All Seasons

Season 2017

  • S2017E01 The Sphinx of Egypt is MUCH Older + Secret Underground

    • September 22, 2017
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    The Great #Sphinx​ of Egypt is far more ancient than we are currently taught. Rain water erosion on the Sphinx enclosure has been documented by Boston University Professor of Geology, Robert Schoch, and shows that the structure must be at least 9,000 years old.

  • S2017E02 The Secret Internal Chambers of The Great Sphinx of Egypt

    • September 25, 2017
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    There are shafts and chambers inside the #GreatSphinx​ of Giza, #Egypt​, accessed via the top of the head. This video presents evidence from a Harvard University Professor of Archaeology that describes the interior of the #Sphinx​ chambers, including the tomb of the first pharaoh, Menes. Could this also be the location of the infamous Ancient Egyptian Hall of Records?

  • S2017E03 The Mystery of Gobekli Tepe + Comet Impact and Constellation Carvings

    • October 4, 2017
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  • S2017E04 What's Inside the Sumerian Bag? Secret Knowledge of a Lost Ancient Civilisation

    • October 11, 2017
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    From ancient Aboriginal art of Australia and the megalithic site of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey to the imagery of Ancient Mesopotamia, we find mysterious depictions of a handbag, man bag or bucket? Just what is it? This video is based on the work of researcher Bruce Fenton

  • S2017E05 Two Sphinx Monuments in Ancient Egypt - The Proof

    • October 13, 2017
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    Researchers are claiming that there is a second #Sphinx​ on the Giza Plateau, situated under a mound next to the #GreatSphinx​. Although there is evidence, this doesn't seem to be the case but sources say that in the times of #AncientEgypt​, there WAS a second Sphinx on the opposite side of the River Nile.

  • S2017E06 Sacred Geometry of the Great Pyramid of Egypt

    • October 16, 2017
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    The #GreatPyramid​ of #Egypt​ is without doubt the single greatest architectural achievement of humanity. In this video we look at the geometry associated with the pyramid and how it encodes the dimensions of the planet Earth. The ancients themselves debunked flat earthers, or did they? The most enigmatic structure from #Ancient​ Egypt was by far The Great Pyramid, and it is encoded with #SacredGeometry​.

  • S2017E07 Doggerland: The Cradle of Ancient British Neolithic Civilisation

    • October 19, 2017
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    The sunken landmass of #Doggerland​ in the North Sea was once home to an estimated 100,000 people, sinking under the waves at the exact time when #Neolithic​ culture arrived in #AncientBritain​ and Scandinavia. It is my belief that this lost civilisation transformed Britain around 4000 BC.

  • S2017E08 The Great Pyramid of Egypt: A Mesopotamian Agricultural Machine

    • October 26, 2017
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    It is my opinion that the #GreatPyramid​ of Egypt was not a tomb for the Pharoah #Khufu​ as there is no evidence for funerary practices. I look at the evidence and draw my own conclusion that it was an agricultural machine, built by the first Pharoah of #Egypt​, #Narmer​ or Menes, who was part of a conquering tribe who came from #Mesopotamia​ in pre-dynastic times.

  • S2017E09 The Secret Hidden Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Egypt

    • November 1, 2017
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    There is a secret door in the #KingsChamber​ of the #GreatPyramid​ of Egypt, which is believed to open up into two huge antechambers that could hold the secrets of the #GizaPyramids​.

  • S2017E10 CONFIRMED: Large Void Discovery in the Great Pyramid of Egypt

    • November 2, 2017
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    News broke on Thursday, November 2nd, 2017 of a new chamber discovered in the #GreatPyramid​ of #Giza​, in Egypt. The large #void​ is situated above the Grand Gallery and was discovered through the detection of cosmic muons. The Great Pyramid is arguably the crown jewels of #AncientEgypt​ archaeology and this is the first discovery inside the pyramid for more than 100 years. Find out all the news in this video.

  • S2017E11 Stonehenge Origins: Facts and Fiction | Ancient Architects

    • November 8, 2017
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  • S2017E12 Are There Two Phases of Building at Machu Picchu in Peru?

    • November 12, 2017
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    There is indisputable evidence of two phases of building at #MachuPicchu​ in #Peru​, and the same is seen as many other Ancient Peruvian locations. Although scholars disagree, it is clear to see there was once a technologically superior #AncientCivilisation​ who occupied the area, and another that came later.

