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Season 1

  • S01E01 It Doesn't Take a PhD, Dr. Charles Ware

  • S01E02 The Intelligent Design Movement: How Intelligent Is It?

  • S01E03 Artificial Authority: Bill Jack

  • S01E04 What is the Best Evidence That God Created?

  • S01E05 Wild, Wild Weather: The Genesis Flood & The Ice Age

  • S01E06 Dinosaurs and The Bible

  • S01E07 Junk DNA is Not Junk, Dr. David DeWitt

  • S01E08 Image of God or Planet of Apes

  • S01E09 In the Beginning Was Information

  • S01E10 The Intricacies of Flight

  • S01E11 Distant Starlight

  • S01E12 Lucy, She's No Lady

    Confused about the discovery of Lucy, a “missing link” between chimps and humans? Anatomist Dr. Menton leaves no doubt that the famous “Lucy” fossils belong to a knuckle-walking, apelike creature, who was not a lady!

  • S01E13 Geologic Evidences: Dr. Steven Austin

  • S01E14 Evolution in Pop Culture

  • S01E15 Counterfeit Reality

  • S01E16 Answers to Difficult Issues

  • S01E17 Simple Tools for Brain

  • S01E18 Special Forces for The Savior

  • S01E19 After Its Kind: Ken Ham

  • S01E20 Ultimate Proof of Creation

  • S01E21 How Do We know The Bible Is True?

  • S01E22 The Authentic Christ

  • S01E23 Biblical Creation-Strengthen Defenses/Conclusion

  • S01E24 From Evolution of Creation

  • S01E25 Noahs Flood Washing Away The Millions of Years

  • S01E26 Origin of The Species: Was Darwin Right? Part 1

  • S01E27 Origins of the Species & Evolution in Pop Culture

  • S01E28 Four Power Questions to Ask an Evolutionist

  • S01E29 Did Neanderthals and Humans Share a Common Gene Pool?

  • S01E30 Cloning, Stem Cells and the Value of Life

  • S01E31 Formed to Fly

    This illustrated lecture explains that the current view of bird evolution via dinosaurs is far from probable and goes against all observable evidence. Evolutionists have long argued that birds evolved by chance from reptiles. However, in this lecture, you will see that no two classes of vertebrates differ more dramatically than do reptiles and birds. Unlike the dinosaurs, from which birds are said to have evolved, birds are truly “formed to fly.” With the aid of a scanning electron microscope, Dr. Menton examines the feathers of birds and compares them to reptile scales. Contrary to the claims of evolutionists, feathers are profoundly different from scales in every respect. It is biological nonsense to claim that one evolved from the other by chance.

  • S01E32 Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

    When does life begin? What does the embryological development of the human body tell us about our Creator? In this 2-part illustrated lecture, anatomist Dr. David Menton follows the marvelous embryological development of the human body in a progressive sequence from ovulation, the movement of the egg in the oviduct, fertilization, implantation, development of the placenta and finally the birth process itself. There are countless critical and precisely integrated steps in this sequence that are essential for the very survival of man and all mammals.

  • S01E33 Nuclear Strength Apologetics pt.1

    Dr. Jason Lisle presents a presuppositional approach to apologetics, and shows why it is the best method for defending the faith. He gives numerous examples of real-world discussions and demonstrates the logic and consistency of the biblical worldview.

  • S01E34 Modern Medicine and Ancient Authority

  • S01E35 Does Biology Make Sense Without Darwinian Evolution

    Dr. David Menton brings a wealth of knowledge from a long career to answer the important question, "Does biology make sense without Darwin?" It is often claimed that nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution, but this is simply not the case. Examining evolutionist claims about the eye, the origin of feathers, and human hair, Dr. Menton shows that the answer to the question is an emphatic yes! When we start from a biblical perspective, we can make sense of the world around us—no Darwin required.

  • S01E36 The Evolution of Darwin-His Life

    There are many misunderstandings about the life of Charles Darwin. Was he religious? Did his daughter’s death turn him from God? Was he really a scientist? Did he eventually become a Christian? Join Dr. Tommy Mitchell as he traces the events that influenced Darwin’s beliefs. From his grammar school days to his voyage on the HMS Beagle, viewers will see that Darwin added much to our understanding of the world around us. However, his foundation was not built on Scripture. The result was a dangerous idea that would spread across the globe, misinforming young people for generations to come. This captivating presentation is punctuated with interview segments that give a personal understanding of the man who made the idea of evolution famous.

