When commoners encounter difficulties, they will prey for Gods, but what if Gods meet obstacles? It tells the deep love and hardship between one of the four true Gods Bai Jue and Shang Gu. With Shang Gu’s growth as basic thread, this magnificent God thrives from humble newbie to the decisive immortal which still couldn’t break the shackle of fate. God lives long and has deep-rooted love. Man would destroy everything for the live of hers, while someone would wait silently for 60 thousand years and finally present her all lives of three realms with his own. Under the broad realm, will she be able to bear this everlasting love that transcends three lives?
- Qian Gu Jue Chen
- Shang Gu
- Gu Jue Zhuan
- The Legend of Gu and Jue
- Eternal Dust
천고결진 상고계 진신 4명 중 백결(白玦)과 상고(上古)의 생사를 넘나드는 사랑 이야기. 인간은 좌절을 겪을 때 신령에게 매달린다면 신령이 고통을 겪으면 누구에게 빌어야 할까. 구주에서 상고는 이 3생에 걸친 애정과 아픔을 견뎌낼 수 있을까......
Il y a soixante-mille ans, Shang Gu, déesse qui fait partie des quatre divinités immortelles, est passée par une épreuve divine et, en conséquence, est tombée dans un sommeil profond. Bai Jue, un autre dieu, amoureux d'elle, a passé tout ce temps à retrouver les morceaux perdus de l'âme de Shang Gu pour s'assurer qu'elle puisse revenir à la vie, sacrifiant pour cela sa propre immortalité.
Aujourd'hui, Shang Gu se réveille enfin, sans aucun souvenir de son ancienne vie ou de son amour avec Bai Jue, mais avec une nouvelle identité, Hou Chi, Grande Divinité du Palais Qingchi.