Noted Brazilian U.F.O. expert A.J. Gevaerd provides a stunning account of the Varginha Incident, the Brazilian version of the Roswell case, concerning a crashed U.F.O. and the Alien creatures that were witnessed by several witnesses before being captured by the Military. Gevaerd discloses shocking aspects of the case and the overwhelming evidence.
Primarily known as a past life regressive therapist, Dolores Cannon reveals her experiences as an Alien and U.F.O. investigator, citing compelling cases of alien abductions and communications with E.T.s. Unaccounted time, the seeding of Earth, the E.T. cover-up, crashed U.F.O. cases, what the Greys truly are and mankind's future on the New Earth are but a few provocative topics Cannon dicusses.
U.F.O. and Consciousness observer Don Ware shares his knowledge of the E.T. process in upgrading the human biological computer, advancing mankind's intellectual abilities and harnessing telepathy. Ware expands on topics such as Black projects, the E.T. capability to travel to and from our planet, the ancient race of Atlantians and how Alien leaders control our societies from within the shadows.
Dr. Bruce Maccabee, former U.S. Navy physicist, reveals the truth behind the Navy's U.F.O. encounters, E.T. and visitations, the untold truth of the extraordinary New Zealand U.F.O. sightings as well as the McMinnville case and the secrecy Airline pilots are bound to. Maccabee states a compelling case for Government disclosure so humanity can finally face the reality of the E.T. presence.
Dr. David Rudiak, expert Roswell researcher, discusses his 15 years of research into the remarkable aspects of the Roswell case, revealing new insights into the compiled evidence, witness accounts of dead Alien bodies and the paper trail disclosing the transport of saucer wreckage transported to the Wright Field Air Force base.
Distinguished pioneer of exopolitics, Dr. Michael Salla, describes the many Alien races that have interacted with humans and the Military Industrial Complex connection. Among the many staggering topics, Salla outlines the Government system to facilitate the secrecy of the E.T. presence and their efforts to harness Stargate technology that would allow human teleportation.
U.F.O. lecturer and author Richard Dolan discusses his intensive research into the phenomenon, relating facts surrounding credible Government and Military documents, the public perception, the use of U.F.O. technology to bolster the economy, his theories on man-made U.F.O.s and more.
U.F.O. author and researcher Robert Lelieuvre offers insightful observations on treating victims of Alien abductions, declaring that 80% of abductions cases are real. Lelieuvre expands on the physiological effects and resistance of the public confronted with E.T. reality, how humans perceive themselves as individuals and the urgency of people to examine the information and resources available.
Famed U.F.O. expert and researcher Stanton Friedman examines the fear of embracing the U.F.O. phenomenon, his four conclusions about the reality, his assessment of the Roswell case and the concerted effort by the Government to distribute misinformation to the public. Friedman delves into more topics including missing military aircraft, how the Aliens perceive us, and the infamous Flatwood case.
U.F.O. disclosure activist Stephen Bassett reveals startling evidence by Government & Military officials who have come forward to discuss their encounters with U.F.O. crafts, a powerful force hidden within the Military Industrial Complex known as the Secret Empire, the truth embargo, how the planet is being engaged by beings from another world and the efforts by the Government to conceal the truth.
Famed Alien abductee Travis Walton takes us on a terrifying journey into his ordeal as a captive aboard an Alien crafts and the ensuing trauma he endured over the years from the experience. Walton discusses the public skepticism of his account, the psychological aspects of the abduction and how he perceives it. In stunning detail, he describes the details of the ship he was aboard.
U.F.O. investigator discloses Alien & U.F.O. incidents never before told, describing encounters the military had with massive Alien discs, saucers that would submerge beneath the ocean, the recovery of a crashed U.F.O. and its 4 Alien occupants, a meeting his associate had with Government officials that included an Alien being at the table, an extended incident at an Air Force base and much more.
UFO author and researched Grant Cameron takes us on a journey into various Presidential connections to the Alien and UFO phenomenon.
Jesse Marcel Jr., son of famed Intelligence Officer Jesse Marcel who witnessed the wreckage of the Roswell Alien craft.
Leading UFO expert Nick Pope discusses the validity of the Roswell crash, the wave of UFO sightings in Britain during the 1990’s.