A three-program stop in Tucson concludes. Appraised: an 1890s silver service; two season passes for the 19th-century baseball team the Cincinnati Red Stockings; and a 19th-century Persion rug. Also: host Dan Elias visits a Tucson resort hotel founded in 1930 by Arizona's first congresswoman, Isabella Greenway.
The first of three shows taped in New York City. Items shown include a Winslow Homer etching, a collection of Ramones memorabilia, a 1765 table and a futuristic toy car. Also: host Dan Elias visits the Museum of the City of New York, where items on display range from a gown worn to George Washington's Inaugural Ball to a Playbill for "Guys and Dolls."
Items appraised in New York City (Part 2 of three) include a painting by Jesse Arms Botke; an 18th-century silver cream jug by Boston silversmith Jacob Hurd; and a collection of vintage luggage stickers. Also: host Dan Elias visits Manhattan's Lower East Side Tenement Museum.
Items appraised as a three-week stint in New York City concludes include a signed copy of James Joyce's "Ulysses," illustrated by Henri Matisse; an 1880s weathervane shaped like a codfish; and a collection of turn-of-the-20th-century poster art. Also: host Dan Elias visits the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Items appraised in San Diego (Part 1 of three) range from an 8th-century Chinese earthenware horse to a Tom Mix lariat and a sarong worn by Dorothy Lamour. Then, it's Christmas in July for the owner of a Santa sleigh that was made in the 1920s or '30s. He paid $70 for it; now it's worth $3000-$4000. Also: host Dan Elias leads a tour of San Diego's Balboa Park and visits the Marston House, an arts and crafts style mansion.
Items appraised in San Diego (Part 2 of three) include a yellow-diamond Tiffany pendant, a pair of 18th-century candlesticks and sheet music of jazz pianist James P. Johnson. Also: host Dan Elias visits the Hotel Del Coronado, a vintage-1890 resort located across Mission Bay from San Diego.
Conclusion. Items appraised in San Deigo include an ivory-and-diamond ring with a cameo of Britain's King Charles I; an 18th-century chest; and a Dr. Seuss "kangaroo bird" sculpture. Also: host Dan Elias visits the San de Alcala Mission church, which was founded in 1769 by Junipero Serra, the father of California missions.
Part 1 of three in Indianapolis: a 19th-century French nude bronze; a combination pipe and tomahawk; a collection of Civil War bullets. There's also a picture N.C. Wyeth painted for a 1913 issue of Harper's magazine. The painting's worth: $250,000. Also: host Dan Elias recalls the history of the Indianapolis 500 during a visit to the Motor Speedway Museum, and admires Persian tribal weavings at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.
Evaluated in Indianapolis (Part 2 of three): a 1920s Little Orphan Annie Halloween costume and an Empire-style Italian marble-top table. Also: host Dan Elias visits the Indianapolis Chidren's Museum, which covers 13 acres and bills itself as the world's largest.
Appraised in Indianapolis (conclusion): a porcelain bowl commissioned by Catherine the Great, and sci-fi illustrations by Frank R. Paul (1884-1963) valued at up to $40,000. Also: host Dan Elias visits Indianapolis's Crown Hill Cemetary, the final resting place of John Dillinger, poet James Whitcomb Riley and President Benjamin Harrison.
Items appraised at Miami's Coconut Grove Convention Center (Part 1 of three) include a Federal period gaming table bought for $300; an Art Deco pendant brooch; and an autographed team photo of the 1929 Philadelphia Athletics that includes four Hall of Famers. Also autographed are two Elvis Presley recordings made for Sun Records. Also: host Dan Elias visits the 1891 home of Miami-area pioneer Ralph Monroe.
Items appraised in Albuquerque (Part 1 of three) include an 1870s Navajo blanket and a marble lion from Tang Dynasty China (6th-9th centuries) that leaves appraiser Lark Mason Jr. choked up, but not speechless. "It's fantastic," he marvels. "It's among the finest examples of Chinese art I have ever seen on the 'Roadshow'." Also: host Dan Elias explores attractions along the "Turquoise Trail" between Albuquerque and Santa Fe.
Part 2. Items appraised in Albuquerque include a Revolutionary War-era canteen and a diary account of the war written by an ancester of the diary's owner; and a 1908 illustration by British children's book illustrator Arthur Rackham. Also: host Dan Elias visits New Mexico's Petroglyph National Park, where he finds 3000-year-old Pueblo carvings, and Ghost Ranch, near Albuquerque, where he examines dinosaur fossils.
Conclusion. Appraisals in Albuquerque include portrait miniatures with cases and engravings designed by Paul Revere; a 19th-century New England grandfather clock; and two landscapes by Hudson River School painter James Hope (1819-92). Also: host Dan Elias tours Albuquerque's Old Town.
A three-episode stint in Seattle begins. Items appraised include a 17th-century Japanese tea urn, an acetate of a recording by Seattle native Jimi Hendrix, an 1819 book its owner found in a dumpster and a baseball autographed by the 1951 New York Yankees. However, a non-Yankee also signed it and that normally decreases value "dramatically," says appraiser Simeon Lipman. But the non-Yankee was Marilyn Monroe, who, says Lipman, "is the exception to the rule." Also: host Dan Elias visits architect Frank Gehry's Experience Music Project museum.
Appraised in Seattle (Part 2): a lithograph of the famous 1949 Tom Kelly nude photo of Marilyn Monroe, inscribed by Monroe to the owner's father, who assisted Kelly during the photo session; a print depicting the Civil War prison at Andersonville, Ga., drawn by a prisoner; a complete set of Snow White and the Seven Drwarfs figurines; an 1820s clarinet; a landscape painted by Kansas artist artist Birger Sandzen (1871-1954), who was known as "the American Van Gogh"; and a set of autographed Babe Ruth photos. Also: a visit to the Rosalie Whyel Museum of Doll Art in Bellevue, Wash. Dan Elias hosts.
Conclusion. Items appraised at the Seattle Convention and Trade Center include a pair of Federal-era chairs attributed to Salem, Mass., cabinetmaker Samuel McIntyre; a vase fashioned by arts-and-crafts potter Fred Walrath (1871-1921); and objects from the squadron of pilot Jimmy Doolittle. Also: host Dan Elias visits the Center for Wooden Boats on Seattle's Lake Union.
A three-episode stint in Cleveland begins with a thumbnail history of the city, a tour of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and a sampling of Civil War photos at the Western Reserve Historical Society. Items appraised at the Cleveland Convention Center include a sideboard and table from a house on Cleveland's "Millionaires Row," a watercolor of the city in 1851, a pair of 18th-century Scottish pistols, a gilded dance card from a 1909 ball, a birdwatching telescope made by Queen Victoria's opticians and a mesh purse embroidered with a portrait of Charlie Chaplin. It is, says appraiser Caroline Ashleigh, "the Rolls-Royce of beaded bags."
Appraised in Cleveland (Part 2 of three): an original framed photograph of the Goodyear blimp U.S.S. Akron's 1931 maiden voyage; an 18th-century maple tilt-top table; and glass and tiles from the Louis C. Tiffany estate in Oyster Bay, L.I. Also: host Dan Elias visits Lakeview Cemetary, which overlooks downtown Cleveland.
A three-week sojourn in Cleveland concludes. Items appraised range from a 1940 Roy Rogers movie poster (for "Young Buffalo Bill") to a Jacobean-style cupboard that was once owned by Ohio politico Mark Hanna, the "President maker" behind William McKinley. Then there's an item a woman bought for 50 cents. "We didn't know what it was," she admits to host Dan Elias. It turns out to be a clock to time racing homing pigeons, and it dates from 1902. Elias also visits Cleveland's Crawford Auto-Aviation Museum (Cleveland rivaled Detroit as an early automotive center), and appraisers Leigh and Leslie Keno trace the history of the Chevrolet Corvette.
Appraisers at the Kansas City Convention Center encounter a vase made for the Imperial household of China between 1736 and 1795; a wild collection of memorabilia, including a T-shirt with bullet holes, documenting the life and antics of Beat Generation writer William Burroughs; and an 1880s Pennsylvania dry sink, made of poplar and decorated with a fantastic painted-grain finish, estimated to be worth $8,000.
Part. 2. Appraised in Kansas City, Mo: A Czech blown-glass grape-arbor chandelier; a Dopey (from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs") animation cell autographed by Walt Disney; a gold box inset with diamonds and inscribed with the name of Emperor Maximilian of Mexico; and a Federal-period gaming table. Also: host Dan Elias relates the story of the Missouri River steamboat Arabia, which sank in 1856. It was found in 1988---a half-mile from where the Missouri flows today.
Items appraised in Kansas City (conclusion) include a 19th-century fish tank, a 1799 Italian majolica jug, an English stopwatch made by the same clockmaker who made Big Ben and a late 19th-century pressed-tin Coca-Cola advertising sign that proclaims "specific for headache." Then there's a gold-plated Roy Rogers holster set that was awarded to its owner as third prize in a 1957 write-in contest. She was disappointed that she didn't win the grand prize: a pony. But, as appraiser Noel Barrett tells her: "If you'd gotten the pony we wouldn't be here now."
Items appraised on the first of three programs from Hot Springs, Ark., range from a 19th-century Comanche cradle and an unfinished manuscript from Mark Twain's "Among the Indians" to two sets of Ringo Starr drumsticks and an 1868 marble relief by sculptor Erastus Dow Palmer. Then there's an old Playboy magazine---no, not that Playboy but a serious art magazine from the 1920s. Also: host Dan Elias offers a thumbnail history of Hot Springs, then takes the waters at a hotel on "Bathhouse Row."
Part 2. Items appraised in Hot Springs, Ark., include signed Ansel Adams photos, a painting by Hudson River School artist Jasper Cropsey and minutes from the Arkansas territorial legislature dating from the 1820s. Also: host Dan Elias and "Roadshow" jewelry experts mine for diamonds at the Crater of Diamonds State Park in Murfreesboro, Ark.
Conclusion. Appraisals in Hot Springs, Ark., include an English Regency writing secretary, a baseball autographed by the 1933 American League All-Star team and two early paintings by the German bauhaus artist-choreographer Oskar Schlemmer. Then there's a 1903 quilt depicting Arkansas, country by county. It is, says appraiser Beth Szescila, "a wonderful piece of Arkansas history."
Dan Elias winds up his tenure as series host with this three-episode stop in Charlotte. Items appraised range from comics to a Marc Chagall lithograph and a Mexican War sword. Away from the Charlotte Convention Center, Elias traces the city's history.
Items appraised in Charlotte, N.C. (Part 2) include a collection of wooden tools and folk-art objects evaluated by Mitchell Keno (brother of "Find" hosts Leigh and Leslie), as well as a turn-of-the-century dragonfly brooch and an early-19th-century chest of drawers that was made in North Carolina. Also: a quickie tour of Charlotte. Dan Elias hosts.
Dan Elias concludes his three-year stint as series host with the windup of this three-episode stop in Charlotte, N.C. Items include a baseball autographed by Ty Cobb and an 1882 Wedgwood fish service. Also: Elias tours the Carolina pottery collection at Charlotte's Mint Museum of Art.
There's something new among the antiques as this PBS perennial opens its season with a three-week stint in Chicago: "Good Morning America"'s Lara Spencer signs on as host. Items appraised include a "spectacular" 19th-century articulated Japanese iron crayfish; a copy of the Beatles' "Yesterday and Today" album with its original "butcher" cover; a copy of "King Lear" with notes by its original owner---John Barrymore---scribbled in margins; an 1881 John LaFarge drawing; and a portrait of 18th-century Harvard president John Holyoke and a chair he owned. In addition, Spencer takes appraiser Simeon Lipman to a ballgame at Chicago's Comiskey Park, where they stop at souvenir stands in search of "future collectibles."
Part 2 of three. Appraised in Chicago: an 18th-century map of Virginia and Maryland and an 1871 map of Chicago that highlights the burned areas of the city; an 18th-century Irish silver sauce boat; an 1880s "aesthetic-movement" table; Tiffany stained glass from the men's grill at Chicago's Marshall Field department store. Then there's a Russian bodice ornament with a value that pleasantly surprises its owner---so much so that she kisses the appraiser who gave her the good news. Meanwhile, host Lara Spencer learns the difference between "toy" and "model" trains during a visit to Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry
Appraised in Chicago (conclusion): an 1820s classical-revival secretary; a Grant Wood painting; an 1822 U.S. atlas; a trombone owned by a member of the John Philip Sousa band; an 1850s Tiffany gold necklace; and a "presentation piece" (photos) honoring the 1908 Chicago Cubs---the last Cubs team to win a World Series. Also: host Lara Spencer asks "Roadshow" attendees at the Chicago Navy Pier to define the French phrase "sang de boeuf."
