Mahmut and Kyros learn the reason for Venedik's abandonment of Phoiníkē was to avoid making an enemy out of Balt-Rhein. While they accuse Doge Lucio for betraying the pact, Lucio pragmatically explains the loophole in the alliance and that they are willing to conduct business with the empire to continue to use the Phoiníkē's crystals for their trade. Later, Mahmut and Kyros meet with Abiriga, who takes them to Cecelia Brega's bar. He tells them that are no spies within the city because Venedik citizens are solely loyal to their home and will always work towards the nation's interests. Abiriga also reveals his past as a runaway slave and how he was taken in by the Bregas. Abiriga is then confronted by a man, Mora, who loaned him money to invested in the Colonna company, who just loss their cargo, and demands him to repay his debts. Since Abiriga broke the laws by investing in another company, he is to be exiled from Venedik. After finding out Abiriga was "set up" by Mora, Mahmut earns money by playing chess matches to pay Abiriga's debts to Captain Brega and Mora. The next day, Mahmut and Kyros learn everything that happened was a ruse to test Mahmut's worth. Captain Brega states Venedik might want to forge an alliance with Türkiye one day and they want Abiriga to travel with Mahmut to act as a liaison. Mahmut agrees to take Abiriga with him and uses the money to purchase his services. As Doge Lucio and Captain Brega watch the group's departure, Mahmut realizes Venedik citizens are not as cold-hearted as they appear and wonders what Doge Lucio expect from him in the future.
Une fois arrivé à Venedik grâce au capitaine Brega, Mahmut rencontre le doge Lucio. Mahmut l’interroge sur les raisons de la trahison de son alliance avec Phoinike. Lucio répond alors que Venedik n’a en aucun cas enfreint les conditions de leur alliance. Après leur rencontre, Mahmut recherche un espion afin d’en apprendre davantage sur Venedik, mais Abiriga lui indique qu’il n’y en a pas ici.
Condotto nella Repubblica di Venedik dal Capitano Brega, Mahmut riesce ad ottenere un’udienza con il Doge Lucio. Gli chiede perché abbia tradito la sua alleanza con Phoinike, ma Lucio risponde di non aver violato gli accordi. Dopo l’incontro, Mahumut va alla ricerca di un kulak per saperne di più su Venedik, ma Abiriga lo informa che non ci sono kulak lì.