  • S01E37 The Evolution of Darwin-His Impact

    Discover how Darwin’s beliefs have been used to justify policies that have resulted in terrible acts against humanity—and how those beliefs continue to harm societies today. Ken Ham’s practical, fast-paced presentation inspires and equips viewers to protect their families and reach their culture for Christ!

  • S01E38 The Evolution of Darwin-His Science

    Join Dr. David Menton as he explores the science behind Charles Darwin’s ideas. You will delve into such topics as the struggle for existence, natural selection, mutations, the geologic record, and homology. Throughout his presentation, Dr. Menton evaluates the claims of evolution in light of the evidence discovered since Darwin’s time. He concludes by answering the question, “Is evolution necessary to the study of biology?” This captivating presentation is punctuated with interview segments that reveal the speaker’s passion and depth of understanding of the topic. An important DVD in exposing the faulty ideas of Darwin!

  • S01E39 Jurassic/Noah's Ark: Thinking Outside The Box

  • S01E40 Big Problems with the Big Bang

  • S01E41 A New Reformation

  • S01E42 A New Reformation & The New Answers

  • S01E43 A New Reformation Pt. 3

  • S01E44 Defending the Faith

  • S01E45 24 Answers to the Most Asked Apologetics Questions Part 1

  • S01E46 24 Answers to the Most Asked Apologetics Questions: Part 2

  • S01E47 Journey Through the Creation Museum

  • S01E48 Global Warming

  • S01E49 Rock Strata, Fossils & The Flood: Dr. Snelling

    Join Dr. Andrew Snelling as he reveals the six main geological evidences for the Flood. He reminds us that Genesis 7 and 8 describes that the floodwaters covered all the high mountains, carrying with them marine creatures and sweeping away all air-breathing, land-dwelling life. Thus, wouldn’t we expect to find billions of dead plants and animals buried and fossilized in sand, mud, and lime that were deposited rapidly by water in rock layers all over the earth? Of course! In this illustrated lecture, Dr. Snelling demonstrates that is exactly what we find.

  • S01E50 7 Habits of Highly Suppressive People - Bill Jack

  • S01E51 Demolishing Strongholds.......Bill Jack

  • S01E52 The Foundations - In Six Days

    What difference does it make today whether the “days” of Genesis 1 were real 24-hour days or millions of years? Here, Ken Ham clears up today’s common misunderstandings in the debate about the “six days” of Creation. Also discover why some pastors and educators avoid this topic and say we really can’t know the truth.

  • S01E53 Foundations - One Blood One Race

    Understanding what happened at the Tower of Babel is key to understanding the origin of nations, “races,” prejudice, and much more! Ken discusses Charles Darwin’s destructive teaching regarding skin color, facial features, etc. On the lighter side, this video uses Ken’s comical perspective on poodles to teach on natural selection and speciation.

  • S01E54 The Foundations - Death The Enemy

    Some ministers tell their congregations that death is our friend. But God designed a perfect world—no death, no pain. Adam’s sin brought death and suffering. Our world is now in need of restoration, and Ken shares the story of the agonizing death of his brother, a pastor and loving father, to illustrate that death is our enemy, and one day it will be vanquished!

  • S01E55 Right from The Start Part 1

  • S01E56 Right from The Start Conclusion Dr Al Mohler

  • S01E57 Raising Godly Children in Ungodly World Ken Ham

  • S01E58 Strengthening Your Defenses Part 1

  • S01E59 Strengthening Your Defenses Conclusion

  • S01E60 Simple Tools for Brain Surgery

  • S01E61 Go Into All the World

  • S01E62 Jurassic Prank: a Dinosaur Tale Dr Tommy Mitchell

    Dinosaurs . . . mighty creatures that supposedly roamed the earth millions of years ago. Where did they come from? How did they live? Where did they go? Did they really evolve into birds? Do dinosaurs prove evolution? Christians frequently struggle with these questions. How do we reconcile the Bible and dinosaurs? How do we teach our children about dinosaurs? In this very entertaining presentation, Dr. Tommy Mitchell uses clips from the movie Jurassic Park to illustrate how the world indoctrinates us with evolutionary concepts. Using the Bible, he shows how dinosaurs really fit into history while debunking many of the popular fallacies about these creatures.

  • S01E63 The Life of William Tyndale

    All who speak the English language owe William Tyndale a great debt. At a time when reading the Bible in English was punishable by death, Tyndale was used mightily of God to translate and print the Scriptures. Tyndale was an extraordinary man who provided God’s Word in English to the common man, giving ordinary people the opportunity to read God’s Word for himself. Tyndale’s work has influenced English translations for over 400 years!