The "Roadshow" rolls into San Francisco for three shows (taped in August 2003). In the opener, host Lara Spencer checks out porcelain all over town. At the Moscone Center, items appraised include an 1850 vase, a print from a post-office mural depicting the city's 1934 longshoremen's strike; jewelry made during the Gold Rush years; an 1890 Ute doll cradle; a Maynard Dixon painting; and a baseball signed by the 1933 San Francisco Seals of the Pacific Coast League. One signee: Joe DiMaggio, who hit in 61 straight games that year
Appraised in San Francisco (Part 2 of three): an Ansel Adams California-mission photograph; a pair of English silver perfume bottles from the 1680s; a Bowie knife; and some surprisingly valuable Crackerjack postcards (and a Christmas card with a picture of Santa Claus in a mauve suit). In addition, appraiser Leila Dunbar on what to look for in autographed baseballs; appraiser Barry Weber on jewelry markings; and a number of appraisers on items brought into the "Roadshow" that aren't valuable ("at least in money," says host Lara Spencer).
Conclusion. Appraised in San Francisco: paintings by California artists; a 1950s ceramic jug designed by Pablo Picasso; a collection of 1940s signed movie-star photos; an 1840s Viennese wall clock; and a 1920s azure-cut diamond ring. In addition, appraiser Kerry Shrives explains the difference between auction, retail and insurance values; and host Lara Spencer and appraiser Gary Sohmers check out psychedelic rock posters in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury, "the epicenter," says Sohmers, "of the counterculture of the 1960s."
Beginning a three-episode stint in Oklahoma. Among the items appraised: survey maps of 1870s Oklahoma; an early-20th-century Marquetry vase designed by Emile Galle; a Civil War-era medical "bleeder"; a 1937 Martin guitar; and "gal leg" spurs that were once owned by a desperado. In addition, host Lara Spencer visits the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum; and antiques dealer Wendell Garrett discusses museum "deaccessioning."
ANTIQUES ROADSHOW headed west to Oklahoma's capital, where host Lara Spencer and Part 2. Items appraised in Oklahoma City include an 1801 Lewis and Clark "peace medallion"; paintings of Geronimo and a bison; European Art-Deco travel posters; sketches of Tallulah Bankhead, Leslie Howard and Amelia Earhart; and Oglala Sioux family heirlooms. Also: appraiser Beth Szescila tells host Lara Spencer what to look for when assessing quilts; appraiser Nicholas Dawes discusses floral-decorated porcelain.
Appraised in Oklahoma City (conclusion): 1960s San Francisco rock-concert handbills; a mother-and-child sculpture by a grandson of Brigham Young; an 1805 English cruet set; an 1890s Zuni Indian jar; a drum from Zachary Taylor's 1848 presidential campaign; and plates from the first newspaper published in Oklahoma (in 1889). Also: host Lara Spencer surveys Hopi dolls at the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, and asks "Roadshow" attendees the meaning of the word "antimacassar."
Items appraised in Savannah in the first of three episodes include a French and Indian War powder horn, a 1730s shoe buckle given to its owner's ancestor by James Oglethorpe, the founder of the Georgia colony, and World War I records from Camp Hancock, Ga., where seven Baseball Hall of Famers (including Ty Cobb) were stationed. In addition, appraiser David Rago discusses brown-glaze pottery with host Lara Spencer, and Spencer goes antiquing in Savannah with appraiser Richard Wright. She brings home a basket.
The site: Savannah, Ga. Part 2 of three. Items appraised include an African-themed quilt made by a slave around 1830; a Coca-Cola music lighter from the 1950s that plays "Dixie" (and was controversial because of it); a statuette of the Egyptian god Osiris dating from about 300 BC; an 18th-century Chinese lacquer box; and an early 19th-century French "tremblant" pin. In addition, "Find!" hosts Leigh and Leslie Keno visit Savannah furniture maker Greg Guenther; appraiser David Lackey tells host Lara Spencer how to guage the age of porcelain; and appraiser Noel Barrett tells Spencer what to look for in cast-iron toys.
In the last of three shows from Savannah, items appraised include a Newcomb pottery chocolate set, a bronze birdbath and a Swiss automaton watch. Also: host Lara Spencer surveys Savannah ironwork with appraiser Carolyn Remmey
In ANTIQUES ROADSHOW's 2005 season opener from St. Paul, Minnesota — the land of 10,000 lakes — former host Lara Spencer and appraisers were awash in a sea of antiques and collectibles.
Appraised in St. Paul (Part 2): a 1950 Minneapolis Millers jersey worn by Willie Mays; photographs of Marilyn Monroe and by Margaret Bourke-White; and a map of the Civil War's Battle of Lookout Mountain, drawn by the great-grandfather of the owner's husband. Also: appraisers have bad news for the owners of Chinese bronzes and signatures of U.S. Founding Fathers that were cut off from documents, and very good news for the owner of a large stoneware jug with the date 1876 on it.
Conclusion. Items appraised in St. Paul include an 1850 scrimshaw whale's tooth; an 1896 prints portfolio by outdoors artist A.B. Frost; a five-foot-long model railroad engine; and a chair that the current owner had bought that morning for $2. Appraiser Leigh Keno tells him it's a 1770 Chippendale. Also: host Lara Spencer goes fishing on one of Minnesota's 11,842 lakes with appraiser Ken Farmer and admires Farmer's collection of antique lures. "So alluring," Spencer coos.
Host Lara Spencer admires antique farm machinery in the first of three shows in Omaha. Items appraised include a chair made of elk antlers; and Frank Lloyd Wright architectural drawings (one of which was for a design the owner's great-grandmother rejected). Also: an Edward Curtis Native-American photo, an 18th-century Chinese bowl and a painting by Harlem Renaissance artist Palmer Hayden.
Appraised in Omaha (Part 2): posters for the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's," Levis jeans and Omaha's 1898 Trans Mississippi and International Exposition; a World War II Flying Tigers flag; a 1967 Campbell's Soup paper dress; a collection of the 1960s alternative newspaper The Realist; a 1910 Eskimo doll; an 1890s Mennonite cabinet; and a 1930s cast-iron toy race car. Also: host Lara Spencer and appraiser Rudy Franchi examine "railroad ephemera" at Omaha's restored Union Station.
Conclusion. Appraised in Omaha: a daguerrotype of Edgar Allan Poe, an 18th-century Chippendale writing desk and a pressed-glass punch bowl shaped like a swan. Also: paintings by Nebraska artists, a 1769 Quaker purse, Spanish-American War memorabilia and an 1870 inlaid table that's "as anyone could have made," says appraiser Brian Witherell. Also: appraiser Richard Wright shows host Lara Spencer various "corn collectibles" (some of them made of corn).
Appraised in Memphis (Part 1 of three): drawings by Shirley Temple, 1919 "Black Sox" memorabilia, a Confederate Army belt buckle and an 1820s lighthouse clock that its owner (who paid $8 for it) calls "Mr. Ugly." Then she hears it would bring a pretty penny at auction. Also: host Lara Spencer admires the ducks in the lobby fountain at Memphis's Peabody Hotel, then visits nearby Shelby Farms.
Part 2 of 3. Memphis items include a mid-19th-century Tennessee honey pot that appraiser Dean Falley calls "a honey of a pot"; a gold watch that was given to its owner's great-great grandfather in 1898 for breaking up a train robbery; an 18th-century English sideboard; 1939 World's Fair memorabilia; and a 7000-page dictionary. In a musical interlude, appraiser Ken Farmer leads colleagues in a jug-band version of the "Antiques Roadshow" theme song.
Conclusion. Appraised in Memphis: a Grandma Moses painting, a suitably sequined Elvis Presley outfit, late-18th-century Chinese jade and porcelain, Mardi Gras parade prints that appeared in a New Orleans newspaper in 1917, an 1810 gilded Darby porcelain vase, a late-19th-century disc music automaton and a Steiff Teddy bear (named "Ted"). Also: host Lara Spencer visits the National Ornamental Metal Museum in Memphis to see how metal objects are restored.
Part 1 of three. Appraised in Reno: a 1927 model of a Lake Tahoe ferry; a 1910 Edison phonograph; 1830s Japanese woodblock prints; an F.Scott Fitzgerald inscription; and a 1930s toy motorcycle owned by a younger-than-usual collector. When appraiser Andy Ourant tells him its worth and asks what he'll do with the money, the boy says, "Play with it carefully." In addition to the appraisals, host Lara Spencer tours Virginia City, "a real live ghost town."
Part 2 in Reno. Appraisals include an 1854 sterling English tea set; an early-20th-century leaded-glass lampshade; and a German model train with an actual steam engine and coach doors that open and close. Also: appraisers Rudy Franchi and Ken Farmer on firefighting collectibles.
Appraised in Reno (Conclusion): a diamond-studded Cartier cigarette case; an 1856 German book of herb prints; and a movie-production saddle John Wayne gave to a friend. Also: host Lara Spencer and appraiser Brad Witherell check out the antique slot machines at Reno's Liberty Belle Saloon..
Items appraised in Portland, Ore. (Part 1 of three) include items carried by settlers who traversed the Oregon Trail in 1852; radio logs of official accounts of the Pearl Harbor attack; a portrait miniature of Samuel Osgood, the first U.S. postmaster general, owned by an Osgood descendent; and a Native American portrait by J.H. Sharp, the founder of New Mexico's Taos Art Colony. Also: a segment on Native American artifacts at the Portland Art Museum that have feathers from endangered birds.
Part 2 of three. Appraised in Portland, Ore.: Edgar Bergen dummy models; an 1860 Kentucky rifle (made in Pennsylvania); a portrait of the first Episcopal bishop of Vermont (circa 1825), owned by his great-great-great-great granddaughter; a "Saturday Night Live" album autographed by the original cast; a German artist's 1860s Alpine sketchbook; a 1915 Japanese altar set; and a 4-year-old girl's shoe from 1928 that was autographed by Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig.
Conclusion. Appraised in Portland, Ore.: a map from the Lewis and Clark report of 1814; an art-nouveau dog-show trophy from 1904; a large Hawaiian wooden bowl that could have belonged to the islands' royalty. Lara Spencer hosts.
In Tampa, host Mark Walberg checks out a scrapbook focusing on Joe DiMaggio's 1941 56-game hitting streak; a marriage license issued to Davy Crockett; and a painting by artist James E. Buttersworth (1817-94). Appraiser David Rago is the guest.
Items appraised in the second of three episodes in Tampa include Sioux artifacts, golf collectibles, marble-head-art pottery, and a copy of the first book printed in Wyoming. Appraiser Leila Dunbar is the guest.
Items appraised in the last of three episodes in Tampa include circus toys and posters, an 18th-century dressing table and a Tabriz carpet. Appraisers Noel Barrett and Nicholas Lowry are the guests.
The first of three episodes in Houston includes a look at a whaling ship, walrus-tusk scrimshaw, a book of Mexican War battlefield illustrations and a collection of unopened football cards from 1958. Also: a visit to a home decorated with items made from beer cans.
The second of three episodes in Houston includes a 19th-century box desk, a set of lithographed orange-crate labels and a bronze sculpture that's a replica of an original by scuptress Edith Parson. Appraiser Beth Szescila is the guest.
Conclusion in Houston. Included: NASA collectibles; a set of Wedgewood Fairyland lusterware; an English Regency rosewood settee; a watch that once belonged to Mickey Mantle.
Part 1 of 3. In Los Angeles: an 18th-century Goan ivory doll, a Massachusetts shelf clock and a Russian porcelain charger. Appraiser Gary Sohmers is the guest.
Items appraised in the second of three episodes in Los Angeles include a painting of the French Riviera by Louis Aston Knight, and a deco poster collection of Monte Carlo coquettes. Also: Academy Award memorabilia, including a 1961 ballot, a 1972 program and an Oscar statue
Items appraised in the last of three episodes in Los Angeles include rhinestone-studded, western-style clothes created by Nudie Cohn; and a collection of barbershop shaving mugs from the 1930s. Also: an assortment of Anna Richards Brewster paintings; and a collection of original Charles Schulz "Peanuts" comic strips. Appraiser Caroline Ashleigh is the guest.
Part 1 (of three) in Bismarck, N.D., includes a set of samurai swords, a Bennington pottery lion, and 19th-century journals from a country store near Grand Forks. Appraiser Suzanne Perrault is the guest.