  • S2017E13 The Origins of Ancient Egypt: Prehistoric Petroglyphs and Nabta Playa

    • November 17, 2017
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    The findings of ancient cave paintings in Western #Egypt​ show early depictions of the Hathorian cow, pharaonic dress and sacred Egyptian animals, such as the jackal. In #NabtaPlaya​ there are stone structures with astronomical significance and finds that could date back to 17,700 BC. Watch this video to learn more about the origins of #AncientEgypt​.

  • S2017E14 Who Built Gobekli Tepe? New Theory

    • November 21, 2017
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    Many have theorised about the purpose of #GobekliTepe​ in #Turkey​, but there isn’t a great deal known about the identity of the builders. Then I came across the theory put forward by researcher and author, Bruce Fenton, who presents the hypothesis that Gobekli Tepe was in fact built by #Aboriginal​ Australians. Watch the video to learn more.

  • S2017E15 How the Ancients Cut Stone with the Sun - Lost High Technology Explained

    • November 25, 2017
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    How did the #AncientCivilisations​ cut and shape such intricate stonework like we see in #Egypt​ and #Peru​? How were holes seemingly drilled through solid granite? How did the #Incas​ create walls with perfectly connecting blocks of stone? The answer: some say they knew how to harness the power of the sun and this was a form of ancient high technology.

  • S2017E16 Easter Island: Evidence of a Lost Ancient Civilisation

    • November 12, 2017
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    Mainstream academics tell us that the #Moai​ statues of #EasterIsland​ are the work of #Polynesians​ between 1250 and 1500 AD but there is hard evidence for a far more #AncientCivilisation​ that may have originated from South America.

  • S2017E17 The Mayan Mystery: Ancient Aliens or Secret Codes?

    • December 4, 2017
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    The amazing sarcophagus lid of the #Maya​ King #Pacal​ has long been used as evidence of #AncientAstronauts​ by theorists but is it actually just a selection of mayan mythological images or is there in fact a hidden code as author Maurice Cotterell believes?

  • S2017E18 Gobekli Tepe: A French Connection

    • December 7, 2017
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  • S2017E19 How the Ancients Cut Stone with Sound - Lost High Technology Explained

    • December 11, 2017
    • YouTube

    How did the #AncientCivilisations​ cut and shape such intricate stonework like we see in #AncientEgypt​? How were holes seemingly drilled through solid granite? How did the #Incas​ create walls with perfectly connecting blocks of stone? Did they use traditional tools? Did they harness the power of the sun as I explained in a previous video? Or did they know the secrets of sound and this was a form of ancient high technology?

  • S2017E20 The True Story of Christmas: An Ancient Architects History Special

    • December 17, 2017
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    Do we celebrate the birth of #JesusChrist​ on December 25th or are we in fact worshipping an ancient sun god, and continuing one of a number of pagan #Roman​ festivals? How did #Christmas​ develop through the western world, and how did St. Nicholas become Santa Claus? Watch the #AncientArchitects​ Christmas Special to find out the true history of Christmas!

  • S2017E21 The Artificial Pyramid Casing Stones: Ancient Geopolymer High Technology

    • December 20, 2017
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    Over the past 40 years, material scientists have conducted tests on the #Egyptian​ #pyramid​ stones and the scientific consensus is that the outer casing stones were in fact created from a man-made limestone-concrete mixture, known as a #geopolymer​. The claim, although underpinned by scientific research in unsurprisingly not accepted by Egyptologists, but could certainly be a form of lost, ancient high technology. Watch the video to learn more.

  • S2017E22 The Osireion of Egypt - Lost Ancient Technology

    • December 26, 2017
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    The #Osireion​ of Abydos in #Egypt​ is attributed to #Pharoah​ Seti I but the site is a true enigma that closely resembles the Valley temple on the #Giza​ Plateau. With 4 metre high granite pillars from the Aswan quarry 200 miles away and stone cutting techniques that must have been produced using ancient high technology, watch this video to learn more about the mystery of the Osireion.