  • S01E64 Scripture Under Scrutiny

    Translated into more than 420 languages, the Bible is still the world’s best-selling book. Words and phrases from its pages have slipped into everyday speech, and its stories have influenced the art, music, and literature of the Western world. The Bible is the handbook of Christianity, unfolding the creation of the universe and the ultimate plan of redemption for mankind. But where does our Bible come from? How did it come to us? What do we mean by “inspiration”? And why can we be sure that it is reliable? These and many other questions are answered in this presentation.

  • S01E65 Why 66

    It has become all too easy for critics to dismiss the Bible’s credibility. Works such as The Da Vinci Code, The God Delusion, and The Judas Gospel have raised the question, “How can we be sure we have the right books in the Bible?” Extravagant claims are made regarding the books that ought to be in the Canon but aren’t, and a great deal of nonsense on this subject is often discussed by those who should know better. It is time for some plain and simple truth. Join us as we trace the story of the Hebrew Scriptures, widely known as the Old Testament, and the writing and acceptance of the books of the New Testament. Edwards leads viewers to some unexpected and faith-strengthening conclusions.

  • S01E66 Sanctity of Life; Stem Cells, Cloning

    This portion deals with some of the most controversial issues in today’s world. The stem cell debate rages in our society. Aren’t stem cells good? Don’t Christians want to help sick people? What is the problem with embryonic stem cells? What exactly is cloning? How are these moral questions? A Christian’s response to these questions should be based not only on a clear understanding of the science but also a firm grasp on scriptural principles. Here you find sound biblical answers.

  • S01E67 Sancity of Life: What Is Life? Dr Tommy Mitchell

    When can a human embryo be considered a human being? Is it really just a blob of cells? Is humanness merely an anatomical achievement? And are we morally bound to protect the unborn? If so, when? When does a developing baby become worthy of protection? Abortion is legal, but is biblically permissible? Where do we turn for these answers? Dr. Tommy Mitchell presents many different viewpoints and compares those conclusions with the Word of God.

  • S01E68 Sancity of Life: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made 2

  • S01E69 Science Confirms the Bible

  • S01E70 The Foundations - The Relevance of Genesis Ken Ham

    In this 2-part video Ken Ham uses news stories of recent events combined with Scripture to address today’s most pressing issues. Includes scores of photos and illustrations, plus a mini-interview that reveals his passion for helping Christians to truly understand the distressing impact of disregarding the authority of Scripture.

  • S01E71 Always Ready Apologia

    1 Peter 3:15 says that we must always be ready to defend the truth of the Bible. But does the idea of being “ready” make your heart beat fast with fear? In these two segments, Ken Ham shares proven ideas and the basics of apologetics to affirm the truth of the Bible in our modern age. This presentation will embolden you to share your faith with others!

  • S01E72 The Foundations - Revealing The Unknown God

    American culture has changed substantially, but our approach to evangelism has not. The key is to “de-Greekize” our families and our churches, beginning with ourselves! To truly reach today’s culture we have to help them understand that God’s Word is true as we spread the seed of the gospel.

  • S01E73 Evolution and Logical Fallacies

    In this informative presentation, videoed before hundreds at AiG’s Creation College 3, Dr. Jason Lisle gives viewers a fast-paced course on logic. In addition to reviewing numerous logical fallacies, Dr. Lisle gives examples of how evolutionists often use fallacious arguments in arguing for their position. Learning to recognize these fallacies provides a whole new opportunity for defending the Christian faith and arguing for the truth of creation.

  • S01E74 Why Genesis Matters

    Does the book of Genesis really matter? How does it connect to real world issues? Does it actually affect our understanding of the major doctrines of Christianity? How does a proper understanding of Genesis help us understand the crucifixion of Jesus Christ? These issues and more are dealt with in this presentation. In his unique speaking style, Dr. Mitchell draws from personal experiences to showcase the foundational importance of Genesis. This illustrated presentation truly does “start from the beginning” and shows how the fundamental doctrines of Christianity have their roots in the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Although many would argue that Genesis is merely allegory, Dr. Mitchell demonstrates the disastrous effect this type of compromise has on the church and our society.

