Documentary series that tells the life story of the CDU politician shortly before the end of Angela Merkel's tenure after 16 years. Chronologically, "Frau Bundeskanzlerin" shows her growing up in socialism, the turning point, the rise in the CDU up to party leadership and finally the chancellorship. The format is also intended to portray an extraordinary power politician in the face of numerous trials and crises.
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | 0 | ||
Season 1 | June 2021 | 5 | |
Unassigned Episodes | 0 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Unassigned Episodes | 5 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Season 1 | 0 | ||
Unassigned Episodes | 5 |
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