Walkers! Here is the fourth Unmasked vlog! Since the last vlog I’ve been on tour in Asia and met with a very young and talented influencer! Apparently I have also become a meme.. Hope you enjoy!
The fifth vlog is out! Join me on a promo tour in Singapore, and meet my special new friend "Potato".
Episode six of the Unmasked Vlog is out! In this episode you can join me on tour in Myanmar and Sri Lanka, meet my friend Don Diablo and find out why this visit was extra memorable.
Episode #7 of the Unmasked Vlog is out! This is my favorite episode so far, join me on a crazy Spotify On Stage performance and a very special memory for life - performing for the King and Queen of Norway! I hope you like it!
Episode #8 of the Unmasked Vlog is out! In this episode you can join me at Amsterdam Dance Event and Liquid Nights, and find out what the "Vodcow" challenge is all about!