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Season 1

  • S01E01 Anitube Digest: 8/25 - 8/31

    • September 2, 2019

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Yes this is a full-sale copy of The Needle Drop's Weekly Track Roundup but, hey, learn from the best ;) THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSH_KsSGrQSWjc4pAtK8NNoT 00:00 Intro 00:46 Explanation Point 05:37 Scamboli Reviews 09:07 Lost Pause 10:52 Kaze Talks 13:46 Oceaniz 17:47 OTAQUEST 19:46 Basement Life 22:28 Mr. Cynical 23:17 Beyond Ghibli 24:14 Marion Bea 25:22 KrisPNatz 27:58 WatTheWut/Craftsdwarf/Ember Reviews/Nunmanji 31:09 Suti~Tooti General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E02 Anitube Digest 9/1 - 9/7

    • September 9, 2019

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSF82UZWyo2yDGhLsIW3vywf 00:00 Intro 01:28 SomeMoeGaming 06:24 ForneverWorld 10:01 ThatAnimeSnob 12:19 MudanTV 14:09 Yoruu 16:01 Seaweed Ambassador 18:39 Zeria 24:25 Steak Bentley 26:45 MrDanteDavid 28:00 Kor (Stumbling Over Speech) 29:50 Bonsai Pop 32:51 sydsnap 36:23 Digibro 38:44 The Cartoon Cipher General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E03 Anitube Digest 9/8 - 9/14

    • September 15, 2019

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSFfAtwZdK4dmrErRgoO-XSa 00:00 Intro 00:29 TeamFourStar 03:33 Mother's Basement 07:44 Allonsyyy 09:04 BobSamurai 10:18 Evanit0 11:53 Metahulk 13:53 Under the Scope 17:04 JawBurst 18:57 Shonen Ronin 21:02 Tora 21:53 BennettTheSage 26:16 KYDB General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E04 Anitube Digest 9/15 - 9/19

    • September 22, 2019

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSGvUzD5EQzanWwnXiXMvx_L 00:00 Intro 00:58 Gigguk 06:02 OtakuDaiKun 07:58 Sage's Rain 09:30 Mathwiz 14:28 TJ Veranga 18:15 The Unknown Otaku 22:57 Jackisboy 24:59 Stevem General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E05 Anitube Digest 9/20 - 9/28

    • September 29, 2019

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSEL9so00a4HVesNJxXc37xX 00:00 Intro 00:36 The Anime Man 05:34 We Heart Giant Robots 08:59 Gigguk 12:54 GilLiesHere 14:32 The Unknown Otaku 17:19 Evanit0 20:09 E-Kon 25:18 Lowart 28:08 Uniquenameosaurus 29:33 The Hentai Man 31:33 KorewaEden 34:01 Digibro 37:09 The Canipa Effect General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E06 Anitube Digest 9/28 - 10/4

    • October 7, 2019

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSE7ujkqZYzkV-gcJXXeRQ35 00:00 Intro 00:22 Explanation Point 11:38 kenny lauderdale 14:58 YonkouProductions 17:25 Beyond Ghibli 18:45 MudanTV 21:09 BestGuyEver 24:08 Nux Taku 28:41 Nearly On Red 32:40 Super Eyepatch Wolf 35:52 The Canipa Effect 37:48 KrisPNatz General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E07 Anitube Digest 10/5 - 10/11

    • October 14, 2019

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Check out Complementary! trinitybrothers.org THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSEd-W3QEia1gjEJt2Hwt5X0 00:00 Intro 02:16 Scamboli Reviews 08:23 ProfessorOtakuD2 12:03 Mother's Basement 15:20 Ginkotaku 18:52 Replay Value 23:59 Bonsai Pop 26:35 Under The Scope 32:06 NECRO XIII 48:27 The Anime Man 50:07 Jiffy 53:21 Marion Bea 55:39 Kor General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E08 Anitube Digest 10/12 - 10/18

