In this episode of Andy Dick Live, Andy introduces guest Butch Patrick, who played Eddie Munster in the beloved CBS show, The Munsters. Andy talked about the time he was on the Ben Stiller Show, when Ben played Eddie Munster in a spoof. Butch later discusses the origin of the show, and what it was like working with Fred Gwynne. In this segment of Andy Dick Live, Tim Walsh talks to Butch Patrick about the quality of the reruns of the Munsters, and Butch explains why the quality of his show his better than the other shows from the same time period. Andy talks about how the show feels like it was on forever, however Butch explains that “The Munsters” did only two seasons. After talking about his co-stars, Butch talks about his partying days. He announces he has been sober for 18 months, and discusses the program he went through called the Oasis Treatment Center in Anahiem, CA. In this segment of Andy Dick Live, Andy explains the joke he made at the end of the last segment by explaining that he used that joke in the movie he wrote and directed. Guest Butch Patrick talks about his sobriety tattoo and how he is committed to being sober. Andy gets his new intern Kasey, to show his back tattoo and Kasey explains the meaning of the tattoo. Andy shows the art that Tyler made for him of Andy Kaufman. Then Andy talks about Satanism. In this segment of Andy Dick Live, Andy continues to talk about Satanism with his intern Kasey. Andy talks about the book from Florence Scovel Shinn, and her positive philosophy that he is adopting. Guest Butch Patrick adds to the spiritual discussion, and talks about the new drug of choice among the kids. They continue to talk about drug use and addictions. Butch talks about an out of body experience he had after surgery. This segment of Andy Dick Live begins with the opening sequence of “The Munsters”. Andy and Butch continue to talk about drug abuse and addictions. They talk about the differences of drug abuse between the gene
Name | Type | Role | |
Mark Elliot | Guest Star | Self | |
Butch Patrick | Guest Star | Self |