  • S01E75 Wonder of The Cell

    Dr. Georgia Purdom uses her intimate knowledge of the inner workings of a human cell to provide a glimpse into its amazing complexity. Detailed computer animations show how the intricate “machinery” working in a single cell can only be explained as the handiwork of the Master Designer. The cells of our bodies exhibit many amazing designs. They are miniature factories that perform thousands of jobs every second! In this DVD, Dr. Purdom explores the complexities and inner working of the cell using visually stunning animations. Journey through the bloodstream to investigate how white blood cells eliminate a bacterial infection. You will encounter proteins that literally “walk” down cellular “highways” and cells that dramatically change their shape. As a result, you will gain a greater appreciation for love and the designs of Creator God.

  • S01E76 7 Cs of History

    The "7 C’s" are a wonderful way to easily remember the biggest events in the Bible. A great chronological overview of the gospel message! Do you know the seven key events of the Bible—from Creation to the second coming of Christ? Do you long for an easy-to-understand overview of the Bible that can be summarized in less than one hour? That is what the 7C’s of History video is all about. By taking relevant milestones throughout the Bible, apologist Bodie Hodge teaches viewers that the entire Bible points to Christ! The 7 C’s are: Creation (God created in six days and everything was perfect, then He rested for a day), Corruption (the fall from perfection due to sin), Catastrophe (Noah’s Flood is the origin of most fossil layers), Confusion (the rebellion at Babel is key to understanding the world today), Christ (the Creator became a man, our “Kinsman Redeemer”), Cross (Christ’s resurrection shows He has conquered death), and Consummation (the fulfillment of all things).

  • S01E77 Body of Evidence: Section 1 - Cells and Tissue Part 1

    Cells and Tissue - Former medical university professor Dr. Menton takes two teens on a teaching-tour through the major systems of the body. Dr. Menton is loved worldwide for his humorous and insightful talks that leave audiences in hushed awe at the Creator's wisdom. In this series, Menton employs anatomical props, models, and microscopic images to teach about God's amazing designs for life. Geared for teens and adults, Body of Evidence is great for anyone studying the human body, plus all who want to be able to show their skeptical friends some of the most amazing designs that point unmistakably to our Creator.

  • S01E78 Body of Evidence: Section 1 - Cells and Tissue Part 2

  • S01E79 Body of Evidence: Section 2 - Skeletal System Part 1

    Skeletal System - Former medical university professor Dr. Menton takes two teens on a teaching-tour through the major systems of the body. Dr. Menton is loved worldwide for his humorous and insightful talks that leave audiences in hushed awe at the Creator's wisdom. In this series, Menton employs anatomical props, models, and microscopic images to teach about God's amazing designs for life. Geared for teens and adults, Body of Evidence is great for anyone studying the human body, plus all who want to be able to show their skeptical friends some of the most amazing designs that point unmistakably to our Creator.

  • S01E80 Body of Evidence: Section 2 - Skeletal System Part 2

  • S01E81 Body of Evidence: Section 3 - Integumentary System Part 1

    Integumentary System - Former medical university professor Dr. Menton takes two teens on a teaching-tour through the major systems of the body. Dr. Menton is loved worldwide for his humorous and insightful talks that leave audiences in hushed awe at the Creator's wisdom. In this series, Menton employs anatomical props, models, and microscopic images to teach about God's amazing designs for life. Geared for teens and adults, Body of Evidence is great for anyone studying the human body, plus all who want to be able to show their skeptical friends some of the most amazing designs that point unmistakably to our Creator.

  • S01E82 Body of Evidence: Section 3 - Integumentary System Part 2

  • S01E83 Body of Evidence: Section 4 - Cardiovascular Part 1

  • S01E84 Body of Evidence: Section 4 - Cardiovascular continues Part 2

  • S01E85 Body of Evidence: Section 4 - Cardiovascular concludes Part 3

  • S01E86 Body of Evidence: Section 5 - Respiratory Part 1

    Respiratory - Former medical university professor Dr. Menton takes two teens on a teaching-tour through the major systems of the body. Dr. Menton is loved worldwide for his humorous and insightful talks that leave audiences in hushed awe at the Creator's wisdom. In this series, Menton employs anatomical props, models, and microscopic images to teach about God's amazing designs for life. Geared for teens and adults, Body of Evidence is great for anyone studying the human body, plus all who want to be able to show their skeptical friends some of the most amazing designs that point unmistakably to our Creator.