Items appraised in the second of three episodes in Bismarck, N.D., include a painting of a Northern Pacific Railroad train and Civil War-era photos of John Hunt Morgan cavalry members. Also: a collection of pottery from the University of North Dakota. Appraiser Karen Keane is the guest.
Conclusion. Bismarck, N.D.: a Victorian convertible bathtub, a Bible in the Dakota language and a script for the 1935 film "The Informer", signed by director John Ford and some of the cast members. Appraiser Ken Farmer is the guest.
The first of three episodes in Providence, R.I., includes a folk-art weather vane; a 1786 diary; and a gunsmith's rifle, powder horn and log book. Appraiser Chris Mitchell is the guest.
Items appraised in the second episode in Providence, R.I., include dollhouse furniture made in the 1920s and a first edition of "Anne of Green Gables." Also: production puppets from the 1964 film "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." Appraiser J. Michael Flanigan is the guest.
Conclusion, from Providence, R.I., includes costume jewelry, prints by Rembrandt and Albrecht Durer, and a 1923 bronze car hood ornament. Appraiser Joyce Jonas is the guest.
The 10th season concludes with celebrity items, including the first mask worn by Clayton Moore ("The Lone Ranger"); photos of Marilyn Monroe; Ramones memorabilia; James Dean's high-school yearbook; signed photos of Annie Oakley and Buffalo Bill; and vintage Beatles dolls.
AR says "Aloha!" to its 11th season with a voyage to sunny Honolulu, Hawaii. Host Mark L. Walberg and appraiser Nancy Druckman of Sotheby's explore the longstanding tradition of Hawaiian quilting by visiting the stunning collection at the Queen Emma Summer Palace and sitting in on a quilting class at the 'Iolani Palace. At the Hawai'i Convention Center, appraisers stitch together a vivid portrait of the past when they discover such treasures as an ancient Hawaiian Omeke poi bowl; an Atomic Ray water pistol, purchased by the owner at a Hawaiian swap meet for $20; and an 1886 painting of Hawaiian Princess Kaiulani sitting beneath her famous banyon tree in Waikiki. This lovely depiction by English artist Robert C. Barnfield is valued at $30,000.
Part 2 of 3 in Honolulu includes a painting of Hilo Harbor and an 18-karat-gold Victorian cuff bracelet. Also: letters signed by Queen Victoria, her son Albert, King Kamehameha and Princess Kailani.
Items appraised in the last of three episodes in Honolulu include a 1915 Hawaiian flag quilt, and a first edition of Jack London's "The Call of the Wild." Also: a violin and bow purchased in 1921 and kept in storage for four decades.
Part 1 of 3 in Philadelphia includes a 17th-century needlework piece and an 18th-century Pennsylvania spice cupboard. Also: a 20th-century oil painting by Pennsylvania impressionist George Sotter; and a visit to the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Part 2 of 3 in Philadelphia includes a collection of Camera Work magazines, and an Alexander Calder maquette for a sculpture. Also: a handcrafted chair by furnituremaker Charles Rohlf.
Conclusion in Philadelphia. Items include paintings by artist John F. Kensett; a 3-carat Asscher-cut yellow diamond ring; and autographed baseballs featuring signatures from Babe Ruth, Ted Williams and the 1944 St. Louis Cardinals.
Antiques Roadshow host Mark Walberg gets a taste of Tucson, Arizona, history from the seat of an antique buggy, part of the impressive stable of horse-drawn conveyances housed at the Tucson Rodeo Parade Museum.
Part 2 of 3 in Tucson: a 1776 French harp; a 19th-century Navajo chief's blanket; and a silver brooch made by sculptor Jose DeRivero
Conclusion in Tucson. Items include Olympics memorabilia from 1956; a set of U.S. posters from WWII; and a trio of paintings by French painter Gaston Chaissac.
Part 1 of 3 in Mobile, Ala., includes a lap desk that may have been given to Martha Washington's granddaughter by the Marquis de Lafayette; and a watch that belonged to baseball legend Leroy "Satchel" Paige. Also: a vase made by ceramic artist George Ohr.
Part 2 of 3 in Mobile, Ala., includes a football jersey worn by NFL Hall of Famer Gale Sayers and a set of books containing lithographs of American Indian chiefs.
Conclusion in Mobile, Ala.: a painted chest, a Confederate Army belt buckle and a collection of letters and documents from FDR.
Part 1 of 3 in Salt Lake City includes a quilt depicting scenes from Mormon history, a Utah landscape by artist Birger Sandzen and documents chronicling the career of actor Philip Margetts.
Part 2 of 3 in Salt Lake City includes a 19th-century shotgun, a first edition of Joseph Smith's"The Pearl of Great Price," and a writing desk made by Mormon pioneer Robert Nell.
Conclusion in Salt Lake City. Items include golf clubs once owned by golfer George Von Elm; a set of 18th-century Chinese white-jade carvings; a copy of Brigham Young's declaration of martial law in Utah in 1857.
Part 1 of 3 in Milwaukee includes a 1952 Fender Esquire guitar, a 19th-century child's sled shaped like a swan, and an 18th-century desk and bookcase.
Part 2 of 3 in Milwaukee includes 1772 needlework; a bracelet with rubies and diamonds; and a Japanese bronze of a peasant woman and her baby.
Conclusion in Milwaukee. Items include a Persian rug, a stained-glass figurine, and two baseballs autographed by former Milwaukee Braves pitcher Warren Spahn.
The 12th season begins with Part 1 of a three-part visit to Baltimore. Items include Native American artifacts; a 19th-century rock crystal watch; and an angelfish pin reportedly given to a woman by Mark Twain.
Part 2 of 3 in Baltimore. Items include an 18th-century embroidered vest; a painting by impressionist W. L. Metcalf; and a championship jacket worn by NFL player Johnny Unitas.
Conclusion in Baltimore. Items include a bench crafted by woodworker George Nakashima; a two-sided painting by B.J.O. Nordfelt; and a violin made by Nicolas Lupot.
A photo signed by the entire cast of the hit TV series "Bonanza"; a sterling silver Tiffany vase; and a collection of etchings and dry points by James McNeill Whistler.
Part 2 of 3 from Orlando. Items include a painting by Fern Coppedge; an 1835 Regency-style etagere bought at a yard sale; and an animator's plaster model of Geppetto, created for 1940 film "Pinocchio."
Conclusion in Orlando. Items include glass goblets by Austrian designer Otto Prutscher; an aerial photograph of Disney property before Epcot was built; and a collection of original photographs by Cecil Stoughton, an official White House photographer during the Kennedy administration.
Part 1 of 3 from San Antonio. Items include a pottery horse from the Tang dynasty; a large Teco vase from Terra Cotta, Ill.; and a collection of World Series programs, including one for the 1905 series between the New York Giants and the Philadelphia Athletics.
Part 2 of 3 from San Antonio. Items include a silver statue of St. Catherine; an heirloom needlepoint from Rhode Island; and a large desk and bookcase.
Vaqueros (Mexican cowboys) and antique sombreros are discussed. Also: Buddy Holly and Crickets concert memorabilia; a Robert Wood painting of bluebonnets; Chinese porcelain panels that are worth between $40,000 and $60,000. From San Antonio.
A 1905 bird's-eye-view map of Spokane; a necklace that flunks a critical test; and a collection of items - a framed photo and letters dating to 1862 - signed by President Lincoln.
Part 2 of 3 in Spokane. Items include pottery by ceramicists Otto and Gertrude Natzler; a landscape painting by artist Sydney Laurence; and an heirloom Waltham pocket watch.
Conclusion in Spokane. Items include a 19th-century silk Heriz rug; a Louis XIV-style clock made in France; and an heirloom desk and chair set used by the United States House of Representatives from 1857 to 1873.
Valuable original cover art for The Saturday Evening Post by John Falter; an enduring symbol of the Kentucky Derby: an heirloom mint julep cup created by Louisville silversmith William Kendrick. HDTV & Cable box required.
Part 2 of 3 in Louisville. Items include an18th-century Kentucky sugar chest; a Rococo Revival table with an image of Mount Vernon; and boxing gloves signed by Muhammad Ali
Conclusion in Louisville. Items include a Dirk Van Erp lamp; an 1876 Pierre Jumeau doll; and a wooden cupboard made in Kentucky.
Part 1 of 3 in Las Vegas. Items include drawings by folk musician Woody Guthrie; a 19th-century tavern clock by clock-maker Aaron Willard; and a five-carat, Asscher-cut diamond ring.
Part 2 of 3 in Las Vegas. Items include a 19th-century pottery-pig canteen; an album cover autographed by Elvis Presley, and a macramé belt that he wore; and a scrapbook with signatures of Civil War-era public figures.
Conclusion in Las Vegas. Items include an 1870s Belleek vase; a pair of art nouveau posters; and a movie prop from the 1939 film "Only Angels Have Wings."
Political memorabilia is featured. Included: campaign buttons; a 1976 court affidavit from Jimmy Carter to Maine officials, asking that they reverse their decision to list him on the ballot as James Earl Carter; an heirloom desk and chair used in the U.S. House of Representatives during the 1800s; and signed photos of presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.
Part 1 of 3. Season 13 begins in Palm Springs, where items include a 1937 painting by American abstract expressionist Clyfford Still that's valued at $500,000. Also: collector Jim McCarty asks for help with recovering paintings stolen from his collection in 2002.
Part 2 of 3. A visit to Palm Springs-area Pioneertown, Cal., where many Hollywood westerns were shot, spotlights trophy belt buckles. Back at the Palm Springs Convention Center, items include a dress Marilyn Monroe wore in "Some Like It Hot" that's valued at $150,000 to $250,000.
The Palm Springs swing concludes. Included: celestial maps; a 1956 autographed photograph of Hall of Famers Jackie Robinson and Roy Campanella.
In Part 1 of a three-part stay in Dallas, the finds include a collection of American flags and an 1847 oil painting by James Henry Beard of statesman Henry Clay (1777-1852) that's worth between $300,000 and $500,000.
Part 2 of a three-part stay in Dallas features a marionette collection and an 18th-century miniature desk that's filled with 300 years' worth of family documents and is valued at $100,000.
The conclusion of the Dallas visit includes a tour of the Dallas Museum of Art, where silver objects and 20th-century modernism are highlighted. Appraised items include a Western-themed painting by Saturday Evening Post illustrator William H.D. Koerner that's valued at $150,000.
Part 1 of 3. A visit to Wichita includes a tour of the Kansas Aviation Museum, where vintage air-travel posters are highlighted. Then, at the Century II Performing Arts and Convention Center, featured items include a 1949 payroll check to Mickey Mantle that's valued at between $30,000 and $50,000.
Part 2 of the three-part Wichita visit swings by the Coleman Company, known for its lanterns and stoves, and, at the Century II Performing Arts and Convention Center, appraises a collection of 1914-15 Cracker Jack baseball cards.
Conclusion. In Wichita, featured items include a 1920s Buddy "L" toy sand-and-gravel truck; a bronze sculpture by 19th-century British artist Edward Onslow Ford; and an 18th-century surveyor's compass. Also: a tour of the Wichita Art Museum's collection of Art Nouveau works by Steuben Glass Company cofounder Frederick Carder.
Part 1 of 3. In Chattanooga, items include an 1826 Tennessee hunting horn; a Regency cellarette that was owned by the poet Lord Byron; and an heirloom necklace with a five-carat diamond in its centerpiece. Also: a visit to the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park features a mid-19th-century cannon being fired by reenactors.
A 19th-century military over-the-shoulder saxophone; an heirloom Confederate soldier's sword; and a collection of movie marketing memorabilia from the 1920s to the 1980s.
The Chattanooga excursion concludes with a walk across the Walnut Street bridge, one of the world's longest pedestrian bridges, and a discussion about carved wooden folk-art walking canes. Featured items include an 18th-century Chippendale tall chest; an 8-ball given to Harry Truman in 1948 by the Los Angeles Press Club; and a 1930 Lionel train set
A letter from Grand Rapids native son Gerald Ford; a pair of earrings made from cufflinks given by Czar Nicholas of Russia; and an 1881 painting by artist Jasper Cropsey.
Part 2 of 3 in Grand Rapids highlights modernist furniture at the Grand Rapids Public Museum. Appraised items include a quilt made from fabric scraps signed by some 200 notables, including Louis Armstrong, Lucille Ball and Gerald Ford; a cold-air return cover; and wooden fish decoys.
