In the town of Acme Falls within the kingdom of Warnerstock, all the people (including the Mime) live happily together. However, upon the death of their beloved king, Sir William the Good, Warnerstock enters a state of civil war. Taking advantage of the situation, the neighboring kingdom of Ticktockia (a parody of Time Inc. at the time of its merger with Warner Communications), led by King Salazar the Pushy, takes over Warnerstock and makes all its people poor and miserable due to overtaxing (also a parody of the formation of Time Warner, now WarnerMedia, owned by telecom conglomerate AT&T). Three orphans, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot, are particularly troubled, as Dot needs an operation. Wakko finds work in another town to pay for it, but Plotz takes his pay – a halfpenny – from him, lying that it is for taxes.
Die Warner Brüder (und die Warner Schwester) forschen nach einer gefallenen Sternschnuppe
L'histoire au style médiéval se déroule dans le Comté de Warnerstock, petit royaume fictif d'Europe, au village d'Acme Falls où vivent ensemble les personnages des Animaniacs : Yakko, Wakko et Dot (les frères et la sœur Warner), Minus et Cortex, Rififi l'écureuil, Rita et Spot, Mindy et Toubeau, etc. Depuis la mort du roi William le Bon et l'éclatement d'une lutte sans merci pour le pouvoir, Warnerstock est dominé par la nation voisine de Tictockia et son impitoyable dictateur le roi Salazar. Les habitants sont soumis à de lourds impôts, collectés par le cupide baron von Plotz, et vivent dans la misère. Wakko décide de quitter le village pour gagner sa vie.
A cidade de Acme Falls está sob o domínio de um poderoso e implacável rei-empresário que tem roubado todo o dinheiro aos seus habitantes. Os irmãos Warner, Yakko, Wakko e Dot vivem dias complicados. Dot precisa de fazer uma operação e Wakko exprime um desejo perante uma estrela cadente. Na verdade, a estrela caíu numa terra distante e Wakko precisa de lhe tocar para que o seu desejo se torne realidade. Porém, não é o único a tentar chegar junto da estrela.