    • October 21, 2019

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSH8bbuz7tpsuKw0VapFumVX 00:00 Intro 00:24 Get in the Robot 03:56 Oceaniz 07:29 Basement Life 10:54 BaronJ 15:23 The Cartoon Cipher 20:42 UrbanTheMyth 24:45 Hiding in Public 29:16 sydsnap 30:55 Stevem 33:16 Striving for Animation General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E09 Anitube Digest 10/19 - 10/25

    • October 28, 2019

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSHtJ0uxpKv41t1VV1OV5cbj 00:00 Intro 00:23 BennettTheSage 10:23 BaronJ 13:57 Digibro 23:37 WatTheWut 30:13 AlexEnterprises 33:44 The Unknown Otaku 37:42 Rags 41:54 Zeria 45:15 KorewaEden General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E10 Anitube Digest 10/26 - 11/1

    • November 4, 2019

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSF-a0qlZfaCSMOQ195z2XaA 00:00 Intro 00:40 Daniel Santos 15:34 Nunmanji 18:24 Replay Value 20:29 UrbanTheMyth 22:48 Frffy Vs Anime 25:54 Hartvigen 29:14 Beyond Ghibli/Isla 33:17 The Cartoon Cipher 35:32 Metahulk 36:52 Marion Bea 38:55 Kevin Nyaa General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E11 Anitube Digest 11/2 - 11/8

    • November 10, 2019

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSHYNVSHHhFCZG_3fI8CFWSt 00:00 Intro 00:17 Scamboli Reviews 06:02 Kor (Lolikor) 07:06 Manime Matt 14:34 KHANTEHNT 18:44 Hyperbolic Tendencies 20:45 Mother's Basement/Isla 23:29 MudanTV 26:59 WatTheWut General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E12 Anitube Digest 11/8 - 11/15

    • November 18, 2019

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSGd-WWDrxZkBHVEyKxKaQmw 00:00 Intro 01:19 kenny lauderdale 09:16 TheSnerg 11:47 Explanation Point 16:29 First We Feast 18:02 Yoruu 21:27 Caffeinated Telescopes 24:10 Pause and Select 26:22 Digibro 31:35 clearandsweet 36:09 RDCWorld1 General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E13 Anitube Digest 11/16 - 11/22 (Last One for 2019)

    • November 25, 2019

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSFEen7m7vIVv1wJ8JZVPkUQ 00:00 Intro 00:48 Anim3Recon 06:57 Whang! 10:17 Evanit0 13:57 KorewaEden 16:42 animebackwhen 19:31 Nyard 23:19 The Anime Man 26:05 CDawgVA 29:01 Craftsdwarf General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E14 Anitube Digest 1/1 - 1/7

    • January 9, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSHkxhuToaVUzSuehd0PxbW_ 00:00 Intro 00:26 TVSins (CinemaSins) 07:06 Mother's Basement 15:32 Leth 22:29 WatTheWut 25:29 Manime Matt 28:05 Lowkey Weebs 31:52 Stevem 33:26 The Cartoon Cipher 37:32 Jackisboy 37:47 Sodra 42:15 Zeria General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E15 Anitube Digest 1/8 - 1/14

    • January 16, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSE3WWOBn0gAkeL8-DpYBA-4 00:00 Intro 00:52 Evanit0 03:03 A Sleepy Insomniac 10:54 Doctor Mike 13:55 Fan Vs Pro 20:16 JaxBlade 24:13 Aleczandxr 32:35 The Grumps 34:36 Digibro 41:19 sydsnap 47:09 Kamimashita General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E16 Anitube Digest 1/15 - 1/21

    • January 22, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSEYN6uPG8HverOFDMfSNQAe 00:00 Intro 00:23 JelloApocolypse 04:51 Scamboli Reviews 08:16 Nux Taku 20:33 Funimation 24:27 Beyond Ghibli 30:41 ceicocat 31:32 BobSamurai 34:44 UrbanTheMyth 37:35 Digibro/NineOuh/E-Kon 42:37 Kato 44:02 DEMOLITIONDv2 General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E17 Anitube Digest 1/22 1/28

