All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Alien Energy

    • January 1, 2024

    In 2004 and 2015 US Navy pilots captured UAPs on radar on training missions. The unidentified objects were seen entering and exiting the ocean and performing out of this world maneuvers. Was this UAP using the ocean for energy?

  • S01E02 Take Me to Your Leader

    • January 1, 2024

    In the 1950s, in all of UFO movies, the aliens would always say "Take Me to Your Leader." As far as finding former US President's Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan, aliens found them without any assistance from earthlings.

  • S01E03 The Black Knight

    • January 1, 2024

    In 2017, astronomers discovered a cigar shaped object named, Oumuamua, which translates to "messenger from afar." A Harvard scientist thinks it is a UAP and another odd object was seen by NASA that earned a royal name "The Black Knight."

  • S01E04 The Doorway

    • January 1, 2024

    In 2022, the NASA Rover captured images of doorways on Mars. Were these doorways entrances to caves carved by ancient Martian life, four billion years ago possibly after a nuclear disaster decimated the magnetic field on Mars?

  • S01E05 Time Travel

    • January 1, 2024

    Eyewitness accounts throughout the ages have described craft that fly like advanced versions of modern day air and spacecraft. People report having been abducted by humanoid-like creatures. Creatures not unlike ourselves among us.

  • S01E06 Ancient Structures

    • January 1, 2024

    Certain structures on our planet have stood the test of time and continue to astonish mankind. So much so, that alien intervention in their construction thousands of years ago, has yet to be ruled out.

  • S01E07 War Games

    • January 1, 2024

    David Grusch, a former high ranking US Intelligence officer became a whistle blower and testified before the US Congress that there are crashed alien aircraft and dead alien pilots at secret locations. Could these admissions be a war game?

  • S01E08 UFO Hotspots

    • January 1, 2024

    Chile, Puerto Rico, Japan, Brazil, Russia and the US are all UFO hot spots - Why? What is it about these places? What is about the proximity to water and then there are energy sources like nuclear power plants. What makes a UFO hot spot?

  • S01E09 What Lies Below

    • January 1, 2024

    The Mariana Trench, the Bermuda Triangle are unexplored parts of our vast oceans, water, the cosmic element from space that traveled here on comets and asteroids. Could aliens be living deep in the depths below? Would we even know?

  • S01E10 The Fermi Paradox

    • January 1, 2024

    There are Quintillions of planets in our universe, trillions of stars and billions of galaxies yet ZERO contact with alien life - The Fermi Paradox asks, "Where are all of the aliens?" Can we solve the paradox in 30 minutes?

  • S01E11 Physical Evidence

    • January 1, 2024

    Since the 1930s, we have been told that there is no proof of other life in the universe. Witnesses, abductions and mass sightings have not been credible enough. Finding physical evidence will be a very big step toward full disclosure.

  • S01E12 The Wonders of the Universe

    • January 1, 2024

    Where do UFOs come from and how do alien visitors reach earth? Do they use solar energy, wormholes, black holes or do they bend time and traverse dimensions? In exploring how UAPs reach earth we must understand the wonders of the universe.

  • S01E13 Close Encounter

    • January 1, 2024

    Witnesses and abductees delve deep into the dark depths of their minds to recall terrifying encounters.