Maki's strength is fully tested by the Fukamichi Ranking. Maki easily defeats the 17th ranked fighter but waiting at the side is a dangerous looking fighter, her opponent. He says "Welcome to the Sniper Karate course." There is also a man who has come to Tokyo after hearing of Maki's spectacular fights. The leader of the Ranking, Fukamichi himself, invited him and it's none other than Kinjiro Kitaeda. Instead of fighting a rematch with the Air Master he opts to join the Fukamichi Ranking. Nagato overhears Fukamichi say "Kinjiro Kitaeda, I want you," while recruiting him. Nagato says "What did you just say to Kin-chan?" Nagato is in a blind rage of jealousy due to those words. Fukamichi, who just came to recruit him, is unfazed and taunts Nagato. This doesn't look like it'll end smoothly!
Fukamichi hat Kinjirō von Hokkaidō hergerufen, doch gerät in einen Streit mit Nagato, der eifersüchtig ist. In der Zwischenzeit kämpft Maki gegen die Nr. 11 im Fukamichi-Ranking und will die Gelegenheit nutzen, um sich einen Spezialangriff auszudenken.
تُختبر قوّة ماكي بشكل كامل بواسطة تصنيف فوكاميتشي. ماكي تهزم المُصنّف 17 بسهولة لكن من ينتظر جانباً كان محارباً يبدو خطيراً. وهناك رجل آخر يأتي إلى طوكيو أيضاً بعد أن سمع عن معارك ماكي المذهلة.