    • January 29, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSF68DUOpfuV7tDLUJBHR9Ik 00:00 Intro 00:52 Gigguk 08:20 Sloan The Female Otaku 26:52 Shonen Ronin 34:49 Parakasha 37:57 Jerry Freeman 40:31 Seaweed Ambassador 43:25 Pause and Select 47:58 Digibro 50:48 GilLiesHere 54:03 Zen Huxtable 58:58 Bess Sonozaki 1:06:33 APLattanzi General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E18 Anitube Digest 1/29 - 2/4

    • February 5, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSGUq63ye9xF_QaO_YTWH48- 00:00 Intro 00:22 Nux Taku 04:39 TazerLad 08:51 The True Random Gamer 14:22 Valerix 20:51 Daymaster 25:44 Kor 28:10 CDawgVA 33:29 Under The Scope General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E19 Anitube Digest 2/5 - 2/11

    • February 12, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSGwrz0yUR7oxgeOsFWN32x3 00:00 Intro 00:28 Crunchyroll 11:03 TeamFourStar 16:53 Daburo 18:51 Ryu Token 20:52 Craftsdwarf/Nunmanji 24:57 The Cartoon Cipher 31:47 MudanTV 34:13 RagsAnime 38:34 The Electric Hobo 44:35 Stevem 50:17 Shabu, That Music Nerd General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E20 Anitube Digest 2/12 - 2/18

    • February 19, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSFpQf2qZLEgMUWLuh1iuEOi 00:00 Intro 00:28 Otaku-VS 10:25 Gigguk 13:13 The Anime Man 15:22 Hiding in Public 21:52 Math's Wizardry 29:36 Basement Life 33:12 KrisPNatz 37:26 Evanit0 41:53 Funebure General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E21 Anitube Digest 2/19 - 2/25

    • February 26, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSFgdQe4Q0oHiBmQPLBK4XMh 00:00 Intro 00:18 Jackisboy 07:30 BennettTheSage 20:17 KorewaEden 24:52 Mysterious Weeb 30:13 payne 34:57 KirbySonicTeam 43:30 Under The Scope 45:46 Super Eyepatch Wolf 51:29 Game/Life Balance Australia 55:14 Digibro General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E22 AniTube Digest 2/26 - 3/2

    • March 4, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSFKrvc7Yf_tUjC8w3NQf_PY 00:00 Intro 01:22 The Hentai Man 14:08 Scamboli Reviews 17:18 Hiding in Public 21:24 Nux Taku 24:42 Mother's Basement 28:30 The Electric Hobo 33:12 Seaweed Ambassador 35:15 Worst Waifu 40:31 Shonen Ronin 50:52 Dylan Is In Trouble 1:01:12 Marion Bea General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E23 Anitube Digest 3/3 - 3/10

    • March 11, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSEJJAJMtF1sfoGUDwGTh-oq 00:00 Intro 00:23 Manime Matt 11:48 DefectiveDisk 17:33 My Japanese Animes 24:21 Magical 28:26 AltNara 33:06 Jiffy 39:48 Bonsai Pop 45:09 Pause and Select 52:57 Gigguk 58:23 Weebservations 1:03:12 Animator Dormitory Channel General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E24 AniTube Digest 3/11 - 3/17

    • March 19, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSEEDg24wRxLJkkOdHPB8fGl 00:00 Intro 00:32 gonshairline 08:35 Misty Chronexia 14:57 Animator Dormitory Channel 18:59 Digibro 38:20 Princess Plunderphonics 47:18 RagnarRox 49:57 The Canipa Effect 51:49 Beyond Ghibli 58:04 TheCynicClinic 1:02:16 Seaweed Ambassador 1:05:49 Glass Reflection 1:11:36 Yata Kun 1:16:30 DouchebagChocolat General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E25 AniTube Digest 3/18 - 3/24

    • March 25, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSFrieqsnvHz7qqmNlYMcOdd 00:00 Intro 00:38 TeamFourStar 13:09 Toshio Okada Official Channel 26:33 Red Bard 33:30 Sage's Rain 35:59 Penguin Snacks 41:47 Kor 46:58 BaronJ 51:25 The Anime Man General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E26 AniTube Digest 3/26 - 3/31

