Home / Series / Andy Dick Live / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 25

Andy Dick Live E25

Andy opens up the show with talking to Craig about the desert he made and driving in Tim’s new car. Andy introduces his next guest, Chaz, who is world renowned artist. Andy’s son’s ex-girlfriend Helena joins the show, and Craig talks about his reality show. The legendary punk band, “The Adolescents” will play some songs in the studio later in the show. Chaz introduces some of his artwork in this segment of “Andy Dick Live.” Paul Henderson calls into the show, and Andy promotes two films that Andy and Paul starred in. Paul talks about losing weight, and Andy asks him about the diet he is on. Chaz talks about another beautiful piece of art he created, by using an old American flag. Andy talks about the newspaper article Chaz was in about this particular piece. Andy continues to talk to Chaz Guest about the Daily Observer news article that he was featured in. This discussion leads to talking about racism in religion, and talks about Kunta Kinte. Chaz had created a whole series of art, called the Cotton Series, and Nikola shows Chaz his artwork. Some of Chaz’s artwork is hanging in the White House, and he continues to explain more of his paintings. Chaz Guest offers to do a quick painting on the show, and Andy shows a serious clip of Chaz’s inspiration for one of his paintings on Troy Davis. Andy talks about being on Dr. Drew, and meeting Rodney King. Andy then talks to Tobi Lee, Tommy Lee’s niece, and asks her about her possible date with Pauly Shore. Chaz Guest returns in this segment of Andy Dick Live, and he talks about wanting to make a difference with his paintings. They bring out his painting of Trayvon Martin, and Andy busts out in song with the TLC’s “Waterfalls.” Chaz talks about his inspiration for this particular painting and the feelings he is hoping to evoke. Andy later shows the music video of “Waterfalls.” Chaz talks about the painting that is showcased in the White House. Andy introduces his special musical g

  • Runtime 30 minutes
  • Network
  • Created July 13, 2016 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified July 13, 2016 by
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