Season 2018

  • S2018E01 Great Pyramid of Egypt Void Update - NEW Exploration Robot Revealed

    • January 3, 2018
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    In November 2017, the announcement was made of a newly discovered #void​ in the #GreatPyramid​, and now it is finally being explored with an inflatable robot blimp, which will have a HD camera installed. Watch the video to find out more.

  • S2018E02 Acoustic Levitation in Egypt - Ancient High Technology

    • January 3, 2018
    • YouTube

    Did the builders of the #GreatPyramid​ and the #Osireion​ drag the enormous granite blocks into position or did they harness the power of sound and levitate the blocks with lost anti-gravity technology? Is there evidence of another form of ancient high technology? Watch the video to learn more.

  • S2018E03 A Hypothesis: How Did They Build the Peruvian Stone Walls?

    • January 7, 2018
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    This is a hypothesis created by the channel 'Wise Up'... Subscribe to his channel:

  • S2018E04 The Secrets of the Serapeum of Saqqara in Egypt

    • January 11, 2018
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    The #Serapeum​ of Saqqara is without doubt one of the most enigmatic ancient sites, not only in #Egypt​, but the world.

  • S2018E05 Great Pyramid of Egypt Void Update - Is there an Iron Throne Inside?

    • January 14, 2018
    • YouTube

    Since the discovery of the #void​ in the #GreatPyramid​ in 2017 we are now seeing the start of a media storm as experts speculate what could be inside. The latest idea comes from Giulio Magli, Director of the Department of Mathematics and Professor of #Archaeoastronomy​ at the Politecnico di Milano. From studying the #Pyramid​ Texts, he speculates that there could be an iron throne hiding in the new chamber. Watch the video to learn more.

  • S2018E06 The Great Tutankhamen Hoax - Was the Tomb of King Tut Faked?

    • January 18, 2018
    • YouTube

  • S2018E07 1 #Mesopotamia #Sumerians #Tiwanaku The Ancient Sumerians in South America

    • January 22, 2018
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  • S2018E08 The Mysterious Ruins of the Sacred Valley of Peru: Ñaupa Iglesia

    • January 25, 2018
    • YouTube

    Halfway up a near-vertical ravine in the Andes, there is a carved inverted V-shaped entrance into a mountainside. The mountainside was then sliced with great precision to create a shallow doorway that goes nowhere. This is #ÑaupaIglesia​ a truly fascinating #Peruvian​ ruin in the Sacred Valley of the high Andes, located just 30 km away from #MachuPicchu​. Watch this video to learn more about this fascinating ancient site, which harks back to a lost, ancient civilisation.

  • S2018E09 The Great Pyramid Nikola Tesla Power Station + Other Alternative Theories

    • January 29, 2018
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    The most popular theory put forward about the original function of the #GreatPyramid​ of Egypt is that it was an ancient #powerplant​, similar to #NikolaTesla​'s famous Wardenclyffe Tower. The theory states that it was built to transmit wireless electricity for power and communication. In this video we explore the alternative theories concerning the most enigmatic construction ever built by humans.

  • S2018E10 The Mystery of the Balochistan Sphinx | Indus Valley Civilisation

    • February 1, 2018
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    Hidden in plain sight, in the rocky landscape of the Makran coastline of Southern Balochistan, #Pakistan​ is an architectural anomaly that seems to have gone unnoticed and unexplored for centuries. The site is known as the #Balochistan​ Sphinx and researcher, Bibhu Dev Misra, has done a great deal of work on the site. The area includes a possible temple and an enormous #Sphinx​, which could belong to the Ancient #IndusValley​ Civilisation. Watch the video to learn more.

  • S2018E11 Major New Discovery: Ancient Maya 'Megalopolis' in Guatemala

    • February 3, 2018
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    Researchers using a high-tech aerial mapping technique have found tens of thousands of previously undetected #Maya​ houses, buildings, defence works and #pyramids​ in the dense jungle of #Guatemala​’s Peten region, suggesting that millions more people lived there than previously thought.

  • S2018E12 The Destruction of Ain Dara Temple

    • February 6, 2018
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    More than half of the #AinDara​ Temple, a majestic Syro-#Hittite​ temple dating back to the 1st millennium BC, has been reduced to rubble in a recent airstrike, with much of the amazing, ancient stonework lost forever.

