The devil isn't afraid of church, he just wants to be the object of your worship....
Biblical preaching in Jerusalem
Biblical instruction for good nutrition
Biblical instruction for good nutrition
Scripture: Genesis 6:9, Colossians 2:6, Ephesians 5:8-9 Walking with God doesn't just mean that you occasionally think about God and you come to church once a week. It means having a life, a walk of integrity, a walk of honesty.
Scripture: 2 Kings 11:1-21, Jeremiah 25:30 How soon is Jesus coming again, and how will He come?
Scripture: Isaiah 8:20, Matthew 24:36 How soon is Jesus coming again, and how will He come
Scripture: Daniel 2:1-49 Why did God give a prophetic dream to the king of Babylon and what does it mean?
Scripture: 2 Samuel 15:6, Isaiah 14:12-15, Romans 6:16 Satan is the prince of pride and he will do whatever it takes to separate us from God, but God's love is stronger than the devil.
Scripture: 1 Peter 5:8, Revelation 12:4-9, Ezekiel 33:11 Satan is the prince of pride and he will do whatever it takes to separate us from God, but God's love is stronger than the devil.
Scripture: John 3:16, Acts 16:31, John 3:14-15 God promised Abraham that through his son all the nations of this world would be blessed. When God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac - the son of promise - He provided a ram to be sacrificed in Isaac's place. In the same way, God gave His Son to stand in our place as a sacrifice for sin
Scripture: John 14:2, Revelation 21:10-12, Isaiah 35:5 Heaven will be a glorious kingdom
Scripture: Daniel 6:1-28 How does the law of God relate to prophecy? Pt. 1
How does the law of God relate to prophecy? Pt. 2
Scripture: Luke 24:13-27, Luke 11:9-13, John 1:17 The dozens of predictions and prophecies about Jesus' life could never have happened by chance alone. Jesus is the Bible's central figure. Part 1 of 2
Pastor Doug Batchelor's testimony.
Scripture: Genesis 2:1-3, Revelation 14:6-7, Exodus 31:17 The Bible is a story of how God calls people out of slavery into the Promised Land, Part 1
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38, Isaiah 7:14 Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a great model of living with Christ in our hearts.
In Bible stories you find the gospel echoed through all the characters and the stories.
Scripture: Luke 18:9-14, Matthew 6:1 The basic message of God is love. Our attitude shows our true heart.
Scripture: 2 Kings 21:10-12, 2 Kings 22:18-19, 1 Peter 2:5 What Is the Abomination of Desolation?
The Only Way to be Saved
Scripture: Genesis 2:2, Exodus 20:8-11, Colossians 2:13-14 The Bible is a story of how God calls people out of slavery into the Promised Land, Part 2
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 9:5, 1 Timothy 6:15-16, Psalm 115:17 What does the Bible say about death and spirits?
Scripture: Daniel 8:1-27, Daniel 9:23-27 Most of the major prophets in the Bible talk about the Sanctuary, Temple, or Tabernacle. How do these relate to salvation? Part 1 of 2
Scripture: Daniel 8:1-27, Daniel 9:23-27 Most of the major prophets in the Bible talk about the Sanctuary, Temple, or Tabernacle. How do these relate to salvation? Part 2 of 2
Scripture: John 5:28-29, Romans 6:23, John 3:16 Will there be a burning Hell? How long will the burning last? This presentation provides the Bible truth about Hell and our loving God.
Scripture: 2 Kings 5:1-16, Colossians 2:12, Mark 1:9-10 We need cleansing from sin. Baptism symbolizes this important step.
Scripture: Luke 16:10-11, Luke 14:27-33 What does it mean when God says "I will open up the windows of heaven", speaking of tithes and offerings. Is that still valid today?
Scripture: Revelation 12:1-6 In the center of Revelation, a woman that flees into the wilderness and brings forth a man-child, is one of the most important studies of Revelation.
cripture: Daniel 1:3-20, Genesis 1:29 What does the Bible say about how to take care of our bodies so that we could have a longer, stronger, more abundant life? - Part 1
Scripture: Daniel 1:3-20 What does the Bible say about how to take care of our bodies so that we could have a longer, stronger, more abundant life? - Part 2
Scripture: Revelation 14:8, Revelation 17:1-18 What do Herod, Herodias, Salome, and John the Baptist have to do with end-time Bible prophecy?
Scripture: Revelation 14:9-12, Revelation 13:1-8, Daniel 2:31-47 In the last days on this earth the devil is going to tell us to change one of God's commandments. We are going to have to choose between obeying God and obeying men.
Scripture: Ezekiel 28:15, Revelation 12:4, John 8:44 Lucifer was perfect—a glorious angel. Yet he became obsessed with himself and rebelled against his loving Creator and stole the hearts of a third of the angels. Ever since, Satan and his demons have been fighting for the possession of every human heart.
