Home / Series / Another Life 1981 / Aired Order / Season 4 / Episode 80

August 1984 (episode 10)

Tina tells the court room she has not told Vaughn about the pregnancy yet. Ben refuses to prescribe Beverley any tranqualizers when her test results come back. Dan asks Tina is she is sure the baby is Vaughn's to which she replies yes. Hugh tells Walter Stacey got her facts wrong and he is infact now supporting the Rape Crisis Centre. Judge Sawyer tells the court room he won't be granting the annulment. Vanessa puts Beverley into another trance and gives her intructions which could mean her death.

  • Originally Aired August 14, 1984
  • Runtime 30 minutes
  • Created November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin