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Season 1

  • S01E01 Rivers

    • October 11, 2006
    • Animal Planet

    How river terrain can affect the outcome of battles between predator and prey. Grizzly bears try to catch salmon in Alaska's fast-moving waters, mayfly nymphs and adults dodge trout in Britain, and kingfishers dive for minnows in the waterways of Europe.

  • S01E02 Deserts

    • October 11, 2006
    • Animal Planet

    Spiders try to dodge poisonous wasps in Africa's Namib desert, while jackals and hyenas target vulnerable seal pups on the coastline.

  • S01E03 Seas

    • October 18, 2006
    • Animal Planet

    The dangers faced by sealife, including the ambush of vast shoals of sardines in the ocean by schools of dolphin, and fish that fail to find a hiding place when predators use their coral reef as a trap. Also, a 35-tonne marine juggernaut catches thousands of nimble herring every day.

  • S01E04 Air

    • October 18, 2006
    • Animal Planet

    The hunting instincts of the peregrine falcon, which can spot prey from 10km away. The programme also features bats trying to avoid snakes and flesh-eating beetles in a cave.

  • S01E05 Wetlands

    • October 25, 2006
    • Animal Planet

    How animals survive in the world's wetlands, including the flamingos that inhabit soda lakes in Africa, and alligators battling for territory in the Florida Everglades.

  • S01E06 Grassland

    • October 25, 2006
    • Animal Planet

    Conflicts between animals in grassland regions, including cheetahs stalking gazelles, bison battling wolves and anteaters hunting termites.

  • S01E07 Frozen Seas

    • November 1, 2006
    • Animal Planet

    The Arctic and Antarctic, where constantly changing conditions affect the outcome of battles fought there. Seals rely on melting ice to keep polar bears at bay, but when it refreezes the tables are turned, while guillemot chicks face having to leave their cliff-top nests prematurely.

  • S01E08 Jungles

    • November 1, 2006
    • Animal Planet

    How the complex architecture of jungles affects the outcome of animal battles. Chimpanzees battle with colobus monkeys in the African jungle tree tops, army ants march through Brazilian rainforests, and iguanas use canopies to make a cunning getaway from predators.

  • S01E09 Coast

    • November 8, 2006
    • Animal Planet

    How the tide can influence the outcome of battles between predator and prey, including killer whales that beach themselves to catch sea lions in Argentina, and dolphins that use a clever ploy to snare fish in Florida.

  • S01E10 Islands

    • November 8, 2006
    • Animal Planet

    How islands can affect battles between predator and prey. On the Galapagos, marine iguanas are forced to contend with hungry hawks as they try to lay their eggs, while 130 million red crabs embark on a dangerous journey across Christmas island.

  • S01E11 Light and Dark

    • November 15, 2006
    • Animal Planet

    How animals use their senses to survive in changing light, featuring a three-way stand-off in a desert, and beetle larvae that create their own illumination to hunt for termites.

  • S01E12 Tundra

    • November 15, 2006
    • Animal Planet

    Mountain hares in the Scottish Highlands use seasonal changes in vegetation to evade golden eagles, while barnacle geese chicks in Greenland's tundra face a death-defying leap from high cliffs to reach food. Plus insight into the migration of mosquitos, which is one of the longest in the world.

  • S01E13 Cities

    • November 22, 2006
    • Animal Planet

    How city environments influence the outcome of battles between predator and prey. Foxes compete for food on a rubbish tip in Britain, geckos exploit the bright lights in Thailand to catch moths, and hanuman langurs are at risk from electric cables in India.