Conclusion. A visit to the Holland Museum in Holland, Mich., highlights Delft tiles. Appraised items include a Stickley music cabinet designed by Harvey Ellis; a painting by Edouard Cortes; and prop spears from "The Wizard of Oz."
A 1963 poster for a Joan Baez/Bob Dylan concert at New Haven Arena; a pair of 18th-century silk shoes purportedly worn by one of George Washington's dance partners; and a collection of 200-year-old Wedgwood pottery buttons.
Part 2 of 3 in Hartford, Conn., stops by the American Clock and Watch Museum in nearby Bristol, Conn. Appraised items include a custom-made George Nakashima table purchased 40 years ago; a pre-WWI German toy wagon complete with original box; and a bronze statue of a medieval Russian warrior by Russian artist Eugene Lanceray.
The conclusion of the Hartford visit features an early-19th-century dressing table, rare vintage jewelry and a watercolor signed by Katharine Hepburn. Also: a collection of antique inn and tavern signs at the Connecticut Historical Society is featured.
Personal heirlooms that are the focus of family folklore are featured, including a bow and quiver said to have been made and signed by Geronimo. Also: a carved emerald-and-ruby ring; an 1815 Kentucky corner cupboard.
Large and small items previously featured on the show are highlighted. Among the large: a John Fery painting, 18th-century Chinese painted silk panels and a Kwakiutl Indian-style transformation mask. Among the small: an heirloom five-carat diamond ring, 100-year-old Chinese carved-walnut shells and a Chippendale miniature chest.
A 1920 Arts & Crafts desk and lamp; a rare circa 1960 Gibson Double 12 Electric Guitar; and a set of four high-value Chinese carved jade objects.
Part 2 of 3 in Raleigh features the work of 19th-century furniture maker Thomas Day at the North Carolina Museum of History. Appraised items include a bottle case and stand that date to about 1800, an 1812 needlework sampler and a 1985 Andrew Wyeth watercolor.
Conclusion. A visit to the Museum of the Cape Fear in Fayetteville, N.C., highlights Civil War-era weapons that were made in North Carolina. Objects appraised include items related to Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1966 visit to Durham and an heirloom table that may have ties to Thomas Jefferson.
A Walt Whitman memoir inscribed by the author; a late-19th-century bronze and marble statue by French sculptor Albert Ernest Carrier Belleuse; and an oil painting by 19th-century Canadian artist Cornelius Krieghoff.
Part 2 of 3 in Atlantic City features Enrico Caruso memorabilia and a pair of heirloom boxwood and ivory figurines that may be worth $400,000. Also: the market for bathing-beauty figurines is discussed.
The conclusion of the Atlantic City stop highlights a 1900 folk-art sculpture; a baseball autographed by the 1934 New York Yankees; and an early 20th-century landscape painting by artist George Bellows (1882-1925) that's valued at $150,000. Also: pearls are discussed during a visit to Dock's Oyster House.
An Art Deco charm bracelet; an heirloom 1938 Martin D-18; and an angry 1976 letter from Frank Sinatra to Chicago Daily News columnist Mike Royko.
Part 2 of 3 in Madison, Wis., features photos taken by noted photographer Edward Weston (1886-1958) that were taken in the late 1930s or early '40s; a table made by master furniture-maker George Nakashima (1905-90); and a silver, enamel and turquoise-studded exhibition piece that was crafted by Tiffany for the 1893 Columbian Exhibition in Chicago. Also, the theft of artifacts from the Wisconsin Historical Society is investigated.
Conclusion. In Madison, Wis., items include a turn-of-the-century Japanese bamboo sculpture, Edwardian pearl earrings with art deco pendants and an oil painting by 19th-century artist Thomas Hill that's valued at $60,000 to $80,000. Also: a visit to Wisconsin's House of the Rock, which was built on and around a chimney rock is filled with antiques and collectibles.
A poster of the famous Wright Flyer airplane; a first edition copy of William Faulkner's Sartoris; and an heirloom collection of jewelry that includes a diamond ring crafted by "Jeweler to the Stars" Paul Flato.
Part 2 of 3 in Denver features a Dodgers jersey worn by Don Drysdale, a 17th-century Massachusetts armchair and an 1817 schoolgirl needlework family portrait. Also: the unclaimed property office of the Colorado state treasurer is visited.
Two circa 1958 prototype chairs designed by the guest's father; a salesman's sample canoe; and a 1941 Martin guitar, played by the guest's great-uncle.
A circa 1905 advertising display for waterproof baby pants; a 1797 Chippendale marriage chest; and a collection of original Charles Schulz "Peanuts" artwork.
Part 2 of 3 in Phoenix includes a 1982 bronze maquette by sculptor Henry Moore, an heirloom amethyst jewelry collection and an early abstract painting by noted modern artist Chuck Close that's valued at $100,000 to $150,000. Also: a visit to Phoenix' Desert Botanical Garden, where antique botanical artwork is discussed.
Conclusion. In Phoenix, items include a violin made by the Gagliano family in Naples in the early 1800s and a violin bow made in Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume's shop in France, with the pair's value estimated to be between $72,000 and $94,000. Also: a visit to the Heard Museum, where American Indian basketry is discussed.
Part 1 of 3 in San Jose features a Tlingit bowl and ladle that were procured by the owner's great-great-grandfather in 1877 Alaska. Also: a visit to the Winchester Mystery House, an odd mansion built by Winchester Rifle heiress Sarah Winchester.
A painting by the German genre painter Carl Herpfer.
Conclusion. In San Jose, a collection of Great Basin baskets are appraised. Also: a visit to Stanford University's Hoover Institution highlights its large collection of political posters and explores the origins of Uncle Sam
A rare 1960 re-release movie poster for The Wild One; a George Ohr vase with a surprising secret; and a 1940s mobile by Alexander Calder.
Part 2 of 3 in Miami Beach features beachcombing tips and advice on how to buy and sell gold. Appraised items include an archive of correspondence with Winston Churchill; a 1908 example of New Orleans' Newcomb College pottery; and vintage diamond rings and necklace.
The conclusion of the Miami Beach visit features a rare Qing Dynasty vase; a 1956 Gretsch Chet Atkins Model 6120 guitar; and an oil painting by Victorian artist John George Brown. Also: an excursion to Miami's Wolfsonian Museum to examine its collection of World's Fair objects, which include everything from souvenir ash trays to works of fine art.
Part 1 of 3 in San Diego features a handwritten draft of the classic song "Stormy Weather"; a circa-1864 heirloom Tiffany cameo with period jewelry; and an aristocratic portrait by Robert Henri that's estimated to be worth $250,000 to $350,000. Also: vintage Steiff plush-toy animals are discussed during a visit to the San Diego Zoo.
Part 2 of 3 in San Diego features an 18th-century ivory carved crèche; a banner from George Washington's inauguration ball; and a circa-1900 Turkmenistan rug that's valued at $125,000 to $150,000. Also: the evolution of the cutlass, a 19th-century sailor's sidearm, is discussed aboard the USS Midway, the longest-serving U.S. Navy aircraft carrier of the 20th century
Conclusion. In San Diego, items include "Captain America" and "Fantastic Four" cocreator Jack Kirby's collection of comics from the 1930s to the 1970s; circa-1915 Cartier cuff links, buttons and studs; and an original "Hortus Eystettensis," a 1613 collection of botanical illustrations that's valued at $250,000 to $350,000. Also: a visit to San Diego's Allen Airways Flying Museum highlights historic posters of mechanical flight.
A late-Victorian gold vest chain and fob; a pair of Green Bay Packers signed footballs; and a rare collection of promotional movie memorabilia from Hollywood's Golden Age. Pt. 1
Part 2 of 3 in Des Moines features a collection of late-1950s and '60s Lucy M. Lewis Acoma Pueblo pottery; an 1820 Russian Loutkin snuff box inscribed with the Romanov dynasty's imperial arms; and a 1623 Shakespeare First Folio that's valued between $40,000 and $50,000. Also: an extra-illustrated book set based on a Charles Dickens biography is examined at Salisbury House and Gardens, the estate of 1920s cosmetics tycoon Carl Weeks.
Conclusion. In Des Moines, items include a circa-1856 Des Moines city plan; a circa-1838 E.C. Brewster beehive clock; and a circa-1925 round European-cut diamond and platinum ring. Also: a lesson in honey farming; antiques with bee motifs
Part 1 of 3 in Billings, Mont., features a 19th-century Chinese jade brush washer; a 1752 English silver coursing trophy; and a 19th-century Arthur Brown watercolor scene of Yellowstone National Park that's valued at $75,000 to $125,000. Also: the weapons used at Custer's Last Stand are discussed during a visit to the Little Bighorn national monument.
Part 2 of 3 in Billings, Mont., features a 19th-century Japanese suit of armor; an 1874 oil painting by Swiss artist Luigi Rossi; and a circa 1825 Parisian gilt bronze serving tray that's valued at $50,000 to $70,000. Also: the work of furniture designer Thomas Molesworth (1890 to 1977), known for his rustic stylings, is discussed.
Conclusion. In Billings, Mont., items include an 1843 artillery sword and belt; a circa 1925 sequined flapper dress and gold lamé coat; and a circa 1925 heirloom collection of ruby, diamond and jade rings that's valued at $60,000. Also: a visit to Billing's Yellowstone Art Museum highlights its Joseph Henry Sharp collection.
Part 1 of 3 in Biloxi, Miss., features a circa 1950 Walter Anderson linocut; an 1899 Buffalo Bill poster; and a 1928 bronze sculpture of Russian Ballet dancers that's valued at $100,000 to $150,000.
Part 2 of 3 in Biloxi, Miss., includes a 1943 National League autographed baseball; a circa 1770 sword that was used in the Revolutionary War; and a preserved 1811 silk-on-silk embroidery that's valued at $40,000 to $50,000. Also: vintage space toys.
Conclusion. In Biloxi, Miss., items include a suit worn by Olivia de Havilland in the 1943 movie "Princess O'Rourke"; a circa 1890 French industrial clock; and four 1827 watercolors by the Guilford Limner, a North Carolina-based artist who never signed his work. Also: a visit to the Walter Anderson Museum of Art in Ocean Springs, Miss., details how southern landscapes and creatures inspired Anderson (1903 to 65).
Part 1 of 3 in Washington, D.C., features a 1958 letter from Martin Luther King Jr.; a circa 1965 Andy Warhol lithograph; and a turn-of-the-20th-century, hand-wrought Gorham silver tea set that's valued at $90,000. Also: the Harry S. Truman Building.
Part 2 of 3. In Washington, D.C., items include an 1813 Congressional sword; an early 20th-century Tiffany & Co. Sinclair mantel clock; and a Charles Schreyvogel sculpture of a soldier and his horse that's valued at $60,000 to $90,000. Also: the New Deal's WPA program, the art it sponsored and efforts to locate some of the lost treasures are discussed with General Services Administration inspector general Brian Miller.
Conclusion. In Washington, D.C., items include a 1964 Chrysler Turbine model and manual; a circa-1840 temperance banner; and a circa-1925 oil painting by Jessie Willcox Smith valued at $75,000. Also: miniature portraits from the 18th and 19th centuries are examined at the Smithsonian Art Museum's Lunder Conservation lab.
Part 1 of 3. Season 16 begins in Tulsa, where items include a signed note from Mother Teresa; an 1894 Winchester rifle; and a collection of late 17th-, early 18th-century Chinese rhinoceros horn cups that are valued at more than a million dollars. Also: a visit to the Pawnee Bill Ranch highlights show-stopping Wild West posters.
Part 2 of 3 in Tulsa features a 1960 first edition of "To Kill a Mockingbird" inscribed by author Harper Lee; a collection of bronzes that may or may not be Remingtons and Russells; and a 1924 Gibson F-5 "Lloyd Loar" mandolin valued at $175,000. Also: a visit to the Woolaroc Museum and Wildlife Preserve highlights vintage petroliana collectibles.
Conclusion. In Tulsa, items include an 1826 English gadget cane that's equipped with both a pistol and a telescope; a 1931 Oscar Mayer in-store display; and a circa 1600 Ming Dynasty cast bronze guardian figure. Also: a visit to the Philbrook Museum of Art highlights housewares, appliances and electronics that were turned into functional art by 20th-century industrial designers.
Part 1 of 3 in Eugene, Ore., includes Ty Cobb-autographed memorabilia; an original "Rosemary's Baby" drawing by art designer Clem Hall; and a 1919 oil painting by Norman Rockwell that's valued at $500,000. Also: a McKenzie River fishing expedition; the antique fly fishing gear market.
