In the mountains of Northern Italy, a grizzly discovery is made by a couple of mountaineers. In a nearly unreachable part of the world, human remains are found sticking out from a glacier. These remains turn out to be those of the oldest mummified human (ice mummy) ever found. Researchers are shocked by the man's cause of death and realize they are investigating a homicide that is thousands of years old.
Two bodies are discovered near the town of Weerdinger, Netherlands as locals jump to conclusions that the two bodies belong to a man and woman likely united in life and death. But as scientists dive deeper into the mystery of these humans, more details are uncovered along with a surprising twist: the bodies are of two unrelated males. Who were these men and why were they murdered?
An archaeologist makes the 22,000 foot journey to the peak of an Argentinian mountain near an active volcano and discovers tiny bundles hidden in the earth. These are the remains of children, perfectly preserved as though they are asleep. Who are these children and how did they perish so far away from home?