가난한 집의 외동딸 유미는 뛰어난 외모와 재능으로 언제나 사람들의 관심을 받는다. 하지만 생계를 위해 취직한 곳에서 금수저 현주를 만나고 상대적 박탈감에 빠진다.
Yu-mi is born to poor parents but receives a lot of attention thanks to her exceptional beauty and talent. Just before her college entrance exams, she is forced to transfer schools after her romantic relationship with her teacher is revealed. Ashamed that she didn’t get into a university after scoring poorly on her exams, she lies that she was admitted and starts to live a fake university life.
"貧乏な両親のもとに生まれたユミは、並外れた美貌と才能で注目を集めていたが、大学受験直前、教師との恋愛が発覚し、転校を余儀なくされる。 受験に失敗した彼女は、合格したと嘘をつき、偽の大学生活を始める。"