Part 2 of 3 in Eugene, Ore., features a circa 1800 New England Chippendale chest-on-chest; an 1846 map of Western America; and a Russian Imperial officer's sword from the reign of Tsar Nicholas II that is worth between $75,000 and $100,000. Also: collecting wine glasses and decanters is discussed during a visit to the King Estate Winery.
The Eugene, Ore., visit concludes with tin toys, including a circa 1938 Marx car and a battery-powered dump truck; a circa 1861 Civil War cavalry guidon that may have been used in the Battle of Shiloh; and a 1960 jeweled gold moretto. Also: collecting wineglasses and decanters is discussed at the King Estate Winery.
Part 1 of 3 in Pittsburgh features intimate letters between Cole Porter and actor Monty Woolley; a circa 1920 silk Kashan rug; and a 17th-century rhinoceros horn cup, purchased for one dollar at a flea market, worth between $350,000 and $450,000. Also: a visit to the Andy Warhol Museum.
Part 2 of 3 in Pittsburgh includes a 6.5 carat yellow mine cut diamond ring; a North American Indian club and pipe that may have belonged to Sitting Bull; and three Charles Darwin first editions, including "The Voyage of the Beagle," "On the Origin of Species" and "The Descent of Man." Also: centuries-old jewelry fashioned out of steel and iron.
Conclusion. In Pittsburgh, items include a collection of letters between members of the Kennedy family and JFK's former personal secretary; a circa 1928 art deco jade sapphire ring; and a 1946 oil painting by Rockwell Kent, along with an inherited letter from the artist. Also: a visit to the Carnegie Museum of Art highlights the work of glass artist Maurice Marinot.
Part 1 of 3 in El Paso features a 19th-century Fiji split whale's tooth necklace; Andy Warhol's 1966 artist's proof of a Jacqueline Kennedy print; and a signed 1937 first edition of J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit" that's valued at $80,000 to $120,000. Also: a visit to the Centennial Museum highlights pre-Columbian pottery from the Casas Grandes culture.
Signed Andy Warhol soup cans and pop art; a collection of signed Cormac McCarthy first editions; and a circa 1570 "Lotto" Oushak rug.
Conclusion. In El Paso, items include a 1775 Revolutionary War canteen; the 1834 last will of Alamo fighter Ben Milam; and a 1787 Debbe Poor sampler that's valued at $40,000. Also: a discussion of Texas spurs, including their styles and construction and what collectors are willing to pay for vintage spurs.
Part 1 of 3 in Atlanta features a decorative egg with a Fabergé mark that was purchased for $15,000; a 1787 land grant signed by Benjamin Franklin; and a New York Chippendale corner chair, circa 1760, that is valued between $250,000 and $300,000. Also: 19th-century examples of Palissy ware (aquatic-theme plates and vases).
Part 2 of 3 in Atlanta features a circa 1939 copy of "Gone With the Wind" signed by author Margaret Mitchell; an 1875 Persian turquoise-diamond bracelet; and a circa 1930 painting by Impressionist Mary Elizabeth Price that's valued between $40,000 and $60,000. Also: a visit to the Coca-Cola archives focuses on three lost Norman Rockwell paintings that were commissioned by the company for advertisements in the late 1920s and early '30s
Conclusion. In Atlanta, items include a circa 1961 Willie Mays jersey and pants; a 17th-century Ming bronze guardian figure; and a circa 1861 Confederate officer's sword that's valued at $50,000. Also: rare photographs of Sherman's 1864 March to the Sea and the burning of Atlanta are examined at a collector's home.
Part 1 of 3 in Minneapolis features a chair that could be worth $50,000; a 1900 McKinley-Roosevelt poster; and a 1976 fancy intense yellow-diamond ring that's worth $140,000-$160,000. Also: Mora clocks are discussed at the American Swedish Institute.
Part 2 of 3 in Minneapolis features a 1956 Elvis Presley standee; a sketch by George Gershwin as well as letters from the composer to the owner's mother; and a circa 1885 Franz Roubaud oil painting that's worth $100,000. Also: WWII animation propaganda made by Disney Studios is discussed.
An 1863 Ulysses S. Grant letter; a circa 1950 Charles Shulz Li'l Folks original cartoon; and two paintings - one by Victor Higgins, the other by Spencer - purchased together for $5, but valued considerably higher. Part 3.
Flash forward from 1997 for believe-it-or-not ROADSHOW moments in Phoenix.
Updates on items appraised in 1997 Secaucus, N.J., including a circa 1900 folk-art ship model that was worth $5000 to $7000 but now fetches just $300 to $500; and a gaming table originally valued at $200,000 to $300,000 that has doubled in price.
Find out what the future held for some of the treasures ROADSHOW corralled in Houston in 1998.
See how some of ROADSHOW's Atlanta discoveries have fared since 1997.
Discover which treasures the market favored since ROADSHOW's visit there in 1998.
Take a look at what's happened to some Pittsburgh ROADSHOW finds since 1997.
Appraisals from Season 16 visits to El Paso, Atlanta and Minneapolis. Included: diamonds and a sapphire from Tiffany; Dr. Seuss' signature; and a Missouri Regiment Colt pistol that's valued at more than $22,000.
Feline- and canine-related items are appraised, including an original Hush Puppies mascot, dog portraits and bronze cat
See appraisals of items that guests received as presents.
Diego Rivera oil painting; 1967 painting by Alexander Calder; Japanese bronze depicting a mythical figure; Fisk Tire Boy sign.
Part 2 of 3 in Corpus Christi, Texas, features an individual who scored John Lennon's autograph after meeting the Beatles; and a person who received a book inscribed by Salvador Dalí from the artist himself. Also: Vintage flash art is investigated at an area tattoo parlor.
The history and collecting of celestial maps; a 1956 signed photo of a10-year-old posed between baseball Hall of Famers Jackie Robinson and Roy Campanella.
Watch Vintage Milwaukee to see some memorable and gorgeous pieces, some with prices that have soared, like a Tiffany Lamp whose value rose over $10,000!
Since ROADSHOW's 1998 appraisal event in Rochester, NY, some items have quintupled in value, while others have dropped more than $1,000! Can you guess which ones?
Watch Vintage Hartford to see how the values have changed over the years, like a Tiffany aquamarine glass vase that more than doubled its value from back in 1998!
ANTIQUES ROADSHOW revisits items appraised in Richmond, VA back in 1998. A Cartier desk clock has increased in value from a 1998 appraisal of $10,000 to $15,000 to an updated estimate of $25,000 to $35,000. But have all the prices gone up?
View never-before-seen appraisals, including a sports collection and a book with a mysterious past.
Every antique is a survivor, but considering some have made it through exceptionally dangerous circumstances, it is amazing they survived at all. In this special episode, ANTIQUES ROADSHOW highlights amazing tales of rescues, near misses, and beating the odds with treasures that have endured wars, natural disasters, fires, and more.
A formerly buried Weller Coppertone vase; collection of Cole Porter and Monty Woolley letters.
Part 2 of 3 in Boise, Idaho, features a mid-century pinup painting by Earl Moran; a set of "The Day the Earth Stood Still" lobby cards; and an a 1922 Edward Hopper etching titled "The Cat Boat" that's valued at $250,000. Also: law-enforcement collectibles are discussed during a visit to the Old Idaho State Penitentiary.
Part 2 of 3 in Motor City features Marvin Gaye's 1964 passport, which was found inside an album bought for 50 cents at an estate sale; a Petrus van Schendel oil painting, ca. 1860; and a signed photo album of President Abraham Lincoln and his cabinet and Senate. Also: a visit to the Ypsilanti Automotive Heritage Museum spotlights model cars made by Hudson Car Company.
Conclusion. In Detroit, items include a signed letter from Charles Schulz that includes a drawing of Linus; letters from Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud discussing Russian ballet dancer Vaslav Nijinsky; and etchings by Edward Hopper and John Sloan. Also: architect-designer Eliel Saarinena is discussed during a visit to the Saarinen House at Cranbrook Academy of Art.
A French Art Deco diamond and platinum ring; a copy of ''The History of Magic'' signed by Jim Morrison; four Rembrandt and James McNeill Whistler etchings.
Part 2 of 3 in Baton Rouge. Items include a Louisiana political poster; three paintings by New Orleans artists-Newcomb pottery founders William and Ellsworth Woodward; and a NASA photograph collection. Also: a visit to the to the LSU Museum of Art spotlights the work of Louisiana artist Clementine Hunter.
An early 19th century Louisiana work table; Civil War Confederate letters; Porfirio Salinas oil, circa 1935, in its original frame.
An 1891 Kansas City Fire Chief presentation badge; 1796 Chinese bronze censer; 1965 Roy Lichtenstein screen print.
Part 2 of 3 in Kansas City, Mo. Items include a beauty book, circa 1928, by Madam C.J. Walker, who was the first American female millionaire; an 1861 E.G. Wright silver cornet; and a 1920 Julian Onderdonk oil painting that the artist gave to the owner's mother. Also: the Toy and Miniature Museum is visited.
Conclusion. In Kansas City, Mo., items include a 1955 Elvis Presley concert poster; an 1812 Marklin "Puritan" toy boat; and a 1919 Leon Gaspard "Portrait of Young Girl" oil painting. Also: Dorothea Lange photography is discussed during a visit to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.
'You Bet Your Life' prop duck; two sketches by singer Michael Jackson, circa 1973; Frederic Church oil painting, circa 1867.In Anaheim, California, ANTIQUES ROADSHOW host Mark L. Walberg and appraiser Philip Weiss travel to the Queen Mary to talk about ocean liner memorabilia.
Part 2 of 3 in Anaheim, Cal. Items include two pairs of Buddy Ebsen's performance shoes; a jade jewelry collection; and an oil painting titled "Sacré-Couer et Moulin" by French artist Maurice Utrillo. Also: vintage guitars are discussed during a visit to the Rickenbacker International Corporation headquarters in Santa Ana, Cal.
Conclusion. In Anaheim, Cal., items include an 18th-century Chinese cinnabar lacquer box; a collection of wanted posters, circa 1900, that features a Butch Cassidy wanted circular; and a shadow box that may have been made by Joseph Cornell. Also: costume jewelry is discussed.
Albert Neuhuys watercolor; 1982 UNC championship signed basketball; Alice R.H. Smith watercolor.
Part 2 of 3 in Richmond features a 1765 Thomas Pitts silver epergne; a Leveille-Rousseau perfume bottle, circa 1890; and a Tiffany & Co. brooch, circa 1937. Also: Mark L. Walberg tries to stump appraiser Sebastian Clarke on Federal-era materials at the Wilton House Museum.
Conclusion. In Richmond, items include Langston Hughes-signed first editions; a 1935 "Bride of Frankenstein" pressbook that includes many of the graphics used for the film's top posters; and an 1890 Frank Henry Shapleigh oil painting. Also: tall case clocks are discussed during a visit to Colonial Williamsburg.
Look back 15 years to see what some memorable objects appraised in Providence are worth today.
Tune in to see how appraised values in Tampa, Florida, have fared over 15 years
Look back at some of the items appraised in Toronto, Canada in 1999 and how their values have fared in the today’s market. Highlights include a Victorian carved oak bed; a Duiffopruggar-style violin; and a Demetre Chiparus "Starfish" bronze that first appraised for $100,000-$150,000 and is now valued at $150,000-$250,000.
Back in 1999, ANTIQUES ROADSHOW visited Salt Lake City, Utah. Tune in to see what happened to the values of the items found during that trip. Highlights include Napoleonic prisoner-of-war pieces; a Mormon certificate of gratitude; and a Carleton Watkins photograph that previously came in at $4,000-$6,000 and now is appraised at $15,000-$25,000.
Fifteen years after first visiting Des Moines, Iowa, ANTIQUES ROADSHOW looks back on featured items to see if their value has changed. Highlights include a Rambling Mickey Mouse toy with its original box, ca. 1934; Charles Lindbergh memorabilia; and a Samuel McIntire medallion that has soared in value from $70,000-$90,000 to $200,000-$300,000.
Part 1 of 3 in Knoxville features a Tiffany pottery vase, circa 1905; a Chinese gilt bronze Amida Buddah, circa 1550; a shoe belonging to Robert Wadlow (1918-40), who was the tallest human recorded in history; and a Chinese gilt bronze Amida Buddah, circa 1550. Also: Appalachian musical instruments are discussed at the Museum of Appalachia in Clinton, Tenn.
