Alice Bungisngis and her Wonder Walis or Alice: The Giggling Witch is a Filipino drama-fantasy-comedy series created and written by Maribel Ilag, under the helm of Mark Reyes and produced by GMA Network. The series featured tween stars Bea Binene in the title role, with Jake Vargas, Derrick Monasterio and Lexi Fernandez, Sheena Halili, Janno Gibbs and Jean Garcia as the main protagonist. The series is set in a fictional barrio, where most people still believe in witchcraft and sorcerers are still exist; and in an orphanage where the main protagonist grew up. The story centers in the life and love of Alice, a simple teenager who grew up in an orphanage and always taunted because of her kinky hair and witchy-kind of laugh. Unbeknownst to her, she is a descendant of a powerful white sorceress and she also possesses a power that eventually sends her into one magical adventure.
- Alice Bungisngis and her Wonder Broom
- Giggly Alice