  • S2018E13 1 #Sphinx #JohnAnthonyWest RIP John Anthony West 1932-2018

    • February 8, 2018
    • YouTube

    The amazing John Anthony West sadly passed away on February 6, 2018. John was an American author, lecturer, guide and a proponent of the #Sphinx​ water erosion hypothesis and his documentary on the theory earned him an Emmy Award. John has written many books including Serpent in the Sky, The Traveller's Key to Ancient Egypt and the Case for Astology. RIP #JohnAnthonyWest​, thank you for everything you did for the subject of alternative ancient history. You will be missed.

  • S2018E14 Unfinished Egyptian Pyramids or Ancient Reservoirs?

    • February 12, 2018
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  • S2018E15 The Great Pit of Zawyet El Aryan in Egypt

    • February 16, 2018
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    Following my previous video on the ancient unfinished #pyramids of #AncientEgypt, I read a fantastic paper on the so-called unfinished pyramid at #ZawyetElAryan Keith Hamilton, which gives us a deeper insight into the discoveries made at the structure during the excavations by Alexandre Barsanti.

  • S2018E16 Using the Equinox to Align the Great Pyramid of Egypt

    • February 19, 2018
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    The #GreatPyramid of #Egypt is an ancient feat of #engineering, and now an engineer has figured out how the Egyptians may have aligned the monument almost perfectly along the cardinal points, north-south-east-west — they may have used the shadows cast by the sun during the autumnal equinox.

  • S2018E17 The Stonehenge Landscape in Danger

    • February 22, 2018
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    The #Stonehenge landscape, Britain’s most famous megalithic site, is under threat and at serious risk of losing its World Heritage Site status if plans for a #tunnel close to Stonehenge get the go-ahead. The #StonehengeAlliance needs your help to stop this from happening. Help save the Stonehenge landscape!

  • S2018E18 The Pyramid of Menkaure + The Egyptian Waterworks of Giza

    • February 25, 2018
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  • S2018E19 The Lost Pyramid of Giza in Egypt | Ancient Architects

    • March 1, 2018
    • YouTube

    During the 1700s, Frederic Norden, a Danish naval captain and explorer, made extensive notes, observations and drawings of everything he saw of interest on his expedition to #Egypt, which includes a diagram, map and description of a 4th, now lost #pyramid of #Giza in Egypt.

  • S2018E20 New Discovery: Ancient Maya Remains Found in World’s Longest Submerged Cave

    • March 3, 2018
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  • S2018E21 7,000-Year-Old Europeans in Florida, North America

    • March 6, 2018
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  • S2018E22 The Giza Labyrinth & How the Pyramids Saved Humanity

    • March 11, 2018
    • YouTube

    It was denied for years by the #Egyptian authorities but beneath the Giza plateau, underneath the #GreatPyramid and the #Sphinx, is a huge labyrinth of ancient caves and tunnels, some of which are said to date back 15,000 years. It is an enormous underground world that has been conveniently kept away from the history books, but the entire region of Ancient Memphis, now #Giza, sits on top of countless underground chambers and secret tunnels. In the second part of this video, I present to you how the caves of Egypt and all of the #pyramids were in fact constructed to save humanity from an impending global cataclysm at the end of the last Ice Age, and then through the 1,300 year #YoungerDryas Event.

  • S2018E23 The Ark of the Covenant & The Great Pyramid of Egypt

    • March 16, 2018
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  • S2018E24 Ancient Alien Mummy or Modern Hoax?

    • March 21, 2018
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    Recent reports and bizarre images of a mummy-like bodies from #Peru that have three-fingered hands led to claims by Russian scientists that these mummies may not be human … and are ancient mummified aliens. It is of course a complete hoax. Did #AncientAliens ever really exist?

  • S2018E25 Careless Damage to Gobekli Tepe

    • March 24, 2018
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    It has been revealed the concrete has been poured on #GöbekliTepe, which is on #UNESCO World Heritage list and hosts historical artefacts dating back 12,000 years. #GrahamHancock is one person who is publicly outraged by what is happening to Gobekli Tepe in the name of tourism. Watch the video to learn the full story.