Part 2 of 3 in Knoxville features a collection of letters from Amelia Earhart; drawings by artist Joseph Delaney (1904-91); and two watercolors by Jacob Maentel (1778-1863). Also: a visit to the Rhea County Courthouse spotlights a book related to the Scopes Monkey Trial.
Conclusion. In Knoxville, items include a third edition of "Gone With the Wind" with a false inscription; signed Muhammad Ali training shoes; and a Cartier sapphire and diamond ring. Also: Prehistoric Native American stoneworks are discussed at the McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture.
Part 1 of 3 in Jacksonville features a horn used in Laurel and Hardy's "Swiss Miss" film; a silver presentation cup, circa 1780, that was given to Maj. Gen. Nathanael Greene by Lafayette; and a Thomas Hart Benton oil painting, circa. 1950. Also: a visit to the Norman Studios Silent Film Museum features a discussion on missing Richard E. Norman films.
Part 2 of 3 in Jacksonville features a Babyland Rag topsy-turvy doll, circa 1905; a diamond Art Deco bracelet watch; and Robert E. Lee's map of critical battle areas around Richmond. Also: a visit to the St. Augustine Pirate and Treasure Museum spotlights a 17th-century pirate book.
Conclusion. In Jacksonville, items include a NASA "Mercury 7" signed photo; a document signed by Abraham Lincoln in 1862; and a Tiffany gold necklace, circa 1875. Also: a visit to Flagler College spotlights Louis Comfort Tiffany stained-glass windows.
Part 1 of 2. Included: a Steiff Pushmi-Pullyu "Doctor Dolittle" character, ca. 1967; a Pablo Picasso linocut, ca. 1950; and a pair of Italian carved door panels, ca. 1550.
Conclusion. Items include 1898 Mardi Gras invitations; Julia Child's copper pans, ca. 1960, that were used on her TV show; and a German violin with a Sartory bow.
Items from the 1940s, '50s and '60s are featured, including a standee for the 1956 Elvis Presley film "Love Me Tender"; a 1958 letter from Martin Luther King Jr.; and Charles Schulz comic strip art, ca. 1960.
Items include a Lord Byron cellarette and portrait, ca. 1810; a Louis Vuitton steamer trunk, ca. 1915; and a Louis Comfort Tiffany necklace, ca. 1905, that is appraised for $75,000 to $100,000.
Part 1 of 3. The Season 19 premiere visits New York City, where the finds include an unpublished Art Spiegelman book proposal; a headboard used in "The Godfather, Part II"; and a collection of rare photographic baseball cards that includes a handwritten letter from the 1871-1872 Boston Red Stockings. Also: Frèdèric Auguste Bartholdi Statue of Liberty statuettes are discussed during a visit to the New York Historical Society.
Part 2 of 3 in New York City. Items include a Tiffany Studios mosaic inkwell, ca. 1905; a show run from the Beatles' first "Ed Sullivan Show" appearance as well as an autographed band photo; and a Joseph Kleitsch oil painting, ca.1925, that was purchased by the owner's father from Kleitsch's widow for $100 and is now worth $500,000. Also: a "most wanted" segment at the famed Apollo Theater.
Part 1 of 3 in Bismarck, N.D., features a collection from the USS Squalus submarine, which sank in 1939; a Torino lamp that was purchased for $25 and is valued at $1500 to $2500; and two Tlingit Shamanic masks that are worth $250,000. Also: the books of Elizabeth Custer are discussed during a visit to Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park.
Conclusion. In Bismarck, N.D., items include a Santa Claus oil and advertisement by Hadden Sundblom, who painted Coca-Cola's Santa paintings from about 1931 to '65; a 1778 letter from George Washington; and two Irish dragoon swallowtail guidon flags that were used in the Battle of Nashville. Also: Plains Indian ledger drawings are examined during a visit to the State Historical Society of North Dakota
Part 1 of 3 in Birmingham. Items include hand-colored Andy Warhol lithographs; Southern dolls; and a Frederic Remington portrait with a letter from the artist to the owner's great-grandmother. Also: a visit to the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute spotlights materials related to Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
Part 2 of 3. In Birmingham, items include letters from a young Bill Clinton in 1968 that feature his opinions on politics and war; a Lalique hood ornament in an uncommon amethyst color; and a 1952 John Falter illustration. Also: iron antiques and the history of the iron and steel industry are discussed at the historic Sloss Furnaces.
Part 1 of 3. In Charleston, W. Va., items include an archive of the Oak Ridge Journal, which was the newspaper for the Manhattan Project town; a Pete Seeger-autographed sign relating to the Peekskill riots of 1949; and an 1854 Edward Beyer oil painting. Also: diamond myths are discussed at the Beckley Exhibition Mine.
Part 2 of 3 in Charleston, W.V., features highlights such as a collection of Marilyn Monroe stills from some of her greatest cinematic hits; a British rainbow spatterware pot, ca. 1860 purchased for $10; and an 1849 ship's log and register chronicling the journey from Boston to San Francisco during the Gold Rush
Conclusion. In Charleston, W. Va., items include a Newcomb College vase, ca. 1905; an 1875 W.S. Young landscape oil of the Greenbrier River in West Virginia; and a collection of Noel Coward "Sail Away" memorabilia. Also: Civil War cigarette booklets are spotlighted during a visit to the Rosanna A. Blake Library of Confederate History at Marshall University.
Part 1 of 3. In Albuquerque, items include a 1969 Woodstock jacket and program; silk wedding gown, ca. 1875; and Jane Peterson oil painting, "The Answer," ca. 1925. Also: The International Balloon Museum is visited.
Part 2 of 3. In Albuquerque, items include a 1969 Jasper Johns flag print; 1939 inscribed "Pinocchio" book; and an imperial jade snuff bottle. Also: The Museum of International Folk Art is visited.
Conclusion. In Albuquerque, items include a 1962 sonic blue Fender Stratocaster; 1965 Beatles-signed photo and letter; and French filigree earrings, ca. 1775. Also: the Albuquerque Museum is visited.
Part 1 of 3. In Chicago, items include a 1969 subpoena signed by the "Chicago Seven"; 1961 Leonora Carrington oil; and 1976 Playboy Bunny collection. Also: The Art Institute of Chicago is visited.
Part 2 of 3. In Chicago, items include a Walt Whitman Civil War-era letter; 1910 Walter Johnson All-Star watch; and 1989 Keith Haring graffiti art. Also: The Chicago Civic Opera House is visited.
Conclusion. In Chicago, items include Ayn Rand-inscribed books; an Edward Borein watercolor, ca. 1930; and a 1931 Carnegie Hero Medal. Also: a trip to Crab Tree Farm.
Part 1 of 2. Items include a 1925 San Francisco pictorial map; NASA signed photos; and a Chinese jadeite peach-form bowl from around 1900.
Conclusion. Items include "Fantasia" drawings and sketches from 1940; Alvin & the Chipmunks puppets, ca. 1958; and Israel Regardie's manuscripts and books.
An 1821 U.S. citizenship certificate for a free man of color; beauty book by Madam C.J. Walker, the first American female millionaire; a trip to the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum.
Travel-related items are featured, including Art Deco travel posters; a Waltham railroad pocket watch; and a Lewis and Clark map. Also: a trip to the Ypsilanti Automotive Heritage Museum in Ypsilanti, Mich.
Part 1 of 3. The Season 20 premiere visits Spokane, where items include a 1919 Belmont Stakes trophy; 1963 "The Avengers" comics; and two Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso oil paintings.
Part 2 of 3 in Spokane features a 1961-63 JFK archive; grotesque face jug; and "Gone with the Wind" sketches.
Conclusion. In Spokane, items include a 1938 "Snow White" banner; Chinese huanghuali cosmetic case; and 1860 John J. Audubon chromolithograph.
Part 1 of 3 in Little Rock. Items include an Olin Travis painting; 1936 Lou Gehrig autograph; and English giltwood cabinet-on-stand, ca. 1730.
Part 2 of 3 in Little Rock features a 1983 Truman Capote Playboy manuscript; a jazz musician photograph archive, ca. 1945; and a Mississippian effigy figure, ca. A.D. 1000-1500
Conclusion. In Little Rock, items include a 1985 Charles Schulz sketch of Snoopy; Chinese altar garniture, ca. 1850; and a 1919 William Faulkner handmade poetry book.
Part 1 of 3 in Charleston, S.C., features a Babe Ruth archive; a Japanese Komai iron and gold vase from about 1890; and a Virginia Federal walnut cellarette.
Part 2 of 3 in Charleston, S.C., features a Francis Sommer astronomical regulator clock; an 1899 Oscar Wilde manuscript poem; and a 1960 René Portocarrero "Catedral" oil painting.
Conclusion. In Charleston, S.C., items include an 1890 Frederic Remington watercolor; a 1970 Jimi Hendrix collection; and an 1879 James A.M. Whistler "The Palaces" etching.
Part 1 of 3 in Tucson features a 1943 yearbook signed by Allen Ginsberg; an 1884 Anna Pottery temperance snake jug; and an Alfons Walde oil painting dating to around 1935.
Part 2 of 3 in Tucson features a Jackie Robinson archive from about 1938; a 1960 GMT Master model Rolex with the original box and papers; and diamond and onyx jewelry, circa 1920.
Conclusion. In Tucson, items include a 1994 Pete Seeger original song; an 1889 George Hitchcock oil diptych; and an 1861 Abraham Lincoln presidential pardon
Part 1 of 3 in Omaha features a 1939 Grant Wood "Fertility" lithograph; a Daytona model Rolex from about 1970 with its box and papers; and Prohibition liquor bottles, circa 1925.
Part 2 of 3 in Omaha features 1955 Whitey Ford and 1951 Yogi Berra jerseys; an 1863 gilt bronze-mounted gaslight; and an 1887 Seth Whipple oil painting.
Conclusion. In Omaha, items include a Humphreys' homeopathic medicine cabinet; 1939 Gregoire Boonzaier "View of Cape Town" oil painting; and a mid-19th-century Mormon book archive.
Part 1 of 3 in Cleveland. Items include 1920 World Series stubs; a Charles Rohlfs music stand from around 1905; and an Ohio folk art double portrait, ca. 1838.
Part 2 of 3 in Cleveland. Items include an Ohio salt-glazed figural stoneware match stand; 1863 Civil War grave marker group; and 1964 Manoucher Yektai oil painting.
Conclusion. In Cleveland, items include a "Big Bronco" coin-operated horse from about 1952; Bill Watterson archive, ca. 1975; and Tiffany & Co. pendant watch necklace.
Items from a 2001 trip to Tucson are reappraised, including a Navajo Ute First Phase blanket.
Items examined during a 2001 visit to the Big Apple are reappraised, including an Émile Gallé faience cat, ca. 1890; a 1968 Robert F. Kennedy letter; and a Philadelphia candle stand, ca. 1765.
A 2001 stop in Indianapolis is revisited. Included: an autographed electric guitar; a Little Orphan Annie dress, ca. 1930; and a 1913 N.C. Wyeth painting.
An update on a 2001 visit to New Orleans features a New Orleans art pottery jardinière; an 1858 map of lower Mississippi; and a 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers World Series ball.
A 2001 San Diego stop is revisited. Included: a Dr. Seuss "Kangaroo Bird"; a Tiffany & Co. yellow diamond pendant; and a 1781 George Washington lifetime print.
A 2001 stop in Miami is revisited. Items include a John Lehman stoneware jug from about 1870; 34-star Civil War flag; and René Portocarrero painting, ca. 1958.
A 2001 stop in Boston is revisited. Items include a violin attributed to Johannes B. Ceruti; an 1836 Joseph H. Davis painting; and a frontiersman's pipe tomahawk.
Travel to all six season 20 tour cities for never-before-aired appraisals. Highlights include a Ty Cobb game-used baseball bat, 18th & 19th century Nephrite belt buckles & Zodiac figure, and a 1942 Lynn Bogue Hunt painting. What’s the top find?
A look at items with Asian and Pacific Islands origins. Included: a Hawaiian kou bowl; Ghandi presentation spinning wheel; and 1888 Joesph Nawahi painting.
Part 1 of 3. The Season 21 premiere visits Forth Worth, where a rock 'n' roll poster collection from the late 1960s, a Delaware tribe beaded baldric and an Auguste Rodin "Eternal Spring" bronze are appraised.
Part 2 of 3 in Fort Worth features a Felipe Orlando abstract oil, ca. 1980; a German baroque lockbox from about 1625; and a Green Bay Packers championship ring, ca. 1965.
