With preparations for Orhan and Ayşe's wedding and the assassination underway, Ismail voices concerns about gaining public approval since the new rulers will claim the thrones dishonorably. To remedy any backlash, Mahmut contacts Shara and has her theater troupe, Lir Esnaf, put on a play and have them spread their propaganda throughout the four stratocracies. Meanwhile, the Divan selects Tesisat-Kapı Saruça and a handful of other Pashas known for their pro-sultans leanings to represent the Türkiye Stratocracy at the wedding. However, Saruça refuses to believe the sultans are conspiring with Balt-Rhein and heads to Mızrak to tell Balaban about the assassination plot. As he consolidates his forces, Balaban reflects on his father's death and how his desire for Mızrak's independence formed. Hearing about Saruça's location, Zağanos convinces the Divan to use this opportunity to send their armies to the other three sultanates and capture the capitals while the sultans are in Kiliç. During a private moment, Ayşe confesses to Beyazit how she thought that they would marry one day. Having overheard their talk, a heartbroken Orhan and Selim also share a tender moment, where Selim encourages Orhan to become a sultan worthy of Ayşe. On the day of the wedding, Mahmut and co. see that all three armies of Mızrak, Balta, and Biçki, marching upon Kiliç. As Kiliç is outmatched, Selim plans to turn Ayşe and others over to Balaban to appease him. When Selim attempts to kill Ayşe, Orhan kills his father, who leaves Orhan with words of encouragement as he dies. Orhan announces to his army that he is Kiliç's new sultan, and orders his men to release Mahmut and cooperate with him to defend the city against Balaban and his forces.
Mahmut a imaginé un plan pour assassiner les sultans lorsqu’ils se réuniront pour le mariage d’Orhan, le prince de Kuluch. Ce plan s'ébruite jusqu'en Torqye, qui envoie le pacha Saluja pour représenter les treize pachas au nom de la Torqye. Mais à leur insu, Saluja est loyal envers les quatre sultans et communique le plan à Balaban…
Mahmut escogita un piano per assassinare i sultani quando si riuniranno per le nozze di Orhan, principe del sultanato di Kuluch Prens. Il piano giunge alle orecchie di Torqye, che manda Saluja Pasha a rappresentare i Tredici Pasha a suo nome. Ma a loro insaputa, Saluja è fedele ai quattro sultani, e rivela il piano a Balaban.