Welcome to Animated Inanimate Battle! A BFB-inspired object show set in the Blank Slate Dimension, where sixty inanimate objects are pitted against each other by the powerful otherworldly being, Oodle the Doodle! They will compete in back-breaking challenges, forge and destroy friendships... all for the prize of-- well, whatever they want. Oodle's just that powerful. So stay tuned for the first official episode of AIB set to release mid-May!
In the first episode of Animated Inanimate Battle, Oodle establishes the teams. For the contest, their perseverance is tested as they must survive atop of giant blocks of ice! Who will win? Who will lose?!
In this episode of Animated Inanimate Battle, the first contestant is eliminated. And Oodle subjects the contestants to a little team building exercise...
After another contestant bites the dust, Oodle decides to indulge the contestants in an arcade classic!
The contestants get a little artsy-fartsy, if you know what I mean!
When a heat wave sweeps through The Blank Slate, the contestants find ways to cool off. But even so, tensions within Team 4 continue to run hot!