Conclusion. In Fort Worth, items include an 1864 Civil War statue hilt presentation sword; 1936 Joe Fortenberry Olympic gold medal; and James Madison's personal seal, ca. 1828.
Part 1 of 3 in Indianapolis features a Norman Rockwell charcoal self-portrait, ca. 1976; 1958 signed Indy 500 racing flag; and 1883 Victorian wedding ensemble.
Part 2 of 3 in Indianapolis features a 1952 Joe Louis-signed whiskey bottle; Sheraton sideboard, ca. 1820; and 1928 New York Yankees team-signed baseball.
Conclusion. In Indianapolis, items include an 1898 Alphonse Mucha JOB poster; 1974 George Nakashima "Kent Hall" floor lamp; and 1961 Ty Cobb-signed baseball.
Part 1 of 3 in Palm Springs features a 1965 Noah Purifoy sculpture; Carroll O'Connor's "Archie Bunker" coat, ca. 1970; and Franz Bergman foundry Vienna bronze lamp from about 1920.
Part 2 of 3 in Palm Springs features a 1966 Roy Lichtenstein screenprint; NASA Apollo archive, ca. 1965; and Tiffany Studios mosaic panel, ca. 1905.
Conclusion. In Palm Springs, items include Charles Schreyvogel's oil painting "A Lone Horse," ca. 1900; Disneyland hand-colored architectural elevations, ca. 1954; and a 1982 Bob Mackie beaded gown made for Brooke Shields
Part 1 of 3. In Salt Lake City, items include an 1844 "Bellows Falls" LDS church hymnal; 1914 Olaf Carl Seltzer oil painting; and a 1969 prototype Hot Wheels "Beach Bomb."
Part 2 of 3. In Salt Lake City, items include a Cartier Art Deco diamond bracelet; Zee Wo silver and cinnabar cutlery set, ca. 1920; and 1959 Number 1 Barbie doll and accessories.
Conclusion. In Salt Lake City, items include Watson and Crick-signed "Double Helix" books; an Art Deco jewelry suite, ca. 1930; and a Japanese Arita porcelain vase, ca. 1910.
Part 1 of 3. In Virginia Beach, items include a John Wayne mug collection, ca. 1960; 1977 Frank McCarthy "On the Owl Hoot Trail" oil; and 1943-1944 Albert Einstein letters.
Part 2 of 3 in Virginia Beach features a 1964 Cassius Clay twice-signed promotional print; modern Abdullah Qandeel "Red" and "Love" oils; and an early 18th-century Chinese celadon vase.
Conclusion. In Virginia Beach, items include a 1554 Giorgio Ghisi engraving after Bronzino; Louis Vuitton steamer trunk, ca. 1890; and 1962 Mercury Capsule antenna.
Part 1 of 3 in Orlando. Items include Joe Strummer's boots, ca. 1979; Ned Hanlon championship pins and cufflinks, ca. 1895; and a 1941 Grant Wood "March" lithograph.
Part 2 of 3 in Orlando. Items include a 1965 NASA "Corned Beef" archive; Korean "The Water Moon Viewing Guanyin" painting; and 1918 WWI peach can label letter.
Conclusion. In Orlando, items include a 1946 Einstein-signed photo and prints; Agassiz pendant watch, ca. 1905; and Chinese gold-splashed bronze vase, ca. 1850.
Revisit fan-favorite appraisals from 2002 that have been updated with today’s market value, including a magnificent Tang dynasty marble lion that moves the expert to tears. Has time impacted the value of this rare find?
Discover how appraisals from 15 years have changed in the antiques market, including Andrew Clemens sand art, ca. 1880, a 1933 All-Star game signed baseball, and an 1886 Jasper Cropsey painting. Can you guess which item is valued at $100,000?
See memorable finds appraised at ROADSHOW 17 years ago. Highlights include an H. Siddons Mowbray painting, an 1802 Meriwether Lewis commission, and Marilyn Monroe photos from 1953. Learn which item’s updated appraisal has $165,000 added to the value.
Learn how the antiques and collectibles market has evolved in the last 15 years with updated appraisals like a 1979 Kent State apology, a Patek Philippe pocket watch, and a Herter Brothers sideboard and table. Which appraisal has increased $50,000?
Uncover how Seattle appraisals from 15 years ago have held up in the rising and falling antiques market. Highlights include a 1937 Birger Sandzén landscape, Babe Ruth-signed photos, and WWII work incentive posters. Have the values soared or sunk?
Travel back 15 years to see memorable Kansas City treasures such as an autographed "Time" cover collection, an 18th-century flambé Meiping vase, and a 1957 Roy Rogers contest prize. Which appraisal jumps in value to $70,000?
Journey back to 2002 to learn how past appraisals fare in today’s market, including Spanish earrings and a dragonfly brooch, a Carleton Watkins Yosemite album, and an 1840 Alfred J. Miller painting. Can you guess which is valued at $75,000-$125,000?
Discover never-before-aired appraisals from all six of our Season 21 cities, including an American Folk Art cane, a 1927 Yankees team-signed baseball, and a Vairocana Buddha, ca. 1410. Which is appraised for $150,000-$200,000?
Civil War items are featured, including a Lincoln Cabinet- and Senate-signed album; a Walt Whitman war letter; and a hospital steward's uniform.
Celebrate America’s hidden treasures from all 50 states in part 1 of this two-hour special, with finds such as a Thomas Hart Benton oil on tin, a Kentucky sugar chest, and a 1960 inscribed "To Kill A Mockingbird.” Which is valued at $125,000?
Part 1 of 3. Season 22 opens in Harrisburg, Pa. Items include a Pennsylvania Dutch coffeepot; an 1892 H. F. Farny painting; and a René Lalique necklace.
Part 2 of 3. In Harrisburg, Pa., items include a Charles "Heinie" Wagner Red Sox archive, Carl Schweninger oil, and 1975 "Yellow Submarine" jacket made for Karen Carpenter.
Conclusion. In Harrisburg, Pa., items include the 1963-68 NASA archive of Pearl Tucker, a painted "Bucher" box, and a Randy Gumpert baseball archive.
Part 1 of 3. In New Orleans, items include a diamond bracelet and Van Cleef & Arpels ring; Mardi Gras Comus Krewe parade float watercolors from 1892; and Keith Haring subway graffiti art from around 1980.
Part 2 of 3. In New Orleans, items include a "Blade Runner" set decoration; Agnes Martin mixed-media abstractions, ca. 1955; and feather golf ball, ca. 1840.
Conclusion. In New Orleans, items include an "Andy Warhol" portrait by Jamie Wyeth from around 1975; a Chinese gold-splashed bronze wine vessel dating to about 1795; and a 1904 English Smith & Son tourbillon pocket watch
Part 1 of 3. In St. Louis, items include a 1901 "Longest Bearded Man" banner; 1602 Adam Islip-published book of Chaucer's complete works; and 15th-century Chinese Bodhisattva gilt bronze.
Part 2 of 3. In St. Louis, items include a 1927 Rookwood Shirayamadani black opal vase; Elijah Pierce preaching stick from around 1950; and Ozark Airlines poster dating to around 1960
A Grace Ravlin painting, a Michael Jackson-signed fedora, and a Tiffany GMT-Master Rolex.
Part 1 of 3. Travel to the City of Roses for fantastic finds such as "Heller in Pink Tights" movie credits, a mid-century modern Eero Saarinen Womb settee, and a Lincoln-inscribed photograph from about 1860.
Part 2 of 3. Take a passage to Portland to learn more about antique and vintage items like a 1942 Oregon State jacket and Rose Bowl trophy, a Ming Dynasty celadon bowl, and Evel Knievel leathers from around 1967.
Conclusion. Uncover West Coast wonders such as a Pablo Picasso "Grand Oiseau Vert" pot, an Ottoman zarf made around 1875, and a Tiffany Studios "Bookmark" desk set from around 1924.
Part 2 of 3 in Green Bay. Items include a Renaissance-revival poison ring from around 1875, a 1939 Union Pacific premiere banner, and a Harry Bertoia spray sculpture made around 1965.
Conclusion. In Green Bay, items include a Belle Epoque diamond necklace from about 1915, 1952 and 1954 baseball cards, and Cheyenne cradleboard made around 1895.
Part 1 of 3 in Newport, R.I. Items include a diamond pin sway, a Rohmer doll, and Tiffany vases.
Part 2 of 3 in Newport, R.I. Items include a Fabergé jade snuff bottle made around 1890, Basquiat oil stick drawing, and General Wharton Civil War archive.
Conclusion. In Newport, R.I., items include a Tiffany & Co. sapphire and diamond ring, a Boston bureau table made around 1770, and M.C. Escher lithographs.
Revisit OKC appraisals from 15 years ago that have been updated with today’s market value, including Bill Graham handbills, a Gallé Marquetry vase made around 1900, and Art Deco travel posters. Which has more than doubled in value since 2003?
Savannah may be the oldest city in Georgia, but ANTIQUES ROADSHOW only needs to travel back to 2003 for remarkable finds including a wedding dress from about 1798, a 1912 Ivan Khlebnikov jewelry casket, and a George William Sotter oil. Which is appraised for up to $50,000 in the current market?
How much has the antiques market evolved in the past 20 years? Find out as ANTIQUES ROADSHOW revisits and updates standout Portland appraisals from 1998, including one treasure with a new valuation that jumps to $70,000-$90,000!
Get transported back to ANTIQUES ROADSHOW’s second visit to the Second City for first-rate finds such as a 1908 Chicago Cubs presentation piece, a Tiffany & Co. gold necklace, and a 1904 Henry Woods oil. Which appraisals have soared and which have sunk in the marketplace since 2003?
How appraisals from 14 years ago have held up in the marketplace, including an Edgar Allan Poe daguerreotype, a Teco collection circa 1905, and a 1907 Frank Lloyd Wright archive.
Discover memorable finds appraised at ANTIQUES ROADSHOW back in 1999, such as an Austrian “Naughty” cat bronze made around 1900, a Margaret Mitchell archive, and a Cartier diamond ring from about 1940. Find out which is valued at $20,000!
How standout San Francisco appraisals from 2003 have held up in the market, including an Asscher-cut diamond ring, a Maynard Dixon painting, and a San Francisco Seals-signed baseball.
Discover amazing items with connections to Latin American history and culture, including a treasure with an updated appraisal of $1,200,000-$2,200,000, now the highest-valued item in the entire ROADSHOW archive.
Celebrate Halloween with thrilling and chilling finds, like a rag doll nicknamed “Chucky,” a nightmarish Leonora Carrington painting, and an eye-catching "Bride of Frankenstein" pressbook. Which macabre and magnificent treasure is $250,000-$350,000?
Uncover an animal attraction to this collection of critters and creatures, including a Colima pottery dog from around 200 BC to 200 AD, a bat-decorated Qing period jade basin, and an Edgar Brandt "La Tentation" snake lamp. Which is valued at $75,000?
Experience all-new and previously unaired Season 22 appraisals, including a 1962 and 1963 Mercury Atlas #8 & #9 archive, a Rasht horse cover made around 1875, and a purple sapphire ring. Which is appraised for $60,000-$120,000?
Experience a groundbreaking season of incredible items appraised in settings that are treasures themselves. From the grounds of Meadow Brook Hall, learn the story behind family heirlooms, thrift store finds, and more—including a $77,500 appraisal!
Discover Detroit-area treasures as they are appraised at the historic estate of Matilda Dodge Wilson! Meadow Brook Hall finds include a Keith Haring archive, Harry Bertoia brooches, and an 1835 "City of Detroit" map. Which is $40,000-$60,000?
Magnificent Michigan treasures shine at Meadow Brook Hall, including a Civil War presentation sword and portrait, Danny Lyon Civil Rights posters, and a copy of "The First Men in the Moon" signed by Neil Armstrong. One is $40,000-$50,000!
Travel to sunny Sarasota for standout finds at Ca' d'Zan, the home of circus royalty John and Mable Ringling! Highlights include 1954-1956 Topps baseball cards, a The John Ringling Hotel plate, and a Harry Bertoia bronze. Which is $30,000-$50,000?
Head to Ca' d'Zan to discover ROADSHOW treasures that are fitting for a celebration of “the greatest show on Earth,” like an 1866 Otto Georgi painting, an Augsburg silver Kiddush cup, and “How Man Learned to Fly" illustrations. One is up to $30,000!
