Tatsumi soll öffentlich hingerichtet werden! Esdeath macht ihm das Angebot, die Seite zu wechseln und so sein Leben zu retten. Schafft es Tatsumi, mit dem Tod vor Augen hart zu bleiben? Unterdessen starten Mine, Akame, Leone und Najenda ein Himmelfahrtskommando, um ihren Gefährten aus den Händen der kaisertreuen Truppen zu retten.
Esdeath implores Tatsumi to join her side but he refuses, so she resolves to execute him. Mine is about to sneak out to rescue Tatsumi on her own, but Akame, Leone and Najenda intercept her, and decide to accompany her. At the execution site, just as Esdeath is about to kill Tatsumi, the remaining members of Night Raid attack. Budo fights Leone and Mine, Najenda and Susanoo confront Esdeath, and Akame faces the Imperial Guard to retrieve Incursio. With Leone paralyzed by Budo's lightning-based Imperial Arms, Mine takes him on by herself and unleashes an overwhelmingly powerful blast enough to kill Budo, and leave Mine severely wounded. Meanwhile, Najenda uses Susanoo's trump card, Magatama Manifestation, which drains a portion of Najenda's life force each time it is used, but Esdeath overpowers him by using a spell that briefly freezes time and she destroys Susanoo's core.
Tous les membres du Night Raid prennent la décision d’aller sauver Tatsumi de l’exécution programmée par le ministre Honest. Malheureusement, le major-général Budo et Esdeath veillent au grain. L'affrontement est inévitable...
I Night Raid tentano un attacco disperato per evitare l'esecuzione di Tatsumi.
반역행위로 처형식이 거행될 타츠미에게 에스데스는 다시 한 번 자신과 함께하지 않겠냐고 물어보지만 타츠미는 단호히 거절한다. 한편, 마인을 미롯한 나이트레이드 멤버들은 타츠미를 구출하기 위해 계획을 짜는데...
Mine y todos los miembros de Night Raid acuden para salvar a Tatsumi de la ejecución inminente a la que va a ser sometido. Evidentemente, tendrán que hacer frente a Esdeath y al gran general Budou si quieren salir de allí.
Com a corda no pescoço, ao Tatsumi só resta esperar. Será que os seus companheiros da Night Raid ficarão parados ao vê-lo ser executado?
艾斯德斯得知塔兹米为Night Raid一员,她劝说塔兹米加入帝国军,却遭到拒绝。无奈之下,艾斯德斯打算亲手处决塔兹米,却并不打算刺中塔兹米的要害。Night Raid听说处决的消息,立马全员出动,炮轰刑场想要救出塔兹米,玛茵为救男友更是拼尽全力,与布德将军展开生死大战。