  • S01E87 Body of Evidence: Section 5 - Respiratory concludes Part 2

  • S01E88 Body of Evidence: Section 6 - Digestive System Part 1

    Digestive System - Former medical university professor Dr. Menton takes two teens on a teaching-tour through the major systems of the body. Dr. Menton is loved worldwide for his humorous and insightful talks that leave audiences in hushed awe at the Creator's wisdom. In this series, Menton employs anatomical props, models, and microscopic images to teach about God's amazing designs for life. Geared for teens and adults, Body of Evidence is great for anyone studying the human body, plus all who want to be able to show their skeptical friends some of the most amazing designs that point unmistakably to our Creator.

  • S01E89 Body of Evidence: Section 6 - Digestive System Part 2

  • S01E90 Body of Evidence: Section 7 - Urinary System Part 1

    Urinary System - Former medical university professor Dr. Menton takes two teens on a teaching-tour through the major systems of the body. Dr. Menton is loved worldwide for his humorous and insightful talks that leave audiences in hushed awe at the Creator's wisdom. In this series, Menton employs anatomical props, models, and microscopic images to teach about God's amazing designs for life. Geared for teens and adults, Body of Evidence is great for anyone studying the human body, plus all who want to be able to show their skeptical friends some of the most amazing designs that point unmistakably to our Creator.

  • S01E91 Body of Evidence: Section 7 - Urinary System Part 2

  • S01E92 Body of Evidence: Section 8 - The Hearing Ear

    The Hearing Ear - Former medical university professor Dr. Menton takes two teens on a teaching-tour through the major systems of the body. Dr. Menton is loved worldwide for his humorous and insightful talks that leave audiences in hushed awe at the Creator's wisdom. In this series, Menton employs anatomical props, models, and microscopic images to teach about God's amazing designs for life. Geared for teens and adults, Body of Evidence is great for anyone studying the human body, plus all who want to be able to show their skeptical friends some of the most amazing designs that point unmistakably to our Creator.

  • S01E93 Body of Evidence: Section 9 - The Seeing Eye

    The Seeing Eye - Former medical university professor Dr. Menton takes two teens on a teaching-tour through the major systems of the body. Dr. Menton is loved worldwide for his humorous and insightful talks that leave audiences in hushed awe at the Creator's wisdom. In this series, Menton employs anatomical props, models, and microscopic images to teach about God's amazing designs for life. Geared for teens and adults, Body of Evidence is great for anyone studying the human body, plus all who want to be able to show their skeptical friends some of the most amazing designs that point unmistakably to our Creator.

  • S01E94 The Great Delusion

    Here is Ken Ham’s major presentation from the Answers in Genesis Mega Conference. Ken Ham shares why he believes that America is now under judgment—the wrath of God described in Romans 1. Why have so many Americans turned their backs on God? What are the ramifications of not believing the Bible and not submitting to the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ? How should we view our leaders (including the U.S. president) that govern this nation? It is vital for everyone to understand the delusion—the great lie against God and His Word that has swept the nation and is sweeping the world.

  • S01E95 The Homosexual War

    How should we discuss homosexuality at church? How do we respond to a child who "comes out"? How should we talk about gay people in the public realm? Join Todd Friel as he challenges all of us to reconsider how we should engage in the homosexual war that has been thrust upon us.

  • S01E96 Rescuing Our Kids From the Lie

    Parents need to know what they can do to help rescue their kids from: the Evil One, secularists, the culture, churches that don’t teach apologetics, churches that compromise God’s Word, the “fluff-and-stuff” curricula of many Sunday schools, compromising Christian colleges, etc.

  • S01E97 Things That Go Bump in Night: Dr Danny Faulkner

    Do black holes exist? What about dark matter? Dark energy? Weren't these things just made up to salvage evolutionary ideas? You'll learn that there is a good case for black holes with no need of evolutionary involvement. There's a good case for dark matter, too, while dark energy is a bit more speculative. Black holes and dark matter quite literally take our understanding physics to its breaking point, and they illustrate how God's creation holds many mysteries, while pointing undeniably to the Creator and Savior Himself!

  • S01E98 Creation and the Last Days

  • S01E99 Genesis 1,1: The Foundational Verse of the Foundational Book

  • S01E100 Buddy Davis Amazing Adventures, Extreme Caving

  • S01E101 Evolution: Not a Chance - Dr. David Menton

    Popular scientist Dr. David Menton captivates viewers with fascinating illusions as he explains that evolution doesn't stand a chance when compared to the truth of science, and most importantly, God's Word. This celebrated instructor uses practical illustrations to demonstrate the "integrated complexity" that would be necessary for evolution to be true. His warm teaching style and enjoyable wit make this DVD fun to follow and easy to understand. In a respectful way, Menton demonstrates why it is true that a person must have a sizeable amount of credulity in order to buy into the tale of evolution. And don't worry, it's okay to laugh as you learn!

