Maki is confronted by a man named Julietta Sakamoto who Tsukio knows and calls a strong man. Approaching Maki, he begins to whisper words of love into her ear and gently kisses her hand. Maki is quite surprised while her friends Yuu and Michiru drop their jaws at the sight of this. Renge uncontrollably eats a snack that was given to her by Julietta. And as for Mina, she blurts out "I am Maki's lover!" Maki and her companions are completely caught off guard by the actions of Julietta. And as for Maki who wants to fight Julietta, she knows to get involved further might be a dangerous risk of a different sort.
Ein äußerst zwielichtiger Kerl scheint Gefallen an Maki gefunden zu haben. Er fordert sie zum Kampf heraus, besticht ihre Freundinnen mit Snacks, küsst Maki, verschleppt sie in seine Wohnung und zieht sie aus. Doch das ist noch lange nicht das Ende …
تُجابَه ماكي بواسطة رجل يُدعى جولييتا ساكاموتو والذي يعرفه تسكيو ويعتبره رجلاً قوياً. لكن يبدو أن جولييتا هذا مولع بماكي ويحبّها حبّاً شديداً ممّا يثير غيرة مينا كالعادة.