Riki, after having a forbidden affair with Raoul's pet, Mimea, undergoes punishment from a furious and jealous Iason. Using a holoscreen, Iason called Mimea to make Riki tell her that he was only using her to ruin his reputation and doesn't care for her, although Mimea insisted that was not true. Claiming that everyone trying interfered with their "relationship", Mimea told Riki that she loves him and about the pairing partner Raoul has chosen for her (which disgusts her), and said that she want to be with him. Mimea begged Riki to say something, but due to the activation of his pet ring, Riki couldn't answer her and was called a coward by her before Iason turned off the holoscreen. Reprimanding Riki while sexually simulating him, Iason asserted that Riki is his pet and he will pound that fact into his bones. Two years later, Riki goes to the front the gates of Eos Tower and reflected how living in the free slums is better than a gilded cage, wishing to escape if he had the chance.
Daryl, Iason's Furniture and Riki's caretaker, observed Riki from his terminal and lamented how loved Riki is by Iason (but the only person that failed to see it is Riki himself) and wondered if Riki still has his pride to free himself. Hacking the security system and unlocking the gates, Daryl allowed Riki to escape Tanagura, but Riki was eventually captured by the guards and taken back to Eos Tower. Iason and his fellow Blondies agreed that Daryl must be executed for the crime he committed and that Riki must be punished. During Iason's interrogation with Daryl, Daryl told him that he released Riki on his own will and out his admiration for Riki, and how upset Riki is in Tanagura. After some prodding from the other Blondies and confronting Riki, Iason decided to let Riki return to Ceres for a year of freedom. Watching Riki as he ran back to the slums, Iason stated that Riki will be stranger to his home and that he will wait until Riki comes back to him.