    • April 1, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSF1flB6VRzu9bkOBo2U3kHy 00:00 Intro 00:28 kenny lauderdale 07:35 OtakuDaiKun 21:41 Noxris 25:58 Oceaniz 31:50 TeamFourStar 35:21 Ginkotaku 40:39 Craftsdwarf General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E27 AniTube Digest 4/1 - 4/7

    • April 8, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSF_w16nucTsiQBKZZu8fsUx 00:00 Intro 00:12 Ember Reviews 17:48 Satumi The Neet 25:51 Yoruu 27:58 OTAQUEST 30:32 Replay Value 35:21 MicMix 37:19 TeamFourStar 42:38 AnimeAjay 47:40 Kamimashita 50:50 Under The Scope 1:00:49 Stevem General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E28 AniTube Digest 4/8 - 4/14

    • April 15, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSGIzH5_0ZhtHeaowndX4-HH 00:00 Intro 00:27 Bonsai Pop 07:06 supergogeta345 12:35 YourBeed 15:06 sydsnap 20:59 SteveSekai 24:23 Digibro 31:36 Mathwiz 37:31 Gigguk General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E29 AniTube Digest 4/15 - 4/21

    • April 22, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSHX47dZLgx4J2t6owaqdvee 00:00 Intro 01:01 Posadist Pacman 14:35 Kor 16:19 Flip Otaku 18:29 Nunmanji 21:00 Metahulk 23:48 Oceaniz 28:34 Stevem 32:10 UrbanTheMyth 35:46 kenny lauderdale 38:34 Vic And Hope General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E30 AniTube Digest 4/22 - 4/27

    • April 28, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSEciv97kPwd6GCyRtMlfJVf 00:00 Intro 00:44 Misty Chronexia 08:15 Marion Bea 08:57 Animator Dormitory Channel 10:12 ProfessorOtakuD2 11:28 Frffy Vs Anime 14:03 WatTheWut 14:46 BakaStryx 15:57 KorewaEden 17:21 TazerLad 19:07 BennettTheSage 23:37 payne 26:20 Nux Taku 36:01 E-Kon 41:11 KaiserBeamz 46:17 Bonsai Pop 49:27 Zen Huxtable (phillip) 53:24 HazelNeverTalks General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E31 AniTube Digest 4/28 - 5/4

    • May 5, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSFJjvCYvxoE79-Jaw0ygJhv 00:00 Introduction 00:32 Something Witty 04:39 Necro XIII 07:40 YonkouProd 11:07 SomeMoeGaming 14:17 Big Joel 19:39 APLattanzi 21:34 CrunchyBagels 24:46 Lendy Anime 26:40 Synsei Inc. 27:56 Ember Reviews 30:37 Pantsu Party 34:50 BobSamurai 37:35 Digibro 40:48 Mr. Cynical 49:25 Evynne x Evynne 51:45 Kinda Neet 54:30 Vic and Hope 59:45 Funimation 1:05:35 end General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject (OR the creator typically talks about anime) -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E32 AniTube Digest 5/5 - 5/11

    • May 13, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSGNlfhfgwV6vP1952xTGu7N TWITTER THREADS: https://twitter.com/MichaelToole/status/1258538045596262400?s=20 00:00 Intro 00:11 Anime America 5:31 Request Video 11:57 That Japanese Man Yuta 18:11 TheMadThad 19:52 Vic and Hope 24:39 Anime Lockdown 27:49 Nearly On Red 35:12 Steve Reviews 36:50 MudanTV 47:41 CynicClinic 51:11 ???? 54:18 Totally Not Mark 1:00:03 Super Eyepatch Wolf 1:04:18 Twitter?? General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject (OR the creator typically talks about anime) -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E33 AniTube Digest 5/12 - 5/18

    • May 20, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSFJq_5MEnBvokawKSRLRzuV 00:00 Intro 00:19 AniTube 4:28 Request Video 19:10 Request Video 24:07 Rustage 26:39 Revel House 31:00 Scamboli Reviews 32:44 AlexEnterprises 34:45 Mother's Basement 39:29 The Anime Misfit 41:26 Outcast Rae 43:31 Digibro/Pantsu Party 46:23 Lost Impact Productions 49:58 EnzotheOtaku 53:08 Subtitled Anime 55:59 Jackisboy 59:51 Zen Huxtable General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject (OR the creator typically talks about anime) -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E34 Anitube Digest 5/18 - 5/24

