Home / Series / Andy Dick Live / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 30

Andy Dick Live E30

Andy opens up the show with a hilarious monologue, and Chris plays a little tune. The talk about wombats. He shows the first colored photograph, and jokes about Instagram. Stars from the reality series, “The Amazing Race,” Kevin and Vixen join this segment of Andy Dick Live. Kevin and Vixen starred in season twelve and the All Stars episode. They talk about the Emmy the show won and Andy shows a photo of them on the show. Kevin and Vixen talk about being Goth kids from Kentucky. Andy was surprised to learn that they are a couple and not a brother and sister team. Kevin and Vixen continue to talk about their show, “The Amazing Race.” They talk about their modeling careers after the show. Andy asks about their addition process, and Andy talks about his rehab center. Kevin and Vixen talk about modeling for Hot Topic. Andy introduces Craig Victor to start the cooking segment of the show. Craig relates to being on a reality show, and he talks about the food he prepared. Andy talks about spell check on the IPhone to his guests Kevin and Vixen. Afterwards Andy introduces his musical guest, Many of Odd Nature and the bands plays one of their hit songs. Andy talks to Charly Hatrick, the lead singer of the band Many of Odd Nature, in this segment of Andy Dick Live. Charly’s band is opening up for Marilyn Manson, and Andy talks about his painting from Marilyn Manson. She talks about the origin of the project and how she met her band members. One of her band members performs a couple of tricks for Andy. Andy returns with the band Many of Odd Nature, and they chat about the band and opening for Marilyn Manson. Joining the show is special FX make- up artist, Glenn Hetrick, and they talk about the hilarious scene in the “Dictator” that he was a part of. He talks about puppeteering an animatronic baby through childbirth. Andy shows various pictures of Glenn’s work.

  • Runtime 30 minutes
  • Network FilmOn.tv
  • Created July 13, 2016 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified July 13, 2016 by
    Administrator admin