Home / Series / Ancient Aliens / Aired Order / Season 7 / Episode 6
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Alien Resurrections

Throughout history, incredible stories have been told of the dead rising from their graves, mummies journeying into the afterlife, and people on the brink of death mingling with deceased relatives in a celestial netherworld. Are they simply legends--or could some of these stories actually be true? From Jesus and Elijah to mummies and zombies, our culture is filled with accounts of beings who are able to lift the veil between life and death. And even today, scientists are trying to mimic this by suspending death in the operating room for hours at a time. Haitian priests continue the ancient practice of raising "zombies" from the grave. And microscopic organisms have been found that can resuscitate themselves after lying dormant for weeks. Are we on the verge of decoding the mysteries of life, death, and resurrection?

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Name Type Role
Daniel Snyder Writer
Max Thompson Writer
Daniel Snyder Producer
Robert H. Frisbee Guest Star Self - Former NASA Scientist
David Wilcock Guest Star Self - Author, The Synchronicity Key
Robert R. Cargill Guest Star Self - Assistant Professor of Classics and Religious Studies, University of Iowa
David Childress Guest Star Self - Author, Technology of the Gods
Heather Berlin Guest Star Self - Prof. of Neuroscience, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
Michael J.S. Carter Guest Star Self - Author, Alien Scriptures
Ariel Bar Tzadok Guest Star Self - Founder, KosherTorah School
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos Guest Star Self - Publisher, Legendary Times Magazine
Jonathan Young Guest Star Self - Founding Curator, Joseph Campbell Archives
Kathleen McGowan Coppens Guest Star Self - Author/Researcher
John Van Auken Guest Star Self - Author, Ancient Egyptian Mysticism
Erich von Däniken Guest Star Self - Author, Chariots of the Gods
William Henry Guest Star Self - Author/Investigative Mythologist
Robert Bauval Guest Star Self - Author, The Egypt Code
Jason Martell Guest Star Self - Author, Knowledge Apocalypse
Kirsten Fisher Guest Star Self - Associate Professor of Biology, Cal State Los Angeles
Deepak Shimkhada Guest Star Self - Professor of Hindu Studies, Claremont Lincoln University
Barry H. Downing Guest Star Self - Author, The Bible and Flying Saucers
Tok Thompson Guest Star Self - Professor of Anthropology, USC
Kim Sheerin Executive Producer
David Silver Executive Producer
Susan E. Leventhal Executive Producer for H2 Network
Max Thompson Executive Producer
Kevin Burns Executive Producer