    • May 27, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSFrnWRMWnfDCXXywOzquZ_R 00:00 Intro 00:35 In/Frame/Out 09:07 Robobuddies 19:06 Breadsword 27:33 Animator Dormitory Channel 30:32 Suki Official 32:41 Mr. FalconPunch 36:17 Manime Matt 40:39 CDawgVA 42:48 Under the Scope 46:08 Studio Taka 51:15 Digi-nee 57:16 Pantsu Party 1:02:28 RDCWorld1 1:05:44 GilLiesHere General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject (OR the creator typically talks about anime) -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E35 AniTube Digest 5/25 - 6/1

    • June 2, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSGuY0VwbiuysbgGqul0yD4s 00:00 Intro 00:16 Syy 09:02 Lobster's Magnet Review 13:46 Yata kun 19:51 We Heart Giant Robots 23:52 OtakuVs 30:27 GeekArcheology 33:24 Yoruu 37:26 Kamimashita 39:04 Super Eyepatch Wolf 41:09 Mother's Basement 47:36 Stevem 50:46 Joe Hisaishi Official 53:57 Kor 55:33 TheCynicClinic 59:01 Misty Chronexia 1:07:06 Jack & Kor 1:09:34 yourmoviesucksdotorg General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject (OR the creator typically talks about anime) -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video (I broke this rule in this one, sorry) :/ I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E36 AniTube Digest 6/2 - 6/8

    • June 10, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSFoXmuouoK5QETRDYHmriq1 00:00 Intro 00:33 supergogeta345 4:40 Misty Chronexia 10:24 AnimeRecon 15:17 MVPerry 21:18 Manime Matt 30:25 Marion Bea 32:10 Nunmanji 35:19 Fandom Musings 37:18 daburo 39:30 Trash Taste 45:52 Math's Wizardry 55:12 MercuryFalcon General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject (OR the creator typically talks about anime) -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video (I broke this rule in this one, sorry) :/ I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E37 AniTube Digest 6/9 - 6/15

    • June 16, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSEYm-dJbBAPGCgzRvDVc4jJ 00:00 Intro 00:12 Misty Chronexia 6:12 TeamFourStar 10:06 Get in the Robot 18:12 Manmode 26:44 Zeria 35:19 Shonen Ronin 40:28 Jeiku Anime Review 43:19 The Unknown Otaku 47:12 Spence 51:07 The Anime Misfit 56:34 Rash Plays 59:54 GabbyElla 1:01:37 GilLiesHere 1:04:49 Bonsai Pop General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject (OR the creator typically talks about anime) -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video (I broke this rule in this one, sorry) :/ I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E38 AniTube Digest 6/15 - 6/22

    • June 23, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSEIdz2Huip3VlUXbjYccSx2 00:00 Intro 00:31 Request 05:54 Funimation 09:09 Seaweed Ambassador 14:13 Metahulk 15:53 Sloan The Female Otaku 23:15 Hiding in Public 28:15 Kyle Robes 32:26 Oceaniz 38:12 Kamimashita 43:05 The Anime Man 49:04 Ember Reviews 50:43 Mathwiz 53:52 Kato 59:13 Daniel Santos 1:04:09 Beyond Ghibli General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject (OR the creator typically talks about anime) -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video (I broke this rule in this one, sorry) :/ I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E39 AniTube Digest 6/22 - 6/29

    • June 30, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSE5lQPusJqPLAh5VhaX0nro 00:00 Intro 00:17 TeamFourStar 05:37 Request 09:11 Request 14:12 KrisPNatz 15:56 Opalescent 19:08 Glass Reflection 21:47 Mother's Basement 26:02 Best Guy Ever 34:46 ahh it's kobe 37:02 CDawgVA/Gigguk/TheAnimeMan/Trash Taste 42:24 Digi-nee 46:28 YourBeed General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject (OR the creator typically talks about anime) -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video (I broke this rule in this one, sorry) :/ I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E40 AniTube Digest 6/30 - 7/6

