In the first episode we'll look at the many and varied ways in which A.I is being used today to make our lives easier. From robots which keep the elderly company to machines designed to imitate human behaviour, emotions, and facial expressions, the developments that have recently been made in A.I have been astonishing. In episode 1 we'll meet some of these incredible robots as we explore the world of A.I and how it's changing the world we live in.
From the worlds of finance and the stock market to transport and the healthcare industry, artificial intelligence is rapidly taking over jobs from human beings. Machines don't need to eat or sleep, and are not prone to human error. Indeed, A.I. is quickly taking center stage in all aspects of our lives, from the transport we use to get around, to visiting robot doctors to make us better. But what risks does A.I. pose to human jobs, safety, and, importantly, our very existence?
In the final episode of the series we'll look to the future to see how advancements in A.I. are increasingly blurring the distinction between what is human and what is machine. We'll look at the development of A.I. machines that combine with the human body to improve quality of life to those missing limbs, online chat bots which provide a social outlet for the lonely, and social robots that will one day become integrated into every aspect of daily life. But what might happen if these A.I. machines are programmed and directed by people with bad intentions? And what might happen when A.I can think for itself? What kind of future are we, and the machines that are becoming so much a part of our lives, creating for generations to come?