ANTIQUES ROADSHOW doesn’t clown around when it comes to capturing show-stopping appraisals at the Ringling’s Sarasota mansion! Highlights include a Nakashima table, a Yankees ring and illustrated baseball, and an Elijah Pierce relief-carved plaque.
Check into Hotel del Coronado to see sensational ROADSHOW finds at a stunning seaside setting, such as a 1962 Baldessari oil "Sign for Rothko & Albers,” a Fortuny Delphos gown, and a "Kitchen Debate" table with a signed Nixon photo. Which is $90,000?
Travel to Tulsa for ROADSHOW treasures appraised at Philbrook Museum of Art, including a Native American rights activist archive, the first "Yield" sign with documentation, and a 1949 Model 4500 Rolex and box. Which is valued at $71,000?
Experience outstanding Oklahoma ANTIQUES ROADSHOW appraisals at Philbrook Museum of Art, such as a Charles Wilda "The Hour of Prayer" oil, a 1950 Gibson SJ-200 guitar, and a baroque bureau brisé from about 1690. Learn which is a $30,000-$50,000 find!
It’s off to the races for amazing ANTIQUES ROADSHOW appraisals at Churchill Downs Racetrack like a Twin Spires painted roof slate from around 1895, a 1943 Picasso ink-on-paper and 1963 letter, and an art deco brooch. One may be worth up to $200,000!
Discover first-place finds with ANTIQUES ROADSHOW at Churchill Downs Racetrack, including a 1966 MGM Grinch figure, a Georgian & Victorian mourning jewelry collection, and a Larson Bros. symphonic harp mandolin. Which appraisal is $70,000-$90,000?
Giddy up for great appraisals at Churchill Downs Racetrack, such as a Chinese gilt bronze Bodhisattva, ca. 1650, a Nicolai Fechin oil portrait, and an 1861 Fred Kaiffer carved holly sewing box. Can you guess which is valued at $60,000-$150,000?
Discover which marvelous Minnesota treasure has skyrocketed in the market since its original 2004 appraisal, and is now ANTIQUES ROADSHOW’s highest-valued treasure ever at $2,000,000-$3,000,000!
Go all in on updated appraisals from the 2004 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW in Reno, including a 1951 inscribed Lone Ranger mask, a 1954 Stevan Dohanos cover illustration, and a Cartier cigarette case from around 1910. Which item has doubled in value to $80,000?
Soak up and revisit Sunshine State appraisals from 2005, including a W.S. Starring archive from around 1870, an Isotta Fraschini model car, and an Art Deco star chandelier. Can you guess which is now valued at $100,000-$150,000?
Everything is bigger in Texas—including updated values of treasures from 2005 such as a 1953 Mickey Mantle All Star watch, an 1840 Texas Artillery short sword, and an Edith Parsons "Turtle Baby" fountain. Find out more in Vintage Houston 2019!
Travel back to Bismarck for updates on Season 10 appraisals like a UND School of Mines collection, a Korean court screen, and Native American pictograph drawings. Which has a jaw-dropping value jump from $30,000-$50,000 to $400,000-$600,000?
Do treasures from the smallest state have the biggest values? Revisit Season 10 appraisals to see how they held up in the market, including a 1908 "Anne of Green Gables" first edition, Rudolph & Santa puppets, and a Lyonel Feininger art collection.
Marvel at magnificent Memphis treasures from Season 9, including an Elvis Presley outfit from around 1970, a 1942 Grandma Moses painting, and A. Martin & C.F. Martin guitars. Learn which Tennessee find has an updated appraisal of $100,000!
Explore the universe of space-themed treasures, including NASA Space Program autographed photos, a 1737 celestial & terrestrial atlas, and a Star Trek treatment, script, and letters. Have the values of these stellar finds skyrocketed in the market?
Treasures from the mid-1960s to early 1980s, also known as the Generation X years, are featured. Appraisals include Matt Groening artwork, Charles Loloma bracelets and Evel Knievel's leathers.
Never-before-seen appraisals from all five Season 23 cities, including 1949 Charles and Ray Eames molded chairs, a Sioux pipe and pipe bag made around 1880, and a 1953 MAD Issue 8 "Frank N. Stein" story.
Kick off Season 28 with ROADSHOW’s first Alaska visit and a find worth up to $100,000! Watch ROADSHOW's first visit to Alaska for treasures that include a 1969 Rolex Oyster cosmograph, an English bass violin, and Susan Butcher’s 1990 Iditarod trophy. Which Anchorage find is worth $50,000 to $100,000?
Revisit some remarkable ROADSHOW finds whose stories didn’t stop even after we yelled cut! Revisit some remarkable finds whose stories didn’t stop even after we yelled cut! ANTIQUES ROADSHOW reveals what happened with some intriguing treasures through all-new interviews with fan-favorite appraisers, standout guests, and more.
Season Premiere! — Kick off ROADSHOW’s all-new Season 29 with treasures that include a 1976 Marvel UK Super Spider-Man #175 cover art, a 1926 Rogers Hornsby sterling trophy, and Winslow Homer watercolors, ca. 1879. One is between $180,000 to $320,000!
ANTIQUES ROADSHOW searches for amazing treasures in Arkansas including an Elvis Presley-signed ice cream display, an Arnold Palmer-engraved golf club, ca. 1980, and a Marvel Silver Age comics collection. One find is $60,000 to $90,000!
Head to bustling Bentonville for ROADSHOW finds at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art including an 1857 Queen’s Cup ascot race trophy, a 1956 Curta calculator type II and an Art Deco sapphire & platinum ring. Can you guess the top find?
Las Vegas treasures hit the jackpot with ROADSHOW finds including a Louis C. Tiffany enamel vase, ca. 1905, a 1599 Thomas Buckminster almanac and Ernie Barnes’ Fourth and One oil painting. Watch to see the season-topping $650,000 find!
NEW! ROADSHOW discovers treasures in the second hour from Las Vegas, NV.
NEW! ROADSHOW discovers treasures in the third hour from Las Vegas, NV.
NEW! ANTIQUES ROADSHOW discovers treasures during a visit to Urbandale, IA.
NEW! ROADSHOW discovers treasures during the third hour from Urbandale, IA.
NEW! ANTIQUES ROADSHOW discovers treasures during a visit to Littleton, CO.
NEW! ROADSHOW discovers treasures during the second hour from Littleton, CO.
NEW! ROADSHOW discovers treasures during the third hour from Littleton, CO.
NEW! ANTIQUES ROADSHOW discovers treasures during a visit to Baltimore, MD.
NEW! ROADSHOW discovers treasures during the second hour from Baltimore, MD.
NEW! ROADSHOW discovers treasures during the third hour from Baltimore, MD.
NEW! ROADSHOW discovers treasures from all five Season 29 Tour cities.
Highlights from past episodes include a latex figure of "Speedy" Alka-Seltzer, a menu from the Titanic, a painting by the late rocker Frank Zappa, an art-deco Bakelite bracelet and a native helmet from Alaska.
More highlights from past shows. Items appraised include a gold sword from the Mexican War, a painting by Hudson River School artist Jasper Cropsey, a Chinese marble lion dating from the Tang Dynasty (618-907), an 18th-century card table and a Navajo blanket dating from 1840 to '60.
A compilation program featuring items from the 1950s, '60s and '70s. Among them: Mad magazine art; an Elvis Presley suit; Beatles memorabilia; a Charles Eames chair; a baseball signed by the 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers; an Ansel Adams Yosemite portfolio; photos signed by Marilyn Monroe, Cassius Clay (a year before he changed his name to Muhammad Ali) and JFK; and a letter on civil rights written by RFK shortly after the Martin Luther King assassination---and shortly before his own.
A show of clips devoted to animal-themed antiques and collectibles. Items appraised include a "kangaroo bird," sculpted by Dr. Seuss (Theodor Geisel) in the 1930s and a painting of cavorting kittens by Charles van den Eycken (1859-1923).
Naughty or Nice features appraisals that will satisfy everyone's wish list! Highlights from past seasons include an 1863 Temperance lithograph, a letter from Gerald Ford to his kindergarten teacher, and a dress worn by Marilyn Monroe.
This special edition, "Simply the Best," showcases objects deemed the finest examples of their kind ever seen on "Roadshow." Massachusetts-made Federal side chairs; 19th-century Rhode Island rifle and powderhorn; women's suffrage movement poster.
Campaign buttons; court affidavit submitted by Jimmy Carter to the state of Maine; desk and chair used at the U.S. House of Representatives from 1857-1873.
A decade of treasures is recalled in this charming retrospective on the numerous collectibles that have been appraised in the long-running series. Among the pieces: a jade pendant from a 2005 Los Angeles show; an 18th-century Chippendale chair from a 1997 San Francisco show; and a shoe signed by Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig, from a 2004 Portland, Ore., show. Also: a "Gone With the Wind" script, a Simon Willard clock, and drawings from Frank Lloyd Wright.
Valuable items recovered from the trash are featured. Included: an autographed script of "The Informer," an Oscar-winning 1935 John Ford film; a rare 1885 Zuni Indian pot; items from Louis Comfort Tiffany's Laurelton Hall mansion.
This special edition highlights never-before-seen appraisals from ROADSHOW's 2011 season.
Favorite appraisals from the show's first 20 seasons are featured. Included: a Navajo Ute First Phase Blanket; a signed Warhol collection; and a Tang Dynasty marble lion.
Travel across America—and back in time—with appraisals of items from all 50 states in part 2 of this special. Finds include a Green Bay Packers championship group, a Joseph Henry Sharp oil, and a Molesworth lamp & furniture. Which is $130,000-$180,000?
Unique Antiques showcases some of the most outlandish, kitschy, and downright morbidly fascinating antiques and collectibles of ROADSHOW's last decade. Warning: These objects have been appraised by trained professionals -- don't try this at home!
A look at how the show is put together and how objects are selected to be on camera. Also: appraisers share some of their favorite moments from the show. Included: an unusual Seymour card table; a diamond-and-ruby jewelry collection; an unusual 19th-century folk-art jug; and a rare Eskimo helmet.
Items bought for a small price that turned out to be worth a lot of money are examined, including a painting purchased for $1.50 that's valued at more than $10,000, and a $5 vase that's worth more than $13,000. Also: an album of watercolor paintings purchased for 25 cents that is worth more than $20,000; a 1951 Minneapolis Millers baseball uniform worn by Willie Mays that was purchased for $50 and is valued at $60,000.
A stainless steel 1930s meat service made of 18th-century British porcelain; heirloom Tlingit Indian oil bowl and ladle.
Items for the young and the young at heart are appraised, including original art for a Dr. Seuss lunchbox; a child's shoe autographed by Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig; and an embroidered silk picture that dates to 1819.
Electing and collecting: These two great American traditions combine in one historic half-hour! Part One of Politically Collect RECUT commemorates political battles long past, with treasures that hail from red states and blue.
ANTIQUES ROADSHOW has elected to showcase fantastic finds related to American politics in Part Two of the half-hour Politically Collect RECUT including 20th C. Presidential autographs, 1947 political cartoons, and a Congressional desk & chair!
Experience ROADSHOW’s groundbreaking visit to Rosecliff mansion when, for the first time, it takes the cameras indoors and outdoors! This half-hour RECUT includes a 1939 "The Gold Royal" typewriter, "New Republic Portfolio" prints, and more.
Learn about historical treasures as they are appraised in a Gilded Age mansion! In this half-hour RECUT, ROADSHOW travels to Rosecliff for finds including Tiffany Studios vases with the original crate, a Benny Andrews oil from around 1962, and more.
Newport treasures delight in this half-hour RECUT episode from the grounds of Rosecliff mansion, including a Fabergé jade snuff bottle, an Arthur Mcgee Dexter Gordon suit, and an Egyptian mummified falcon made around 200 BC. Which is up to $100,000?
Travel to Rosecliff mansion in this half-hour RECUT for finds like a Jean-Michel Basquiat oil stick drawing, dragon dog bronze ornaments, and a 1910 Whiting & Co. silver basket. Which of these items, given to the guest for Christmas, is now $400,000?
Rain won’t stop Newport treasures from shining in this half-hour RECUT episode from Rosecliff mansion featuring finds like an Edward Bannister oil, 1979 Tage Frid stools, and a Tiffany & Co. sapphire & diamond ring. One could be worth up to $100,000!
Wrap up ROADSHOW’s historic visit to Rosecliff mansion in this half-hour RECUT episode filled with next-level Newport finds such as 1958 & 1960 M.C. Escher lithographs, a gold & amethyst necklace, and a 2003 Sam Zell automaton. Which is $100,000?