Scripture: Revelation 14:14-15, Acts 1:11, 1 Thessalonians 4:16 While we cannot predict the day of Christ’s return, we can know that it’s close—“even at the doors”—by the signs given in the Bible. But God’s Word not only tells us approximately when Jesus will return; it tells us exactly how. Will He come in secret—or in a glorious display of angels and fire?
Scripture: Revelation 14:12, Exodus 24:12, Deuteronomy 10:4 Many Christians teach that the Ten Commandments were nailed to the cross. But if that were true, why would the apostle Paul refer to them as being instrumental in his conversion? Other laws were indeed nailed to the cross, but not the one that explains how we are to love God and our neighbor.
Scripture: Revelation 14:6-7, Revelation 14:14, Exodus 20:8-11 Most Christians believe that the seventh-day Sabbath is only for Jews, but the Bible reveals that the Sabbath was established at Creation for all peoples
To teach His people the way of salvation, God instructed them to build a sanctuary. This temple had three main areas: a courtyard, a holy place, and a most holy place. What the priests did in each compartment illustrates what our High Priest is doing today to eradicate sin from our lives.
Scripture: Revelation 12:12-17, Job 1:6 God wants us to feed and to grow and to blossom as Christians but the devil keeps planting his teachings and his problems in the church to try to sap our strength and our attention. How can we know what his tricks are so that we don't fall into his traps?
Scripture: Acts 20:27-30, Matthew 13:24-25, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 God wants us to feed and to grow and to blossom as Christians but the devil keeps planting his teachings and his problems in the church to try to sap our strength and our attention. How can we know what his tricks are so that we don't fall into his traps?
There will be many people in Heaven with different views on how to live but what we cannot get wrong is what is required to get saved. What does God want from us?
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 The first angel of Revelation 14 proclaims a judgment that occurs before Jesus comes in glory. Once every case has been decided in the heavenly courtroom, Jesus will return with His rewards.
Scripture: Revelation 14:6, Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 22:16 The last thing Jesus says before He ascends to heaven is to go to teach and baptize. The last words of Jesus should be a first priority for believers. If it's important to Jesus, it should be important to us.
Scripture: 2 Kings 20:1, Romans 6:23, Ecclesiastes 9:5-10 Near-death experiences seem to reinforce the popular belief that the soul goes to heaven or hell as soon as the body dies. But the Bible repeatedly describes death as a dreamless sleep from which we awake at one of two resurrections.
Scripture: Ezekiel 18:4, Genesis 2:7, Revelation 1:18 What happens to people when they die? We don't need to be afraid of death.
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:6-18, Deuteronomy 31:7-8 It's a fact of life that people grapple with discouragement, despair, and depression. There are many causes of discouragement. How can we deal with it?
Scripture: 2 Peter 3:8, Revelation 14:14, 1 Thessalonians 4:16 The great climax of the world's history is going to be when Christ comes and He sets everything right. Part 1 of 2
Scripture: Matthew 24:5, Matthew 24:24, Isaiah 8:20 The great climax of the world's history is going to be when Christ comes and He sets everything right. Part 2 of 2
Scripture: Daniel 1:3-21, Genesis 1:29-30, Leviticus 11:1-47 God says we are to treat our bodies as a temple of the Holy Spirit and to not defile our bodies. Part 1 of 2
Scripture: John 6:38, Mark 2:10 The prophecies in the Bible prove that Jesus is who He said He is.
Scripture: Micah 5:2, Luke 2:6-7, Luke 2:34-35 The prophecies in the Bible prove that Jesus is who He said He is. Part 2 of 2
Scripture: Acts 10:38, Isaiah 7:14, John 1:29 Who is Jesus? Did God really come to Earth in the form of a man to save us?
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38, Isaiah 7:14, Numbers 36:8 Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a great model of living with Christ in our hearts.
Scripture: 3 John 1:2, John 10:10, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 God says we are to treat our bodies as a temple of the Holy Spirit and to not defile our bodies. Part 2 of 2
Scripture: Mark 13:3-8, Mark 13:21-27, Matthew 24:14 The Lord says He is coming and that He's coming quickly. What can we know about Jesus return? Part 1 of 2
Scripture: Matthew 24:14, Daniel 12:4 The Lord says He is coming and that He's coming quickly. What can we know about Jesus' return? Part 2 of 2
Scripture: John 6:38, Revelation 1:1 The book of Revelation is about Jesus. He is the central figure and hero. Part 1 of 2
Scripture: Daniel 9:24-25, Isaiah 61:1 The book of Revelation is about Jesus. He is the central figure and hero. Part 2 of 2
Scripture: Revelation 12:9, Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:12-19 If God's in charge – if God is all-powerful – why did God make an angel that even could become a devil? Part 1 of 2