Home / Series / Ancient Aliens / Aired Order / Season 6 / Episode 9
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The Shamans

Throughout history, spiritual leaders known as shamans have healed, protected and advised their people. But are they simply putting on elaborate ceremonies? Or could they be in contact with extraterrestrial realms? The Mongol army crushed their enemies and built a massive empire with the help of powerful shamans who could manipulate the weather. Amazonian shamans believe otherworldly beings taught them how to create a powerful brew that allows them to travel beyond Earth to gain knowledge. And on the desert plains of the Kalahari, the San Bushmen practice elaborate trance dances that unlock supernatural capabilities in their healers. Can shamans really communicate with otherworldly beings? Is it possible that through these spiritual mediators, extraterrestrials were able to influence mankind in the distant past? And could such celestial communication continue even today?

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Name Type Role
Kaylan Eggert Writer
Ruth O'Neill Writer
Max Thompson Writer
Ruth O'Neill Producer
Nadia Nikolic Bowen Producer Co-Producer
Heather Berlin Guest Star Self - Prof. of Neuroscience, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
Logan Hawkes Guest Star Self - Author, Ancient Aliens of the Americas
David Childress Guest Star Self - Author, Technology of the Gods
Ronald Hutton Guest Star Self - Author, Shamans
Heather Berlin Guest Star Self - Prof. of Neuroscience, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
William Henry Guest Star Self - Author, Lost Secrets of the Watchers
Sabina Magliocco Guest Star Self - Folklorist, California State Univ., Northridge
Graham Hancock Guest Star Self - Author, Supernatural
Dominic Steavu Guest Star Self - Assistant Professor of Chinese Religions, UCSB
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos Guest Star Self - Publisher, Legendary Times Magazine
Jonathan Young Guest Star Self - Founding Curator, Joseph Campbell Archives
Ross Heaven Guest Star Self - Author, Plant Spirit Shamanism
Kathleen McGowan Coppens Guest Star Self - Author/Researcher
Adam Gazzaley Guest Star Self - Director, Neuroscience Imaging Center UCSF
Oscar Miro-Quesada Guest Star Self - Shaman and Author, Lessons in Courage
David Wilcock Guest Star Self - Author, The Synchronicity Key
David Cumes Guest Star Self - Author, The Spirit of Healing
Edwin 'Ed' Barnhart Guest Star Self - Archaeologist, Director, Maya Exploration Center
Erich von Däniken Guest Star Self - Author, Chariots of the Gods
Brian Burkhart Guest Star Self - Professor of Native American Studies, California State Univ., Northridge
Graham Phillips Guest Star Self - Author, Alexander the Great: Murder in Babylon
Kevin Burns Executive Producer
Kim Sheerin Executive Producer
Susan E. Leventhal Executive Producer for H2 Network
Max Thompson Executive Producer