"Win, Maki." Maki Aikawa tosses her body away during the fight and realizes the true essence of fighting. She thinks. She searches. That is why she's so strong when at full power. Her opponents all know this well. The people she encounters all experiences this and changed forever. She allows them to change. Kaori Sakiyama represents one such people. From meeting with Maki, a fire was lit inside her heart and her passion level rose. She was also the first friend that Maki, someone who has lived her life fighting every day, has ever known. She's no longer a lonely fighter. She has a friend who worries about her. Maki then thinks of all her friends, Yuu, Michiru, Renge, Mina... How they all cheer her on. Maki can fight full-on because she has friends in her corner. She'll continue to meet people, friends and enemies. People are able to grow and feel despair from the people they meet. But no matter what, she'll continue on. It's because she's continued on that she's made it to the place she's currently in. The person she encounters here is called an Eternal. She doesn't know if he's aiming for the top or not. Nevertheless, Maki flies through the air with all her power. She's the Air Master!
Die Stunde der Wahrheit ist gekommen und Fukamichi enthüllt den wahren Grund für das Ranking – und wer an dessen Spitze steht.
تبدأ ماكي باسترجاع الذكريات عندما توفّيت أمّها حيث تتأمّل وتبحث عن جوهر القتال الحقيقي. تغوص في رحلة التغيير وكيف أنّ كلّ من قابلته وقاتلته تغيّر إلى حدٍّ ما، ومن بين أولئك الأشخاص ساكياما كاوري. في خضمّ هذا التبحّر النفسيّ، معركة شرسة تندلع بين ماكي ويوكي من جهة، والشخص المصنّف بالرقم 1 وفق تصنيف فوكاميتشي والملقّب بالخالد. فمن هو هذا الشخص؟ وما هو هدف فوكاميتشي الحقيقي؟