Billy Graham dead at 99, one year anniversary release of 'Is Genesis History,' the family tree that may unite all the stars, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
Non-transgender women? Bigfoot sighting, Delaware students can now choose their own race, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum.
Criminalizing Christian counseling, 70-year-old man first to be arrested under Ontario’s new ban on pro-life speech, new fossils are redefining what makes a dinosaur, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
Religious freedom victory for Wheaton College, moon to get first mobile phone network, "one in a million" yellow cardinal, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum.
Male "uterus" and Planned Parenthood, 127-million-year-old baby bird fossil and avian evolution, why Christian theology needs (former) atheists, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience
Cannibalism, Cheddar Man, how two of President John Tyler’s grandsons are still alive 174 years later, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
Stephen Hawking; Bible study, Christian music banned by Florida condo association; teen saw shooting as experiment, showed no remorse; and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
Teen shooting, black and white twins, photosynthesis originated a billion years earlier than thought, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
"Bible Belt Abortion Storytelling Tour," aliens, Scott Kelly space genes, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
Gender-fluid baby names, the rise of a non-Christian Europe, changing environment influenced human evolution, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.