Home / Series / 将国のアルタイル / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 17
Home / Series / 将国のアルタイル / Absolute Order / Season 1 / Episode 17

The Flower's Plan

As Mahmut and co. enter the Cuore di Rumeliana region, they quickly learn that all 34 city-states lack the military power to defend themselves against Balt-Rhein and are annoyed by their seemingly complacent attitude. After learning that they must get the Republic of Florence's permission to allow the Turkish army passage through their territory, the group heads there and sets up a meeting with Gonfaloniere Caterina di Rossi, the leader of Florence and Süleyman's former lover. While Mahmut attempts to take advantage of their thirty minutes audience, Caterina's cordial mannerisms and flirtatious conduct with Süleyman makes Mahmut too flustered to converse with her. Before leaving, Caterina informs Mahmut and co. that she is fully aware about Balt-Rhein's growing invasion and that an assembly will be held between all the leaders of Cuore republics tomorrow to decide what they will do. Caterina's secretary, Giacomo, and other Anti-Türkiye nobles believe that Caterina should negotiate with Balt-Rhein rather the "barbaric" Turks and express their concerns to Caterina, who assures them she won't be allying with the Turks. Meanwhile, Balt-Rhein's invasion continues by conquering Scoglio, who has peacefully surrendered to the empire. With possession of Scolgio and Phoiníkē, General Pineau declares that Balt-Rhein is now the "heir" of the former Phoiníkē Empire and that they seek to conquer all its former territory. The Türkiye spy stationed at Scoglio is able to send messenger birds out to his fellow spies before he is killed by Eleanor. Once Süleyman receives the news, Mahmut and the others interrupt the assembly. Caterina announces to them that the Cuore nations has created the Cuore Alliance as the third great continental power.

Deutsch English français 日本語 한국어 italiano
  • Originally Aired November 4, 2017
  • Runtime 25 minutes
  • Network MBS
  • Created September 3, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified September 3, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Noboru Takagi Writer
Kazuhiro Furuhashi Director