  • S2018E26 The Key to Unlock the Great Pyramid of Egypt: The Trial Passages

    • March 26, 2018
    • YouTube

    Following my previous video, which took a closer look at the Caliph Al-Ma’mun’s so-called forced entry into the Great Pyramid in the 9th century many will have noticed a curiosity that needs further attention, that of a likely, undiscovered vertical shaft at the junction between the descending and ascending corridors of the Great Pyramid. It all centres on what are called the Trial Passages, located just 87 metres to the east of the Great Pyramid and north of the causeway. When they were first examined by Howard Vyse and John Perring in the 1840s, they were believed to be passages from an abandoned, long-forgotten pyramid or tomb, possibly the underground passages of a fourth subsidiary pyramid of the Great Pyramid, but this certainly isn’t the case. All images are taken for educational purposes from Google Images and

  • S2018E27 NEW DISCOVERY: Huge Amazon Settlement - Ancient Maya Migration?

    • March 30, 2018
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    For a decade, archaeologists have been racing to study deep mysterious trenches slashed through the soil of the Amazon. Rings, squares and hexagons have pointed to long-forgotten human settlements in a region previously neglected by researchers. But now, the extent of these settlements is finally being revealed. The discovery of 81 new archaeological sites has just been confirmed, which were home to up to a million people, in an area that occupied just 7% of the Amazon rainforest. Could this be the destination of the ancient Guatemalan Maya civilisation? Did they abandon Central America and travel into South America and settle?

  • S2018E28 The Mystery of the Kailasa Temple of India

    • April 3, 2018
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    The enigmatic Kailasa Temple at the Ellora Caves in Maharashtra, India has fascinated researchers for centuries. As the world’s largest monolithic structure, it is without doubt one of the most breathtaking sites on the planet. It is often overlooked, or at least overshadowed by sites such as the Giza pyramids of Egypt, Stonehenge of England, the Mexican Pyramid of the Sun, Gobekli Tepe in Turkey and so on, but this is certainly one of humanity’s greatest architectural achievements.

  • S2018E29 Were the Stonehenge Stones On Site Before Humans?

    • April 12, 2018
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    In April 2018, a headline broke in just about all of the mainstream news outlets that Stonehenge rocks were in place ‘millions of years before humans’ and whilst some have misinterpreted this rather click-baity headline to mean that Stonehenge is a far more ancient monument, the truth simply confirms my belief that at least some, if not all of the stones of Stonehenge were locally sourced.

  • S2018E30 New Nazca Lines Found in Peru

    • April 14, 2018
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    FPeruvian archaeologists have discovered more than 50 new examples of these mysterious desert monuments in the adjacent Palpa Province, traced onto the earth’s surface in lines almost too fine to see with the human eye. With the help of drones, archaeologists have mapped them in never-before-seen detail. Watch this video to find out more.

  • S2018E31 The Great Pyramid of Egypt: The Well Shaft and The Grotto Explained

    • April 20, 2018
    • YouTube

    The Great Pyramid of Egypt is an enigma, but two of the most mysterious parts of this colossal construction are the so-called well shaft and the grotto, more crudely constructed than any other part of the pyramid with a function that, like most parts of the pyramid, is largely misunderstood or misinterpreted. In this video, we look at the ideas around the well shaft and the grotto and I explain how it is an intergral part of the pyramid water pump hypothesis put forward by engineer, John Cadman.

  • S2018E32 The Ancient Shark Hunters of Peru

    • April 25, 2018
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    This video follows on from my recent look at the new geoglyphs found in the Palpa Province of Peru, that pre-date the famous Nazca Lines, and I’m specifically looking at this ancient geoglyph, which experts say portrays an Orca whale. The 230 foot long figure of the so-called orca, which experts say was considered a powerful, semi-mythical creature in ancient Peruvian lore, may be 2,000 years old. It is therefore one of the oldest geoglyphs in the Palpa region but is this actually depicting an orca whale, or is it in fact a shark? Watch the video to learn more.

  • S2018E33 Claims: No Void Inside The Great Pyramid of Egypt

    • April 30, 2018
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    In 2017 we were all gripped by the breaking news of a newly discovered void inside the Great Pyramid, large enough to be another grand gallery and situated inside the pyramid at a place that could connect various hidden shafts as outlined in previous videos. The mysteries of the Great Pyramid look closer to being solved as the world awaits the news of what will be found inside this hidden chamber. But one researcher has come out on record to state that in actual fact there may not be a hidden chamber at all and it is all just an unfortunate misinterpretation of the scientific results.

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