Facebook: http://facebook.com/XboxAhoy Twitter: http://twitter.com/xboxahoy In this episode, we're covering the second SMG - the Skorpion. It's a fully automatic weapon, and is unlocked at level 7. It's a Czechoslovak weapon, manufactured by Česká Zbrojovka (cheska zbroy-of-ka) in what is now the Czech Republic. It was first prototyped in 1959, and was formally adopted into service in 1961. The 'Samo-pal vzorr(a) šedesát jedna (shedestat yidna)', or 'submachine gun model 61' is a compact weapon designed for tank crews and special forces, normally known by its less-formal name, the 'Skorpion'. It can be fired either from the shoulder with the folding wire stock, or like a pistol with just one hand. Chambered for a smaller calibre, it's controllable even with fully automatic fire and can be easily suppressed for covert use. Magazine capacity is a little short, as might be expected for a compact weapon - 20 rounds by default, although extended mags takes this to a more healthy 30. The Skorpion fires the anemic .32 ACP round - not exactly the most powerful cartridge but certainly gets the job done at close range. In-game damage reflects the typical effective distance of this calibre, with the Skorpion having the shortest range of all the SMGs. However, within this effective radius the Skorpion is very effective - capable of two hit kills to the body up close, something no other SMG can do. The damage drops very quickly, though - almost immediately dropping to a five-hit kill outside of close range engagements. The fire rate is on the slower side for its class - 750 rounds per minute, although this at least makes the short magazine last a little longer. Aside from the massive damage at point-blank range, the Skorpion has another key benefit - it boasts the lowest recoil in the SMG category. This means that if you start on target, you'll stay on target - allowing you to tackle enemies at surprising distances, even if you do need