  • S01E102 Evidence of Rapid Fossilization

    Dr. Andrew Snelling graphically illustrates how fossils - the vestiges of once-living organisms - form rapidly, not over millions of years. To be preserved with the amazing detail we often see, animals and plants "locked" in the rock record had to be buried rapidly, and fossilization had to be rapid as well. Fossils are often found in huge numbers in what are called "graveyards," as demonstrated by many example across the world. These often massive fossil beds point unmistakably to the rapid burial of living things during the global Flood cataclysm described in Genesis!

  • S01E103 The Uniqueness of Man - Dr. Stuart Burgess

    In this powerful presentation, British engineer Stuart Burgess describes some of the many unique design features of man, including arched feet, facial expressions, skillful hands, fine skin, intricate language, and an amazingly powerful brain. Each feature shows that we have not evolved from an ape-like animal but have been specifically created, and each feature shows that we are equipped for far more than survival. We are designed to perform skillful tasks so that we can be creative stewards of God's creation. We are also uniquely spiritual and emotional beings, and our ultimate purpose is to praise and fellowship with our Creator!

  • S01E104 Sanctity of Life: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, 1

  • S01E105 Three Ways to Make An Ape-Man

    Comfortably ensconced between a human skeleton and a table covered by skulls, the witty, award-winning professor David Menton reveals how "even a five-year-old" can easily know that certain fossils are not human, and others are not ape. This 55-minute video debunks popular restorations of ape-to-man and gives their biblically based explanation instead. Adults and teens alike will enjoy this humorous presentation by one of the most respected creation scientists and lecturers in the world today! And when not laughing, your jaw might drop in disbelief at quotes from leading disciples of the beliefs popularized by the infamous Charles Darwin over 150 years ago. If Darwin knew what we do today, would he have promoted the idea of naturalistic evolution as he did? We will never know, but you and your friends can avoid the mistakes that are now taught so widely. See hard evidence that confirms the truth of the Bible. We are NOT just evolved apes!

  • S01E106 Why Biblical Creation is Good Science

    Evolution is an atheistic worldview that assumes there is no Creator. However, there is no scientific justification for ruling out a Creator. This talk shows that many great scientists have recognized evolution to be an atheistic worldview rather than a scientific theory. Prof. Stuart Burgess uses his experience in engineering and science to show that biblical creation is better supported by scientific evidece, including the conservation of matter, irreducible complexity, and beauty. Burgess also reveals personal experiences of the pressure that scientists are under to accept the idea of evolution.

  • S01E107 Determining the Ark Kinds - Lightner

    Were these original animals the same as the ones in our world today? How many animals had to be cared for aboard Noah's Ark? People need to see that the ark really was capable of holding all the animals it needed to hold. When they do they recognize that the early chapters of Genesis are real history. And they find it much easier to put their confidence in the Bible, and their faith in Jesus Christ! This illustrated lecture, Determining the Ark Kinds, by Dr. Jean Lightner reveals the numbers, and the process by which she and other baraminology researchers came to the startling conclusions she shares here.

  • S01E108 Distribution of Wildlife

  • S01E109 Dragons Dinosaurs and the Bible - Hodge

    Are dinosaurs dragons? Did birds evolve from dinosaurs? How should Christians view these incredible creatures? This illustrated lecture, featuring creation-apologist Bodie Hodge, will excite you to look at these amazing beasts from a thoroughly biblical viewpoint. It will also challenge evolutionists to separate fact from fiction regarding dinosaurs and dragons.

  • S01E110 Is the Bible True - Hodge

    In this foundational approach to the topic, apologist Bodie Hodge reveals some of the least acceptable answers. Sadly, most of us have likely used these answers! The Bible is true because it is from the author of truth. But how can we know? You will enjoy looking into this subject - one that the world mocks but Christians know to be of utmost importance!

  • S01E111 Design in Astronomy - Faulkner

    There are many features of the Earth and its moon that make the earth ideally suited for life and humanity. Thus the earth is unique in our solar system. But what about the more than one thousand planets orbiting other stars that astronomers have discovered in recent years? None of these planets are suitable for life. As we learn more about astronomy, the uniqueness of Earth becomes even more clear!