Outside Hisar, Lelederik and Glalat grow impatient and plan to act on their own, killing the Röd Orm agent with them so he does not interfere. With 40,000 Arabas on their way, Zağanos contemplates on using poison to stop them. Inside Hisar, the Arabas question a Röd Orm agent, Eleanor, who threatens to burn the hostages and make the Araba Tribe take the blame. On Mahmut's orders, Shara cuts some of the robes off the oil-soaked tent, allowing Iskender (Mahmut's golden eagle) and a large flock of eagles to lift the tent off and free the hostages. Ibrahim takes the chance to allow Zağanos's army to enter and retake Hisar as Mahmut kills his Röd Orm opponent and Lelederik's group retreats. Despite aiding Balt-Rhein, Mahmut convinces Zağanos to let the Araba Tribe go free so they can tell the other Arabas how the empire manipulated them and spread the truth around. At the Divan meeting, Ibrahim and Zağanos are reinstated, but Mahmut is demoted to Binbashi for acting alone and is placed under Halil's command. Mahmut speculates that Türkiye is on the brink of war and learns from Zağanos that he knew of the empire's movements from the beginning due his spy network. With Halil's blessing and a special charm to communicate with Zağanos's spies, Mahmut sets out on a journey to see more of the world. Meanwhile, Louis has tasked Röd Orm to dismantle Zağanos's spy network.
Mahmut s’infiltre avec Shara dans la ville de Hisar. Ses habitants ont été capturés par la tribu Araba et les Rod Orm, l’armée privée de Louis. Mahmut tend alors un piège au commandant des Rod Orm pour tenter de les libérer et d’étouffer la rébellion. Afin de se protéger, le commandant se sert d’un otage et contraint Mahmut à battre en retraite. Seule Shara sera capable de renverser la situation.
Mahmut si infiltra, con Shara, ad Hisar. Gli abitanti di Hisar sono stati catturati dalla tribù di Araba e dall'esercito privato di Louis, il Rod Orm. Nel tentativo di salvare i cittadini e fermare la ribellione, Mahmut affronta il comandante del Rod Orm, che però usa un ostaggio come scudo per proteggersi, e Mahmut è costretto a fare marcia indietro. Solo Shara saprà ribaltare la situazione.