Die Lage für Night Raid wird immer brenzliger: Es erscheint eine Spezialeinheit namens Yaeger auf der Bildfläche, deren einzige Aufgabe es ist, Regimegegner zur Strecke zu bringen. Dennoch nimmt Tatsumi inkognito an einem Wettstreit in der Hauptstadt teil. Dabei wird Esdeath auf seine Kampfkünste aufmerksam und entführt ihn kurzerhand.
After taking a bath, Mine fully resolves to avenge the deaths of her comrades Sheele and Bulat. At the training grounds, Tatsumi and Lubbock are taking push-ups, with Akame and Leone respectively sitting on their backs. Najenda later tells Night Raid that she will be leaving to recruit new members and assigns Akame as temporary leader. At the Capital, Wave tries to make an impression as other Imperial Arms users, namely Kurome, Seryu, Dr. Stylish, Run, and Bols, come and introduce themselves one by one. Esdeath arrives and introduces herself to the group, called the Jaegers, then announces their intention to hunt down enemies of the Empire. At Lubbock's library, Lubbock, Tatsumi, and Leone learn that Mine is now included in the Wanted list and an upcoming tournament sponsored by Esdeath is to be held at the Capital. Tatsumi pretends to be a blacksmith and joins the tournament, where he flawlessly defeats a muscular opponent without using his Incursio. Esdeath suddenly becomes infatuated over Tatsumi's fighting prowess and approaches him. Tatsumi thinks that the reward for winning the tournament is money, but instead, he is shackled by Esdeath and taken inside the Palace. Learning of Tatsumi's capture, Akame and the others wonder whether they should rescue Tatsumi.
Esdeath reçoit de nouveaux subordonnés utilisateurs d’armes impériales. Elle décide d’organiser un tournoi dans la capitale impériale afin de trouver un combattant qui pourrait utiliser l’arme laissée par Sheele. Curieux de voir à quoi ressemble Esdeath et désireux d’empocher la prime, Tatsumi s’inscrit...
Nascono gli Jaeger, una forza speciale di polizia che inizia da subito a dare del filo da torcere agli assassini.
에스데스는 제구 사용자들로 구성된 특수경찰을 조직한다. 그리고 남는 제구를 사용할 후보자를 뽑기 위해 무예대회를 여는데... 한편, 삼수사와의 싸움 이후 자극 받은 타츠미는 지금보다도 더 단련의 강도를 높인다.
Esdeath ha perdido a sus Tres Bestias, pero no está dispuesta a quedarse de brazos cruzados y ya ha conseguido a varios sustitutos para su causa. Como tiene una Teigu sin portador, decide hacer un torneo de artes marciales para designar al nuevo dueño. A dicho torneo se apunta Tatsumi…
Após a morte do Bulat, o Tatsumi herdou a sua arma imperial e jurou se tornar mais forte e vingá-lo. Já a general Esdeath segue na busca pelo seu amado e, sem perder tempo, forma uma nova trupe de assassinos.