Home / Series / Andy Pandy (1950) / Aired Order /
  • TheTVDB.com Season ID 597374
  • Created September 9, 2014
  • Modified August 17, 2022
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S01E01 Tea Party
June 20, 1950
S01E02 Presents 15
S01E03 Music 15
S01E04 Bells 15
S01E05 ABC 15
S01E06 Bricks 15
S01E07 Playing School 15
S01E08 Play Shops 15
S01E09 Leaning House 15
S01E10 Pram 15
S01E11 Farm 15
S01E12 Garden 15
S01E13 Wall and Tortoise 15
S01E14 Turtles 15
S01E15 Boats 15
S01E16 Paddling Pool 15
S01E17 Horse and Fish 15
S01E18 Bird and Butterfly 15
S01E19 Rabbits 15
S01E20 Kittens 15
S01E21 Kings and Queens 15
S01E22 Jack in the Box 15
S01E23 The Cart
season finale

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