    • July 8, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSGW3wcgeHbjTLcF5mg339Tg 00:00 Intro 00:15 Bennett The Sage 14:24 Evanit0 17:41 SteveSekai 22:38 This is a Bad Idea 25:56 Glass Reflection 28:39 Sasbekt 31:36 Nunmanji 34:41 GoatJesus 37:39 Under The Scope 40:43 Kamimashita 43:17 Scamboli Reviews 48:17 Get in the Robot 53:13 Nearly On Red 58:01 Funebure 1:03:17 WatTheWut General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject (OR the creator typically talks about anime) -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E41 AniTube Digest 7/6 - 7/13

    • July 20, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSH64308Xlm5GGTeODHwWqV6 00:00 Intro 00:59 Funimation/Aniplex US 10:32 illdie 11:52 Evynne x Evynne 13:19 Leth 19:25 Erika Friedman 21:55 That Japanese Man Yuta 24:56 MVPerry 28:47 Spirit Science 41:05 Isla McTear 43:34 SteveSekai 47:09 HazelNeverTalks 52:08 KorewaEden 55:23 The Anime Man 58:56 Pause and Select 1:03:33 The Canipa Effect 1:07:03 Kor General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject (OR the creator typically talks about anime) -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E42 AniTube Digest 7/14 - 7/20

    • July 20, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSG9szw6fRLFLVf3urop0uHW 00:00 Intro 00:26 AlexEnterprises 12:33 GabbyElla 15:00 Replay Value 20:39 Nux Taku 24:53 The Anime Man 27:17 Vindy 31:11 Red Bard 34:12 Weeb Revolution 37:21 The Film Theorists 42:58 Glass Reflection 46:22 Matt vs Japan 51:14 Double Dragon Broz General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject (OR the creator typically talks about anime) -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E43 AniTube Digest 7/21 - 7/27

    • July 27, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSFT0c2iOkKstUNCoGxRvohB 00:00 Intro 00:40 Shadow Realm 04:21 Anime Fried Chicken 08:23 Bonsai Pop 13:56 The Masked Man 25:42 ChadVision 28:12 Kinetic Literature 33:57 Nearly On Red 40:48 DAVIS 43:58 GeekArcheology 47:28 AnimeNewsNetwork 49:36 Narmak 57:52 Jose Argumedo 1:01:32 WatTheWut 1:04:54 Japanophile 1:08:50 RogerSmith2004 General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject (OR the creator typically talks about anime) -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E44 AniTube Digest 7/27 - 8/3

    • August 4, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSHGo_dPqwS-QiTve_Zgy2FM 00:00 Intro 00:13 Digibro & Digi-nee 04:37 Kawaiiecchi 13:28 TazerLad 15:36 Explanation Point 20:29 BennettTheSage 28:08 kenny lauderdale 32:26 Tantacrul 35:10 hbomberguy 41:43 account 44:45 WatTheWut 55:52 Hiding in Public 1:00:55 Beyond Ghibli 1:05:45 Pause and Select 1:10:03 Mother's Basement 1:16:12 BestGuyEver General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject (OR the creator typically talks about anime) -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E45 AniTube Digest 8/4 - 8/9

    • August 10, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSEjWBN8y7J81nsIFLn88pL_ 00:00 Intro 00:33 GeekArcheology 03:57 ProfessorOtakuD2 07:15 Nux Taku 19:24 Kinda Neet 21:40 Manime Matt 25:45 Replay Value 30:33 KHANTEHNT 33:12 Evynne x Evynne 36:01 WatTheWut 40:36 Bess Sonozaki 43:35 HazelNeverTalks 47:16 BennettTheSage General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject (OR the creator typically talks about anime) -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E46 AniTube Digest 8/10 - 8/17

