Sayuri Tachiki, editor-in-chief of a famous magazine in New York and Kaori's blood sister, travels to Japan and asks City Hunter to find her sister. However, Ryo sadly tells her that Kaori is dead. Sayuri explains that after her parents divorced her mother denied that that Sayuri had a sister, until just before she died. Sayuri asks Ryo for proof that Kaori was happy with her life, and he and Xiang Ying slowly reveal the type of person Kaori was after meeting some of the people who knew her.
Sur le tableau des messages, Ryô lit la demande suivante : "XYZ, cherche ma sœur". Mais la cliente s'avère être la sœur aînée de Kaori, Sayuri. Ryô lui apprend qu'elle est morte il y a 3 ans et que Xiang-Ying a reçu son cœur, mais Sayuri a du mal à accepter cette réalité. En apprenant que Kaori travaillait avec Ryô comme City Hunter, aux limites de la légalité, Sayuri décide de mener son enquête pour savoir si elle était ou non heureuse.
Sayuri, la sorella maggiore di Kaori, giunge dagli Stati Uniti alla ricerca della sorella. Dovrà fare i conti con il tragico destino di quest’ultima.