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All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Keep Your Dead Animals Out of My Kitchen

    • January 5, 2012
    • Animal Planet
  • S01E02 The Woman With A Pet Raccoon

    • January 12, 2012
    • Animal Planet

    A despairing woman comes into Daniel's shop carrying her dead pet raccoon. When she expresses her deep attachment to this animal, Daniel sees he's got his work cut out for him. While stuffing the raccoon, he runs into a drastic problem that just might ruin this job and hurt this woman for eternity. Can Daniel find a solution, or does he risk breaking this woman's heart even more?

  • S01E03 How To Stuff A Chihuahua

    • January 19, 2012
    • Animal Planet

    Daniel takes on a job to preserve a Chihuahua named Jazz, but a series of unlucky events prevents Daniel from completing the job. To make matters worse, Jazz's owner jokingly threatens Daniel's life if he does a bad job. Meanwhile, Dixie gets an assignment to freeze dry her first project, but the tiny critter brings some big problems. Joseph and Fred help Daniel mount the horns of a one of a kind bull, but run into some some big problems.

  • S01E04 The Yorkie a Hawk Tried to Carry Away

    • January 26, 2012
    • Animal Planet

    A married couple brings in a Yorkie with a startling story about how the pup passed away, and it involves a hawk! An Arkansas state alligator mount needs repairs, so Daniel sends Fred and Joseph to pick it up. On the way back to the shop, the two run into big trouble and risk losing the alligator. Back at the shop, Dixie convinces Daniel to take her hunting for pheasants. Does she surprise every one with her hunting skills?

  • S01E05 The Dog Named Precious

    • February 2, 2012
    • Animal Planet

    The owners of a dog named Precious come to the shop. The owners think Precious died because of pregnancy complications, but what Daniel discovers during the preservation process is pretty shocking. At the same time, Daniel begins the process of preserving Jack the Cat for its teenage owner. The heartbroken teen is having a difficult time letting go of the cat, and her frequent visits to the shop worry Daniel. To make matters worse, Daniel’s in hot water when he realizes that he’s got 24 hours to plan a surprise party for LaDawn’s 34th birthday. He wrangles Fred, Joseph and Dixie to help with the party, but when they get LaDawn’s age wrong, they wonder if she can see the humor.

  • S01E06 The Cat Without a Nose

    • March 29, 2012
    • Animal Planet

    It’s spring break. LaDawn and the kids are eager to go camping, but before Daniel can take them, he must complete a load of work at the shop. While Daniel is preparing a cat for preservation, the unthinkable happens. The cat's nose falls off. Fred barters a scorpion preservation in exchange for a tattoo but needs Dixie’s help to get the freeze drying done. When Daniel finds out what Fred has done behind his back, he decides to teach Fred a lesson he won’t ever forget.

  • S01E07 The Hairless Dog

    • March 29, 2012
    • Animal Planet

    Daniel secures a booth at the Big Buck Classic Hunter’s Convention to drum up the business of pet preservation. Many of the people at the convention are troubled to see stuffed pets; however, one person gives Daniel a hairless dog to preserve. Daniel finds out that a dog with no hair presents extreme challenges he never expected and wonders if he even can take on this job. Then, Dixie works on a pet chicken named Pauly D for one of the most demanding customers she ever has had – her mom. Her mother names all her chickens after Jersey Shore characters.

  • S01E08 A Tornado Hits Romance

    • March 29, 2012
    • Animal Planet

    A customer brings Daniel a dog that was ruined by another taxidermist. When Daniel sees the state of the dog, he wonders if he can repair it; this is Daniel’s biggest challenge ever. With Dixie’s help, Daniel begins the delicate task of preserving the unusual dog. Then, all hell breaks loose when a tornado touches down on Romance, Arkansas, forcing the family and crew to run for shelter.