지훈은 유미가 뜻대로 통제되지 않자 세상과 단절된 곳으로 보내려는 계획을 세운다. 지훈의 속셈을 알게 된 유미는 자신의 계획도 지원을 통해 실행하려 한다.
After seeing success, Ji-hoon can no longer stand Yu-mi and plans to send her somewhere cut off from the world. Yu-mi discovers Ji-hoon’s plan too late and tries to execute her own plan through Ji-won, but Ji-won finds herself up against a wall. Yu-mi makes an important decision and Ji-won thinks on her feet. The exposure of the couple's secrets stirs a storm, but what became of Yu-mi?
"成功を収めた後、ジフンはユミに我慢できなくなり、彼女を世界から切り離された場所に送ることを計画する。 ジフンの計画を知るのが遅かったユミは、ジウォンを通じて自分の計画を実行しようとするが、ジウォンは壁にぶつかる。 ユミは重要な決断を下し、ジウォンは冷静に考える。夫婦の秘密の暴露に嵐が巻き起こるが、ユミはどうなるのか?"