    • August 18, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSGT_WeP8b1he1DHHGoR-Pgd 00:00 Intro 00:13 Plague of Gripes 08:04 THE AnimeHERO 22:26 yotsu 24:34 Ginkotaku 26:20 AlexEnterprises 28:22 Mysterious Weeb 30:56 The Anime Misfit 32:59 OniMaru 38:56 Best Girl's Basement 45:01 Mother's Basement 55:58 Nearly on Red 59:05 Sage's Rain 1:02:06 The Cartoon Cipher 1:07:01 GabbyElla 1:09:45 Metahulk General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject (OR the creator typically talks about anime) -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • S01E47 AniTube Digest 8/17 - 8/24

    • August 25, 2020

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube this week! Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSEBX3NYgkb2Q5REQJsQXUXr 00:00 Intro 00:46 Lost Pause 11:09 funebure 16:46 Gigguk 20:44 The Anime Man 25:19 Glass Reflection 27:34 REVEL HOUSE 29:22 Digibro & Digineé 37:56 The Seaweed Ambassador 40:52 Jiffy 45:43 STEVEM 51:15 Jerry Freeman 57:58 ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject (OR the creator typically talks about anime) -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • SPECIAL 0x16 I couldn't even finish the video

    • November 28, 2023

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Additional Specials

  • SPECIAL 0x1 100 Subs! Room Tour + Collection (and a potential new series?)

    • September 19, 2019

    Showing you my room/set-up/collection. It's not much but it's home haha Let me know if you'd want to see that new series idea, I think it'd be fun ^_^

  • SPECIAL 0x2 Anitube Digest Best of 2019

    • December 31, 2019

    Talking about the Best and Not so Best of Anime YouTube in 2019! THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSGjIhVzlY5dQm7hsOhlkHr0 00:00 Intro 01:28 WatTheWut 06:39 Scamboli Reviews 14:31 Kor 18:50 Explanation Point 28:03 Marion Bea 31:00 BobSamurai 36:53 The Cartoon Cipher 39:32 Jerry Freeman 46:55 ManMode Roger's video on Jerry's video aha: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-aVM9-UIvA General Guidelines: -Video should be about anime or anime adjacent subject -Only one video per channel/creator -Selected based on what I was interested in watching as well talk about -Must watch the whole video I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • SPECIAL 0x3 AniTube Digest Under 1k Special (LET'S GET THEM TO 1000 SUBS!)

    • September 2, 2020

    Recommending 24 Anime YouTube channels under 1,000 subscribers Support AniTube Digest on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Cariboukun THE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrU8zs0tzKSESugm-S56gCd_OC6eb1BXL 00:00 Intro 03:08 ahh it's kobe 06:38 AnimetalViking 09:57 Baka Raptor 12:53 Bess Sonozaki 15:23 Evynne x Evynne 18:38 funebure 22:10 GabyElla 24:16 Ginkotaku 27:20 GracieVeeVee 30:19 HazelNeverTalks 33:39 JawBurst 37:10 Noxris 39:43 Nunmanji 43:18 Nyard 47:25 payne 50:29 Ryu Token 52:45 SteveSekai 56:15 The Anime Misfit 59:18 The Electric Hobo 1:02:37 The Seaweed Ambassador 1:05:20 Velarix 1:08:38 Vindy 1:12:49 Yata Kun 1:14:21 Your Beed ANITUBE DIGEST DATABASE: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/... I'd love to do this again next year so don't feel too bad if you aren't included, hope to see some dope shit! I'm subscribed to everybody I can find who makes anime YouTube videos, let me know you exist so I can assure you I'm subbed ^_^ If I'm incendiary let me know so I may apologize. Don't take any of this personally, I try to be nice.

  • SPECIAL 0x4 AniTube Digest Anniversary Stream

    • September 2, 2020

  • SPECIAL 0x5 AniTube Digest Special: NOVID November

    • December 30, 2020

  • SPECIAL 0x6 AniTube Digest Director project

    • December 30, 2020

  • SPECIAL 0x7 AniTube Digest R/anime Contest

    • December 31, 2020

  • SPECIAL 0x8 AniTube Digest Best of 2020

    • January 1, 2021

  • SPECIAL 0x9 AniTube Digest Summer Special

    • September 2, 2021

  • SPECIAL 0x10 AniTube Digest Best of 2021

    • December 21, 2021